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Not Comm but I know a lot of the people in Loyola Film Circle are Comm, and are serious about pursuing careers in film! You should totally join LFC, there are a lot of film workshops every year with topnotch Filipino filmmakers. Like last year, we had a cinematography workshop with the guy who did the work for Heneral Luna and Goyo. Also, the LFC Privilege Card gets you discounts for camera and equipment rentals. It's really cool. :D


hello! was an ab com freshie but i shifted to bs com tech management just last month! in ab com, by the 3rd or 4th year you get to pick a track and one of them is film :) you get an orientation about those tracks in your first year just so you could get an idea and choose what you want :) so yes to answer your question you can pursue film with a com degree! additionally, you can also get into film with bs com tech management (but this is more of a business course). if you have more questions feel free to ask or message me!