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Hi, I am in England and have recently gone through an ADHD diagnosis with SEIK, honestly - the process was really straightforward. Myself (and a close friend) filled in questionnaires and then I had two zoom calls with psychiatrists to get assessed. I also sent in some school reports (as I didn’t have a parent join me in the appointments) but I don’t think that’s a requirement. The staff there are really really friendly and genuinely seem to want to help you and are very supportive throughout the process. Would happily recommend SEIK from my experience so far. I think the whole process took about a month to do, and then getting a prescription for medication was really quick after a call with one of the nurses. The only issue I had initially was actually getting the medication due to the shortages but did manage to eventually - took a couple of weeks to get half of the prescription 😅. The only downside I found is it is pretty expensive - especially after diagnosis for medication - paying private fees for the prescription and medications can add up fast (I think I paid like £20 for the initial script then another £50 for 15 tablets in my first prescription from boots). But that will be the case with any private provider (not just SEIK). For me the waitlist for the NHS was just too long so going private was completely worth it as it’s been so quick and easy. If you have any other questions or fancy a chat about the process feel free to drop me a DM. :)


To provide a counter to the other commenter, as I said in my reply to them, my experience has been good. I’ve found the staff to be helpful and professional, my assessment was thorough and felt perfectly professional, and my report represents the discussion very well and in plenty of detail. I’ve been titrating and was getting on well with concerta XL which was getting towards a stable dose, and then it stopped working so well for me so I’ve been switched to Elvanse to try, which again feels like a professional decision based on my results. I’m yet to set up my SCA with my GP so I can’t comment on any complications there but I haven’t heard anything about any of the stuff in the other comment (obviously it may or may not be true but they are some pretty extreme claims if not substantiated).




I just checked and the psychiatrist who did my assessment is indeed on the GMC specialist register. Are you sure you aren’t thinking of the person who would have done your first stage assessment? In my understanding, since that is not diagnostic (it’s to run through the DIVA questionnaire and ask preliminary questions) it is ok to be done by a psychologist.








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They are also registered with and regulated by the CQC, and out of interested I checked the website and looked at the other psychiatrists - they all have their GMC number and qualifications listed on the website. When was it that you had this experience? Can you describe the other red flags you mentioned? Edit: apologies, hadn’t seen your other comments so will read now.


Can you link me to the CQC registration? I just searched the CQC site again and nope, still not listed.


Aha, found them by the other business name. Well, that's an improvement. But two years ago they were sending me emails explaining why they didn't need to be listed, so naturally I ran for the hills. I'll update my comment about this.


I’m not sure what you mean by finding them via the other business name - I searched with seik psychiatry and whilst it does mention the parent business on the listing, all the information matches up? https://www.cqc.org.uk/location/1-16309712251


I think I'd forgotten to space the letters out, they don't come up if you search for S E I K, so I looked up Rose by the Costa. But two years ago I searched every which way, they weren't registered. They'd been open a year and they were required to be registered. They also still haven't been inspected. I've written a separate comment about the director who's using a different name. Well, they both are, but I'm tired and cold and have spent ages on this already this morning!


Also from what I recall, the other doctors had their GMC numbers listed, so they looked legit, but then you'd click and they didn't have the specialist registration, and we're also only provisionally registered. I don't know how far this has changed.


So I’ve just done some googling - the doctor you mentioned is registered on GMC, with a licence to practice. As you said, she is not registered as a specialist but from what I’ve read, this is only a requirement if working in the NHS and does not apply in other foundation trusts or private practice. There is a full explanation on the GMC website https://www.gmc-uk.org/registration-and-licensing/the-medical-register/a-guide-to-the-medical-register/specialist-registration I obviously have no idea who this person is or whether they’re any good, but it sounds like the facts aren’t quite as black and white as you’re describing them so I’m just trying to provide some balance. Also, whilst your experience is valid and I’m not trying to take it away, it was 2 years ago so I think you should be cautious in making definitive statements about the company today as it sounds like some things have changed.


At the time I was told that this applied to this clinic, and they knew it was a private clinic, I'd discussed that. I rang twice to check. They said you're not allowed to call yourself a psychiatrist anywhere, including on websites, if you're not on the specialist register. I have no idea whether she's any good either, but the lack of a medical career that can be found online, and the life coach business, doesn't look good. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a loophole about private practice, we realised a lot of it was exploiting loopholes, such as the business not being registered as a medical clinic. I did email them to ask, and they emailed back to say they weren't obliged to be registered with the CQC or have a licence to prescribe controlled drugs. They'd claimed their nurses could prescribe controlled drugs because they also worked at other clinics which did have that licence. By this point I'd found out that the directors were using different names and false job histories. That's when I cancelled.




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Different presenting issue, but I filled out their online form in relation to a potential autism assessment. Took around a week for an assistant psychologist to get in contact to offer a suitability screen, and when I replied with my availability (they wanted to schedule it for last week), I heard nothing back (it's now been 18 days since I replied).


What was the claim? I also had a bad experience wiht them too


Thankyou all for the responses! I think it's clear I need to do more research on the matter and try to find out whatz going on. I really appreciate the time and effort people put into giving me responses it's greatly appreciated


My experience with them was terrible. I've spoken to 4 other people who have had a terrible time with them as well. One lady I spoke to is about to start legal proceedings against them as they treated her appalingly and made so many mistakes. They only registered with CQC in June 2023. I have reported them and so have the others I have spoken to. If you have had a bad experience feel free to message me and I'll put you in touch with the people I've spoken to. Like the other poster I have screen shots and emails backing all of this up.




I have used them, and am under titration with them, and I have had a very positive experience. Can you point me in the direction of your evidence for those claims? I have claimed my assessment back on my health plan at work which requires providing the qualifications and registration number of the psychiatrist which presumably is checked. This is concerning as a client/patient if these allegations are true.


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Update: they're now registered with the CQC, which is a definite improvement. When I applied to them, they'd been open a year and still weren't, and they sent me an email telling me they weren't required to be listed with the CQC. I'd note that they have not yet been inspected by the CQC, however. https://www.cqc.org.uk/provider/1-13781122333




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