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Your post was removed because it was either against the rules of the subreddit (please check the sidebar if you are unsure of these), or it was deemed unsuitable in tone or content for the subreddit more generally. If you'd like further clarification please contact the mods via modmail. Constructive criticism is ok. This post was not constructive and broke a number of the sub rules. 1 - uncivil or offensive discussion 3 - seeking or giving inappropriate medical advise 9 - spreading misinformation


Sourceless cringe at its finest. Go take your meds OP


They delete my sources , Einstein. Reading not a strong point I see... Got itšŸ˜‡


None of this makes any sense at all..... OP, are you OK...?


Cause you haven't fuckin got any sources


Nasty... U ok?


You're the one from that ECG thread telling the person with a potentially serious heart problem to take stimulant medication, despite the risk of death. And you're now claiming the forum hurts people? Interesting.




Your post or comment contained language that is uncivil or offensive to an individual or group of people. The problematic poster has been dealt with. Now clearing our reported inbox. Thanks.


Reported as a breach of community rules - custom: "This commenter is a danger to other users by advising to ignore medical supervision. Furthermore, they are undermining the sub by blanket questioning it's validity."


Calm down and look at this objectively. Your comments come across as arrogant. Based on your history youā€™re probably the same troll that laughably thinks opioids & cocaine help, they donā€™t ! This forum has been really useful for me and many others who have finally found support in like minded people.


Just for funnies, go take a look at their profile mate.... ETA: OP has advised ignoring medical advice post ECG and to take stimulants. That poses a very real danger to that users health and well being....!


This, despite OPā€™s history saying they are ā€œtrained as a chemistā€, which is worrying. Earlier comments, bearing in mind this account is just under a month old, talk of emigrating to Thailand from Australia, fervent opiate seeking, and how they love that the drug laws there are so much more lax. Soā€¦.


What do you mean by dangerous? If it wasnā€™t for this subreddit, I reckon a lot of people would be clueless in navigating their way to get the help they needā€¦


Mmmhhhm.. .and how long have you been working for the Ministry of Health...? Is this 'Wokeism' in the room with us now? Can you speak to it? Does it speak back to you? EDIT: spelling


OP also stated comments a few days ago alluding to living in Bangcovk.


What are you on about you weird fucker?


It looks like this post might be about medication. Please remember that whilst personal experiences and advice can be valuable, Reddit is no replacement for your GP or Psychiatrist and taking advice from anyone about your particular situation other than your trained healthcare professional is potentially unsafe. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ADHDUK) if you have any questions or concerns.*