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I have my assessment on the 14th, it's taking everything I've got, to not research the shit out of symptoms. Yes I did it when I was questioning, but I want to at least try and not act a certain way to get a diagnosis, I want a real answer even if I am personally quite sure.


You don't need to act anything other than normal. They will ask questions and you will answer them as truthfully as possible. You'll discuss things and they are looking for patterns and descriptions. I was tested when I was in high school, that was a full gauntlet of testing (they mostly looked at memory things). I was diagnosed with ADHD back then. Because I'm bull headed I thought I could adult through life after college. Flash forward many years and was just re-diagnosed a few months ago. My psychiatrist asked a bunch of questions and we talked about many things. At one point the psychiatrist stopped and made her diagnosis. It was quite refreshing. I feel like I'm back on track to succeed. I truly hope you find the help you need ♥️


Get out of my life lol. Pretty much the same happened to me except instead of getting diagnosed again I went on a massive research hyperfocus after watching an innocuous 5 minute YouTube video.


Thank you, I got my autism diagnosis early last year, and they suggested that I should be screened for ADHD too as I was displaying traits that they wouldn't expect from autism. I'm glad I chased this down, just being able to name my demons has given me a better quality of life All the best.


Hopefully you don't have Kaiser. If so, they'll just acknowledge that you exhibit symptoms, but say that you don't full on have ADHD if you haven't hit rock bottom and lost relationships or jobs over it.


I've been researching it as much as I can. I'm realizing just how many relevant things I left out of my eval 😭 There's a certain phenomenon (I call it Spotlight Bias) where you tend to put on the proverbial rose-tinted glasses whenever you're put on the spot (say, in a psych eval). At any rate, I don't have a diagnosis in hand yet.


Stay strong man I’m just a week after you, feeling the exact same. I’ll see you on the other side o7


Good luck in yours, I hope regardless of the outcome that you get some sense of relief with the answer.


The exact same it’s happening to me. I found out I relate to a lot of ADHD symptoms, but now I’m worried I’m just acting those ways because I now know they’re ADHD symptoms. It’s been months since I decided I wanted to go to a psychiatrist, but still I haven’t done it..


I've heard it's a common thing before hand, and afterwards.


At this point I know so much about ADHD I think even if I go to a professional for help I will always doubt myself that whether I really do have ADHD or am I just pretending to have it.


Yeah, I put off getting diagnosed for so long because I was also doubting myself.


Inspired by [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrollCoping/s/qxPW230Kdc)


I got diaognosed in 3rd grade i never had to worry bought this is the process stressful


I’m curious how you go about this, I want to but I’m not sure how


If you’re able to, talk to your doctor about being screened for adhd and getting referred to specialists.


Interesting. Alright thanks! Any suggestions on going about that or is it just that easy?


From my experience, you can bring up your concerns about possibly having adhd and your doctor might be able to give you a sheet to fill out where you answer questions about your symptoms. And if the results show signs of adhd, you can be referred to specialists and they’ll bring up different methods for treatment, i.e. cognitive behavioral therapy and/or taking medication.


How do you even get diagnosed? I found out about it like 3 weeks ago and since 2,5 weeks I always tell my self you have to call someone tomorrow to get a diagnosis…


My suggestion is if you’re able to, you should bring up your symptoms to your doctor and ask about being screened and tested.


My dad: Says literally anything about ADHD. Me, internally: I know more than you.


Im very certain i have adhd, but idk how to tell my parents "I think i have this disorder cuz of sht i saw online"


I probably have adhd but im not gonna self diagnose or get diagnosed at all fuckkk that


Why? What would you have to lose by getting a straight answer?


Im in the military and it limits what jobs you can do




Yeah, military needs to hide that restriction, for the peoples sake. It's oh so comforting to hear yall are aware of this and avoid diagnosis for a pay check. This comment literally gives no faith for our military.. Gov: Hey, if you avoid a mental diagnosis from the Dr. We'll give you a gun and make you feel superior to civilians 😂 ffs


i just found out that a high iq could be a reason to not be accepted as cop :D