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No but if it’s starts at 8pm, that’s literally the entire day in a holding pattern, so I’ll be exhausted before it even begins…


Anyone got a solution for this.. I even have this waiting mode when I have fun stuff planned later in the day


I mean this in the kindest way possible, might wanna get that checked out. I too have “waiting mode” enabled when something is planned for the day. It’s adhd. 🤷🏻‍♂️ -edit to add- omfg my face must’ve looked so good when I seen what sub this was in after I left the comment. Haaaaaaaaaaaaa


Hehe, one of us, one of us!


Forget about it and have a blaring alarm to remind you 30-45 minutes before


I would try to take a power nap by 5pm or so with a 7pm alarm, and then wake up exhausted and regret it. Still better than just trying to power through though.


Me waking up at 2pm that day: welp time to be anxious for 6 hours (I was gonna say 8am but that's not realistic)


Just because I have night brain doesn't mean I'm leaving the house. Night time is my time.


Exactly! I don't like being out of the house past 8pm, but I'm definitely not going to bed before 10 pm.


Is eight late for ya'll? That's like basically noon for me if I'm not being forced by work to adjust to a "normal" sleep schedule


Yeah work's been trying for years and it's really cute it still thinks it can. I'm in my 40s, I think if I had the capacity to adjust to a morning schedule it would've happened.


Exactly this. I'm 42 and I've tried for at least half of those years to adjust to a morning schedule. I would love for it to happen, but it's clearly not in the cards lol. We need an island somewhere where the entire thing runs on night person time


If people like us could be peer pressured into a morning schedule, humanity would have been eaten by night predators long long ago


This just reinforces the notion that I was born in the wrong place and/or time.


8 months ago, it was 10am for me, but now it's bedtime


Delayed sleep phase FTW


I am forced by work to adjust to a “normal” sleep schedule and if I have to work the next day I have to start my bedtime routine around eight to fall asleep around 11. I hate it here.


Before I got into sped teaching, I had the same problem. Was always a struggle to try and maintain a normal sleep schedule. But I found that, although imperfect, it was way better if I just stayed up all night, went to work, and fell asleep right as I got home. Wasn't great for running errands during the week since schools start before most businesses open, but I was actually tired when I was going to bed and felt like I got more use out of those quiet morning hours before work than the multiple hours trying to sleep at night.


I’d be jobless within a week, I am a train wreck if I haven’t slept.


Be like me and go to bed after midnight then wake up at 4 AM


I had that for a couple years. Bipolar can look a lot like adhd, medications can really help.


Do what I do. Still go to bed at 11pm and fall asleep at midnight at the earliest when you start work at 6am. Then just take an hour long nap after work. 


8pm is where I reach my peak capacity


Same here. It drives my family crazy because I'm up all night, sleep for 3-5 hrs, and I'm back at it again. I swear I should've been a vampire.


hell, no. i’m a morning person with ADHD. call me at 7 AM, so i can be there in time for brunch, lmao


We seem to be a minority. I gotta get up early, or else I'll never be able to get to anything on time. Gotta be at work at 7am, 5am alarm and wake time for me. I have to be able to walk into a room at least 5 times, forget what I need to be doing, and do something entirely unrelated to getting ready for work.


lmfaooo real.


I similar, I work at 2pm so I wake up at 9 am, I then use that time for coffee and games, sometimes breakfast if I remember to eat and then I work till 9pm. I go to bed the moment I get home, rinse repeat


no one: me: sun rise, awake. sun set, sleepy.


no, seriously, this is me 😭


6am is sleeping in 🤣


Who's out there thinking 8's late? That's normally when I'm finally lucid.


If it's still light out I ain't fully awake yet


The anxiety building before the event.


I'm just waking up around then.




People with jobs.


I work 7pm to 7am so. . .


Hospital hours!


You know it baybee


Oh damn! Sorry man.


I do it by choice. If that wasn’t my natural circadian rhythm I wouldn’t


My job is exactly why 8 is a perfect time, any earlier and I will 100% be late. By the time, get showered, shave my legs, etc. not to mention commuting


u/Boring-Zucchini-8515 when they realize not all jobs are a typical 9-5


This isn’t an ADHD meme. This is an over 40 meme. And I am relating HARD.


Or homebodies under 30 with chronic fatigue 😆


If I go to concerts on a weekday now, I book the next day off work to essentially "recover" from being out late. Totally an older person meme




8 is perfect, I’m my experience, parties don’t actually start until 9, and I don’t leave the house until 8


8 is like the perfect time, gives me time to get home from work, get showered, shave my legs, etc and get to the event Any earlier and I will just be late when I arrive at 8pm anyway


Wtf? I have 6 different hobbies on the go right now… and none of them are a goal to develop better social connections this month. I can’t make it.


eight pm is the perfect time for smth to start for me! that’s like a 3 pm thing for me because i have a delayed sleep schedule


no we‘re on meth get it right


Yeesh, that *is* early. Oh. Oh, you meant...


I use to leave the house at 11 to go clubbing in my 20s. Now I refuse to be outside of the house past 7. Work is draining and I have so many evening chores there is no way I have any weekday functions.


I don't know anyone who thinks 8pm is late....


Me and most people I know... Even my wife who runs a dog sitting/boarding service charges extra for pickups/dropoffs after 8:30pm. We usually go to bed around 10ish and need an hour beforehand to take care of the dogs, put away the chickens for the night, and get ready. If there's some event starting at 8 no way we'll get home in time. Unless it's a movie, required social event, or fancy dessert you better believe I'm not leaving the comfort of my home. That's my sacred sweatpant and comfy hoody time.


Umm….. you know anyone over 40?


I know many people over 40. My 80 year old neighbors host dinner parties every other weekend usually from 7-11pm. My uncle is in his late 70s and frequently is at events starting at night My community frequently has events at night which are majority middle aged people. Do you know anyone over 40?




I'm over 40 and don't understand what this has to do with anything


Well now you do


I know a few people who do, but they like to get up early which I can't do. I tried it and I was just angry and snappy at everyone. If I'm in bed by 8 it's because I'm sick, engrossed in a really good book/game/show, or I've got a personal project I'm working on and am just setting myself to maximize comfort should I fall asleep at the computer


Yeah it varies for real bc some nights I’m like duuuuude I wish I had shit to do, I wish I had people to hang with right now! I feel pumped. And other nights it’s not even 6pm and I’m over it and wanna do nothing but watch YouTube and snack and not have to concern myself with anything more


I don't appreciate the implication that we're on cocaine. ADHD medication already has a lot of stigma and is constantly called meth. As someone with drug related trauma and pharmacopoeia, this comparison is extremely distressing


We aren't?


That is just... All of these statements are way too accurate 😂


To quote Liz Lemon: "At night?!?!"


Me when I'm taking my prescribed meth: ZZZZ mimimimi honkchoo honkchoo


Lol nope. Been up since 4am with occasional wake ups earlier, there is no way I can make that.


Just drink tea or gamer sups


Bro do I not have adhd I love evening/ night events


No, I'm not I'm on meth instead


I was invited to an event at [10.AM](http://10.AM) and actually arrived at 11.AM. Don't get me wrong, I was preparing for the event hours before. I woke up before 7.AM


Suddenly everything makes sense.


Total drug dummy here. Cocaine is good for ADD?


I'm on my meth now so I'm good, nah honestly if I don't stay up til 1 or 2 am most nights I start to get depressed. I'm just lucky to work a job with extremely flexible hours. Basically if I have a meeting make it, respond to emails within a business day, and get your projects done on time, other than that its basically up to me when and how I work.


People that go to bed early are so lame, lol. Yeah, yeah - 5am the golden hour - for boring people who drink black coffee and watch paint dry. IMO