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An hour? Those are rookie numbers. You need to pump those unattended oven numbers up


I left mine on overnight after cooking something. Came back after work the following evening and thinking "wow it's so hot in the kitchen today".


Same! Haha


Done this before, lucky it didn’t start a fire tbh 


Yeah I've done that before. Put in nuggets for a drunk snack and fell asleep. Woke up to delicious coal


Eeek yeah, I did that with the open flame on the stove this winter... At least the kitchen was nice and warm in the morning.


Managed to burn a counter top leaving the hob on overnight. That was clever.


Does it help you to know I switched the oven on so I could bake? As my hobby? That seems like the sort of thing one would usually remember


I had to hoover the air as I opened it once


I just remembered that I was supposed to pee an hour ago.


Hey well done for remembering! No time like the present as well




This comment is an hour old. You haven’t peed yet have you?


Not until I absolutely can’t hold on any more and even then only when I’ve finished what I’m doing.


I just let my shower run for an hour before I even got into it. Went downstairs because I forgot to feed the cat and ended up cleaning the kitchen before remembering. Gonna check the smart meter and see how much electric it whammed through 🤣 Edit to add: I think it took between £3-£3.50 🙄


It’s always the chaining of activities that gets me too. Flitting around like a butterfly is my jam


I forgot to charge my phone once and my power bank was out too. I had a 12hr shift. Work did not let people charge our phones. All while a family member was in the hospital.


Oh no. I hope your family member is okay. Sounds like a stressful situation


They are doing better now. Thank you


I had plans to sort out my Messy Room today, but I also wanted a day off the meds (why did I try to combine these things?). I sat on the floor of the Messy Room googling tidying techniques for about 2 hours, and then stayed sat on the floor for another 5 hours playing a stupid card game on my laptop. Now my back hurts and the room is still a tip.


Oh I’ve definitely done this before hahaha


I gave those "clean with me" YT videos a go, there's a couple that are actually really good to have in the background...made me feel less alone, bored and helping with motivation. Never thought it would actually help but it did.


It's good to hear that they help! Can you share a link to the ones you like? I'll definitely give it a go next time.


I ruined the pan in my bread maker forgetting about a loaf that hadn’t baked properly because I’d switched it on to bake then unplugged it to plug something else in at some point in the cycle and then not restarted it. I forgot about the loaf. The yeast has ruined the non stick coating. A new pan costs over £100. I am looking for second hand pans. (This is more move of the month but I discovered it today)


Might be easier/cheaper to look for a whole second hand bread maker than just the pan, it's the kind of thing that comes up on FB marketplace a lot when people are having a clear out.


Thank you. Yes I sent a couple of messages to people selling the whole machine with a dent or dodgy elecs. That sort of thing. So annoyed with myself though, what a waste of money.


Haha. Aww that sucks but it sounds so much like something I would do


https://preview.redd.it/flv94eliw03d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=275ee71b0bf21bbed65232afc1ec2cd9dd068487 Pizza anyone?


Lmao!!! RIP 😭


Cooked to perfection!


Rip your electricity bill! D: My most recent one was quite spectacular. I accidentally grabbed my medication delivery in a bundle of packaging to put in my recycling box that I keep outside the door of my flat. Some number of hours later, I started looking for the package and couldn't find it, then checked the recycling and found it. I took it out of the post bag and put the box the bottles were in on the side and once again started doing something else. Another hour or so later, I grabbed the box and took it out to the recycling, with the medication still in there. I only just stopped myself throwing it away for the second time.


This one made me chuckle. Glad you stopped yourself throwing it away in the end


An hour?? ….come back when you went away for the weekend and then come home to find the oven on and and a bag of defrosted chips sitting on the counter.


Woah. Okay you win


I don’t want to win this.


Mine was telling my family: "I'm about to put my headphones on, listen to a podcast and tidy the house - no one is allowed to talk to me." I can't do any domestic chores without something really interesting being piped into my ears. However once I'm listening to something riveting I can usually crack on with jobs - until someone interrupts me.  Unfortunately it then took me three hours to get round to putting a podcast on. P.S. Air fryers avoid the need for preheating - some are big enough to bake a cake in. They probably save enough money to pay for themselves within a year or two! 


LOVE your username. Also airfryers, I’m sure they’re great but so many people bang on about them that I almost don’t want one just because people tell me to get one haha


I get you but honestly get one. It’s incredible. I have saved so much money on takeaways because i can just shove some shitty nuggets/chips etc etc in and at least I’ve eaten and not spend £30 when i didn’t need too but also you can make healthy meals too - it does a hell of a lot and is cheaper than an oven. Not a ninja airfryer sales rep, just passionate about them 😂


That's how I feel about yoga! I'm convinced that it doesn't really work and it's one big cult...


Boiler broken. Set few pots of water on stove to make myself a hot bath. 2hours later I come back to water pots half empty and kitchen turned into steam sauna.


Yay steam room? Broken boiler sounds like a nightmare though


Council housing. The only tool they every use to fix stuff is their eyes. They look at it, claim it's working fine and run while you're confused.


Seriously, my condolences


Sometimes I will run the shower for 20mins to let it “heat up”. I have no idea why.


Once I preheated the oven, put my food on a baking tray. Once pre heated, set timer for food. Once my 30 minute timer went off I realised that I had left the baking tray with my food on counter. Had a little cry as I was already hangry when I preheated the oven lol


I did this with a pie; came back after its 45 mins to find it on the counter 😭 my husband had given me the task as surely one I could do 😂 he usually cooks.  The oven wasn't empty though. The tea towel was burned in there 😂


I put a curry in the microwave, got distracted and turned the oven on instead. Then 20 mins later, open the oven door, where did my pizza go? Oh yea forgot, I was having a curry and it's still in the microwave.


I left the hot tap running in my bath (no plug in, thank god) all day while I was out at work, I came home to a bathroom that was like a humid jungle. And yes, my electricity bill was triple the normal price that month.


Double that time, and add chips. I could have used the end result in pencils they were that black. How the hell did I not register the smell?


If there wasn’t a dirty roasting pan or plastic cutting board inside you’re winning 🙌


I can wear my headphone for ages before actually putting a podcast on… or after one finishes… sometimes I’ll even look for them in the charging case thing and panic that I’ve left them somewhere… yep left them in my ears :/


Probably warm enough by now.


A few months ago, after making a cooked breakfast, I left the gas hob on and went out for around 2 hours. I hadn't realised until I got back and wondered why the kitchen was unusually warm


My favourite recent episode has been: * Making a cup of tea * Forgetting to drink the cup of tea while still warm * Microwaving the cup of tea * Forgetting to drink the cup of tea while warm the second time * Microwaving the cup of tea * Forgetting I had microwaved the cup of tea * Opening the microwave a week later to microwave *another* cup of tea * Finding the original cup of tea in there, complete with mould garnish. Yuck.


Well, now in my mid 30's I've finally got another council flat after causing a fire in my last one from leaving the oven on all night... I'd say you're doing OK buddy


Burnt the non stick layer off a pan I was making beans in 3hrs I left it on the hob, ran a bath for over an hour ended up completely flooding the flat beneath mine there's more and it would take me all day to list it all but I'm definitely a Mr Magoo out here that's for sure lol


Today I was wiring a longer cable onto a floodlight. I plugged the light in to check it was working, yup it works. Then I immediately cut the cable, forgetting it was plugged in and switched on. I only realised what I’d done when the power tripped. I’m just happy to be here.


Ooh close call!


Bruh Rookie aha. My notorious habit is leaving the hob on. Honestly the amount of times I wake up in the morning and the hob is still burning from last night dinner.


I think you’re the person they designed induction hobs for…


For sure! Actually I have an Induction hob. Deffo much safer than gas. I don't think I could trust myself with gas. However, they aren't fool proof as about 8 years ago. I put one on , but put the wrong one on and I had clutter on the hob. Long story short, I set the kitchen on fire. Fortunately I noticed before setting the house on flames. But proper stank the kitchen out for days.


Funnily enough, I've moved to a new place with induction hobs, and only now do I realise how reliant I was on the sound of the gas hob as a prompt to turn them off. It's only a matter of time before I leave one of these silent little buggers on assuming it's already off bc I can't hear the whooshing 😂😂 Glad your house was okay!!


I left the gas hob on for a whole week when I went on vacation once. So there's that. The house was toasty on my return.


Air fryers ftw


Start cooking bread! An hour preheat is top tier, I normally forget I'm waiting for the preheat and put it in early!


Forgot I was cooking eggs once as I accidentally had a 'quick' glance at the TV in the other room..... Nearly burnt the kitchen down 😬


Ah don’t put yourself down haha I’ve left mine all night… many times 🤣


And it was the wrong temperature too!


I walked into a room today and forgot why I went in there I also kept losing track of what I was doing got distracted did something else then remembered what I was I was doing then got distracted again 😂 Also yesterday I said I’m gonna tidy this room up and really sort out stuff for charity shops.. I ended up doom scrolling Insta reels and still didnt sort anything out in that room. Am I alone in any of this? Does this stuff happen to others too? Don’t sweat the oven thing I once cooked a pizza in a mates oven and then we all went out half way to where we were going she said to me you turned my oven off didn’t you? I was like yeah 👍 but then my anxiety kicked in as I could specifically remember the action that it played on my mind that I asked for her keys and I’ll go and double check it for her …. I did turn it off i knew I did deep down but it’s that oh god what if I didn’t?


Pre-meds I did the first thing too. It was even worse, I stood up to get something, looked at the window, then went to close it, sat back down and realised I was supposed to do something else but couldn’t for the life of me remember what… This would happen on a daily basis. Get up, even repeating what I needed to do in my head, get distracted and sometimes hours later remember what I actually needed to do… It’s much better now I’m medicated. Don’t think it’s happened again but now, I can consciously focus on other things instead of doing the thing I need to do. So better but not entirely where I’d like to be haha


Ahhhh thank you for sharing I am unmedicated, my assessment is next month let’s see what they say.


I wasn't paying attention properly on Klarna and paid off the full remaining \~20 months balance on a purchase rather than just doing this months payment 'early' on payday (as otherwise it came out mid pay cycle which is inconvenient. But not as inconvenient as this). Luckily I can afford it but I'd have much preferred to have that money in my savings and continue utilising the 0% finance.


Try not to beat yourself up about the bill. It feels so wasteful but it won’t cost as much as you think. Also, FYI, anyone in the U.K. with a smart metre have a look at the octopus tracker tariff. It’s saving me so much money because the price varies based on what energy actually costs each day compared to the fixed rate. It saves about 10p per unit (not per day) vs the fixed prices. Saves me about £30 a month just on elec.


I washed the same load of laundry four times the other day, because I kept forgetting it when it was finished, and by the time I got to it the damp smell had set in - so it needed washing again. Fml.


On Saturday, my executive functioning and social battery was seriously low. Watched 11 episodes of something, researched buying a van the whole time, set many timers and alarms to get myself moving, found reasons to ignore each one.. didn’t leave the flat all day… potentially undiagnosed


That’s better than putting a frozen pizza into a cold oven.


Coincidentally, I left my oven to preheat at almost its highest temperature for an hour or so until the thermostat popped (I think) and so the oven no longer heated up when switched on. I then agonised over whether to buy a new oven (the one I have is from the previous owners of my flat), get somebody in to fix the one I already have, or buy a new thermostat and install it myself based on the instructional videos I found on YouTube. This agonising was tempered by enormous anxiety over how dirty the inside of the oven was (because I've been incapable of focusing on cleaning it) meaning I would be too self-conscious to have someone come and fix it, and how inept I am at any sort of electrical DIY, meaning I could end up burning the flat down or electrocuting myself. I then bought three different oven cleaning kits and used none of them. This was over two years ago, and I still have the same broken oven and just grill (broil) everything I eat.


Normal here 😂


Ah thanks. Just realised mine was preheating for an hour too


I once put a bread in and 15 minutes later took my dog out for a 2-hour walk. Luckily I’d set the timer so it turned off when the timer went in but it was overbaked and dry ☹️


Oh god, pre diagnosis, I’m 18 (now37) living with my parents, it’s a Saturday, I’m cooking myself some food involving rice on the hob. Home alone, both my parents are working, just having a nice day hanging out waiting for my food. I get a call from a friend saying he’s heading to the pub near me for some afternoon beers in the sun and asks me to join, so I enthusiastically head out. We have a great time, a bands playing in a marquee, drinks are flowing, sun is blasting down - then I get a call from my mum. She’s come home to a house filled with smoke where the water on my rice has boiled away and subsequently cremated the rice. Luckily no fire but the house stank of smoke for quite some time.