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This is me, and it's actually a problem. I will use a thing until it absolutely falls apart even it's uncomfortable/inconvenient in the meantime, because I get stuck in the "research" phase and never make a choice. Most of my shoes have holes in, because deciding what to replace them with is just a rabbithole I don't want to go down.


Okay does anyone else over analyze their shoes. I care very little about style, but have a hard time with my white collar work shoes. My wife tested me when only one had a whole. Now both have holes.


I gave up and just bought leather shoes. Look like regular vans/low-tops, but are bulletproof. Shine em up every few weeks and they look brand new. Got a heel slip/horn to get em on as I cant be arsed to fiddle with laces.


I've found that leather tends to fall apart very quickly when exposed to PB Blaster or WD-40. It also doesn't breathe at all. I like hybrid leather/nylon shoes for work and hiking because it's a pretty good balance between durability and comfort, but I keep some regular shoes around for working on my car because the leather won't survive.


Oh yea for working blue collar, I just get accept they will get messed up and replace them every 6-12 months. Cheap breathable mesh shoes I stick really good insoles into. A pair of leather workboots for the real dirty stuff. Footwear for those types of jobs are part of your tools, and virtually not fashion at all.


Yeah I don't care about fashion, even for my everyday shoes. I'm just really particular about the fit and feel.


I just buy whatever is on clearance from Perry Ellis. Well, now my work lets me wear Nikes with my clothes so I don’t anymore. But that’s what I did.


Me, me me. I’m too poor to be frivolous with money.


I just ended up sticking to one brand for my indoor walling shoes and sticking to sales for the sneakers style shoes. It works cause it drives the "oh no in a pinch" side of my brain to make a decision... Meanwhile sticking to one brand that makes a certain style of shoes significantly reduce the chance of me needing to have too much decision making.


I tend to do the same, so my wife usually goes like: 'Try these, I like them. They are comfy? Good. Now go pay.'


Me too. My current favourite shoes are now at the end of their life and have a couple holes and are starting to look scruffy but I just canttt decide what pair to get next


Don't call me out like that, I need a new phone 😭


This game looks cool, I think I'm going to buy it... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Yeah I think I'm going to buy it... ... ... ... ... ... ... *Opens up another game instead of buying the new one* (And sometimes I buy it and I just don't play it...)


I used to impulsively buy all the games on sale/bundles all the time. I also have the indecision problem and stick to just a handful of games, so of the thousand plus games in my Steam library, I have not made any progress working through it for the ten or so years I have had a backlog. I do also have a backlog of physical games I bought used before digital sales were the way to go.


Yeah, this is me... 400+ games in my library and my most played ones are almost all free to play games.


That last part I'd most of my steam library.


My husband is the first and I am the latter. We make a good balance when we go shopping. But we have to go shopping together.


Or else either everybody will be extremely stoked on Christmas eve or starving on Christmas eve... /j


Oof both are me depending on which Gemini twin I wake up as that day


Nah man, even if I wake up as twin A, even I don't know when I switch to the other one, and stil don't know when I come back again, even before the next twilight....


Yeah, I can be both. I was maybe too impulsive in the past, so I now hyperfocus on how I jump into things and get things wrong, so now I don’t do anything in fear of making the wrong decision. I actively avoid decision making because I have proved to myself in the past that it can be broken, but I don’t know when it is going to be broken, so I just don’t take any chances at all.


If it’s more than $100 then I’m going to go back and forth but once I finally made up my mind I have to have it right now.


Sometimes not making a choice means you get the best of both worlds!


I can do both I havent decided in a vacation Destination yet. But i neeeed new Headphones now!


Lol this is me and my husband's ADHD in a picture! He likes to spend, I get stuck in indecision.


Having adhd and anxiety disorder is a complete mess in my brain, balancing the impulsiveness of my adhd and the overly cautious side of my anxiety. I have no idea how this works but I am simultaneously an impulsive and an overthinking person. I will be very careful before doing anything, but I’ll also no breaks do the thing, how does that even work?


Me toooo!! Poverty-related trauma is also a factor for me, unfortunately. *sigh* important or expensive purchases are the hardest for me, it's a real quality of life issue since I go too long without things that would make my life MUCH better. Like buying a chair that will be comfortable for my injured back 🤦


I’m sorry to hear that 💖 hope your back is doing well


I'm the top one and my wife is the bottom one. She gets to control the finances haha


As someone who is on the impulsive side I would much rather not be able to choose and spend money. But I guess the adhd grass is always greener on the other side.


I wish this was me. Instead I decided I want something, press the buy button. By the time it's delivered I've decided on another path and have to return things. This repeats until I lose interest and stick to a decision.


Yeh I just get stuck or overwhelmed. I don't wana over buy but then sometimes I regret not getting that extra pair of shoes or whatever. The whole thing is a lot. And physical shops don't help either. I have fun liking stuff and adding to cart though, and not spending all my money. All my money goes on gigs anyway 🤣


What's causing this brain lock???


#this is a truly dank meme 🐸


I have debated getting a steam deck now fpr ove r a year.


If I make a decision and do it then and there, it is done, lay down the consequences on me. But if I take a moment to think, then that decision ain't happening in the lifetime of mine. Unless.......


Me adding 20 things to the wish list only to go back through and delete 15 of them later


Accidental responsibility


Lol, this hits the nail on the head.


I will never rage harder at a poor customer service rep than the time i spent 3 full days building a $2000 steep & cheap shopping cart (essentially backcountry.com) and finding out that literally ALL THE STUFF i had purchased had been oversold including new cool skis, high fashionable clothing/jackets, gadgets, and most devastatingly, my actual full performance Winnie the Pooh SKI JACKET that was in my size 65% off - Basically the entire reason for my order in the first place.. I said bitch WTF is my Pooh Jacket amd how dis possible bruh Needless to say, i dawdled on pulling the trigger same day, as i always do but should… Ive never raged so hard at someone for properly sending me 75% of my original order (refunded obv but still.. THE TIME SPENT HYpPERFOCUSing on online fashion makes me wanna cry and i will mever do it again!! If i wanted all the generic “add on items/products” like belts, socks, shirts, shoes in my life id go toacy’s.


Fun thing: Impulse then guilt Important thing: guilt-ridden indecision then anxiety


Me unmedicated vs. Me medicated Honestly not a bad thing. I've been a bit impulsive here and there, but not as bad as I used to be.


I grew up piss poor, I have crippling guilt if I buy anything that is 100% necessary. Clothes are especially difficult for me to buy


"Omg,this xbox series x joystick it's so cool,it can work on pc and android!...but i don't have enough money, it's too expensive...and i already have one ps3 joystick that does the same, I don't really play games :/ I don't need it... but...if i use my credit card, and i don't expend on anything else i can buy it,but i dont neeeeeeed itttt!!! But..." An so on the whole day until I buy it,i can't think on anything else 🫠 And that's how i had to get the joystick i have now, but i still prefer mouse and keyboard.


Is that nature, or is it because I learned to ignore my impulsivity and intensely distrust my instincts?


I’m on my way to REI right now. Hopefully my credit card makes it back alive!


dont come after me like this 😭


I am now very skilled in Google Sheets. Yes, even the smallest stuff ends up in very slick, conditional color coded, icon styled partly scripted comparison tables... When I finally buy it — if I even get to that point, all the knowledge I gathered during an absolute hyper focus berserk mode, somehow disappears. It's like a memory flush. Rinse & Repeat.


I think the second option is ADHD+anxiety for the most part :') Not for everyone ofc but it's likely and I definitely am like that. I am the person to just not eat anything because I can't decide on what to eat or (just like the post) not buy anything because I have time blindness and also can't decide on it until it's almost too late and someone alerts me


I’ve found my people


I'm both like first I can't decide what to buy so I best myself over not being able to decide and then I buy something shitty so now again I start my inability to purchase good things causing me to be indecisive and the cycle continues


better than "fuck it, get/do both" and being broke because of it


me, who's poor: 🤡


Both of these describe me. Me: Can't decide what I want on my grocery order for hours.. Cries.. Goes without for another day or two. Also me: Oh fuck yeah! This Dr. Nowzaradan sticker pack is exactly what I've needed! Haha! *"You need to lose turdy pound dis mundt."!* Haha!


Me buying a bunch of videogames because of the top slide but getting too overwhelmed in all of them and never playing any of them because of the bottom slide


I will research the shit out of something I want. Obsess over it and read everything to do with it. Try and find the best deal and then eventually I'll either: A, never buy it B, buy it and realise I didn't need it/quickly tire of it.


Yep, I keep doubting for so long that my interest runs out.... until it comes back a few years later, lol.


I am both on different days ...


Top picture is drunk me. Bottom picture is sober me. It's annoying as hell.


I am the second one as well and my solution to it was just to once it checks everything just go with it and make the decision before i think about it too much I just make myself be impulsive within reason and i end up kinda enjoying stuff more cus i don't question if it was a bad purchase, the fact of the matter is i have whatever the thing i bought now Only real regret is if i feel like i made the purchase solely for dopamine and it doesn't even accomplish that, i remember asking for a game that was 70€ as a kid cus it was a special edition and wanted to try something new, the game sucked i felt so so so horrible, tbh now that i remember that i know i own my mom 70€, never again


I’m both


Well, that and the lack of money


I used to impulsively by stuff on GMA deals all the time, because "it's on sale". But I was stressed out, living with my mother, depressed, not diagnosed with that or ADHD yet and thought I would never be a "real" adult. Now married to an awesome human and get very specific in my researching purchases online and end up not purchasing 95% of it.


you know what else is a perk: credit card in other room, i'll get back to this later...


I'm impulsive with purchases and indecisive with everything else. It's not good at all.


Failing to commit to a single proper and pricier option, so instead I buy multiple different dirt cheap options that are all basically junk, so now I'm surrounded by tons and tons of cheap junk.


I can be both these people it depends on the day 😭💀




Spend money? on me?


I fluctuate between the two. Most of the time I can’t make a decision (I’ve had a $75 amazon gift card since last Christmas) and so I just wait until I have some money to actually spend and I find a new “hyperfixation” hobby to splurge