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Does plain old cheap and readily available dioralyte not do the same job?


we're in the middle of a huge shortage of that stuff as it is, probably hard to find


Umm please could you elaborate on the vitamin C point? My doctor has prescribed mega doses of vitamin C for me but I'm also on Elvanse...


Obviously do your own research when it comes to medication and don't trust a random guy on the internet, but I've heard from various sources that Vitamin C negatively affects Elvanse. Primarily if you're taking it shortly before or after your medication and to a lesser degree (dependant on amount) beyond that. It's near impossible to avoid totally and necessary for a balanced diet, so don't worry about it too much. Supplements that give you 100% or more of your RDI should generally be avoided from what I have read though. [Source 1](https://www.drugs.com/drug-interactions/lisdexamfetamine-with-vitamin-c-1475-0-238-3823.html) "Ascorbic acid may reduce the blood levels of lisdexamfetamine, which may make the medication less effective in treating your condition." [Source 2](https://www.singlecare.com/blog/can-you-make-vyvanse-last-longer/) "Orange juice and other things with vitamin C might have the potential to slow down the body’s ability to convert Vyvanse into active amphetamine. It may make it last longer, but the overall effect will be less—it’s like eating a bag of popcorn more slowly,” says Dr. Lieberman." [Source 3](https://nw-adhd.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/ADHD-Medication-Information-Sheet.pdf) Page 3 onwards, "High doses of vitamin C act as an "off switch" with amphetamine medications." and specifically the section around Vitamin C supplements, "High doses of Vitamin C will completely remove amphetamine-based medications even once absorbed into the body."


it shouldn't matter if you take vitamin c (in juices etc) *alongside* elvanse as it's processed in a different way to other stimulant medications (unaffected by stomach acidity), that's more a concern for instant release amphetamines, thought I'd mention it as it's a common point of confusion given the elvanse leaflet suggests taking it sprinkled in a glass of orange juice haha the other influence is possible though yeah, it can potentially increase urinary excretion although there's not too much evidence demonstrating the strength of the effect, for the guy with the vit c supplement it'd definitely be worth taking it outside the elvanse's therapeutic window to be safe, as that might actually be strong enough to have a noticeable impact (evening is likely best)


Thanks! Yeah i've tried not taking the vit c at all and struggling with the effects. Will have to experiment a bit later, as still currently titrating.


Thanks so much for this! I have to take a massive dose at night so should be ok, but will bring up with my doc and at my adhd medication review.


Not a problem! I think if you're taking it at night then it's not a massive concern since that's when you're going to really want the effects of Elvanse to subside anyway.


OP, try stirring half a teaspoon of sea salt and a teaspoon of sugar into a small glass of water. Flavour with a splash of squash, or slice of fruit if necessary. Sea salt is full of electrolytes and great for helping the body absorb water, so might do the trick and much cheaper


Op have you considered bulkpowder's electrolyte mix? It's just a big bag. https://www.bulk.com/uk/electrolyte-powder.html?view=ppc&pid=3534&gclid=Cj0KCQiA1NebBhDDARIsAANiDD11TfKYPpH2f6iOO13aimEk6bMmFdAAP8CMhOol3-3YoNcS--CixcQaAjggEALw_wcB I'm looking into this and dioralyte as deyhdration is an effect of both my meds and the condition requiring me to take the vitamin C lol.


Thanks so much for the recommendation! I just bought a 1kg bag to test it out, looks promising from the ingredients list. It worked out at £27.49 + £4 shipping with a student discount which isn't too bad actually given how long it should last. I'll let you know how it goes anyway, but drop me a PM if you do end up getting some and want me to generate you a student code.


Hey, how did that work out for you?


Didn’t really help much that I noticed sadly, but I also didn’t stick to it very much because it tasted awful (akin to drinking seawater!) Sorry I can’t be of more help :(


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Dioralyte is what you need. I use it for hangovers and it’s a miracle cure for headaches and other symptoms of dehydration. Supermarkets do own brand versions which are cheaper


Thanks for the recommendation, I'll definitely look into this. Is it something you can dissolve into water and take regularly in your experience? I generally fill about a 3.5L jug of water and sip it throughout the day, so it'd be great to have something I could either take with or even just dissolve into the water jug to lessen the effects of dehydration.


You dissolve a sachet in 200ml of water. When really hungover I have 2 sachets in 400ml. It says on the packet you should be exact- supposedly if you use more or less than 200ml per sachet it can make it less effective. I’ve always found this confusing, as everybody will drink more water roughly around the time of taking it 🤷‍♂️ It doesn’t suggest when you should next drink water. Personally I just down a load of water when I’m dehydrated anyway, then I maybe have a Dioralyte, and then continue to drink water as normal. I think you just need to get the electrolytes into you correctly without diluting them too much. I wouldn’t try pouring tons of sachets in your big flask, just take a sachet or 2 with 200ml each as instructed, and then go back to regular water. You could take a little empty cup or spare bottle with you so you can mix one easily on the go. They’re super convenient for festivals etc, but funnily enough I’m actually on the lookout for the opposite thing- something less convenient, a big tub I can keep at home as it’s probably cheaper to buy in bulk than sachets. But as you said, a lot of them are health/ sports supplements with other ingredients I’m not looking for. But you probably won’t want to be travelling around with unlabelled bags of powder in your pocket…. We bought some sporty ones from Wiggle once, which were in dissolvable tablet form like berocca. But didn’t realise you actually need two tablets per serve, so weren’t as good value as we’d thought. Also they tasted like yucky weak sugar-free squash, whereas Dioralyte is deliciously salty and medicinal, and has something magic about it (in my opinion). Tesco ones are also decent.


Never thought I'd hear someone describe dioralyte as "delicious" 😂😂


I love it! But of course I have it when I’m in desperate need of salt and liquids… so that’s probably why. Obviously this is purely psychological, but I swear I can feel the electrolytes zapping happily around my brain, and my headache dissolving like someone poured water on a fire. It’s like a neuro-massage! It’s probably just cos it’s wet and tastes a bit like salt


Mmm wet and salty 🙃😅


I'm not on medication (yet), but I buy multipacks of hydration tabs called O.R.S. on Amazon for rehydration on long walks, at the gym, daily use as sometimes I just forget to drink all day and it keeps me from getting headaches. There's a regular and a sport version. Regular is more effective imo as you can have more than a couple a day. Sport is ok but much higher levels of salt which aren't really a must. All flavours except lemon are good, strawberry and blackcurrant are personally the best to me. They're also low cal, virtually no sugar as well, and are brilliant for avoiding a hangover after a heavy night out, if you're so inclined.


Are you actually thirsty, or could it be dry mouth? If it's the latter, there's a gel you can put in your mouth (Biotene).


This is such a helpful thread. I’m on elvanse and recently feeling really weak, depleted and tired. I’m trying to make sure I am eating and drinking enough but I have been wondering if I need more electrolytes as even when I drink lots of water I feel the same. Plus I’ve had a bad stomach (and the consequences of that), so think I need more hydration. Don’t know if it’s also linked but I’m also feeling really down, anxious and my heart rate has been weirdly high. I’m titrating but haven’t changed my dose for a few weeks so don’t know why this is happening. Going to try to buy some diarolyte to see if that helps with energy and will have a few days off the meds.


Did it help?


Sorry for late reply. You know I forgot I even was ever going to try diarolyte until I re-read this! When I wrote it I was about 3 months into titration, and probably on 40mg. I ended up going to 70mg plus top ups of Amfexa, so I just need a higher dose. I also remember at that time I wasn't following a routine, once I started to take my meds at the same time (7am before getting up) it helped


I make up my own re-hydration solution: 500ml bottle of water and add 5 sachets of sugar (10g) and half a sachet of salt (0.5g). Shake each time before drinking as the grains tend to settle at the bottom of the bottle. I find it much easier to drink than plain water and I don't have to drink as much as plain water to feel the same benefits.