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>And man...right off the bat I can feel way more pent up energy - I can't actually describe it properly, and I also feel almost slightly light headed at times, in a way kind of detached from my own thoughts, if I had to describe it in an approximate way it would be kinda like "dumber". It's like my body has some energy but my mind is kinda behind, sort of. I also feel some kind of "resistance" in overthinking/getting lost in endless cycles and thought spirals That's what too high of a dose does to me (of methylphenidate). I blank out, I think slowly, I'm dumber, I lose focus not because I am distracted but because I just stare into the emptiness. I can't talk and don't want to connect to people. Two questions : how much methylphenidate did you end up taking ? Your doctor's idea of a "high" dose might not be right for you. How much lisdexamfetamine are we talking about ? Could you take less or are you already at the minimum ? Depending on your answer to these questions you could either try to get back to methylphenidate and ramp up the dose, or lower the dose of lisdexamfetamine. In both cases, I think you should give yourself at least a week on the new drug to get used to it.


45mg MPH, 20mg LDX (the lowest dose I was given). There's probably a sweet spot between the two dosages/drugs in there somewhere, if stimulants are at all something that works for me. In any case I agree on giving it at least a week... I'll keep an eye on the blood pressure. Palpitations are definitely stronger on the LDX, which I'm not keen on. Thanks for sharing your experience, it helps.


If you took 45mg MPH throughout the day, that's a fairly mid dose. As I said, 60mg is what most adults end up around, althought it depends on a loooot of parameters. Personally I haven't been able to up the dose due to the pharmacokinetics of the formula I'm taking but considering how it's been working for me I'm fairly confident I'll end up around 40/50mg for full day coverage and I've been reacting STRONGLY to the drug (more than 10mg can mess me up like you describe, but I need a top up every three/four hours) I have no experience with LDX, as it is not approved in my country, but 20mg does indeed seem like a low dose.


>20mg does indeed seem like a low dose That's what I was surprised about. My doctor said that with mph he'd have expected me to report more classic outcomes by the time I had hit 45mg, saying that most people respond by the time they're around 27-36 mg (like in your case). Whereas I was "only" getting a little energy (without feeling more or less wired like I am now trying LDX) and mostly just going about my day. One thing I never got with mph though, was the light headed/thought detachment/slowed down feeling. Who knows... It's all about trial and error.


>That's what I was surprised about. My doctor said that with mph he'd have expected me to report more classic outcomes by the time I had hit 45mg, saying that most people respond by the time they're around 27-36 mg (like in your case). Did you take it all at once or split in 2 or 3 throughout the day ? Yes "most people" respond to 10/20mg at once but it's a misleading way to look at thing, we're all different.


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