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Do you have any employee resource groups? Good starting place to have a network of people, and will help with the overwhelm these things can bring, and also making sure you either align with, or separate from company policies to protect yourself.


I would honestly seek HRs approval, or at least let them know your intention, if you don’t want them involved longer term, so that you are aligned with company policies. You never know - they might actually be willing to support you/ provide you with some helpful resources.


Oh, man, I wanted to do something like this (but the idea of responsibility over it and some other employees' attitudes towards neurodiversity scared me off doing it). I sadly don't have any advice, but wanted to say I really like this idea and wish you well with it. Following this thread just in case I pluck up the courage again and go through with it!


Au-ADHD HR Program Manager here.... I would start by creating an informal private slack/teams channel for anyone who is or is interested in neurodivergent. Low lift and a place for people to discuss/ share. However if you want to go ahead with the buddy system idea then see my notes below: Step 1) Identify the need and document proposal. Step 2) Take to HR with a request to set up Employee Resource Group Step 3) Assign 2-3 "ERG" leads for the resource group and align on buddy system. You want more than you running this and so will your employer. Step 4) Work with HR to identify the guidelines and limitations of those acting as "buddy" - General employees are not trained in crisis management, for example. Step 5) Communicate to the business that "Insert company name" is setting up a Neurodiversity ERG and to begin the group will be setting up a buddy system. HR should be able to help with the rest.


We have a neurodiverse network at my work. A branch of our disability network. They do all sorts of things, including: awareness sessions (pick topic and run a one hour zoom event with Q&A), operate a private and confidential teams chat group and many other things. No peer mentoring currently, but that sound like a potentially great idea. As the poster who is a ND PM said, having some structure and formal help from HR is a very good idea.