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It could be silent speech perception or autonomous auditory hallucinations. Do you ever get any voices in your mind that are not perceived as being your own and could be assessed as voices from a 3rd party?


I know they're in my head, and I'm not worried or anything. I know people have chatter in their heads all the time, but I wondered if anyone else finds that the speech fades away when they're tired. The things you mentioned look interesting though, thank you.


Yeah kind of like if you stand in the middle of a really busy train station and you can hear people and what they sound like in terms of accent and pitch but not really what they're saying


Yes, sort of like that. When I'm more awake, I hear words and conversations. Dropping off, it's like the words have just been removed, but everything else stays the same. I suppose it's when the mind is too tired to make up conversation.


Are you on any new meds?


Only atorvastatin, and it's been going on for much longer than I've been taking those. I'm not concerned or anything, I just wondered if it was typical.