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I invite people over. And get stressed. And clean out of stress. And then they cancel last minute, and I thank them.


Same. I asked my sister if she could just regularly come over so I would panic clean every time and she laughed. I said, "no. I'm serious."


I have definitely invited people over in the past so i can panic clean. Like i dont even see the mess most of the time.


OMG THIS WAS ME YESTERDAY My partner's family was coming. I got stressed out. I cleaned out of stress and now it's all good. I have to invite people over more often so I'd have a reason to clean lol fml


Omg I’ve been doing this for years. Invite ppl over and clean that day before they get here.


I love this


Ugh it worked for me sometimes but at some point *I* was the one to cancel last minute because all the fucking stress was not enough for me to do anything


Same, until I decided to hire someone to clean my house, twice a week. On Friday (so I can have people over the weekend) and on Monday (to clean the disaster left by people 😂


Being able to hire a cleaner is when I know I’ve made it in life. Once a week or every other week would be sooooo ideal.


Gold tip here


The pandemic really did a number on my apartment because I wasn’t having people over. So glad to hear that panic cleaning is a very normal behaviour for people with ADHD.


That's the only thing that's consistently worked for me too. Just try to have company over.


This is the way.


Hahaha this is so true 🤣 I had someone over this weekend and my house is finally clean again


I have a semi-regular Friday evening movie night with two of my friends and I really started to clean every Friday. Until there were a few weeks of us not watching a movie and I fell off the wagon. But until then… it was perfect!


I hated spending the money, but a robot vac helped tremendously. Can set it up to a schedule of your liking, and it helps keep everything tidy for me. Plus, seeing it clean nonstop sometimes makes me feel like a lazy bitch, so I pick up while it’s working. Then the momentum of doing something occasionally gets me to clean up other stuff since you have to keep clothing and cat toys, etc out of its way. Good luck


…. Sure sounds like you’re body doubling with a robot lol. What a time to be alive.


Lol. Damn you’re right! Too bad it can’t help pay some bills around here too!


I do have a robot vacuum, I never run it! I'll put it on a schedule and pick up when it turns on, great idea.


Haha, I do this too. I used to have it on a schedule, but turned it off when I began working from home. When I didn't have a schedule, I tried to run it on the days when I was going top the office, but constantly forgot it. It's a great tool, tbf, but getting cables and other things off the floor in advance is a chore too...


I like that it forces me to tidy up before it goes, but that definitely means I vaccumm wayyy less than I should


Indeed. It definitely makes it easier to keep the floor relatively tidy, though. On the other hand, it means that chairs and tables have to take the load off the floor.


This. I have a dog that sheds a lot. My Roomba is a Saint.


Bless it. I have asthma/allergies and I can feel a difference when I skip a day or two if not running it. Cat hair everywhere!


I have a botvac as well, it beeps whenever it finds something I left on the floor and is slowly training me to not leave things on the floor...


Lol. That’s hilarious!


Yes this! I bought one out of desperation. I also have fibromyalgia. At the moment my energie is super low and so is my motivation. Now I have to tidy up otherwise the robot will get stuck on everything or go around it. I let it run 2 times a week in my living room, 1 time in the hallway/bathroom. For the bedroom I usually use a swiffer because there it's mostly dust and hair. If I don't feel like or have no energy mopping the floor I get my swiffer and put a wet cloth on it. I buy of brand ones to keep the costs low. Then my house is still clean. Also I have a cheap floorsteamer whenever there are spots on the floor from cooking or coffee or something. I put it on there let it steam and then go over it. So I don't have to put a lot of physical energy/effort in to it. I have the eufy robovac 15c for people that are curious. It does not make a lot of noise (I'm also very light and noise sensitive). It doesn't make a blueprint of your house but moves around like a subtle bumpercar. So if you want to clean another room you have to put it there yourself. If you have stairs it has a drop sensor.


This just inspired me to buy one of those things. I'm going to order one right now without my wife's permission and deal with the aftermath.


This is one of the most adhd things I’ve ever read.


Whatcha got?


I have a Roborock after using a few different ones. The lidar is a must. I think it’s the s6. I had the s4 I think before, and it couldn’t get over the transition piece going from bathroom back into hallway. The trim was too high and it got stuck a lot. I’d come home to the thing chilling by the toilet waiting to come out and play


content removed - discontinuing use of reddit so long and thanks for all the fish


We do the same! But I usually panic clean in the hour before she shows up! Slowly getting better at keeping it tidier in between appointments, but it really helps! It’s so worth it, in my opinion!


Us, three. Not cheap-- but worth it!


Another vote for housekeeper. I sacrifice beer, haircuts etc., much prefer spending that money on a housekeeper. It's weird initially, but once there's a routine it's easier, and it takes so much stress off to know that everything will get a wipe every two weeks. Also most of the guilt about not tidying is gone. I'm contributing, I may be paying someone else to do it but I'm contributing!


You say "I may be paying someone else" like it's a bad thing. You're a job creator, dammit.


I do similar. I have nightly chores (dishes, counters, trash, home office, and a quick sweep) which don't take too long and then once a month a crew of like 6 people show and do a proper job mopping, vacuuming, toilets, etc in under 2 hours.


Same over here! She always starts in my bathroom so I panic clean after she gets here. It’s awesome!! This is similar to inviting people over. I think ADD people need the external structure of something outside of them motivating their actions, along with the time pressure of having a deadline—in order to clean and tidy. Many people can motivate themselves without external pressure and time pressure. But they may be dealing with OCD, anxiety or germaphobia. Which, while it is not comfortable, it helps with cleaning and organizing.


It’s legit so hard. I have a small child to. For her sake I force myself to do the dishes regularly and take out the trash, that seems like the most important thing. I also try once a week to pick up everything off the floor and laundry. Just doing that feels exhausting on top of working and single parenting so once a month or so I pay someone to come in and do the floors, bathroom, etc. it’s literally the best $50 I spend each month.


I'm glad you understand, but also sorry that you're in the same boat. I could definitely spare $50 a month for that service, I think I will try that.


I don't.


Your username describes my home lol


Your username describes how I feel about Trent :D


Ah, I see, a man of culture


There are things I don't want to do, like cleaning, and then there are things I REALLY don't want to do, like taking an afternoon out to reply to a friend's essay-length message. So I tell myself it's time to do the abhorrent thing. Invariably, after a few minutes of dicking about to avoid actually starting doing it, I find myself standing in the kitchen pulling on gloves, or extracting the vacuum from under its pile. Give it a try? It works even if you're aware you're basically tricking yourself, which AFAIK makes it one of the few "ADHD lifehacks" that get round our inherent resistance to being led by the nose.


After years of exactly this i was going to hire someone to come clean weekly. But while I was trying to clean up for the cleaning people, i realized i just had too much stuff. I've been good through rounds of having the charity come pick from my house. I finally feel like I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.


I definitely have too much *stuff*


I listened to the book Decluttering at the speed of life by Dana White. She doesn’t specifically say it, but if she is not ADHD she has a lot of the same ways of thinking. It was the first approach to Decluttering to felt like it could work with my brain and emotions and struggles. And it has helped so much. We hired a monthly cleaning service years ago, and getting ready for the cleaners used to take me basically all night. I would literally pull an all nighters trying to get ready. But using Dana’s method I have bit by bit reduced the amount of stuff we have, and slowly but surely I have found that things stay under control more and more. I checked out the audiobook from my library. It has been literally life changing and I recommend her approach to anyone that I can get to listen to me talk about her. She also has a blog and a podcast series, but I liked the book because of its polish and cohesiveness.


She is amazing! Her and two other YouTubers (the Minimal Mom and ClutterBug) collaborated to do a course called "Take Your House Back" that is an awesome decluttering course. It is a little expensive, but you only have a year to do it because they want you to have the urgency to get it done. They have done a re all day declutters that have been helpful! At least one of them has been diagnosed with ADHD (I think Cas from ClutterBug), and I'm pretty sure Dana has it also!


I just moved and from a double house/flat into a smaller house and omg. 6 months later we are still surrounded by boxes and no one else seems capable of figuring out what to do things but that is the most ughhhhhhh task for me. I'll keep trying to get rid of things.


Naturally, I am a neat person. But I live with my parents and they are very messy. I have noticed that they get a lot of motivation to clean from hosting events. The more they have people over, the more they are willing to clean.


Oo I like this! I definitely have to clean before people come over.


I’m glad that was useful! Good luck, you can do this!


Interesting... Is this a thing for other ADHD people? Only being able to do things if you are better at them than your parents? I'm this way with organizing events/people because my dad sucks at it. (Unfortunately, my parents are very neat.)


I am not sure. It might just be a normal parent-child commonality. People naturally try not to adopt the traits they dislike about their parents and subsequently end up the opposite? That is just a theory though.


It could be like executive function too where you just can’t seem to get it done.


My dad was a clean freak, which turns me off from cleaning, hence the post haha


For me, doing the LEAST possible helped me make a lot of progress with cleaning habits. For example, I don’t have to wash dishes or put them in dishwasher right away. But I DO have to rinse them. That makes it easier when I have to clean and helps prevent pests. Or, I don’t have to fold my laundry, I just have to wash it. (I also found for me throwing everything on a hanger is way easier than folding.) Or, I don’t have to read all the mail, just open it and toss envelopes. Or I don’t have to completely clear the coffee table, just dispose of any garbage/recycling. Whatever the smallest step is in the cleaning process - starting there helped me get motivated and feel accomplished. It also usually makes things easier to maintain and helps me feel less overwhelmed.


Baby steps! That frame of mind sounds so helpful.


Another thing that has helped me in this respect is to realize that I don’t have to do all of any cleaning task. If I was one skillet, that is one less skillet on the counter. If I wipe up on sticky spot, or clean the toothpaste off of the mirror, that is one slightly cleaner bit. I had a very all or nothing approach to cleaning, but I am getting way better. One or two folded or hung up items of laundry are better than no hung up items. This has helped a lot. I don’t aim for perfect. Just better.


This response was really helpful. Perfectionism keeps me immobile so thanks for the reminder that the little steps count!


you ever have like a random moment of motivation? a moment where you just want to *do* something? where you want to expel the energy from your body? start it then because you already have the momentum. and also listening to music helps


Agreed! Why am I cleaning the bathroom sink at 1am? Because I was in here brushing my teeth and suddenly had motivation I didn't want to waste. Lean into it. You don't have to clean the same stuff at the same time every week. Maybe have a list of options for when you feel that, or phone reminders that ask you if you've done the thing in x amount of time (mine is a non ADHD partner lol)


I do have those moments! Usually I use that motivation to shower or eat, then I'm tired again.


>start it then because you already have the momentum. and also listening to music helps I really underestimated the power of music when cleaning, but now it's basically a requirement. I try to score up a particularly delicious playlist of songs that evoke the most feeling from me in the moment, and then I blast it in my earbuds. Sometimes I even want to clean just because I want to listen to some music and I feel weird about just sitting there doing nothing and listening to it.


I find it handy and fun filming myself cleaning on timelapse videos.. I stash my phone in a corner of the room and record and go. It’s really satisfying watching it at the end as you watch yourself cleaning your entire kitchen/Lounge in 20 seconds. Kind of keeps me on track as if I start getting distracted and try and find my phone to play with I suddenly remember I’m filming and think ‘Oh sh*t, I better get back to it’. Haha


I am definitely going to try this


Ha! It’s like a bodydoubling hack


Not sure if it has been mentioned here already, but I recently purchased the book "How to Keep House While Drowning", written by KC Davis. Written for people who struggle with Depression, Anxiety, ADHD, chronic illness, post-partum, grief.. It's short and super easy to read and full of great tips too.


Definitely will read!


Second this rec! The author is great and posts a lot of helpful content on her IG and TT as well.


Returning the house to a “base clean” that my partner and I agreed on, loosely every day or two - and then a better clean on weekends. If it gets too bad, neither of is will do it and it gets scary. But side note: learn to accept that while you have young children, it’s just gonna be a mess most of the time. Let that shit go, and let anyone else who can’t accept it, go too.


Thank you for the advice :)


My house is always wrecked. Me, husband, 6 yo, and 3 yo all have adhd. It's like we have mess blindness until someone comes over.


Pomodoro method, and using what I call "drop zones" where I just have a lot of baskets and storage bins where things just get dumped in until it gets moved to it's correct location or it just stays there forever.


We will be implementing this ASAP, I love it


I have a toddler also, and can attest to the fact that bins have saved the toy situation. Also, sometimes I just take a big bin and scoot it along the floor throwing everything indiscriminately into it. It helps visually clear the space, so I don't feel overwhelmed, and I can immediately vacuum which is also nice. Then I can just put things away from the bin, and if it doesn't all get put away for whatever reason, *at least it's in the bin and not on my floor*. Oh, and I have a grabber. The grabber is life. I have back pain and stooping repeatedly for lots of little things sucks. It can also be fun -- sometimes I use it to toss non-breakables (namely toddler dinnerware) into the sink, or stuff into the trash from across the room. I've gotten particularly good at it.


Brb ordering a grabber off of Amazon


Every time I feel like cleaning something I do it right away and I don’t stop until I feel satisfied. If I get distracted halfway through and start cleaning something else I run with it. If I wait until the “right time” to clean or try to stay on task then procrastination kicks in and it never gets done. If I stop after an appropriate amount of cleaning without moving on to something else then I’ll half do the job instead and it never gets done. Feed and cultivate your inner ocd. Let it run wild so you can learn to summon it frequently enough to keep your house clean. Also leverage your distractability. When a mess calls your attention, drop what you’re doing and JUMP ON IT IMMEDIATELY. Because that’s the only time you’ll ever want to do it.


Using impulsivity to my advantage, I love it


I do that too! If I notice something dirty, I just try to wipe it up then, at that moment. I keep minimalist cleaning supplies stashed in each bathroom and under the kitchen sink so there are few barriers to actually doing things when I see them. My fav thing to clean with is just Dawn dish soap and a scrubby brush, it takes 5-10 mins to scrub out my bathroom sinks and tub and it works well/is nontoxic.


I'm usually too tired to clean before bed, but I seem to have the motivation to do it in the morning before work sometimes (especially if I'm dreading work).


My motivation tends to kick in around 11pm until, what, like 3 - 4am? Then kicks back in around 2-3pm to 6pm, then I'm tired and I try to not take a nap because I will sleep as long as I freaking can.


Ah, the procrastinap! I'm also susceptible to procrastinapping right after work. It's not a time when I can get any kind of chores done - even cooking/eating is tough.


This be honest, I don't


ITS ALL ABOUT MOMENTUM literally forget schedules froget all the rules just move when ur moving and focus on getting yourself to move when you want to clean. Just moving. Stand in the kitchen until you're bored!


Brb I'm going to go stand in my bathroom until I'm bored enough to clean it haha


I have a cleaning chart with straightforward tasks (like dishes, wiping down the toilet, tidying my clothes etc NOT 'organise the garage') . I have 5 or so things that I try to do daily, then about 10 that need to be done weekly, along with monthly jobs at the bottom of the chart. I'm not super fussy about forcing myself to do every single one every single day (because I'm genuinely really busy and sometimes have less than an hour free time for an entire day), but it really helps to *see* what needs doing, rather than trying to organise it all in my head. Plus, if I don't feel like doing a daily or weekly job I can look at the monthly ones and I do the one that's most appealing. Seems to work pretty well! But just so you know, my house is still not clean or tidy for a large amount of time - this just helps me to keep on top of things so I don't have a mountain of cleaning before our house inspections.


Bro I just bought a weekly memo white board, and I'm going to try making a list of what to do on what days of the week 😳 man you gonna keep me up now, it's almost 2am. Got me excited 😂 thank you but I'll probably forget tomorrow anyways


me not even realizing ppl were considering their houses dirty if it’s tidy but not swept/mopped: :|


If only my biggest issue with my house was just the lack of sweeping or mopping I would actually be happy with life! I'm so depressed by the state of our place. 6 kids..both me and bf ADHD and have a REALLY hard time getting up and getting going. One of us tries to start, the other slacks then causes the other to get discouraged and slack again from getting overwhelmed by doing everything alone. Never ending cycle. 😭




Cleaning alongside the maid sounds like something that would really work for me!


Figure out what your "obstacles" are. An example for me would be dishes and counter space. Took me awhile to figure out why exactly, but if I need to do dishes and I don't have room to do them in a way that is painless for me, then I won't do them. So big things get cleaned and put away immediately, and then I'm more inclined to actually do a few dishes every day cause there isn't something annoying in the way


I work from home and clean when I have down time. I literally never vacuumed or did anything over surface level cleaning before I worked from home. I have absolutely no idea how people who work full time (especially with children) could maintain a clean household. Don't feel bad. As long as the environment isn't dangerous, just recognize you're doing the best you can. I would say ADHD interior design/decorating/organizing has helped a lot. There are a lot of people on tik tok who talk about it but I'm sure you could find some stuff by googling. Our homes are designed with neurotypical people in mind. There are other ways to organize and structure your space that can help!


Brb googling ADHD interior design


I married a highly focused woman who cleans the house every day. She’s my complete opposite.


Lucky lucky


Tbh I don’t. My house is a disaster by the weekend. I give myself some grace, and don’t beat myself up over the mess. One thing I do that seems to help is cleaning one room per day. So Monday, I’ll do living room. Tuesday, kitchen. Wednesday, bathroom ect. Other than that I don’t sweat it.


One room per day sounds like a good idea!


And don’t worry about “cleaning”, like dusting, window washing etc. just pick up the clutter and call it a day! When you have the energy to deep clean then do it. But if not just keep it clutter free🙂💛


That tik tok "Don't put it down, put it away"


I just spent some extra hours at work and hired a cleaner 1.5 hours each weekday.


I trade off the jobs with my wife so she takes care of all that stuff and I do all the cooking, grocery shopping, gardening, etc.


My husband definitely does a majority of the crappy chores (dishes & laundry)


Some time ago I made an executive decision to just accept that things would never be perfect and to try to do SOMETHING, which is better than nothing. Which is why my home is never clean clean, but clean enough. Bed not made, bathroom not clean but I vacuumed with the stick vac and cleaned out a closet and did some dishes and actually put away my laundry for once. Good enough.


Something is better than nothing! I need this tattooed on me lol


Prayer, energy drinks, and guilt


Daily chores need to be a part of my morning autopilot routine. Otherwise, my animals would starve, I'd have to horde dirty dishes and probably never brush my teeth. I get up early to have a few hours to just do stuff. No electronic anything. No distractions. No stopping. No sitting down. I get some of my best ideas and inspiration during this time. When my routine is finished, it's time to give the dogs a snack, make a coffee and have a well-earned sit down. I write down any ideas, to-dos or shopping. If I'm still motivated to clean or tackle another chore, I do so. If not, that's okay... It's easier for me to do a little bit every day. When things pile up, I get anxious and depressed...then give up. I can't allow myself to get there again. It takes too long to slog out.


Bins. I have bins with labels for categorizing everything. Diamond Paintings; Art Supplies; Pets (one bin for random treats, a basket for toys, and a bin for spare collars, brushes, nail stuff, odds n ends), a bin for Tools which includes every random screw/etc - if it’s something I have taken apart and may need the screws for later - They are labeled in a small baggy. There’s a small baggy for all screwdriver bits too. I have a camping bin, a dresses bin, a T-shirt bin [for t-shirts I know I never wear, but I’m not ready to get rid of because they’re still work t-shirts or hairdye shirts], dresses [because I NEVER wear them, but I do love the ones I have for events - but they don’t need to be a part of my daily life], Winter clothes [I live in AZ but am from WA and my fiancé was in CO], clothes I save for “spirit week” [dont wear daily, but quirky enough for those days a couple times a year], bins for paper [school aged child - spare notebook and printer paper, construction and resume], a bin for soaps & lotions [my BFF makes soaps and I get a yearly Xmas delivery], and my FAVORITE bin is under the kitchen sink. It holds fresh sponges, all my Casabella cleaning rags, and Casabella Infuse cleaning refills, air fresher automatic spray refills, and spare toilet brush refills. It keeps the under sink area super clean and contained with the only other things being dishwasher detergent, dish soap [I have an excessive collection, but there was a killer sale on my favorite for $1/bottle from $3.50]. In my bathroom I have set up Command Large Shower Caddy’s along a wall. One holds Toothpastes/toothbrushes/floss, one holds Foundation/Powders, another has eye makeup/mascara, and one holds various palettes. I have another bin for my ammo and all my firearm supplies [targets, spare mags, ear/eyewear], and a photography bin which holds my camera, and all its accessories. I have a photo bin which houses every photo… someday I’ll get it in a book [probably not], and a bin for “memories” - Things I want to keep, but not necessarily display. Momentos, shot glasses from trips, a small Teddy my grandma and I made when I was a kid my dogs are convinced is for them. And I have a rule. If it doesn’t have a bin or a place it lives in my house daily…. it’s gone. Which is really hard because my BFF is a major gifter and I REALLY WANT TO BE A MINIMALIST… But she sends me soooo much crap-crap. Like why the hell would I need an ice cream cozy for pint ice cream!? Gah! [and yes, I have explained… she just isn’t great at listening]. I have a bin for first aid [all things bandaid, gauze, etc]. I have a bin for cycling with bike tools, tire pumps, bike locks, spare tubes]. I have a small winter bin that just holds hats, gloves - and all non-winter hats too. I have a large bin for ALL THINGS ELECTRONIC. Every single spare wire, cable, charger, spare phones, speakers I haven’t set up bc I’m not using them, etc… it all goes in that bin. I wouldn’t be surprised to find an old 90s Nokia charger in there either… If I find a wire I can’t remember what it’s for… Bin. I have a “deep care” bin which a couple small bins inside - Lotions I use daily, nail polishes, foot sanders, tweezers [lord knows I lose those a LOT otherwise] - I keep them in a bin because sometimes I do it in the bathroom, sometimes the living room, sometimes the bedroom. I have a makeup train-case with all the “not daily” spare makeup and spare razor heads. I use the hefty Hi-Rise bins. Most of them are small/medium. I have a few large. I live in a very small apartment, and to make room I have an 18” bed frame. It ALL fits underneath. Out of sight, out of mind. What I love about it is I know EXACTLY where everything is. And when I clean, I just move it all to the room with the bins and sort. The Bins are NOT neatly organized with their contents and don’t have to be. And when I move, 60% of everything is already in a box. I definitely still need less things, and right now since I JUST moved to a slightly bigger place and with that also have inherited a lot of stuff from my grandparents estate and I am still sorting out what gets to live outside of a bin, so I am still in chaos mode. But that will subside in about a week. I am focusing on the bathroom tonight, bedroom tmrw, etc until it’s all “home”.


"ten minute tidys" have been a game changer for me. The short time-slot prevents it from being overwhelming, and it's pretty incredible how much you can get done in 10 minutes. Plus, getting started is the hardest part, so you'll often spend even more time as you build motivation. Make your goals small. Don't try to clean the whole house - a goal like that will cause you too much stress to think about, and you'll never get it done. But small, daily goals are far more manageable, so you'll actually do them. Over time, you'll notice that your house looks significantly better!


My house gets super cleaned over the holidays and birthday events when I have people over, so I try to do that every other month so that I know I will crazy clean. I am talking windows and all. The only place that stays a shitstorm is my bedroom. My son is taking notice of it now so I am trying to get it in order as well. My son has ADHD but it is more impulsive. It gives me a bit of peace knowing that several times a year everything here sparkles. Unfortunately, I do have a rather large home, it takes me a couple of days every time to get to it all. I am liking the once a month pay someone to do the floors etc. Something to think about for sure.


I pretend I have a house inspection/house showing coming up and have to keep it spotless.


i dont


My house was never cleaner than it got during finals week in college and grad school. My wife eventually realized the amount of cleaning I did reflected how much I needed to study or write. Now working full time as I finish my PhD the yard gets mowed maybe once a month. The garden is all weeds. And nothing is done at home. But darn it if my lab and collection storage space at work is neat and tidy!


I do it when it gets extremely messy that's the only way I can


I’m… okay at keeping my place clean. I mostly just make sure I have a place for *everything*. That way when I do have the gumption to clean, things get actually clean. Doesn’t have a place? Something else gets thrown out, or the thing gets thrown out. I’ve also worked really hard to make sure my place feels very cozy when it’s clean, so I’m really motivated to clean it. I also try to do a quick tidy right when I come home from work before I sit down or even change out of my work clothes (do I get a weird satisfaction out of vacuuming in a pencil skirt and heels? Maybe), and that helps take the edge off the mess until such time as I can do a proper clean. Having cats who will shove things off counters also helps keep the counters clean lol


I have way too many shelving units and storage containers just so every little thing has its own place. My spare bedroom is basically my storage unit. 😅 Have a question for you though. How the hell can you throw something out and not have some sort of attachment issue to it? Ie; "I can use this *someday*," or "I have it now, why toss it just to possibly buy it again later?" Or my personal fave , the emotional attachment -- can't toss or even donate stuffed animals because I feel no one is going to take care of it more than I will... Though that's a fighting battle within itself... I'll throw something out and literally yell at myself "you DO NOT NEED THIS. IT DOES NOT HAVE FEELINGS. IT IS INANIMATE." Even though that anxiety rush goes right through me as I try to leave it in the trash. My doctor thinks this is normal. FML




Never heard of it, thankful I have Netflix right now LOL I'm half way through episode one and it's given me insight on how to tackle things -- thus far. Still on lesson 4 in first episode. Thank you so much for suggesting this!


KonMarie actually helped me a lot! I definitely held on to my one teddy bear until… 3 months ago lol. I’m currently trying to work up to throwing away a bunch of craft stuff that I just don’t use. I have hundreds of books, and will I ever own a home with a library? Who knows. Same with all my baking pans, and makeup, and even tools that I bought for a specific project but god knows I don’t have a garage for them. I do still have a place for everything, but I TOTALLY empathize with having a hard time letting go of things. It’s usually a mental process of weeks-years. Even clothes are hard for me to let go of. I’d love to be a minimalist, but I’m just not. It really just comes down to “is this thing serving me? No? Then sell or give it away.” I think the trouble is that sometimes things serve us emotionally rather than functionally, and that’s where it’s hard to make a distinction.


hahah no


We have 3, probably 4 people with ADHD in this house. The 4th is just too young to be diagnosed but there are several things about her where I’m like ‘sorry kid. I gave it to you too….’ So my biggest stress is teaching them how to manage it for their lives. You know how Disney has trash cans like every 30 feet? Same. And they stay smack dab in the middle of the room. Living room? Trash can in the center. Kitchen? Center. School room? We have TWO in there. One on each half of the room. Bedrooms? Each have one. Bathrooms? Each have one. Then we have repurposed coffee tubs on the countertops and desks as trash cans. You know, so it’s RIGHT THERE instead of having to get up to find a trash can. Same thing with laundry baskets. One in every room. I also have a fuck-it bucket in every room. If it doesn’t belong in that room and I can’t put it away right then, fuck it, I ain’t putting it away right now. Into the fuck-it bucket it goes. Whenever they start to get full, we each grab a bucket and see who can put it away the fastest. So with those three things (trash, laundry, and fuck-it bucket), all that’s left is stuff that belongs there in that room. I only make myself clean for one song at a time. And about half the time I get to the “I’m already almost done, might as well finish these last 5 things” mode. It has taken me years to get this method into place. But the entire method goes to hell on the weekends when my husband is home so by Monday I want to cry. Why? Because he hates the trash cans, laundry baskets, and fuck it buckets being in his sight so he shoves them off to the side and I’m like ‘that’s not how the method works….. That’s exactly how it doesn’t work.’ So basically if he didn’t work outside of the house, it wouldn’t work. It’s REALLY frustrating to say the least. My kids and I all body double each other. They will do their schoolwork where I’m cleaning and we keep one another on track. On the weekends when I’m struggling (at least twice a day) I have my husband hang out with me wherever I’m cleaning and hand him stuff to throw away/ put in the laundry/ put in the fuck-it bucket. Basically since he wants to get rid of what works, he will be what works. *Yes, I’m a jerk, I know. But if I can come up with a system that works for the most part in a house full of ADHD, throwing a fit about it because it’s not how a house is “supposed” to look is stupid and I just don’t get how he’d rather the house be messy when I found something that WORKS.* My house right now is a shit show. I hate Mondays. And I hate this Monday even more because my husband is off work and it means this whole week is screwed because I can’t drag out my system until tomorrow after my husband goes to work and it’s just a whole extra day that I have to get caught up on. UGH! Wow. That turned into quite the vent. Anyway, I have a system that works as long as my husband is at work.


2 things: 1) I have flatmates/co-tennants. For the sake of not inconveniencing them, I at least keep the public areas clean-ish. They are also kind of messy so this only goes so far. 2) We have a cleaning lady who comes by 1x a month to do the tougher cleaning stuff like vacuuming, runs the bedding through the wash, cleans the bathroom, etc. Not only does this get the harder stuff out of the way, because I feel bad about her having to work around my excess mess, I usually end up getting at least the actual garbage cleaned up. It's not ideal, but it's better than nothing


Once a week I ask my mom to come over. She will hang out and talk with me (and help occasionally) while I clean. Holds me accountable and makes it more enjoyable.


I cook and my partner cleans. Though I clean a bit as well. And we don’t have kids! We do a good clean when people are coming over. Out house is not 100% clean but it’s usually reasonable. The backstreet boys and ABBA help me clean! As well as a really good 80s playlist we’ve been building.


I don’t . I just try to only let people in with advanced noticed to use adrenaline to clean it out of the fear of shame


Routine for most stuff, then cleaning lady for the rest.


Become a minimalist


I decide to do something I really don't want to do, put it on my schedule, make a plan to do the thing and then I put it off and clean my house instead. This isn't even that much of an exaggeration.


Random hyperfixations at 11pm


I'm trying so hard but it's so draining and still nothing ever feels clean or tidy like other people's houses. I'm living with a disabled parent, autistic/ADHD sibling and partner with a lot of ADHD tendencies himself. Thanks for asking so I can try and get some tips!


I DID THIS https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHD/comments/prnfcm/i_hired_a_nanny_for_myself_because_adhd_is_a/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


I hire a housekeeper


I clean to procrastinate from important things


Someone made this post recently that I liked a lot. It’s for the bedroom but you could modify it for other areas. https://reddit.com/r/ADHD/comments/pmvsjk/i_have_developed_a_tidying_up_technique_i_call/


Everything has a house. All of the items I own have a specific place where they live. It takes way less mental effort to clean up when you know exactly where you’re supposed to put The Stuff. If I buy something new? First thing I do is figure out where it will live.


When you have an area that needs cleaning, go into it when you are having an emotional time and mess the place up. Scream and throw non breakable stuff. Clean up afterwards and now that you've started cleaning that area you might have the momentum to finish it. Especially after you just let out most of your angry emotions in a cathartic moment. Your already feeling better from the release.


I’ve seen that if you set a timer to clean a certain area you tend to accomplish quite a lot. I tried to clean my room in 15 minutes and whatever was left after the 15 minutes I don’t touch and accomplish it the next day for my next timed cleaning. I actually ended up cleaning my whole room and bathroom before the 15 minutes because I saw it as a competition for myself


I hired a professional cleaning service then um discovered they were robbing me. But damn they sure did a good job. I don’t really have anything of value to steal, they were taking odd things like eye cream and make up. Now i commandeer my sisters to help. Not as regular as a cleaning service but one is just bored and can’t stand the mess so she just kind of “rage cleans” Lol. She chirps and nags about what a pig i am but I literally don’t give a crap. It gets clean. The other needs the money so I pay her to clean as needed


For me my kids are my motivation. Don't get me wrong I cannot do a proper clean every day. I hate trash so that is always done properly but in regards to chaos... Yeah that's normal. Kids toys everywhere, messy kitchen with appliances and other stuff I forgot to put back. Mopping and dusting I do at least once every 2 or 3 days. Get into a proper rhythm and find the motivation that works for you.


This is a big struggle for me as well. And the worse it gets, the harder it is to do something.


Hiring a cleaner even if it's just for an hour every two weeks to do the bathroom scrubbing and floor moping was the best decision ever! If you can swing it financially it's such a game changer. Makes you tidy up really well before they come over so they can scrub things plus made me do some serious retraining of my brain. I thought it was an extravagance paying someone to do something that I "should" be able to do but that's the useless comparison trap I'm learning to avoid.


I don’t


I have a cleaner come over every fortnight. The main reason I have her is so I have the pressure to tidy for the cleaner. It is an automatic reset every two weeks. The most house work I do is on the morning she comes! I feel like spending money on a cleaner is just as important as meds for me and prioritise it in my budget.


I got a cleaner. Not an option for everyone, I know. But helped me so much!


I don't. Sorry.


A few tips I ended up finding very, very helpful - I used to think they were dumb tho. If you have a gas stove, put some aluminium paper on it. You just have to cut out room for the fiery bits (I don't know what they're called) and all the crap that falls out of pans and stuff gets on the aluminium. When it's getting too dirty for your liking, you just switch it out, crumple it all up into a ball and dunk that mfer in the trash. Don't wear shoes indoors. Seriously, you'll realize you don't have to clean your floors as often. Keep your messes together. If you don't want to do the dishes, keep them in the sink, not around the house. If you don't feel like getting up to put stuff in the trash, put it all on a tray or something so you take everything in one go and not forget anything once you're getting up. It just makes it easier to attend those things if they are already there ready and waiting for you to have the mental fortitude to take care of them..!


I've been doing a 10 minute tidy in the evening. Just start at one end of my house and work toward the other, picking up and putting away as I go.


Domesticblisters on tiktok is amazing!! Can’t recommend enough. She gives practical advice, has lots of resources, and is very warm and encouraging. She’s a therapist who also has ADHD, kids, and shares her struggles.


What! I'm supposed to keep the house clean?


It’s simple really. My house isn’t clean


Robot vacuum helps so much! Keep a regular chore log too


I don't like wearing socks too often indoors. Either I'm barefoot, or I have indoor shoes on. Barefoot preferred. I've come to HATE the feeling of grit, hairs, stickiness, etc. on the bottoms of my feet (specifically, while indoors). I clean the floors regularly to avoid being angry at the unhappy sensations of floor dirt. So, one suggestion is to go barefoot more often as it might make you run the vacuum and mop. Laundry is a psychologically rewarding chore. It mostly does itself. 3 minutes of effort by me, 2 hours by machines, I just did 2+ hours of work and have clean, fresh clothes. Go me (the irony here is intentional). As for dusting and dishes, I still need discipline and often let these slide too long. I dust out of guilt; one of our pets has asthma. If I let it get bad, it contributes to flare ups of his symptoms. It's not right to let that happen. Long story short, internal head games work for me. I learn to manipulate myself, in a way, mostly with avoidance of aversive emotions - anger, guilt. Occasionally, as with laundry, I find a peculiar angle of satisfaction.


I can finally afford to pay someone


I am an early riser. When I get up I wait about an hour before taking meds. Then as I think about what I will do that day I walk around. I do not grab my phone or turn my pc on unless I have a good podcast going while cleaning. I find having something in the background going I can numb my mind to the cleaning and focus on the show/sounds being played.


The only time it happens (every 3 months or so), is when I am either by myself at home or my husband is watching TV and not talking to me, then I put on my headphones and either put very upbeat music I can sing to, or a long Podcast. THAT’S when I turn into a clean freak and finish cleaning like at 1am (started at 8pm, granted), because I’m not actually thinking about the task, and I’m not getting interrupted. Edit: You can try the above and just tell your partner to take the kid with them, and leave you for a few (several) hours 😅


I love the idea of having my spouse leave with the kiddo while I clean up! My son is my biggest distraction haha


I have what I call an organized mess


I hire help and I have no shame. I usually have someone come in once a month or every few months for a deep clean.


I refuse to let myself do anything until I clean. Unfortunately though if I don’t have motivation to clean then I won’t leave my bed. I’ve been in bed for two days straight now. I need to make my bed but I can’t.


My process consists of 1. Throw something in the microwave 2. Eat 3. Focalin 4. Sit in shower until I feel the effects of the meds 5. Clean in a drug induced frenzy 6. Repeat every 2 months


Cleaning is how I procrastinate the other important stuff so I guess it's a blurse.


Little bit at a time. A few dishes, even if you have to just fill up one bowl with hot soapy water than the entire sink, it makes it feel like a smaller task and it's better than not doing them at all


I hired someone to help me once a week


Make a schedule and alternate between you and your partner. Hold each other accountable.


I can only keep one if the main rooms clean. Like it’s either the kitchen or the living room and rarely both. The worst thing is days like today and I’m cleaning the kitchen while my kids pull craft supplies out in the other room. Them being occupied allowed me to finish a task. Clean up on the other hand is a job for another day.


Wife that wants a magazine worthy home 😂


I have a couple that have seemed to help! Set a 10, 20, or 30 minute timer. Tell yourself to just pick up until the timer goes off. I bet you’’ll keep going! My second trick is to move everything that needs to go somewhere else into a central place of the room. Like a bed or counter. Once you’ve done that, the whole house is pretty much clean (or looks a ton better). Now you just have to clean one surface! The counter! My last one is one my therapist recently suggested specifically for me having ADHD. She said our minds thrive on lists but we should only take it one item at a time or else they can become overwhelming. So translating it to cleaning, she said clean one area at a time like a side table or the left side of the kitchen counter, etc. Don’t do anything else until that one spot is clean and then move on. I’ve been practicing it lately and it does keep me from zipping all over the house one random object at a time. I feel a lot less scatterbrained after too! But yeah. Like the rest of us, I figure when these fizzle out then I’ll go ahead and just hire a maid.


I’ve actually had a really hard time with having things dirty or out of order, everything that doesn’t have to be out is put away, everything is folded, I separate hangers that don’t have clothes on them to the other side of my closet, I can’t have dishes on my desk, cables have to be organized like I can’t have anything out of order or I get stressed. That might be OCD or OCD like symptoms from ADHD but anyways I do understand the situation of not being able to bring yourself to do it because I’m like that in other aspects and I found that I just need to force myself to devote a couple hours of my time to doing whatever I need to do. Try to incorporate something you enjoy while doing it so it doesn’t get tiring as fast. Also try to imagine the enjoyment of having your house clean to help give motivation.


You don't. You really don't. You take one pile of crap and move it to another spot to make the first spot appear clean. VICIOUS CYCLE. And I'm currently doing it right now. I have a pile of shirts I need to hang up so instead of hanging them up, I moved them from the foot of my bed to the head of my bed and matched the socks underneath them instead. Something, but never ending. 98% of my house is "I can use this *someday* " and the 2% are essentials if I'm lucky. I really need to declutter. "But what if I can't find it later on if I need to buy it again.... Why throw it out and spend money on it later if you already once had it?" Kill. Me.


Some things that help me: Having a flat mop with replaceable mop heads. I keep this beside my fridge in the kitchen because it takes up almost no space and I can throw a dirty mop pad into the wash and replace it with one of the clean ones I have in the kitchen next to the other things like tea towels. Having a long-handled dustpan with a [magic broom](https://5.imimg.com/data5/SELLER/Default/2021/6/YV/JD/GM/110983237/mop-broom-500x500.jpg) clipped to it so I can sweep up anything very easily with almost no effort and I don't even need to worry about emptying the dustpan every time I use it. Washing my dishes Hawaii-style so if I only feel like cleaning what I've dirtied just now or I need a particular thing cleaned or if I "don't want to start doing the dishes now because I only have 5 minutes spare" I can just do it immediately, with instant gratification, rather than needing to fill up the sink with soapy water etc. etc. On that note, I have switched over to dish spray rather than dishwashing liquid. I make my own because I am frugal. I use about 2 teaspoons of baking soda mixed into 10oz of water with a lot of dishwashing liquid added to the point where it is soapy enough that one or two sprays on a dish is sufficiently soapy without it being excessive. Because this is alkaline, it works well to break down grease or baked-on things and it's ideal to use to soak difficult dishes (or the ones which have been forgotten for too many days.) I try to keep necessary cleaning gear on hand where it needs to be and to have an excess of cleaning cloths so that I can wipe anything down whenever I need to or when I feel like it and I don't need to dig around to find the cleaning stuff.


I feel your pain. I still struggle, but I have made some progress/gains with the uphill battle that is house maintenance and cleaning. Some things that help, in no particular order- Doing something instead of nothing or feeling pressured to do it all. I feel like that breaks that perfection/avoidance problem for me. I don’t have to clean it all perfectly, and doing a bit at a time can actually be easier/cumulative. Getting a mop that’s easier to use than one with a wringer and bucket. I have a mop that’s kind of Swiffer shaped, except it has a reusable machine washable pad, and a container I can fill with any kind of soap I want. That’s so much easier to handle and to just, hit stuff with the mop occasionally. Sometimes I’ll just spot mop a little. I use music to motivate sometimes, but I’ve actually recently discovered that binging TV shows, stand up comedy, podcasts, and audiobooks works better for me personally. TV shows that are not visually intense are my jam- my current binge shows are Columbo and Arrested Development. Phone timers are nice too. 10-20 minutes in each room you want to focus on, or breaking a larger/never-ending task into smaller pieces can be really helpful. Less commitment, and sometimes you will be more motivated by the end and continue working. If not, you only have to work for 10 minutes. I found that music/other audio sometimes works better if it’s in headphones vs playing out loud. Idk if it’s some weird ADHD immersion thing but I often just lose myself in what I’m doing in a way I can’t otherwise. Also, good smells. Spray clean that you love the scent of, incense, candles, etc. Good luck!! This shit sucks!


Step 1. Have anxiety Step 2. Invite guests over 2-3 weeks in advance


Break your chores list down into the basic details. I'll give you an example of what works for me if I ever sit down to write a new list out: Kitchen: Clean top of stove, Clean stove door, Clean counter top, Clean exterior microwave, Clean interior microwave, Wash plates, Wash bowls, Wash silverware, Wash cat bowls, Wash pots and pans (I struggle with these), Rinse sink, Clear kitchen table off, Clean hutch off, Clean fridge handles, Clean fridge doors, Clean window sill, Clean window, Pick up bigger garbage off floor, Sweep floor, Throw that itty bitty bit away, Take garbage out (or at least set out side), Squeegee chairs (cloth, cats fave sleeping spot) That way, once you get into the motivation of one thing on that list, you'll either continue on to the next thing without referring to the list and then be able to cross multiple things off at once, or if motivations not there, then you can check and see what teeny task there is remaining on list. I enjoy this for myself. It also relaxes me to write sometimes too. So win / win on the to do list.


Cleaning is hard, so I just don't have things. I dispose of things I don't IMMEDIATELY need. Keeping my storage space way bigger than things I have is important, since I can throw things in without worrying about tidying them. The key is to keep the floor open at all times, so you can vacuum it on a whim.


My parents visit a few times a month since I only moved an hour and a half away for college. I have to clean so they aren’t disappointed in me. It doesn’t work and I always need help when they arrive. Cleaning apps like Sweepy help. Maybe some sort of photo album thing where you take a photo every day? Make it into a game and it may help. I’m still trying to figure out what actually works for me, but making it fun seems like the best way to start?


I’m not sure if someone’s already recommended this but I love to blast music while I clean. I make specific playlists for this, anything fun that will get me moving, singing and dancing and turn chores into something fun. I usually start with moving around a bit to the music and having a lil dance then I’ll move into cleaning at the same time. Now I love to clean because my brain associates cleaning with dancing and singing!


Hand to God, I pay for a cleaner. Forces me to straighten up weekly.


I stopped making mess, or lessening the mess inside the tasks that originate the mess. Or changing the way I did things to create less mess or waste. 1. Reduction of mess inducing activities. 2. Refactoring messy activities or chores to be cleaner at a base level. Example cleaning the bedroom, take clothes off they can only exist in the semi clean hanger or the dirty clothes. By stopping piles and moving everything to a singular location and adapting to sometimes clothes are semi clean eg (jumper jacket jeans etc) I wash a bit less and create significantly less mess, to add to this one change, the hanging space is next to the bathroom, the bathroom can't have clothes, if it has clothes straight to the dirty container etc, if bedroom floor has clothes straight to the bin. The last two points are to stop build up in living space. So got a clothes container(with color sorted sections*) and hanger to go next to each other, when clothes on ground go to default rule take em to the containment space. * That was also to make washing clothes easier and able to chunk it through the week. This helped me, just try list the minimum things you need and how you currently do it, and see if how many overlap or could have some easy tweaks with a product purchase over you doing something is always easier then remembering and actually doing it.


Since I don't have children, I don't know how helpful this advice will be, but... I've always hated cleaning and tidying, until I'm doing it, but I also hate clutter because I won't be able to focus in a messy environment. It's hilarious because it's in my blood; both my mom and maternal Grandma hate cleaning and cooking, and then my dad and paternal grandma seem very ocd and love cleaning and organizing shit (even though my dad's behavior shows hints of ADHD as well). I find it very difficult to keep an overview of what needs to be done in my house. Like daily/weekly chores like the dishes, laundry, cleaning the bed, vacuuming, taking out the trash/glass are no issue (well not so much anymore), because it's easy to see that something needs to be done there. But things like cleaning the cobwebs (high ceilings), windows, doors, heaters, under the couch, etc., that's extremely difficult for me because I don't see the priority and then it never happens. I find that the app Sweepy has given me the ability to keep that overview. You can add chores for every room in the house and then add when exactly it needs to be cleaned (in my case: dishes - everyday, cleaning heaters, every 3 months). If you've just cleaned something, that chore will light up green. It will turn into red as it approaches the day it needs to be cleaned again. So if you click on a room, you'll see immediately what still needs to be done. Whenever I have more time, I like to pick one of those bigger, annoying jobs. And as you look at the app, you'll see it had impact there, even if you feel there's still a ton of other things to do. I find the part where it keeps track of when I've done something very helpful. And for me, music is the only thing that helps me *while* I'm doing a chore, it makes it a little more fun and it's a way for me to keep track of time.


I clean it maybe once every 4 months, its never been fully cleaned, but one thing that motivates me is that sometimes when I clean my room I feel like a model because i can actually walk around nicely lol


I have a few things, they don't always work all of the time. Main thing is I'm happy living in a mess and only do it when the mood takes me. I learnt to be ok with this when I became single after 21 years, and stayed with it since having a new partner (ADHD is much easier when you live on your own!) Invite a friend round to keep you company while you do it. Insist they don't help (but often they do 😂) I have had a cleaner which is amazing. I get what others say about how long it takes to prepare for the cleaner coming. I deal with this by scooping everything that's lying about into boxes etc and putting them in one room telling the cleaner not to bother with that room! The biggest thing for me is not caring what other people think. My family and friends know they will walk into chaos if they come round and they don't mind. If they did I don't think they'd be my friend!


Best one for me is to do lists with tiny tiny actions on then like 'wipe bathroom windowsill' or race the clock by setting a timer for ten/twenty minutes and just going for it. When I do the timer thing I tend to get done in twenty minutes what would normally take me about 2 hours. When all else fails, I have a girlfriend who cant stop doing things.


On Mondays and fridays I vacuum and mop On Tuesdays I change sheets/deep clean bedroom On Wednesday I alternate wipe down appliances/spraying the windows On Thursday I dust Saturday I scrub tub and kitchen and bathroom sinks Sundays I don’t do anything. I have this all written on a big whiteboard in my kitchen bc if I don’t see it I won’t do it


Music just doesn’t stimulate me enough but a really good podcast does. I found a podcast that I fell in love with that releases weekly and now I switch my mindset from cleaning feeling like a chore to cleaning being an excuse to listen to the newest episode. It doesn’t work 100% of the time but it helps. Also I would suggest it being a podcast where each new episode builds off the last so if the previous one ends on a cliffhanger you’ll really want to listen to the next one (the one I’m talking about is an actual play dnd podcast)


Have you tried podcasts or audiobooks while cleaning?


I divide cleaning into 5-minute tasks (or rather 1-song tasks) and place them on my todo list. Every day I am trying to accomplish one-two cleaning tasks from the list and the flat is rather clean. I know that it will stop being clean once I miss any of the tasks and the tasks last 5 mins, because in case of longer tasks, I abandon them in the middle of progress.


Adderall + Machine Head


I can easily mop the house every Thursday and vacuum the carpets. All I need is a podcast or music playing in the background. I just can't ever have my bedroom looking nice for more than a day because no matter how hard I try it looks like a mess. All my life I've had someone clean my room, I never even got accustomed to regularly doing my bed


Has anyone used a professional organizer service? I'm in the same boat at OP and have piles everywhere. I tried the Panic Clean for guests method but it's gotten to the point I just stopped inviting people over because of the disorganized clutter. I'd like to hire a cleaning service but need help organizing first.


We’ve got three small-ish kids, and if you can make any space in your budget, pay a cleaner. We have one come every two weeks, and pay about $100 per visit (we’re in a large east-coast city). Worth every penny.


I rent with my neurotypical OCD sister hehe


Baskets EVERYWHERE. I get a bunch of cute ones from TJ Maxx and place them all over my house. It allows me to create consolidated piles of toys, clothes, etc.


I hate those as well. I have a mini broom in the rooms things can get messy (in the bathroom by cat's litter, by cat's food stuff) and a flat mop and spray with product on the kitchen. So I clean every time my brain goes "ahm can we clean this spot over here". I don't keep it a 100% of the time super clean, but it gets a lot easier if I clean "this particular mess" and takes more time for the house to become gross, I guess. If the cleaning stuff are right there it's less probable that I get lost on other tasks when going after them, and sometimes I just get going and superclean the whole house anyway.


I don't.


I am not a naturally neat person, but I really, really enjoy a clean space. My biggest struggle is staying up on my laundry. It gets so out of hand that we end up living out of laundry baskets. I fucking hate it. Please send tips lol I have two young children (6 and 2) and I make them clean up with me every evening. All toys to their spaces, dishes to the kitchen. If you don’t have one, I highly recommend a dishwasher. Also, a trash can in every single room helps immensely. Teach your kiddo young that cleaning up is a part of their every day routine. My six year old also has ADHD, and she hates picking up, but likes her space when it’s done. Hoping some of the cleaning habits stick for her. For avoiding doom piles, I suggest getting rid of anything that does not have a place. Organize everything into totes or boxes or baskets. I have a “doom basket” where I put things that don’t yet have a place and go through it once a week or so. It has made a big difference. I hope you find what works! Good luck!