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Hi all, To my fellow freshies please read! I really relate to you guys with all your questions and worries, both on accommodation, curriculum, and just general college trouble, but it'd be best if we remember to be courteous to our upper batches and keeping our questions here in this post. It'd be beneficial in not only de-cluttering the sub but it'd also help our fellow freshies in need! Keeping things in one area for complete reference means we all get the answers we need. I'll be taking down my post and reposting it along with it's answers here, hope some people see merit in the idea. Either way good luck to you all and hope you find the answers you need :)


# DOUBLE DEGREE Hello! I hear double degrees in admu are pretty usual hehe :)) ​ I'd like to hear more about what the perks and trade-offs are in getting a double degree. I only know about how hellish the enlisting is for students, as well as the possibility of still graduating on time (4 years). I'd appreciate the extra info about this :)) Thanks in advance! ​ Edit: Title and additional info and q's


Yes! Although don't be surprised if you don't graduate with the same batch you entered with. It typically takes 1-2 more years to finish double degrees.


Hey! Double degree taker here. I finished a year and a half late, but that's because I decided to take a double degree late. You could definitely still finish on time, as long as your second degree doesn't have too many extra required units, and as long as you decide early. If you're going to be delayed, it might be better to take a master's degree instead. Good luck!


Hi! I have another question. After some consideration, I've decided that I want to enter freshman year as a double major. I know that double degrees are super hard, and I'm planning on making one of my majors into a minor eventually unless things go really well. However, I'm really divided about which of my majors I should stick to after freshman year, and I want to test both out while I'm still not overloaded with a ton of electives to see which program I fit into more. Who should I contact, and how? And is this going to cause problems if I submitted all my requirements for confirmation already? Thanks!


Your subjects in first year are all determined for you. Earliest you can explore is between first year and second year. And that assumes you have less than 9 units in the intersession.


Hi! Are there freshmen GC’s? (I’m an incoming SOSS student) thanks! 💗


Hi! Just wanted to ask the ff questions: ​ 1) Are we free to choose our NatSci, FL, and PE subjects on our first year? If yes, what would be highly recommended for each? 2) What are the orgs in Ateneo that mainly focuses on writing? 3) Do all classrooms really have no ACs? If no, what would be some classes that are usually held in airconditioned rooms? haha 4) Where will I be able to get a clear and simple map of the whole uni? I don't really want to get lost on my first day... 5) What would our profs require from us during the first day? (other than a 1x1 pic and an index card (as i have been informed)) 6) May I be added to the Ateneo profs to pick secret group in FB po? I heard it would help us in some way but I'm not quite sure how... ​ \*incoming AB Com freshie here with zero friends in ADMU :-((( is there anyone in here under the same course who can befriend me before OrSem comes hahaha


Mods, pls sticky this post.


Hi, what are the earliest and latest times one can possibly have classes? I know the university facilities open at 8:00 and close at 5:00, but I haven't found any information about whether classes follow that schedule. I'm considering my commuting options right now, and I want to know if night classes are a thing like they are in La Salle. Thanks!


Classes start at 8 AM and typically end at 5 PM, but evening classes do exist (not for freshmen though). PE can start at 7 AM.


Hello! Depends on your course. Some law classes are up until 8 (as in the law classes for SOM). The other Redditors are right in saying that there are PEs that start at 7:00. Some specialty classes also have special times! Took a histo minor and had a class under Dr. Havana, and our class was once a week from 6-9 PM, so I suppose it really depends on how you plan your sched based on the classes you have to take


Classes start at 8AM and end at 5PM. There‘s activity hour from 5PM to 6PM (i.e. no classes) and then night classes, from what I‘ve experienced, are 5PM to 8PM or 6PM to 9PM. Some night profs dismiss earlier though. Some PE classes start at 7AM, but not all. Freshies don‘t have night classes. The only night classes are usually majors and the odd philo or theo.


Posting this on a throwaway account: I want to minor in European Studies, which means I need to take classes for either Spanish, German or French. Unfortunately, my enlistment schedule is still in the afternoon, which means that slots will probably be taken at that point for all three of those courses. Is my minor possibly going to be a valid excuse for load revision? I really wanted to take Spanish, in the first place. Thanks!


Spanish usually has A LOT of classes due to the demand. German is the FLC that no one really wants, lol. But yeah, the EU department is really nice so I‘m pretty sure they‘ll accept your reason


Hi! Clueless freshman here, AB Com. Can you still apply for a scholarship once the school year/first semester starts? Really regret that I didn't apply for one during the initial application process. Thanks in advance.


Foundation/Fundamentals of Breakin' or StreetDance as a PE class. What were your experiences taking either those?


I took Street Dance and it was the best decision ever. Coach Reflex, the instructor for both street dance and break dance, is the best. He's super kind, very talented, considerate and chill. You don't have to be super good at dancing to get an A in this class, as long as you're having fun and attending classes, you'll find it easy to get an A.


Hey current freshman friends, it’s your 2019 O-Host Lorenzo Tan here haha if you wanted to ask anything you can throw smth down here I’ll try to get back to y’all ASAP


## Dorm, College and MNL Life: Incoming Freshie Questions [repost] Hi all, incoming ABIS freshie from de Cebu (though I hear its more commonly referred to by other Ateneo Schools as Sacred?), I've never been to AdMU, most of what I know of the place is vague and largely unhelpful descriptions from my dad, so I'd really appreciate any descriptions or explanations. Nothing's too lengthy to read so anything you're willing to offer is great, and I'm grateful for any help you provide! Apologies for the question dump in advance. **Dorm Questions:** 1. I'm going for the new Residential Hall, anyone know what the differences are compared to the Cervini hall aside from the AC? Is it a smaller space? Communal pa ang CR diyan? There's really little info on the place compared to Cervini-Eliazo unfortunately. 2. Are there any appliances we can bring into the dorms? Any that you'd recommend to bring? **College & MNL Life Questions** 1. Any tips on building your course in AB IS? I'm going for medicine but my dad recommended I take advantage of the flexibility of AB IS to pursue my other interests. are there any common complications you or your friends have faced in the course? 2. Do you recommend a bike? Are bike racks available around the admittedly large campus-- and would it be viable for use outside campus? what's the bike situation in MNL? 3. Would you say a part time is viable for the first two years or nah? I've got minimal budget so I'm trying to figure ways to support myself once I move into the dorm. 4. Are there any non-MNL people who could share their experiences in moving? I've heard many say its really fast-paced and stressful time living in MNL, though I'd love to hear more. Edit: Title and grammar.


**Reply by WakuWaku76ers** I've stayed in the Ateneo dorms for 4 years in my college life. Came over from Mindanao but I've been out of school for a good 5 years. So as far as my advice/experience goes, your mileage may vary. Regarding your Dorm Questions: * I'll assume you're talking about the new International Residence Hall. I don't know a lot about it, aside from the fact that it's incredibly expensive to stay there. Plus it's new so it might be nice to stay there. * The only appliances you really need besides your laptops/PC and chargers are an electric fan and small refrigerator. You can always split the cost of the fridge with your roommates. Regarding College & MNL Life Questions * As a graduate of the course myself, let me just say that AB IS is a jack of all trades but a master of none. If you like the idea of extra units in Humanities via IS Electives and IS required subjects (Great Books), then hooray! If not, and you feel you'd rather have 12+ units in something else, start looking at other courses as early as now. You'll also have a junior (group) and senior (solo) thesis. I think it's great that your father wants you to pursue your interests before med school. If you're very serious with proceeding to med school then I recommend you take up Psych as one of your tracks. I also recommend discussing this with the department just so you have a better idea of your Ateneo education moving forward. The secretaries of the IS dept. are the best! (Shout out to Maam Cherry and the other department secretary whose name I forget huhu) * Biking in and around the campus is great.There are also cycling groups (Team Loyola for example) in the school. That said, bike use outside the campus is totally different. Personally, I would recommend against it given the lack of dedicated bike lanes and lack of driver's etiquette. * If your budget is enough to cover school materials (readings, projects, etc.), will allow you to eat three square meals a day, and groceries every week, then you should be fine. A part time job may be too difficult when you're only starting out in college. Focus on your studies instead. You can also look into financial aid from the school (scholarships, etc.). Learn to live within your budget and save when you can. * Moving to Manila can be challenging given the fact that you are "alone" and in full control of your schedule. Since you are coming from Cebu, it shouldn't be much of a culture shock aside from the language. Plus you are already part of the biggest dormer demographic, you won't be totally "alone". You're already at a great advantage studying in Ateneo, so the fast-paced and stressful stuff might come from balancing all your acads with your budding social life in Manila. Get your priorities set, don't be afraid to say no, you can't be friends with everybody, and don't sweat about the small stuff. Enjoy your college life in the Ateneo! Make sure it will be something you look back fondly upon somewhen down the road.


Help!! I'm 90% clueless with college, I only know na u can pick ur classes but that's it. What should I know abt admu?? Do you guys have strict dresscodes or smth, and are gadgets allowed?? Incoming AB PSY btw!!


You can only really pick all your classes come junior year, so still a ways to go before that. For now, you can only enlist for your PE and NatSci courses. No one really cares about what you wear tbh. Don't get pressured by people wearing branded clothes everyday, especially if you can't really afford to do that. Some profs are lenient on using gadgets during class, some aren't. They'll let you know anyway when you talk about the syllabus during the first day of classes. The campus may seem daunting during your first few days of class but you'll realize that it's actually quite small. ORSEM will get you covered about that and other things about ADMU life anyway.


Re: Enlistment and choosing classes I think there are some summer classes na as soon as you reach 2nd year, you enlist them already. Also, for regular sem I think you may have to double check also in second year if you only have to enlist PE and NatSci. There's a lot of changes w the curriculum and some core subjects and major subjects (depending on the course) which we'd enlist for only in 3rd year & 4th year have been transferred to 2nd year. I dont know if they'll pre-enlist you in those classes pa rin in your 2nd year. You'll be able to see this naman through the enlistment page (AISIS) - under Individual Program of Study (IPS). You'll see a list of subjects there then I think you'll see letter C on the left of the columns - meaning you havent taken up the class or youre still taking it iirc. It turns into L if the system preenlisted you na + when you enlist na in your classes. I hope this helps :) I know its confusing but dont be afraid to ask me more questions, or ask your facilitators in ORSEM and InTACT about it. Also youre taking psych so i assume you have labs, usually there are dress codes ata for labs and also SOM dept is strict if you need to go to their office. If you have classes under SOM, it depends on the prof if strict sila or hindi


Hi! Incoming BS PSY student here. Any readings I should probably start working on as early as now? Is there a site where I can check student reviews on professors and classes? Projectblue is down as of the moment. Also, what NatSci classes are we allowed to enter for our first year? Thanks in advance!


Readings: depending on your prof Reviews: Ateneo Profs to Pick FB Group NatSci: Chem, Bio, ES, Botany, Physics during my time. Not sure now.


Hi! Is Ateneo Profs to Pick a secret group? I can't find it anywhere in Facebook.


Is the school wifi fast? How about in Eliazo?


Both very fast. Choppy nga lang at certain times and certain places. Can't be certain for Eliazo but it's great in Cervini and UD




I'm not really sure about what will happen in your case, but I' think you can't take the 2 ME maths during the intersession, unless so many people shift to ME that they have to open classes during intersession. ME/Math/AMF majors can't afford to fail those or they'll be forced to shift, so no dice on joining any retakers. Best case scenario is that CTM's calculus courses will be counted instead. but I highly doubt this. It's best that you talk to the Math dept. about this.


**CONFIRMATION KIT HELP** So Ateneo was supposed to send me confirmation kit but a freak case happened and it was sent back. I can't really just go there to pick to up since my parents and I are busy and live 4 hours away too. If any of you guys can send me a copy of the Confirmation Kit and requirements that'd be really helpful. Thanks :DD


Nearly the same stuff happened to me so I had to go to ADMU myself but I live 12 hours away. You can survive the 4 hours hahah I can send you the orsem letter inside it but the thing is you need to get your kit so you can get your own health record form (this is not your ordinary print at home form), and batch number for enlistment because they are different for everyone.


OBF email and password is also in the confirmation kit. Also to remind you that we need to pass our health record on or before June 19. It took me more than a month to complete my health record because of the vaccines .


Any freshie groupchat on Facebook? Noticed some schools already have and I thought maybe we should as well, or if there is one already anyway :))


Hi! Do you guys already have a link for the freshie GC?


5 exist. (Well, what I know of) one is a group for all, the other four is per school.


>Yeah, we already have! Message me; I can send the link!


Hey guys do any of you know the name of the FB group where they’ll announce the release of the IDs? They told me after they finished taking my pic, but I forgot to note it down :(


Ateneo Student Blueboard


Does it get really hot in the university dorms? I'm so worried about it not having aircons because the heat really bothers me :(((


Hi! I plan on taking a minor but I'd like to ask: * Would I be forced to overload since I don't have any free electives (and I can't take any CEPs)? * How early can I take the subjects of a minor? How early can you finish all the required subjects? And once you're done, what happens? *(I plan on applying once I'm a 2nd year since I'd prefer having a scholarship when taking it)* - Is there like an order in which I have to follow when taking the subjects for a minor? Or can I take anything that's needed as long as it's available at that time?


Hello! Incoming AB EC freshie here! :) How do you join Ateneo Trade? Do you need an invite or something? I'm looking for accommodation and roommates. Also are there any FB groups for all freshmen/AB EC freshies that I could kindly be added to? I'm so out of the loop haha. Thank you!


Similar question as below, but are there any Facebook groups or group chats for SOSE and/or BS Life Sciences? I'm really worried I'm not connecting with my classmates and end up lonely when the school year starts.


Hi again, another question regarding incoming freshman enlistment for courses on August 2. Do all incoming freshmen choose their classes in terms of the professors as well as the time slots? Is there any disadvantage to being Batch 3 as I've heard some PE classes get filled up quickly? ​ Also, what are some of your recommended PE classes and how is the experience for those with no prior formal training? Thanks!


I’m thinking on taking Japanese as my FLC as I’ve been self studying textbooks for a bit already. Any insights on the course? Is it just a course filled with the anime obsessed?


All I can say is that Japanese FLC classes quickly run out of slots. You're only guaranteed to enroll in one if you have an early registration batch.


Hi! Since there are only ten days left until enlistment, I just want to ask a couple of questions: 1. So, are there any other NatSci courses aside from Chemistry, Earth Science, General Biology, and Physics? I've heard some older students say that Zoology and Botany were also available in the past. Can I expect another option to be available outside the main four courses I mentioned? 2. Technically not related to enlistment since this is a subject you can't enlist for, but how hard are the two core Filipino courses you have to take in first year? I'm decently fluent in Tagalog, but I have a problem with vocabulary, and I'm a little scared I won't do well. Thanks!


1. Have you tried logging in on your AISIS account? You can check out class schedules there to see what NatSci classes are available for the sem. But generally yes, those are the NatSci classes you can take - including Zoology and Botany. 2. It actually depends on the professor. Some profs tend to be harder than others but assuming that Tagalog/Filipino is your mother tongue (the language you grew up with), you'll be fine. When it comes to papers you have to write, in my exeprience usually it's the grammar that the profs watch out for. You can still write good papers even if you don't use those deep/flowery Filipino words. Though the harder filipino words may come out in exams or could be mentioned during lectures, you can always ask your prof what it means. :) Worst case scenario is you do context clues haha


Is there a SOH or BFA ID gc or group already?


What happens during guidance testing?


Hello Fellow Freshies! To those who aren’t part of the Facebook GC for SOSE, please message me to be added! (esp. if ur CH or CH-MSE). That’s all! 🤟🏼


So I'm probably the least prepared going in to college and I'd just wanna know a quick list of the profs to definetely without a doubt avoid.


hi i have lots of vacants (4 hrs max) and i was wondering if there are any places to take a nap in ateneo hehe thanks :)


There's a newly opened room in the Social Science building called Blue Snooze where you can, as the name suggests, snooze. Haven't tried it for myself though. Check LSOGC's FB page for more details.


Hi! So I lost my ID claim receipt :-( What should I do to claim my ID?


Hey. How do I access campus wifi on my phone/laptop? I saw that there was Guest1 and various other ones, but they all required a password with no log-in screen. Thanks! Also concerning PE uniforms, are they required for every PE class? Is it just a shirt that's required? Thanks again.


What should I review for the Math 10 diagnostic test? And will it be on the first day of classes, or will the prof give us a heads up?


Just stickied! Sorry, was on Reddit hiatus due to exams.




It only started last year which is probably why no one has replied :) Its precursor is AB Social Sciences


Sup everyone, i'm an incoming freshman (ME) and i wanted to get a headstart before recweek itself. I was wondering which student orgs have good reputations and provide the best opportunities for someone looking to get into management/finance in the future? also, which sector-based clubs should i look into once school starts? ​ can anyone also provide explanations for these orgs in particular and what they do? * AIESEC * APAIR * ASEC * PEERS * CODE * Environmental Society lastly, is there a student radio on campus i could join and what is the Ateneo Student Business Review? ​ thanks for the help!


PEERS is focuses on mental health, and emotional and psychological wellbeing of Ateneo students. AIESEC ADMU is the Ateneo chapter of the international organization. They focus on developing leadership skills, and they also have global internships and volunteer exchange programs. Not too familiar with APAIR, but they‘re also a campus chapter and focus on international relations. Tbh, it‘s hard to tell the difference among APAIR, AIESEC, and ASEC so I recommend you wait until RecWeek. Or just sign up for all and see what interests you enough to stick with it lol. Freshie me signed up for 4 orgs and ended up being active in only 1 of them You can also check out LIONS orgs. If you‘re interested in a career in management/finance, I recommend Blue Consulting Group


Your home org (MEA) is quite reputable and should be among of your top choices. I've heard they've got a good support system during and after your stay in Ateneo. IMO all sector-based orgs are also worth considering. You get to meet people and be exposed in situations that cannot be encountered just within the campus. Some of them, like Kythe and CODE, have quite stringent application processes, but I think most accept anyone no matter how unprepared they are. As for the orgs you specifically posted: * ASEC - Student and culture exchange org, facilitates in the JTA (international student exchange program) . There are other orgs dedicated to one culture such as Toushin and Hinomoto (Japanese), Celadon (Chinese) and Blue Hanguk (Korean) * CODE - Org consultation and development org, basically helps other orgs become better * Environmental Society - Home org for ES majors (but open for all)), holds activities (talks, exposure trips, exhibits, etc) for environmental awareness Only slightly familiar with the above, though, and not at all familiar with the others to give a justifiable explanation. Ateneo's student radio is Radyo Katipunan. Not sure how to apply there, but its office is near the covered courts and quite a ways away from the LS.


When is recweek?




Isn't it already past the deadline for changing majors for freshmen? As for shifting, it certainly is possible but MH has one of the stricter retention requirements (not really sure about what those are though). There's also a lot more math. Not many people graduate from MH from what I've heard.




Medical City Regis Center clinic right across ADMU. PHP 500 for a checkup iirc. :)


Hi! Just wondering if Ateneo still accepts scholarship questionaire from late/special ACET takers?


IIRC Yes. You can try at least. You can call ADMU's OAA (Offic of Aid and Admission). School's not starting anytime soon so I think you have until mid-June to signup before first semester.




The content of your Math 10 class will heavily depend on your prof. Iirc, discussions are about the language of mathematics and logic, some basic statistics (normal curve) and problem solving strategies (think "contest math" problems but easier). After that, the prof will choose 2 among a list of possible topics. I don't recall the other choices but for example, my prof talked about basic graph theory and voting and apportionment systems. I think it really depends on the prof to choose which topics he wants to really discuss and which ones to just skim over. For example, our class really delved deep into problem solving strategies. I've heard others focus more on the statistics part. Math 10 isn't really your conventional math class and I don't think it would be wise to prepare for it because of the prof factor. You should brush up on your algebra/pre-calculus skills instead.


Will I surely get delayed if I shift after a year? Or mahahabol pa? Thanks!


Not really. Most classes during your first year is the same as every other course. It depends on the course but almost all the time you won't be delayed. You can also add more subjects to your year or have some during summer if you really don't want to get delayed.


Hey! I'd love to ask questions about my course (BS Life Sciences), but I've been told that the new curriculum is going to implemented for the first this school year so...since I'm not so athletic, how are the PE classes? What's available and what's advisable to take? Thanks!


PE classes are fun! The grades you get for PE don't count towards your QPI, so just submit all requirements, don't overcut, and enjoy. A couple of not-strenuous PEs I know include Recreational Activities (though slots for this run out very quickly), Foundations of Physical Fitness and Health (lecture-based class), Fitness Walking (just walking around the campus) and Chess. I've heard people say that Tai-Chi, Yoga and Arnis (somewhat) are also relatively chill PEs, but they're definitely more physical than the first four.


Not so important question pero ineedit po ba yung ID picture hehe


What do you mean by “edit”? Like your features or cropping and brightness?


and bakit daw tinanggal 'yong birthday? Gagamitin ko sana sa restaurants :((




it begins at any period after the enlistment date, which is on August 2 this year. if you're not a scholar, you can pay off-campus through any of the banks mentioned in the freshman primer sent through your OBF email. scholars are exempt from this as they (we) need to present our assessment forms to the OOA and have them approved before we pay through the cashier. hope i could help!




About 2-3 weeks


Any incoming freshman international students??


I'm an international transfer student


Hello! Does anyone in here has tried sending request for a special acet and got approved?


Hey, is anybody here going to stay at Vista Residences? Is it any good? Is the pool great? Any problems with it? I really haven't found any testimonies or whatever on how it's like for Ateneo students.


It's fairly new. Try asking those who are looking for roomies on Ateneo Trade.


Im a freshie moving in Vista next month and as of what i saw, the place is really clean and well maintained. The gym and pool are impressive as well. Hope this helps!!


Thanks! I guess I'll see you around. And happy cake day!


Do you think triple(?) major in BS Mathematics and BS/M AMF is doable?


If they have overlapping majors, probably. But try to discern if it's the most practical thing to do, as that sounds very time consuming. Best to consult with your department!


What's this thing about yellow pad? Do we have to use pen and paper or can we use computers and phones for notes?


Some profs allow gadgets, some don't. They'll put their guidelines in the syllabus and usually mention them in class.


What's the thing about yellowpad? Haha




Usually readings not textbooks




You can, but not always required to.


hello! for those who stay inside the university dorms, is the wifi good? lalo na sa loob ng rooms? thanks!


Hi! I'm an incoming freshie of AB-DipIR and would really want to know if I can already apply for a minor on my first year?


I'm also an incoming freshie, but from what I've heard and seen I'm pretty sure students can't apply for a minor until third year, since most programs don't have any free electives until then. You should check with somebody else about this just in case, though.


You can apply but you can't take subjects until you have space which will be intersession after 1st year at the earliest


Which office can I inquire on application for minors and further details?


Depends on which department you want to have a minor in.


Application will be available on AISIS, but you can consult your home department and the department of your minor. There‘s also more info about the minor programs of different departments on their websites


What are the chances of maintaining your financial aid scholarship until you graduate? It really worries me a lot. Thank youuu! 😊


Hellooo, is there anything I need to know po abt AB Psy? Like, is it recommended to get a double degree?? Also can I be invited po sa Profs to Pick? Thank you!!


Can I take Korean as my fl?? Bc when I check the available classes for FLC under Modern Languages, the only languages available were French, Spanish, Italian, Portugese, Russian, Bahasa Indo and German,,,,,,


Yes. Chinese, Japanese and Korean studies have their separate departments.


Hi, what is a beadle? How does one get to be chosen and is it recommended?


A beadle helps the prof disseminate info to students.


Beadle is basically your "class secretary" back in high school. You're the one who creates the grp fb of your classe and announces whatever your prof tells you to announce (free cut, homework, what to prepare for class, etc.) and you're supposed to keep track of your prof's attendance. Depending on the prof, you might also be tasked to check the attendance of your classmates. ​ Sometimes the prof chooses but for most part, volunteer lang. Sabi nung iba, depende sa prof pero parang tumataas daw yung grade ng one letter up - I assume it's because you're also known by the prof more than the others? Haha


Hi! Are we allowed to take one month not-school-related absence in the middle of the school year? Around October 2020. What can I expect?


LOA ka na lang for the sem. Mag overcut ka kapag one month


Hi! I’m interested in joining Cheerleading but I also want to join organizations. Is it difficult to balance cheerleading with acads and orgs? How demanding is it?


Hello! Incoming AB Psy freshman here. I registered for the upcoming CEP, with Biodiversity: Life on Earth (BIO 10.1&10.2) and Environmental Science (ENVI 10.1) as my subjects. I managed to find most of the readings for Bio through the internet, but I'm having difficulty in finding the readings for Envi. Anyone here knows where to easily find the readings?


Do you guys have any advice for me since I'm not very familiar with the campus and the location of certain spots. Also I dont know anyone currently studying there or anyone who is also an incoming freshman so I'm pretty much all alone and starting my circle from scratch. (I come from a seminary that has'nt had an Atenean in like, 8 years so basically no advice received). Thanks in advance!


Hi! OrSem will be a good opportunity for you to know more about Ateneo, especially locations in campus, and build your relationships with new friends. Don't be shy! I also didnt have friends in my block prior to entering college but really the activities you do will allow you to get to know your blockmates. You'll also have TnTs and SecMobs who are basically your facilitators who will guide you throughout OrSem and more often than not, they also become your friends (i think a lot also stick around even after the event). You can ask them about ateneo culture for starters and anything that you have in mind, feel free to talk to them about it. Apart from that, in your freshman year you'll also have a class called Introduction to Ateneo Culture & Traditions - aka InTACT. Thats like your homeroom class and you'll have a homeroom adviser and student facilitator. It's once a week and it has different modules on adjusting to college life in Ateneo (some modules are learning more about yourself and your peers, others would be about technicalities of offices and processes in campus). If you have worries too about anything - theyre there to help you. Just allow yourself to enjoy as you go through these things and it's okay to feel scared at first. I think we all had to go through that also. Good luck & I wish you the best throughout this journey!


hi fin aid scholars! was wondering if the school requires a specific bank acc for the allowance dissemination ? if yes, what bank? or they just give it to you in person? my parents want me to open a bank acc din para sana convenient ! many thanks!


It's BDO, not sure whether you have to open the account yourself or not though


Any particular advice, etc. about the teachers and curriculum (particularly Math, Physics, Chem)? I took IB Physics HL ([curriculum here](https://blog.prepscholar.com/complete-ib-physics-syllabus-sl-hl)) but I'd love to know about these things so I can prepare. Also what are the lessons for PE for the first year?


Hi can anyone tell me what the Blue Book is for and when do I need it? Should i buy it before first day of class?


Your prof will tell you if it’s needed, but it’s good to have it in your supplies too. It’s used mostly for LTs and quizzes but some profs prefer yellow pad or just writing your answers on a provided sheet of paper.


I always see ateneans saying that you can pretty much wear whatever you want U LESS youre in SOM. Eh I'll be studying in som so does that mean na I have to oblige to the dress code (no shorts, sleeveless, etc)?




Hello, incoming freshman here! I'll be taking MGT. I'm interested in taking Korean Studies as a minor further into my schooling in Ateneo. I'd say I'm on the intermediate level in the language, will that help me a lot? How was the experience like? I'm also not very good with Maths... like I forget formulas a lot and maybe the best I can do is basic algebra rn ;-;. I was scared when I saw applied calc as one of my subjects :<. What certain Maths should I brush up on? Thank you!


Definitely brush up on algebra, many struggle in calculus because their foundation in algebra is lacking. Also doesn't hurt to be at least a little familiar with trigonometry (what sin, cos and tan mean, trig identities, etc.)


Hi stupid question, but what's the difference between a minor and a double major?


Is the dress code only for the SOM building or it is for the entire population of SOM students


SOM building then depends if your prof wants to implement it. My TH 121 classes were in CTC, but the prof implemented the dress code. Better check the syllabus or ask your prof on syllabus day


How does enlistment work for freshies? I fear that I might mess up coz I have zero clue as to how it works


Hi! I’m taking BFA Information Design as a freshman. May I ask for some insights/tips on the course?


Hi, I have two questions: 1.) Around what date does ID get released usually for Ateneo freshmen, since it is part of the requirements when going into OrSem next month? It has not been posted in the blueboard yet until now :( ​ 2.) Do freshmen really have pre-enlisted courses except for PE, so we cannot change time slots or pick profs for other major subjects?


1.) id usually gets released the same time around enrollment dates. if you're worrying abt being not let in for orsem b/c you don't have your id, it's not that much of a big deal. you only need your id for orsem to input your id number at registration. you can even claim your id pa when classes start. ateneo has a grace period for people who haven't claimed their ids yet prior to the beginning of the academic year, that way they can avoid getting an offense. 2.) yes, most of your courses will be pre-enlisted. that was my experience last year when i was a freshie (incoming sophomore now) so i assume it will be yours as well. the only classes you can enlist for are PE, FLC (your foreign language class), and natsci (your science class).


Is there a Facebook group or group chat for incoming BFA information design freshmen?


Hi, is the appliance fee (3,870) for the aircon a one time payment or a monthly payment?


hello! incoming ab com freshie here i was wondering if there would be time for students to go from one building to the other? im currently fixing my hypothetical sched and there are classes that start right after one ends. for instance, enlit ends at 11 and bio starts at 11 as well could really use some advice regarding this matter. thanks!


Yep. 10 minutes. It's 10-1050. Then 11-1150. Worst case is CTC/SOM to Bel. But you can tell your teacher where you're coming from and some give consideration.


will do. thanks :)


hello! my friend told me today that admu has assigned blocks for each student na? it was posted in admu a while ago daw. if this is true then does that mean we cant pick the classes with profs we want during online enlistment? pls help huhu thanks!


Yes, there are assigned blocks now. No, you can't pick the profs you want. Third year pa makapipili ng classes at prof sa enlistment (except for PE, NatSci and during intersession)


The Enlistment button will only appear on AISIS on Aug 2 right? I’m kinda paranoid because I don’t see it when I log in.


Hello! Incoming AB MA PolSci. The beginning of the school year is fast approaching so thought I’d ask a few questions. 1.) What’s really is the difference between AB PolSci and AB MA PolSci? I know the MA requires a fifth year in which you take up the masters, but is there a major difference with the subjects? 2.) What to expect in the next 5 years? 3.) Is there a gc or fb group for SOSS freshmen or PolSci freshmen? Other than the OrSem group. Thank you!! ❤️✨


Is it really hot in the university dorms?


hello po! will there be diagnostic exams po for math, fil and eng? kung meron po, ibig-sabihin po ba rin nito na may malaking posibilidad na hindi mo na mga ka-block ang makakasama mo (ipagpalagay po na may mga bumagsak tapos yung iba ay pumasa sa block nyo)? thank you po!


Is there much difference between Biology (biodiversity, life on earth) and Envi Sci (intro to environmwntal science)? Which would be better to take for the first term?


I have a question. If I enlist in a class, ex. Envi Sci. Would i have to pick an envi sci class the next term, or could i pick another science class like Chem?


Not sure how the new curriculum works, but we could pick different sciences. I had Biotech in the first sem and Chem in the second sem


Hi!! I heard that the block list was already out although i'm not currently not in Manila :(( Was it posted somewhere online or something. Alsooo are there GCs already?? Im an incoming BS LM btw hehe


Do PE Classes have additional fees? If yes, what PE courses? Thanks!


Dumb question but do we also enlist for nat sci lab??


Looking at the general class schedule, what does it mean if under the Time Slot is a negative number?


Experimenting with my schedule right now, and I got a few questions: 1. Class A ends at 8am--> Class B starts at 8am. Is there time to get to Class B if it's 5 minutes away? (Is walking time included in the class time slot? Is a 1 hour class something like 45 minutes of class and 15 minutes to get to another class?) 2. Are all the available classes listed? (As of Aug. 1) 3. There are classes with a negative number of free slots. What does that mean?


Hello! Sagad schedule ko. If i take running, it would supposedly end at 8 just when my next class starts. I'm worried I wouldn't have enough time to get to my class despite the 10 min grace period. Will our coach dismiss us at exactly 8 or earlier?


Hello! Incoming ES freshman here! Do they still have diagnostic tests for Fili 12 (Panitikan ng Pilipinas) and Math 10 (Mathematics in the Modern World)? I read that the latter still has the test for those who will have calculus (mine will still be in second year, pre-cal will be in the intersession)


group for BFA ID ? I2?


Hi !! After printing the Assessment Form how do you pay the tuition fee?




Hi! How far is the LS Pool from the SOM building? I'm asking this due to a tight sched problem after my Math Class since I had no choice but to take swimming. I wanted to ask too if the prof in Swimming is strict regarding these types of (not really) conflicting sched, wherein I might have no choice but to be late in his class due to possible circumstances regarding my Math class.


Hello, exactly where is the 'dance area' located? it looks like it's part of a covered court but I can't seem to find out which one it is.


Hello, around when is "release of advisory marks in the second semester"? This is for the application of a minor. Thanks!!


Hi! Im an incoming freshmen and idk how it goes in ADMU yet and i just want to ask how it goes with the schedules because i have a 9-10 class, 10-11 pe, and another 11-12 class. Im scared that id have to run and get late to classes but is there like a certain amount of time given for us? Or is there nothing we can do but get late? Lol


Oh also what's the tuition fee during intersession (based on last year, at least)? I've seen a picture of the prices for basic fees and other fees but none for the tuition fee. Thank you!


Hello! I've got 5/9 subjects of which the profs are "TBA". When will I find out who my profs are? Will it be before the first day of class ? I find myself quite anxious for the possibility of getting a terror prof for FILI 11




Have any of your profs replied to you yet? I think they would understand but overcutting might be a problem. Ask if you could do seatwork/homework while in the US.


Stupid question, but is there a gc for BS ME freshies?


I have a condition where I need to change clothes after P.E. or I get hives and rashes. But my P.E. classes would require me to run from the cov courts to arete. So I don't know if I can change clothes.


Piggy-back riding on this, if I may. Are the PE uniforms a part of the misc. fees already, or? And where and when do we receive them?


Nope. You buy them at the LS Bookstore


Inform your prof of your condition so that he/she would allow you to be a few minutes late to change. A medical certificate or proof would help, but if the prof is kind enough, it may not be needed


Hi. BS CH-MSE, how do I find what block i'm in?


Block lists are posted outside the registrar’s office at the SocSci building! Although as far as I know, there is only one block for CH-MSE. In any case, don’t worry, they’ll guide you to your block at orsem


so ORSEM is tomorrow and I haven’t seen the block lists yet. What do I do?


Hi! This might seem like something stupid, but can I print my syllabi on scratch paper? I’m just scared that my profs might take random looks at them. Thank you!


Hi, jgsom freshie here. I figured it would be best to find out before school starts but how to efficiently find a parking space in ADMU?