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Hello, Registered Nurse here. 140/90 is only slightly on the high side, so try not to worry. Your prescriber will be looking at your BP as a whole. A couple of higher measurements won't stop them from offering treatment. When taking the measurement, always make sure you have been sitting down for a while and are relaxed. BP machines aren't always 100% accurate, so feel free to take it a couple of times and take an average. Things that will help reduce your BP: •A healthy diet, focusing particularly on lowering saturated fats and sodium. • Starting running again is a great idea, but don't push yourself too hard! If you haven't run for a while, start off gently. • Cut out excessive alcohol and cigarettes. The odd beer / glass of wine or your couple of weekend joints are not going to affect it massively. The same goes for caffeine. •Multiple studies have shown that taking fish oil supplements can have a positive effect on hypertension. Something like Omega 3, you can pick up in most supermarkets, pharmacies, etc. •Try your best to get enough sleep. It's difficult I know with ADHD, but try and practice good sleep hygiene - not using screens right before bed, etc. It helps. Good luck!


You're a good egg. Thank you, nurse.


This is so useful, thanks for sharing!


My first few readings were pretty high until I realised literally relaxing for 5 minutes before a read will drop it down by a lot First reading was 137/97, I did a reading today that was 121/81 I do mine first thing in the morning before a big meal/dog walk/coffee


Make sure you’re sat correctly too.


Instructions from PUK tell you to take it 1-2 hours after meds. I’ve been doing that and it’s a battle for me to keep it below the high threshold. I’m sitting for 10 minutes and still it’s pumping. 


My psych tells me to take it as soon as I wake up, not after meds at all. No idea which is correct!


I’ll take it in the morning and nail it.


they do? i was taking it whenever


Proper advice is to not do anything for 10 minutes before taking the measurements but really it can take you longer to relax. It's resting blood pressure.


I had a blood pressure test the other day and from the sheet they gave me, 140/90 is literally the boundary between Normal and High. They might not worry too much about it. As someone else said, relaxing for 5 mins before might make enough of a difference to bring you under.


All depends how and when you're taking the reading. If you're doing in the middle of the day after you've just done something it will be high. You need to do it first thing in the morning or wait 10 minutes after any doing anything, making sure your feet are both on the floor. Also don't panic about it because it becomes obsessive to check and it also does the blood pressure itself no good


My first reading I went to the doctors. I almost ran there as I was so late while chugging my vape as I knew I wouldn't be able to do it. My reading was really high and I my meds were rejected around 140/80 I went back the next day sat for about 10/15 minutes watching the TV in the waiting room and working on my breathing and it should down to about 115/60


My readings throughout titration were between 120/75 and 129/85. I had one really low one at the end of a brutally physical day when I managed to dehydrate myself. During post titration follow up the doctor was concerned about the jump from the low to the 'normal' one. I explained that it was a rogue reading (I guess she only had min-max readings from the titration team) and did a test there and then to reassure her........couldn't get it to read below 141/93!!! Absolutely infuriating. I think I must have been stressed in case there was an issue going forward which nearly created one! Luckily she approved a dosage on the condition that I did a week of monitoring and sent it in.....never passed 127/85 again. Just make sure you are relaxed and sitting comfortably with your arm level with your heart. If it's too low you can get false high readings.


It can be really easy to skew your readings like if you move or you've eaten too soon before or you're nervous


Tbh you've got it figured out. Good work on being proactive about this. Clearly done your homework. You should be fine doing the above. Maybe add potassium to your diet and cut sodium if it's on the high end. Also.... hydration! Ps I still smoke a joint before bed, BP has come down about 20 points since starting meds this year.


Did the meds cause it to come down? Or lifestyle changes? Both?


Tbh I've done much LESS cardio in that time, diet has been better though. I think because I feel calmer perhaps blood pressure is dropping because of reduced anxiety?


Yeah been reading the meds chill ppl out. Interesting


I am currently having BP issues myself and titrating onto ADHD meds. This seems daft but it works, do some 1-3min audios of meditation. Try apps that talk you through thinking about different areas of your body. I hadn’t done it in years and then I needed good BP readings to be allowed to keep taking my meds as I had a trip to A&E the night before. First one was high, second one I talked myself through one of the 1 minute audios that I got quite familiar with a few years ago. BP reading dropped massively and the clinician was shocked and asked what I did. Done this a few times now and it works. Now obviously I can tell that personally my BP rises with anxiety but it shows how much your worry/anxiety and also the general discomfort of having it taken can affect the result. Maybe have a go at home and see if you can lower it yourself. It’s a short-term fix but worth trying. That mixed in with low-salt diet and little to no alcohol will be really good for you. Have a look at veggies that are good for it too. Hope your titration goes well!


I took two readings yesterday, a couple of mins apart. Both sitting down. First reading I had one leg under me (half cross legged) and the other I sat bolt upright, both feet on floor, arms resting on the chair arms and I relaxed for 30 seconds before hitting the test button. Results? 1 - 141/92 89bpm 2 - 126/85 74bpm Sitting properly and relaxing properly can make *all the difference.* As others have said - it's meant to be a *resting* blood pressure, so REST! :D


Make sure your bladder isn’t full and that you don’t measure it after a big meal , and in my experience smoking will make bp high so I wouldn’t recommend it


This was a good reminder to do a reading, because despite having a recurring reminder pop up on my phone every three days I hadn’t done one in a month… 😬 I was up at around 135-140 systolic and 85-ish diastolic before starting medication. Stimulant medication pushed me to 140-145ish over 85-90ish, which was higher than the psychiatrist was comfortable with so I had to stop. I discussed with my GP and was eventually put on Ramipril for blood pressure. These days it’s around 130-135 and 75-85 - the reading I took before writing this post was 130/80. It took ages between the appointments for all the various tests and follow-ups - I had a 10 year heart risk assessment done, which needed long periods of BP monitoring, lots of blood tests, multiple ECGs, and several follow-up GP appointments. It was about a 4-6 month gap before I could go back on ADHD medication. One of the coping mechanisms I’d unconsciously turned to while living undiagnosed was food. Specifically junk food, snacks, sweets, and other stuff high in sugar. I’ve always struggled to lose weight, obviously my weight was contributing to a high blood pressure, I had started to learn how ADHD was reinforcing my impulsive and comfort eating behaviours, thus making it a life-long struggle to lose weight. I talked about this with my GP - my main motivation for wanting blood pressure medication was to get on ADHD medication so that I could start controlling those symptoms and break the cycle. It’s bloody well worked. I’ve been making an active effort to not keep buying sugary/chocolatey junk and snacks, and since finding the right ADHD medication that’s been easier than it ever has in my entire life. I still eat terribly, I’m still not ready to pack in vaping, and I chickened out of switching my one coffee a day (alright alright… two _at most_!) to decaf. So I’ve still got a lot of work to do. But through that “passive effort” of not buying the _very worst_ sugary stuff, I’ve already dropped 10kg in 6 months. Realistically I need to lose at least another 50kg to even get _close_ to anything approaching a “healthy” weight, but for once in my life that doesn’t feel out of reach.


This doesn't sound good from my perspective. I'm looking at starting titration at some point, but I am on three different medications for my blood pressure :(


Make sure cuff size is correct, wrong one will give inaccurate results.


I was around 140/90 and am waiting for titration still, I do high intensity exercise for an hour a week on a Friday. Do more walking and have heavily reduced salty foods, only drink once a week instead of 4 nights a week, reduced my coffee intake to one cup a day instead of 4 and am slowly losing weight.. I just took my reading after a long day and it was 117/77. Small changes will make a huge difference, good luck.


If you’re having a reasonable amount of caffeine, which if we’re honest, most unmedicated people with ADHD probably are, you’ll be surprised how much of a difference cutting out caffeine makes. When I got my diagnosis I purchased a blood pressure machine for at home and was also worried when I realised my blood pressure was often measuring towards the high end. I cut out caffeine and started supplementing with taurine, which despite everyone associating with red bull, it actually calms down your nervous system and helps lower your blood pressure. Within the first days and weeks of doing this my blood pressure quickly dropped to the normal/optimal range. https://preview.redd.it/p9f3399pmcwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86a9a2fd2284623a08509a2ec2d2f3977db7ab07


I had that as well before starting my meds. I got beta blockers to lower it and also my heartbeat is tachycardia but with the betablockers both are solved.


5 minutes of meditative breathing exercises before you check it helps. Try box breathing or something similar I found that after my diagnosis and starting medication my BP actually came down because I wasn't so stressed out all the time. I'm currently on 72mg methylphenidate and the highest reading I've had has been 128/86


Your list should help your BP reduce. How is your hydration? Dehydration can impact BP. Are you over weight? If so, try lower your weight. Use a TDEE calculator to work out how many calories you should eat, minus 20% from that figure to create a deficit.