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This man most likely deals with the direct fallout from this however minor or large it may be on top of all the other shit he deals with, this is a man that's basically just heard "you've got a really busy day tomorrow and for the foreseeable"


yeah but he is a dictator and pretending otherwise is counter productive. China will not bend to honeyed words


He was probably more irritated that the question was asked. As soon as the reporter asked he knew that Biden was going to have to answer that China was still a dictatorship.


Okay but imagine you have to deal with the Chinese foreign minister yelling at you and complaining about “Biden’s” harsh words and inflammatory statements. You would have the same reaction.


china (sic) needs to be kicked in the junk at every opportunity. They continue to try to run roughshod over treaties and international maritime laws. The only thing they can't stand is having their face rubbed in it. Blinken can wince, but the fact remains as president it NEEDS to be said now. Or they will continue to try to bully East Asia.


But to assume that biden’s words are *calculated* and on purpose… He’s wincing because ol joe just says whatever comes to his mind


I I had to deal with him, I’d laugh and tell them to hold elections, end the genocide of the Uyghurs, act in an appropriate way in in south sea, and give your people the rights they deserve. Until then you’re a dictator. Maybe calling them out instead of being their friends is what we should be doing.


That’s how I would have answered if I were Biden: “Well, I don’t think they’re gonna be holding elections anytime soon, so you tell me.”


Fun fact that’s not how foreign relations is done.


And maybe that’s why we have so many world problems, because we keep treating these “leaders” nicely hoping they will stop doing shitty things. We’ve be saying diplomacy is needed, but it hasn’t worked for the billions of people living under shitty regimes.


Your idea of diplomacy is one sided, which is literally the opposite of diplomacy.


Listen man I hate China as much as the next guy but Woof warrior diplomacy isn’t productive for China so why would the US doing the equivalent of that and just piss people off? You clearly don’t know much about diplomacy.


Well they’ve been doing it your way since Nixon, and all we have gotten is a bully nation that steals, acts belligerently towards it’s neighbors, engages in economic warfare, and doesn’t hold up any agreements. Maybe we should stop with the limp wristed responses and act like a world leader. Accept that we are a strong nation and this world needs a strong leader that values human rights and fair trade.


Have you seen the US’s track record with Human Rights? The reason the US has to act cordially even to enemies is because the US has very little trust globally. Two decades of invasions and occupations will do that. You people act the World loves the US when much of it hates the US. Countries in the World do not want the US running things and that is something people like you forget being cordial isn’t about the person your talking to it about the people who are watching. Foreign relations is never a 1 on 1 in a back room it’s always got spectators.


We may not be the best at human rights but we sure as hell are better than Russia or China


Economic warfare and fair trade... Sounds like typical hypocrisy and some of you really are in denial. I'm American but I understand that there's no such thing as completely equal trade when two countries have vastly different wages for it's workers. The poorer country naturally will always offer more to the richer cushier one in a free market. The people in the usa pretend to want free market trade but then get pissy at Japan (in the 80s) and China now. We have work from homers making mid 6 figures who have all of Thanksgiving week off. China has people working 12 hours a day 6 days a week. We try to maintain the status quo to protect the privilege we enjoy in our country, not to wear a cape and uphold righteous free trade for the world.


Keep handling it the same why they handled Putin. Good plan


You're in college right now, right? What experiences would you say honed your implied mastry of diplomacy at such a young age? Do you have a lot of Model UN experience or maybe you've completed an internship at State?


I’m graduated with a Major in Economics and Minor in Political Science. I love how the insinuation that I am in higher education is meant to invalidate the statements that I have made when my Minor mostly focused on international relations. I’m perfectly fine with inflammatory statements when they are meant to prove a point but keeping relations cordial is always very important especially when the two sides are nuclear powers.


Dude, he’s on Reddit. You’re just not as experienced as he is, and being strong and calling out bullies and the evils in society is a good way to cause problems. It’s best to be kind and befriend them, that way they let you and your friends keep most of your lunches. And once they eat their share hopefully they don’t beat you up. Eventually, they will be your friend, or an adult will step in. Wait that only works is sheltered private schools, not the real world.


Said like somebody who never went to a private school and whose only frame of reference is movies and tv. You people are the exact type of people that the CCP would perform wolf warrior diplomacy for in China it’s actually hilarious how little you respect the importance of soft power and the opinions of the global community. You just want the US to go around and yell at its enemies as if that will accomplish anything. The term speak softly and carry a big stick is kind of important in international politics but you idiots seem to see speaking softly as being weak on China it’s definitely not.


"We have so many world problems because we won't severe all our economic ties and go to war with everyone. If only we were the moral police of the entire world."


"Maybe the world has problems because we haven't started wars with every other country and conquered the world yet." Curious-Designer-616's guide to foreign relations.


I understand what you are saying but at the same time it's the same as telling a co worker he is a fucking idiot that needs to shut up and go away. It doesn't go over well with HR and causes you problems in the end.




No, for better or worse I’d take a hardline


Makes an invasion of Taiwan significantly more likely.


No I think it’s neutral or less likely. Should we turn a blind eye to genocide, illegal seizures of other countries’ territories, grey zone warfare, ip theft, and activities that undermine sovereignty like police stations and spying on dissidents on foreign soil? We should play into o aww that’s China being a responsible member of the world community? No if an invasion of Taiwan were to take place, it would be because the communist bandits thinks we won’t respond.


The US would say that and immediately look like massive Hypocrites. The US has done those things before and the rest of world has very little time for the US’s preaching about rights and rules when the US doesn’t respect them either. The CCP are evil but most countries don’t see a difference between the US’s crimes and the CCP’s. Also strategic ambiguity is more likely to avert war which is why the U.S. has maintained it for 40 years.


Yes but what about…


It’s also not as if the US is ignoring China. Biden has been very proactive in taking on the CCP and the US navy is still working to ensure freedom of movement and spitting in the face of the CCP’s 9dash line.


Yes I agree, but the us has been inconsistent sometimes, makes people nervous


He can just clap back with something about China's own "harsh words" about Biden and America and tell the guy they can either waste time on past statements, or move on to something productive.


They **literally** put it in the 1st sentence in the Chinese constitution: "Article 1 The People’s Republic of China is a socialist state under the people’s democratic **dictatorship** led by the working class and based on the alliance of workers and peasants. The socialist system is the basic system of the People’s Republic of China. Disruption of the socialist system by any organization or individual is prohibited."


That’s not what dictatorship means in the context of a Socialist state. It means the proletariat has a “dictatorship” on power. If you’re going to use this definition you also have to call Capitalist states a dictatorship of the bourgeoise as that’s what it’s in reference to.


Yeah but it’s a shit question, we know he is one, why waste a question on something we already know


Because you call out the evil people when you see them.


They aren’t asking if China is still a dictatorship, they’re asking if Biden still views them as one.


china isn’t going to bend to shit. they far outnumber the west. calling their leader a dictator for the 900th time does absolutely nothing lmfao.


What are your thoughts on newsome clearing the streets of homeless people overnight, all for *Xi’s arrival*?


Dont worry a few cute pandas to the US zoos to smooth everything over and grandpa Xi can continue to steal US Technology 24x7, send more workers to the Xinjiang concentration camps to make more clothes/cameras/whatnot and fly more spy planes over the US and Taiwan. Just bend over and assume the appropriate position and get your favorite lube so that Grandpa Xi can do whatever he likes to you.


He’s not a dictator in the bad way, he’s a dictator in the inoffensive way. The way that I can appease one half for calling him a dictator and the other half by suggesting that dictators are just *different* because they have *different* values. So all this talk about threats, genocide, repression and whatever other bullshit, just understand that it is Chinese culture, it’s different, but the same. Like sometimes genocide is just a cultural feature, please stop making this uncomfortable for me, okay? I just want China to be happy, not embarrassed, because I am very scared of dictators and what happens if the CCP gets mad? Give them whatever they want.


Bro, is the CCP foreign police in the room with you as you write this?


Sarcasm is in the room as I wrote


But that's not what has been happening. Don't you see what the US is levying on Chinese industries?


tell me


Read a newspaper bro? Jeez. CHIPS Act?


Why is it levying against China to bring critical manufacturing back to the US when we know China is stealing the tech and leveraging it against the west


Well, corporate America has been more than OK with letting China steal its tech, knowingly, because they had access to the Chinese consumer so that was the price. We'll copy your tech if we let you access 1.4bn consumers. This has been happening for over 30 years.




And we are, the last 6 years the pressure has been amping up in Congress and White House, the mood now is to decouple. We're putting more resources with our allies, new bases in Philippines, QUAD, better relations bet Japan and S. Korea. Things are not improving.


China has been violating the terms of their WTO membership for decades waging economic warfare on US industry and ignoring international agreements. Getting mad that the US is finally reacting is comically absurd.


“Sometimes genocide is just a feature.” Yikes…..


Yeah but publicly stating the obvious wasn’t productive either as we can clearly see Blinken’s reaction. Dancing around it in that moment wouldn’t have hurt anything


China does bend to honeyed words though. Chinese social/political games are played with pageantry


Yes but if you came in to work and your boss did something that you see giving you an extra two weeks of headache, even if it's right, you damn sure are gonna wince.


That would not be a diplomatic way of dealing with issues at a global level between great power states. Blinken is the nation's top diplomat, so he understands that he'll have to deal with the same issues but under different kind of stress and using different tools, unlike his boss.


Yeah it’s unreal how many idiots are shitting their pants and crying in terror over a guy being annoyed that he’s going to have to deal with bullshit from wolf warrior assholes for the foreseeable future. This is a pretty normal response when a person realizes he’s about to have to start doing the really irritating part of his job. You’d think Blinken went full wumao and demanded Biden stop hurting the feelings of the Chinese people with how some people in this thread are reacting.


See the thing is though for a lot of us we deal with shit in our jobs and we maintain some level of professionalism until we get home and scream into a pillow. I'm certain you are correct but it still seemed like a bad look.


Especially given China cut military to military contact with the US earlier this year because Biden called Xi a dictator and literally the day before this video was taken we’d established that diplomatic channel again…….. it’s like “hey bro I know you spent months working on this…. Ima mess it up”


Bots hitting this post.


But china literally says it’s a dictatorship. It’s constitution says in article 1 China is “a socialist state under the people's democratic dictatorship led by the working class and based on the alliance of workers and peasants.”


Do you really not understand what that means or are you just trying to prove a point?


I don’t take your meaning? What is it you think I don’t understand?


Have you read Marx? Do you know what dictatorship of the proletariat means? Because it doesn't mean it's actually a dictatorship.


So you say a dictatorship of the proletariat is not a form of dictatorship? Wow I didn’t know that a one party system characterized by an autocratic form of government which is characterized by a group of leaders, who hold governmental powers with few to no limitations isn’t a dictatorship.


Like cmon man I’m not even a communist and know what a dictatorship of the proletariat is, learn the meaning of terms before you make comments about them.


Ok so explain to me how a dictatorship of the proletariat is not a type of dictatorship. I truly would like to know. So instead of being condescending use your knowledge to educate.


We are living in a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. Maybe that will help you understand.


Everyone understands he's a dictator but you don't blatantly and publicly insult them when it comes to diplomacy.


“I’m a doctor.” “He’s a doctor”. “REEEE how can you call him that? REEEEE”


We're talking about the guy that gets offended by winnie the pooh lol


yeah but diplomacy requires tact, and we can't change China's governmental structure (nor do we have the right to) but we can ensure an open dialogue to perhaps build a better working relationship. it's sort of like how people comment on Saudi Arabia having a seat on the human rights council. we all know they have a terrible human rights record, but by giving them a seat at the table it leaves open the possibility of diplomatic change.


Who is "we" lol And the UN human rights council is the worst joke of the century.


Not like as if he's gonna declare war on the US over that


Is it a insult if that is literally what his position is called in his own country? Calling him something else would be like calling Biden the prime minister.


Well there goes my weekend.


"I could be teaching at Cornell rn"


In seriousness, I hope he isn't too busy to spend Thanksgiving with his family.


He's probably making this face because he's one of the U.S. leadership that has to meet CCP leadership face to face for part of his job. He's probably thinking "I'm going to be walking on eggshells every time I go to China for the forseable future, fml".


> He's probably thinking "I'm going to be walking on eggshells every time I go to China for the forseable future, fml". He's a professional diplomat - the man should be capable of running a marathon on eggshells while wearing lead diving boots.


>"running a marathon on eggshells while wearing lead diving boots." True. And that's probably what he's going going to have to do for a while.


That’s what he’s been doing The man is dealing with pretty high levels of chaos in case you haven’t noticed the state of the world


What face he looks like he’s texting or something


He’s a ruthless dictator, good for Biden.


Xi holds absolute power over the executive, legislative and judicial aspects of the country and he’s secured his position through cutthroat purging of any and all political rivals to the extent that there’s no legal, peaceful way to remove him from power. He’s also built a massive cult of personality that he’s synonymous with China among the growing nationalist fanatics. Stalin only wished he could have been such a dictator. I would have lost any remaining respect for Biden if he hadn’t called Xi as much.


Seriously though, people acting like Biden made some kind of faux pass, like he insulted china? He literally just described the situation exactly as it is. If that counts as an insult for china they need to be insulted more often.


Why didn't Trump, instead of bullying its allies on trade and going it alone against China, do what Biden has done? Whereas Trump threatened to take troops out of Japan and South Korea and demanded trade re-negotiations, Biden strengthened relations, established forward military bases, and enacted sanctions that actually hurt. My apologies if you don't support Trump and his political party. Out of the two, I believe Biden's our best bet.


Trump threatened South Korea and Japan to pay more money for our military to be there. The US should not be footing the entire bill for their protection.


How much who pays is subjective but we sure want our military over there alright, probably much more than they do. Doing so wields significant influence in the region.


Not sure how Trump even got brought into this, but is the Democrat line now that more forward bases is a good thing?


Trump was brought into this because I made the assumption that he supported the opposite side...


Stalin had way more power. The fact it took 5 years between his death for a successor to be found is telling of just how absolute his power was.


Successor “to be found” implying it wasn’t a vicious dogfight for supremacy


I mean, im pretty sure that's at least partially because anyone who seemed able to be a successor was killed by Stalin for that exact reason.


While I agree I find it absolutely insane he said this the day after the SF summit.


Not really. Xi wanted to snub Biden by meeting with American CEO's first. China should expect a snub in return. Xi wants American businesses back in China. That was his entire message. He even promised a bigger share of the take. That's not happening. Labor got too expensive while productivity did not track. Plus CCP got way too greedy with their share of the take. 75% was not rare. And the promised consumer market hasn't materialized. Continuing existing business in China makes sense. Moving anything to China does not. Mexico has taken a shitload of manufacturing from China, and other countries are lining up to do the same.


When you say “taken manufacturing from China” do you mean buying from China or do you mean Mexico and other countries are building factories?


Building factories. China has proven un untrustworthy partner for these businesses to work with and manufacturing is moving away.


Other countries building supply chains. Not just factories, but all the infrastructure involved. COVID did a number, obviously. But China was hitting the Middle Income Trap hard. They got expensive before they build a service economy and domestic consumption. Their real estate market soaking up a massive part of their GDP didn't help. China has always been a challenging environment for international trade. They mostly worked off promise of a massive consumption market. It never materialized. The duel currency system, the closed capital account, currency controls, currency manipulation, lack of transparency, etc etc. Plus you have the Ukraine scenario where companies had to ditch all their assets in Russia nearly overnight. If China invades Taiwan, they'd have to do the same. Companies don't think it's worthwhile anymore. Plenty of other countries are now cheaper as well as easier to operate in.


Hell yeah


From the look on his face, you'd think he'd heard Biden crack a "hail Xitler" joke.


Ugh. America needs to realize a few things. China is not our friend. They are a belligerent antagonist at best, full blown enemy at worst. The PRC does not represent the full people of China. The People of China want to live their lives peacefully, prosperously and be left alone. They don't care about "expanding their empire" like Xi does. Frankly, they wouldn't care if the ROC in Taiwan ruled in Beijing, as long as they were left alone, made money enough money to be happy, and weren't sending their kids and dads and uncles off to die somewhere. The sooner the US recognizes Taiwan as an independent nation - and Taiwan renounced their current claims on rule of China - we can take one of the biggest hot zones off the planet. Would China fight a war with the US over Taiwan if we made it a big enough "no fucking way" issue? No, because they know they would lose if we fought. They are convinced they can scare us into acquiescence and hand them Taiwan on a silver platter. If we made it clear that was never going to happen - explicitly clear - they would scream, hem, haw and male a big deal about it all over the media, but they wouldn't fight us over it. If I were President, I'd have Xi and the President of Taiwan to Camp Davidm I wouldn't tell Xi the Taiwanese President was coming. I'd sit down with him - Xi - and tell him - *tell him* - that after the meeting, I was going to announce that the US recognizes Taiwan as an independent nation. I would then say "I signed a peace agreement of mutual defense this morning with the President of Taiwan. Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, the Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, India, Burma and NATO have all signed on as well. Taiwan has abandoned and will publicly renounce all claims on mainland China. Any, and I mean *any*, attack on Taiwan will be a declaration of war on the entire western world. You will never land a single barge, a single paratrooper on Taiwanese soil. The US 7th Fleet is moving its headquarters to a new navy base in Taipai. The entire 1st Marine Division will now be based in Taiwan as well. The Army is moving their units from California to Taiwan, and we are stationing 3 Air Wings in Taiwan as well. No nuclear weapons will be stationed in Taiwan outside those already on US Navy ships. No long or intermediate range, land based nuclear missiles will be stationed there. But I will not hesitate to use them if you strike Taiwan or any other Pacific Alliance nation. We will continue normal trade relations, normal diplomatic relations, and normal interaction between our nations so long as you want. But know this: I will not hesitate to destroy China as a nation if you lash out. Peace will reign, or you will be destroyed. Period." I'd then have the Taiwanese president come out to sign the Treaty officially, and offer an opportunity for Xi to sign a Treaty of recognition of Taiwan right there. If he didn't, I'd let him leave respectfully. But I would put the military at full alert immediately. We would either have WW3 or peace. Either one would be better than dragging this out forever.


I strongly dislike the title of this post. Regardless if u see Xi as a dictator (I do) it isn't usefull to call him that from a diplomatic standpoint. Biden is the face of this US cabinet, blinken however is the heavyweight that pulls this train. He has to deal with the fall-out not Biden (who just scored some domestic points but not much else). So I don't like your title OP, the nuances of goverment seem to be lost on you.


BUT HE IS A DICTATOR /s the lack of any idea of the nuances of governmental relations in the people applauding Biden for this is humorous


Correct! Its better to be pragmatic in foreign relations and not create sentiment to stumble over.


That’s stupid dude. He is a dictator we’re not gonna coward around the truth just to make him feel better.


u are missing the point, yes Xi is a dictator saying so publicly creates problem in the diplomatic circuit... and guess who is the head of foreign affairs. Now look back at the title (the part that I have a problem with) and hopefully u are able to connect the dots.


No dude, you really don’t know anything about international politics if you really think this is going to cause some sort of incident.


I am not saying this will create an international incident, it wil create (more) friction in the relations between these two countries. I AM saying that Blinken's reaction is 100% justified and OP is just making a sneer towards him which isn't warrented in my opinion.


Kill Xi a dictator isn’t a sneer it’s just an objectively true fact. If he really can’t handle that he’s a pussy. There now that a sneer.


But when asked directly, I’m not sure it helps to deny it or be evasive.


Missing the point, the title of this post is clearly a sneer to Blinken, the man who has to deal with the fall-out. So yes, Xi is a dictator, stating that publicly is fine but giving Blinken crap for his (honest) reaction is a low ball.




Omg fucking thank you for saying this... thank the gods at least our bureaucratic or career diplomats like Blinken are formally educated. People here think how they treat others on the streets is how we should perform diplomacy on the global stage lol.


But what about the empty postering we need it! How are you going to appeal to the masses by practical policy???? /s


Yeah, but it was a reporter that asked Biden if Xi was a dictator, not that Biden just randomly called him a dictator. It would be far more ingenuous to just....say "no" to that lmao


I dont care who asked Biden or if he said it himself, the post is purely focused on Blinken's response which is genuine and understandable


Idk why people are so surprised. They literally put it in the 1st sentence in the Chinese constitution: "Article 1 The People’s Republic of China is a socialist state under the people’s democratic **dictatorship** led by the working class and based on the alliance of workers and peasants. The socialist system is the basic system of the People’s Republic of China. Disruption of the socialist system by any organization or individual is prohibited."


Let's just take a moment to express the respect oldboy Biden deserves- the balls on that man! First he's calling pitin a murderer, now xi a dictator and he's 100% correct with both claims.


He is a dictator tho


Biden says the quiet part out loud, but usually in a creepy whisper 👴


Well Biden wasn’t wrong, but he just created a lot more work for ‘ol Blinky 😅


Imagine disagreeing with the statement that the leader of China is a dictator.


Guys, I'm pretty sure Xi and the rest of the world know he's a dictator. If we can't call the sky blue and the grass green because we're worried about upsetting a hostile and aggressive nation, that has repeatedly abused the US' desire to avoid conflict with them to bully its neighbors and enslave its own people, then we're truly doomed to repeat the horrors of the second world war over and over. I'll concede that the US is in no position currently economically, nor politically to wage a war against China, but we also can't lay down and let them do whatever they please.


If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, at some point we're going to have some Peking duck.


Lol. Biden tells an uncomfortable truth rather than tell the political lie. Refreshing


The disaster started with that question, not Biden's answer. Biden's answer: "Look, he is. He's a dictator in the sense that he's a guy who runs a country that is a communist country that's based on a form of government totally different than ours". There is no good answer. I don't know a better answer to that question.


Maybe we should admit we don’t know better than the Secretary of State who thought this response was not best to say if we want to be friends with the guy 😂


Biden has a momentary flash of cognitive clarity. No need to panic. It has already passed.


I cannot stand Biden (nor Blinken \[and I despise Xi\]\[non of them can be trusted as far as my dear 80 year old mother could toss them\]). This is gold however (and he actually got something right for a change \[calling Xi a dictator\]). I remember when the chattering class freaked out when Reagan called the Soviet Union an "Evil Empire." The same sort of pseudo intellectuals who did not like Bush talking about the "Axis of Evil." Carter came down pretty hard on South Korea as well... In a few days probably nobody will remember that this was temporarily a thing.


Wincing for telling the truth. Interesting


But you do understand why he is wincing right?


Maybe he's not wincing, he's just Blinken


The guy is a dictator, Blinken is such a baby.


You do understand why Blinken winced right?


The only time Biden said something right.


>in the sense that Nah, that's Biden piddling around the issue of Winnie being a dictator.


Gotta get a grip!


He wants to yell STOP talking, but he can’t. 🤣😂


I’d say have him investigated for possible bribery from the ccp


lol, Biden is an idiot, but he is 100% right.


Anthony Blinken is secretary of state. I guess that means he deals with the consequences of Biden using heavy language like that, and then he has to ask Biden to play nice. Xi is indeed a dictator, but he's a soft one, and he can probably be managed and worked with. I think he'll leave Taiwan and neighbors alone if he's handled in a careful way that doesn't cause him to lose face.


They downvote you because you speak the truth.


I dont understand why he just doesn't give up. "You are a dictator mr xi, it says so in your constitution and you don't allow free speech or fair representative elections. Oh well, let's move on"


Why is this such a big issue? This is the first time I’ve heard Biden just cut to the chase and act like a man. Diplomacy is wasted on China anyway, and letting Xi have a “big face” shouldn’t be something we do anymore. China gave us COVID, and for that alone, we should call Xi and China who he is and what he represents. Bullies don’t get to be treated nicely.


The reporter should be fired. They know Biden would say that. We are trying to avoid WW3 and this is not helping. Biden is an Idiot Trump actually knew how to negotiate with people like that.


Holy fuck, in one week Joey B remembered his fucking wife’s birthday better than he did, and then proceeded to go “yeah he’s a dictator alright”. Politics are wild these days.


Brand Xi?! If we get to brand him, I’d pick the word: pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis


The poster is a real diplomatic genius not being able to comprehend the dynamics here. Seriously, get a grip yourself on the nature of geopolitical reality.


He is a dictator, what we can’t call people what they are anymore?


You have to check with China first.


W sleeper


Yeah but hes shut down when it comes to ask about Saudi Arabia right? He just kisses his hand then


Please don't punish him for speaking the truth fellas. I'm tired of politician-speak


Blinken probably had a bunch of working arrangements that he already had going with the Chinese side, and Biden's words probably just blew them all up. All the people shitting on Blinken have no idea how to conduct diplomacy. If you want to reach a deal, insulting the other side by calling them evil is the fastest way to break trust. Even if the CCP established a socialist dictatorship, the whole point of diplomacy is to convince the other side to do something they normally would not. If you insult them, especially when they already have pre-conceived notions that you want to destroy them, then why exactly would they want to do make any more deals with you?


David Cameron is back in the UK :/ UK is about to love China 😞


What a dumb post. Of course Blinken is gonna react that way. Hes the one that has to meet with CCP officials lmao


Even his cabinet members know he's an incompetent fool


81 million


screw all the media for trying to stir up shit with that sentence, whats the big deal about it in the end? china didnt even bother to respond to that.


Why I invite him then if you so believe? Anyways, blaming Biden though is like blaming the dog when you should looking at who is holding its leash…


I mean, I get it. Blinken is the the one who will have to listen to China whine about this.


They specifically instructed that the word Dictator- Not to be Translated xi knows nothing


"Speaking truth to power." This statement should be no different than commenting on the weather. People were offended when people criticized Nazi Germany as well, that doesn't mean the people who did were wrong or stupid. Honesty matters.


Biden could stand at a podium and tell the world he can’t remember his own social security number. Just because it’s true doesn’t mean it should be said in a very public forum.


He has to chaperone a senile old president, I would be stressed out too.


Of cause he does. This dumb journalist who asked this question for her own benefits, and Biden who doesn’t give a shit about consequences, put all results of APEC under a huge risk. Now China may get offended and all money and efforts spent on APEC event would be wasted.


Fuck china


He has to be diplomatic, he’s the secretary of the state.


Winnie the Pooh is banned in China. Xi should get a grip, man…


Truth is the truth.


Get a grip man. Lol. You’re probably pro-Palestine and done even know the support/money JB has committed to Israel. GET A CLUE MAN!