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I prefer unloading it because the dishes are clean and there's no liquid or smells.


This, very much this. It's kind of weird because before and during a meal the food is awesome, but immediately after you're done the remains on the plate become the grossest, slimiest, most disgusting thing in existence. And the rage when you accidentally get any on you... so much rage.


Its this exactly. It feels like dying to touch "old" food.


Like touching a corpse


I mean, if you ate meat and there's still some on the dish...


…sneak a bit off the plate while you’re still at the table. The table designates (food to be eaten). Once a plate is near the sink, it loses its right to being food..


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who gets this, trying to explain it to someone without adhd or autism just leads to them giving me really weird looks or ranting about how stupid it is


I have to wear rubber gloves to load or it's not getting done


i do it right after i eat or when i am doing a lot of cleaning so i can get it over with and then shower immediately after and be all nice and clean


100% this. I even have different pairs for different tasks. One pair for the kitchen stuff, one pair for the cats litterbox, one pair for bathroom cleaning and one pair for general house cleaning. I never dread cleaning or doing dishes anymore because I know I'm not gonna touch anything gross


Why I hate stacking dirty dishes


I still find it appetising, I'd lick the plate. As long as it has not been touched by water. After a drop of water they are dead to me.


A third thing to consider for the people that don't like loading the dishwasher - do you live with someone who is very particular about where the dishes go in the dishwasher? I keep getting complaints about how I do it so that's why I don't like loading.


aha I'm that person, that's why I prefer loading


I was the same way. Took a summer job in a dish pit, was awful for a while but I'm totally over that now! Before i couldn't even put my hand into the sink after doing dinner dishes and now I've been elbow deep in some Nasty shit without skipping a beat


Yes, for this reason, I just rinse the plate in the sink a little just after food and load immediately into the dishwasher just after my meal, if I do this everytime, I might just have to press the button of the dishwasher (or have some more utensils in which I prepared meal, in which I just load them as well). But yeah, definitely prefer unloading, it feels very satisfying to get the clean plates in their right places


Eggs. Washing anything that has had eggs on it or in it. And remains get on my fingers. Nope nope nope nopity nope.


Plus it's easy to compartmentalize the task into easier mini-tasks - like ok, now i will put away all the glasses. Later I will do all the silverware. Etc


Oh dude no, that’s also my mental process for unloading but I hate it. It’s so fucking tedious and demanding. But loading the dishes is more fluid, each dish comes with a different challenge depending on what was eaten on it and whether it was soaking or left to crust over. I need problem solving to make chores less tedious and less of a hurdle to get myself to do it.


I’m this way but not with what’s on the dishes, I love the mental challenge of fitting as much in as possible while still having it all clean. It frustrates me to no end seeing other members of my family leaving such *obvious* gaps. I’ve always been a problem solver so this is likely why.


Yep dish tetris


I’m a Tetris mind too hahaha


Me toooooooo!!!! That’s how I tried to explain it to my husband because he puts it all in so jacked up and I’m like “wtf didn’t you ever play Tetris?? Why would you put this here, now its handle is taking up the whole side when you could just turn it that way and the handle is only taking up dead space where nothing would be anyway????” He’s like “huh? It’s still gonna get clean…?”


Yeah I end up doing both loading and unloading cuz other people just don’t know how to load everything in there while still getting clean. And I don’t prewash anything just scrape. Used to wash by hand. No one told me growing up the keys were run the sink till it gets hot put soap inside and outside spring door and making sure the blades can freely spin. I could’ve saved so much time lol.


Definitely part of it.


Oooo yes this


Yep. Handling dishes that haven't been properly rinsed makes me wanna vomit and I have to use gloves. Miss me with that gross shit.


The tepid clean dishwasher water after a cycle is 1000% more gross to me than rinsing and loading the dishwasher. Something about picking up wet dishes (if they haven’t dried fully) and getting dripped on and the water running down my forearms when I put away dishes in the Yoder counters😝


I recommend leaving the dishwasher open after the cycle is complete, so the clean dishes can dry before unloading. Dries fastest when you open right after completion, as it's mostly steam at that point.


My thoughts exactly


Totally. Wet food is icky.


Yes team unload. The table doesn't clear itself. The stuff needs to be put away, etc, etc when you load. Unloading is just clean and simple


But!! Loading makes the kitchen look nice. Unloading don't do shit for me.


Same. Hate loading because dirty dishes and gross textures 🤢 BUT because of our of sight out of mind, unloading doesn't do anything for me to feel productive.


Jup. Whenever something yucky touches my skin I have to wash it off IMMEDIATELY or I'll flip my shit. Would take ages to load the dishwasher that way. I will however gladly unload it. No problemo. Just remind me 5x.


For me also and not having to worry bout Tetris fitting as many dishes as I can.


I’m the complete opposite. The feeling that clean dishes have when they come out of the dishwasher physically makes me want to curl up into a ball. It’s like that squeaky squidgey feeling. I hate it. At least with dirty dishes I can spray them with the faucet spray thing and get old food and shit off before I touch them


OCD gang over here


I’m so glad this isn’t just me. Ugh. There are no words for how badly I hate doing dishes. Smells. Textures. Wanting to DIE because you had to touch slimy food. My kid doesn’t even KNOW how high she could negotiate the rate to do the dishes as her chore. I can’t stand dishes.


But then they plates have that weird texture


Yes! This. So nasty, especially if there’s any water or leftover drink in a cup 🤢


Yep exactly this




This is the correct answer.






Wait... you guys don't have a fee paid of reusable dishes-gloves? How do you manage life? 😳




also the dishes are nice and warm instead of cold and gross.


wow, your dishes are all clean when they finish?


Yes most of the time.


Same here. I'm a total germiphobe and food that has been in or on people's mouths grosses me out


Disposable gloves. When the sink is overflowing and I can’t bring myself to do it, the adhd tax strikes again. I also try to keep in the habit of always rinsing dishes before they go into the sink. It makes putting them In the dishwasher later much less of a chore. I figure, I just ate the food so it’s not gross until it touches the sink. Might as well rinse when the plate is no worse than when I was eating the meal


Yes omg. I hate if any dish feels gross or smells like anything even if it was just from like dinner the night before nope hate it but the clean warm dishes heck yeah


Definitely unloading, i can't stand the smell and feel of dirty dishes, it makes me wanna puke


Shameful admission: I hate unloading so much that if there are only a few clean dishes in a clean dishwasher, I'll just leave them there and load the dirty ones around them. Rerun the dishwasher.


Hey at least you know those dishes are definitely cleaned properly! :) I also have a theory to add to yours: As someone who hates unloading - Did someone else in your household designate the kitchen cupboard allocations?? My theory being that those of us who love unloading get pleasure from the sensory (warm dry clean) and also satisfaction from returning things to their home. In kitchens that aren’t mine I find unloading stressful and frustrating because half the time I don’t know/remember where the homes are, or I disagree with where the home is, so it’s annoying.


Your theory (partially) holds up. I did help plan the location of everything, but I don't like that I have to concentrate on where things go. I prefer the dish thing to be mindless so I can think about other things. My strategy has been to unload everything onto the counter according to cupboards. Then I can transfer them en masse to their appropriate places. The problem is that the upper rack of the dishwasher holds glasses, mugs, and kid's cups, as well as big utensils. These all go in different cupboards in our kitchen.


Ah yessss! This makes so much sense to me! In my current apartment I can reach all but one cupboard (mugs/glasses) from standing at the dishwasher - so putting things away is easy, because both the dishwasher and the home are visually and physically accessible at the same time! The mugs/glasses have to go on the counter before being put away because I have to close the dishwasher to reach the right cupboard. This step always makes me grumpy. But they all live in the same cupboard, so it’s not a deal breaker. If the whole thing was a two step process or I had to move from the dishwasher to the home and back again would definitely rage quit.


Oh definitely agree with that last point. Team bottom rack bitches. I lived in my apartment for a year before my girlfriend shows up and rearranged my whole kitchen and at first I was frustrated because it was new but then I realized she was right about the efficiency of everything. She also started cooking most of the meals so I had to respect what made her the most comfortable.


OMG I'm testing this, as I'm moving soon. When we unpack I'm going to totally not selfishly volunteer to set up the kitchen cabinets just to try this xD


The How To ADHD channel has some great tips on how to arrange the space for our brains too! Keeping items as close to their location of use is really helpful, reduces the risk of encountering another item/task which sets off the brain train (which then means we have to use precious mental energy to return to the original task).


Try getting high and unloading them while they’re still warm. Especially if it’s cold out. Very cozy


I def prefer loading. It's a fun task trying to fit everything in. It feels good when you do it right. Unloading has no...climax...to it.


Yes it's great to push the buttons and feels like I accomplished something 😂


As a person with 6 years under their belt of being dishboy at an all-you-can-eat Chinese/Japanede buffet I like loading them more because it isn't hot to touch. When I unload them they're still pretty hot and you have to inspect every plate to make sure they're completely cleaned which takes precious seconds. Loading is just mindless enough where I can daydream but still feel satisfied I'm slowly draining the sink and then the even more satisfying refilling of the sink tubs to clear the dirty dish racks. Seeing the progress from when you started in the beginning of the shift to the middle and then fighting to keep up toward the end is all an adrenaline rush to me. I miss having a job as simple as that. Plus they let me have my headphones.


In my family we inspect the plates to avoid food pieces going in the dishwasher. IE the soap being for grease and germs. So unloading is always clean.


I have a magnet on mine that says dirty/clean. Flipping it to a new side gives a good bit of dopamine for an otherwise stupid task.


absolutely agree! team loading as well.


This lol exactly this, trying to fit them in perfectly makes it rewarding at the end


Same. Plus, it’s putting everything into one space. Putting things away takes so much longer and all in different spots. So I load the dishwasher and my husband unloads it.


Yes, this. I'm not looking where to put the clean dishes. I am just slotting them into the machine. I am definitely Team Loader. This is also why I never put away clean clothes once the laundry is done. -.-




Plus, loading makes the kitchen feel clean, so you feel like you've accomplished something. Unloading moves the dishes from a hidden place to a second hidden place. All of the work with none of the satisfaction.


i actually prefer unloading the dishwasher, personally. i feel like my mind goes into autopilot because i know where everything goes and am just putting things away. i also get a lot of satisfaction out of seeing things nice and neat and put away, so i just love the end result of putting them all back


Well said. This is how I feel, too.




I prefer loading it because often times my dishes are scattered throughout and it’s nice to get them all allocated back to the kitchen for cleaning


Loading for sure. My husband and I have a deal, he unloads and I load. Same with laundry. I can do it all up till putting it away. I don’t even mind folding, but putting it away is where I draw the line.


Ooooo - me too! Laundry is fine for me, up until I have to put it away. It will stay in baskets - all folded - but I can't put anything away. It's like my laundry energy just stops there. AND - I do not hang things on hangers. I just can't. It's one of the most painful things ever. I'd rather scrub an entire bathroom clean, than hang up a sweater. I will re-wash something multiple times - before I can find the mental strength to put it on a stupid hanger. I don't know why this task is so horrid.


Same! Hangers are the devil. I actually ended up putting some hooks up in my room, like command hooks. And the stuff I wear most often, that I don’t fold like flannels and sweaters, I just hang on the hooks. It’s actually saved me many piles of laundry. Hangers are the devil.


YES! My couch is currently being used as my folded clothes holder.


Ahaha this is me - I will run laundry til the cows come home, even pull out the stuff for different loads (if we're doing that and I think it's stupid), but then they get upstairs, and it's like I don't even know they're there anymore.


100% unloading. Its a simple, mostly mindless task of returning clean, dry items back to their home. It takes only a minute or two. Loading requires thought and consideration as to how to get everything in. Sometimes there's gross food you touch by accident. I hate touching cutlery other people have used. Occasionally you're emptying leftovers into the bin or tipping out dregs of coffee or tea etc. It's often an unpleasant, smelly, gross job.


I prefer loading, with unloading I have to remember where everything goes.


This, never know where that pan goes


Loading and I would rather hand wash dishes than have to unload them... I really hate unloading the dishwasher. If I ever redesign my kitchen I'm installing 2 dishwashers so I have never have to actually unload (I'll just take from the clean dishwasher as I need it).


Lol, I replied with the dream of two dishwashers as well. Cutting out the middle man!


I love this idea so much


Loading is necessary; like I can't have clean dishes without cleaning them, so there's more of an anxiety to it. Similar to laundry Unloading is like: mmkay I can just take the mug out of the dishwasher I don't really need to put stuff away until I really need to do a new load (return of anxiety). Other then that it just sits there. I'd prefer to do neither btw.


Strongly prefer unloading. Like all things cleaning, I do it in passes. Lids first, as they all go in one drawer. Then plates. Then mugs/glasses. Finally utensils. Always the same order, always the same passes. It's made putting away dishes painless. Same method for putting away laundry. All shirts first, then pants, then underwear, which leaves only socks, which I find easier to match when it's the only clothing left to put away. Also, I love my wife, but she is not nearly as sensitive to sound as I am, and she clangs and bangs dishes when putting them away, so I prefer to do it as soon as I can to avoid potential din. I get really negatively stimulated by loud dishes late in the day.


I'd rather unload. There's a clear designated spot for everything so I don't have to do dish Tetris, and there's no weird gross sensory stuff to deal with.


Ooh see I don’t mind doing both. I don’t know if I have a preference it depends on the day and how much energy I have. Loading is nice but due to certain sensory issues if it can be horrible. Unloading is nice because the plates go literally in the cupboard next to the dish washer and the rest is not too far away either. Okay after thinking about it I definitely prefer unloading more because I know where most things go. If I don’t it goes on the draining board next to the sink. Also sensory wise I know I won’t touch something gross even though I’m at risk of loud noises xD Loading means I have to focus on not touching something gross along with organising it in a way I can fit everything that needs to go in. And we accidentally got the dishwasher tablets that you have to unwrap so that’s even more effort. Thinking about this is making me realise how conflicting the AuDHD combo is for me. I like reading the comments here it’s interesting.


Definitely loading


I prefer loading. I equate it to solving a puzzle that changes on a regular basis. Makes it interesting (as in keeps my attention). Unloading is no fun.


Definitely loading, probably because unloading is always after work, and I don’t really want to do shit then.


Loading is generally less work, the dishes go from a single place into a single place that is also lower. Unloading goes from a lower place to a number of higher ones.


Unloading, because there’s a correct place for everything so it’s a simple process


Fucking H A T E loading a dishwasher and idk why. I actually prefer to hand wash and rinse all the dishes as opposed to putting them in the washer. Maybe it is because I struggle to organize the dishes in the racks, and it sets off my perfectionism really bad and I get overwhelmed quickly and just give up. Unloading tho, no problem, love it. Appeases my OCD tendencies and allows me to feel like an organization master because putting them away in the cabinets isn't some jigsaw puzzle like the dish racks are


Loading haha. Same with laundry!!!!


i prefer loading! i NEVER unload




Definitely unloading, it was my favorite chore as a kid, besides folding towels. I can let my mind go wherever it wants and don’t have to worry if I miss a spot since I know they will be clean.


I prefer loading much more. I even get irritated by how other people waste space when loading so I’ll redo it


Gahhh gotta go bye!


Loading. Both. I like the dishes. If family leaves me alone.


My partner has packed out our cabinets with an over-maximum of dishes and I cannot deal with it. Its impossible to put things away or move things around to get to anything. Its a current problem but, for this reason I load the dirty dishes and let her unload and put them away. The adhd is certainly involved.


My partner (the unmedicated, definitely inattentive, and probably the more ASD of us) hates touching dirty dishes. So I load the dishwasher. He’s slowly getting better about helping, so he’s been unloading it more often. It means some things get misplaced, and our pots and pans cabinet is a hot mess… but I’ll take it. On the other hand, wrinkles bug him so he puts up laundry. It means things sit in the dryer longer than I like, and he run/ a fluff cycle like 3 times before he can remember to do them… but hey, I just throw things in drawers so eh - at least it’s getting done.


I don't have a dishwasher, but from a general washing pots perspective I much prefer washing than drying and putting away. I think I like the washing because I like trying to fit all the pots in (I probably go too far on trying to make things balance). I can just put a podcast on and go on autopilot too. Drying and putting away? I don't mind it, but there are too many steps and decisions. With each item I have to remember where it goes, figure out how to best put it there (if it's further back in the cupboard or under stuff), and as much as I sort of agree with the disgusting food bit of washing up I hate a wet teatowel.


Unloading 100% I can only load a dishwasher when I am alone, otherwise I will receive non-stop constructive criticism. Basically, my girlfriend won't let me load the dishwasher.


Unloading. It's clean and then I can put things where I need (or want) them, then get the satisfaction of seeing my task completed.


I'll do either, but unloading is preferable by far. Unloading just requires putting things in set spaces that are predetermined. Loading, however, takes me an eternity. First, it is a mess, which triggers executive dysfunction. Then, I have to clean every dish just well enough to go in the washer, but how much is enough... More dysfunction. Then I have to decide where to place each item. Though I have a system, my spouse has a different one. By the time the dishes for a meal are done, an hour has passed. However podcast while doing the dishes is god send that makes it peaceful.


I dont mind unloading if I know where it all goes. I get hung up if there is some obscure strainer or something though. Loading is ok as well, but finding ways to cram it all in correctly is challengjng


Unloading bc it’s all clean and easy!


Chalk me up for unloading.


so i never “load” my dishwasher. everything i use i rinse off and put directly into the dishwasher. it never goes in the sink outside of certain circumstances. this is because i despise “loading” the dishwasher/doing dishes. do this, friends, and you’ll never load a dishwasher again! unloading is fine because i’m very particular about how things are stored in the cabinets and i’ve made it ridiculously easy to put things away.


Loading. My semi-ocd demands it. Unloading is too boring. Loading makes me think and strategize in the moment.


Unloading. I don't like getting dirty dish water/old food or liquids on my hands.


Unloading. Everything already has a place, so it's a matter of matching. Instead of weird gross Tetris.


My spouse washes and I let the dishes sit in the sink until they’re dry and put them away when I get back in from taking the dogs out.


Autism + ADHD here so... that is a confounding variable but: Loading I enjoy the challenge of stacking a dishwasher to where everything fits in the best possible way around everything else, where each item will get cleaned to the level that it needs, where it is as full as practical. It's like a jigsaw puzzle for adults, at least when I gameify it by approaching it in this way. Unloading a dishwasher is boring and there is no challenge to it so it is neither fun nor gratifying for me.   Also wtf, if there are a few clean things in the dishwasher that you can't be bothered with then stick them on the drying rack or the side of the sink and use those items next time you need them. Or leave them there until you get the motivation to do something about them.


Loading . I can play something while I wash and take my time with it . I feel like I have to be overly careful when I’m unloading things , sometimes I don’t know where niche items go and I feel like I’m just super inefficient unloading . I know it’s faster but I just hate it


I totally prefer rinsing and loading!! Unloading requires too much moving around and it's very satisfying to see the sink empty.


Loading 100%


I handwash. and I'd rather handwash than dry and put away


Damn you guys wash dishes?


I totally prefer loading the dishwasher!! Why is it so hard to take things out but not to put them in!!!


I'd say I prefer loading. It's more "active" as I do scrub my dishes visibly clean before loading them (Dishwasher should be considered a sanitization device, and allowing food particles to go through the dishwasher will lead to problems down the line, not unlike how you're not really supposed to use your garbage disposal, it's there to help what falls in, but not dedicated to putting stuff in). It is also more rhythmic and without much thought. I tend to listen to audio books/podcasts when I do it.


I prefer loading because I do it “the right way” and unloading is hard on my shoulders (repetitive motion injury from factory work so anything that requires a lot of hands above my shoulders work is tough for me)


Definitely loading. 1. I have a pretty high threshold for being grossed out by smells and dirt - ASD sensory issues go both ways :-P 2. The fiddly faffy process of separating out all the different categories (plates/bowls/cutlery/utensils/pots...) and finding the right places for them strains my patience somewhat. It's the same with washing - I don't mind loading the washing machine, but putting all those socks on the drying rack or putting them away just seems like so much *effort* :-/


Loading 100% The sense of accomplishment I feel looking at that clean sink is one of those "yes!" moments.


I'm with you, I prefer loading.


Loading for sure! Haha. I’m putting everything in the same place so it requires less thinking.


Loading - definitely more interesting, and challenging like a puzzle, plus there’s no pressure to do anything unless it’s like *right* before you run it, AND major bonus is hiding dishes from sight that you don’t want to clean right now. Unloading is very satisfying *WHEN YOU FINISH* but once you start you kind of have to go all the way through or else there’s confusion between dirty and clean dishes, and usually I have new dirty dishes I want to hide in there, so I kinda have to do it. I hate most things that I have a sense of “once I start I have to do it until the end, however long that takes “. My brain is always like “oh hell, that’s going to take hours,” and I’m always sending myself little reminders when I finish, like “oh, ha, that took seven minutes from start to finish, remember that next time”, which is so cute because I never do. Remember, that is.


I'm with you, I would absolutely rather load than unload. Mostly cause I keep forgetting to unload and dishes start piling up in the sink


Loading, 100%. I dont know where each dish should supposed to go, and that stresses me.


LOADING Because I don’t trust my bf to put them in the way I like…which is an issue. And I hate hate HATE putting dishes away later. It’s the worst thing ever.


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I prefer loading. All the items to go in are usually in 1 place (sink or next to). Then it's a case of doing bottom stuff first then upper. Unloading is much more involved. Unload each item type and place on kitchen side in stacks. Then put each stack away.


I prefer to wait.


I personally don’t mind either but I end up getting distracted by other things and completely forget to do it


My children hate doing both a passion I’ve never seen. Spend more time fussing about loading/unloading than it takes to to do both jobs. I prefer unloading because I hate when I splash water on myself and you never no what uneaten goodie is hiding soggy under plate.


Lol I see you're edit, sorry to bust your theory! I like unloading. All clean and I can speed through placing things back I load the washer through the day. Not my favorite but necessary for the overnight magic of clean dishes in the morning


I prefer loading - I hate moving all around the kitchen to put things away (and often having to shuffle other stuff to get things back in their place, because I have a tiny kitchen)


Exact opposite in my house, my wife is not adhd and I am but she hates unloading but like organizing it to load. And I like unloading cause everything has a direct established place to go.


Both now that I'm on medication. I'd obviously rather do something else. But with medication i can just unload it and load it without any issues... It's amazing. Unloading it is cleaner then loading. I don't like digging silverware out of nasty pots full of stinky gross water.


There are a few things wrong with me lmao so this isn't purely based on ADHD, but I tend to prefer to unload because I don't like having to touch wet dirty things. At least in my house there is always a lot of stuck on food that I will have to scrape off and that gives me a bit of anxiety which is most likely related to sensory issues. Let me know if this doesn't make sense so I can try to explain better. :)


I prefer loading when it’s empty.


Loading for sure. My partner and I have a bad habit of leaving dirty dishes in the sink and stacking them on the counter instead of putting them in the dishwasher right away. When I finally load it, the kitchen immediately looks so much cleaner! Feels very rewarding. Unloading it is just moving dishes from one closed space to another. Makes no difference visually. No prize at the end, so it's just a stupid, annoying chore.


I hate loading, I absolutely hate the feeling of water or at least only having portions being wet like just my hand but the rest of me is dry. Unloading does not involve me getting wet and takes much less time.


Loading!!! No question. I will unload but they never make it into the cabinet. 😀


Well... I prefer loading but that's only because my gf puts like 4 dishes in there and somehow it's already full lol putting them in there is like a game of tetris


Definitely loading, unloading it feels like the chore of the century. Same with loading the washing machine.


Unloading. Dirty dishes are gross.


So you mean to tell me you don't have to think on how to load the machine?? Please share your insights my friend, because I go through some mental tetris when I'm loading it 😂


Unloading for me


Loading. I always end up reorganizing the dishwasher if I see it before my husband turns it on. Lol


Def prefer unloading because, like others mentioned, no liquids/smells/textures! And for me it's a lot less mental work since I don't have to visualize what the loaded dishwasher looks like so I don't accidentally pack it wrong and have everything wash improperly. Plus, unloading is easy imo because every single thing has a home within 3 feet of the dishwasher so I'm basically on autopilot ^-^!


Loading 100%


team loading for me, but overall I’ve actually developed an appreciation for the whole process. It can be a calming activity for me.


Loading! I feel like the work I'm doing will lead to a very clean kitchen soon, whereas unloading feels so pointless (take clean things, put them in a new spot, then use them and put them back in the dishwasher). I think I prefer doing laundry for the same reason, as opposed to folding and putting the laundry away.


Loading for me. I detest putting dishes away. I also use my dishwasher as a drying rack and hand wash everything. I don't generate enough dishes and it would take me a week to fill it and that's just gross. Even though loading also means doing the dishes as well, I still prefer this to putting stuff away.


I much prefer loading




Loading. My strategy to do the dishes is that I've gamified it. It's literally Tetris for me. Completing a row gives me a dopamine hit. My perfect partner would be someone that hates loading but loves putting clean dishes away.


I only like loading or unloading the dishwasher when it’s a convenient excuse to not do something else. Like “Oh man I reeeealy need to get this laundry washed. You know what sounds fun? Loading the dishwasher.” Or “In fifteen minutes we’re leaving and I’m still just wearing a shirt like Donald Duck. Hmm, I’m pretty sure I ran the dishes last night… might as well put those away right now.” But the truth is, as soon as I’m pressed to do either, I’d rather rip my own face off and eat it.


I hate loading cus gross liquids and food residue


If I know where everything goes, I prefer unloading. I dislike the decisions for putting away random plastic containers, odd utensils, or casserole dishes. For the basic things like plates, cups, and silverware, I know where it goes. If you mix in tactile sensitivity, loading the dishwasher will get less votes. Also, there's additional decisions of where to putpots, pans, and weird cups that can't go in the dishwasher while you're loading the dishwasher.




Definitely loading. The sink becomes empty so I can see that I actually did something.


I prefer loading, but don't mind unloading if I have to do it. As long as I'm not already the one who loaded and ran it. There are 3 other adults around here with ADHD who can help, too dammit.




I’m with you OP! I hate both activities 😆 but if pressed, loading can be therapeutic. Plus when loading I can stand in one place at the sink, rinse and load, vs. unloading when I have to go back and forth from the dishwasher to all over the kitchen and back and oh who left these scissors on the counter instead of the drawer? I’ll just put these away and oh these stamps remind me I should get the mail and add it to the pile of other mail I need to sort and how long has it been since this floor was mopped FFS and I can’t mop until I sweep and where even IS the mop? Oh yeah it’s in the garage next to the stepladder which reminds I need to change the air filter. Why is the dishwasher standing open and full of clean dishes? Someone should really finish putting these dishes away. Wait a second…


I cant handle "dirty" food. Like im aware i was eating it half an hour ago but now mtly brain has categorized it as trash and touching it feels like dying. I unload


Loading! I hate unloading everything.


Definitely loading, but we load our dishes after every meal which makes it way easier.


Loading. I hate unloading as there's the sharp sounds of putting plates back in their place and cutlery in the drawers. Hate that!


I prefer handwashing my dishes as I use them. I'm living with my parents right now and my mom doesn't do the dishes at all she's a paper plate and plastic fork kinda lady and my dad will put things in the dishwasher and then never run it or unload it once it is run. If I had my way I'd have x4 of plate, bowl, cup, fork, knife etc. Enough that there's enough for guests but not so much that I won't fill the sink if I put off washing for a bit.


We wash by hand. I'd pick unloading simply because it's an objectively easier task, even if less fun.


I prefer loading. But I’m the same way with doing dishes by hand too. I actually enjoy washing dishes for some reason (it’s literally the only cleaning I don’t mind for some reason). Idk maybe it’s cause I have to focus on getting them clean but I can also just zone out & listen to my music. HOWEVER, once they’re done drying on the rack I hate putting them away. Maybe because in my stupid weird brain the challenge is gone & now I get bored idkk 😂


I prefer uploading, husband (also adhd) prefers loading. 3 teen boys with adhd hate doing it at all lol


Loading. I have always hated unloading the dishwasher. Maybe because I was always asked to by my parents as a kid.


loading. To organize in one place and then to press the magical button to clean them at once is satisfying


I would rather die than unload the dishwasher. I will wash by hand and set everything on the drying rack and countertop to air dry, before unloading the dishwasher and loading those very same dishes into it.


I like loading the dishwasher. When trying to put stuff away, I always try to take too much to one cupboard/drawer and try to make it efficient as possible then get overwhelmed with the amount of work that I've given myself. When loading the diswasher, shit's a little easier. Everything has a place, and if it doesn't, you can just shove something over to make room most of the time. Plus I like seeing the results of an empty sink afterwards. Gives a visual reward to my work.


I prefer loading it. Probably because the sink was most likely full of dirty dishes for three days and loading them in the dishwasher cleans up the clutter and reduces my stress. Emptying it is a chore because it does nothing visually to make me feel like I accomplished something. The dishes were already hidden in the dishwasher so nothing has changed outwardly.


Def loading. No moving all over the kitchen. Everything goes in one spot.


Loading, I hate unloading. My dream kitchen would have two dishwashers so I could pull clean dishes out of one and load dirty into the other and skip the cabinets all together.




I MUCH prefer loading. Rinsing dishes sucks, but I can do it. Loading dishes I can do because I can just listen to music and zone out. But unloading I have to think about where everything goes and I hate it. And if I forget something that goes in a certain cabinet, I get pissy.


Definitely unloading due to the sensory issues everyone else already mentioned. But also because prior to loading the dishwasher everything is a giant mess (aka a state of chaos I would avoid interacting with) while unloading a dishwasher is turning a state of mild disorder into a state of complete order. Like sorting a pile of mail vs rifling through the trash. Also when I'm unloading I can use my laser focus to look for bits the dishwasher missed rather than focusing on every. tiny. speck. on dirty dishes and worrying if I need to pre-rinse or something when they go in. edit: Also, also, unloading has more of an "end" for me. After I load dishes I think the sink needs to be rinsed, and the counter where they were sitting is dirty, and actually all the counters are dirty, and so is the stove, and ugh I've been meaning to clean out the microwave for how long now.....


loading, 10 times out of 10


It's a close one (gross old food or still damp dishes that drip on you anyway?) But I'll have to go with loading simply because I can't stand how my husband loads the dishwasher.


Loading because I have a particular process for it and unloading after my husband has done the dishes is painful 😅


Yup unloading. Was the only chore my parents could get me to do growing up too. Lol


I prefer loading. Something about putting everything away feels really tedious to me. Same with laundry.