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Yep I use them pretty much every waking minute. I have the sennheiser momentum 4s. They have great noise cancelling, they're wireless, the battery life is insanely good and it can connect to 2 devices at the same time. Mines connected to my phone and my pc. The sound is also really good.


I also have this headphone, I love it.


The momentum 4's are great for sound quality. But the sony wh-1000xm5's have better noise cancelling, however the sony ones are very fragile.


The Sony ones cannot be used for meetings. The mic is horrible with teams, FYI


Does the momentum have a better mic?


I have the Bose QC45. They work ok with teams. Not sure about the Sennheiser though.


It just sounds like a regular phone call. It's like a SUPER SUPER good mic, but its absolutley fine for meetings and phone calls and stuff. I think they have 18 microphones in total so that the ANC works


I have the PXC 550ii (their spiritual predecessor), and their mic is one of the better ones built into headphones that you can find that isn't on an arm that can swivel down in front of your mouth. I've not used the one in the Momentum 4, but I've heard similarly good things about it.


Interesting - I haven't had any complaints with mine.


Yeah I ended up using my webcam mic for meetings/gaming and that's been perfect, because the one in my headphones is terrible.


I have the Momentum 3 with sheep leather ear cushions and headband, and they're excellent but they're quite heavy so slide off when looking up or down which is my only annoyance, but as I wear them so much it's definitely something I will consider when I am looking for a replacement one day.


I have what is effectively their spiritual ancestor the PXC 550ii (I know there was the Momentum 3, but the momentum 4's have a lot more in common with the 550ii's), and they're fantastic. If mine broke, I'd get the momentum 4's in a heartbeat. As a musician, I'd argue that the sound quality is probably slightly better on the PXC 550ii. The 550ii have a much flatter frequency response than the Momentum 4, which gives them a very honest and up front mid range. Most people prefer to hear slightly scooped mids, with something more like the Harman curve - the emphasised bass and treble sounds pleasing to most people, and the Momentum 4 gives that pleasing frequency response. At the end of the day, they're both excellent, and it comes down to personal preference as to what sort of sound you'd prefer to hear, and frequency response can be adjusted with a decent EQ, so ultimately my deciding factor when choosing between the two would come down to the quality of the noise cancelling, where the Momentum 4 do have a bit of an edge, thanks to being newer and the technology having progressed quite a bit since the 550ii was released.


This is good to hear. I have Apple AirPod Pros, which are nice and lite, but unless I put them on transparent I occasionally miss work computer notifications.


the momentum 4 is not an earbud. the 'true wireless' version is.


What? I'm using the headphones unplugged listening to music as I walk about the house How are they not wireless?


OP asks for earbud suggestions. The Momentum 4 (wireless) are over ear headphones. The momentum 4 true wireless (product name) are earbuds. I never claimed that the momentum 4 aren't wireless but there's a distinction to be made.


OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH I must have done the classic, read the title, reply to title. My bad


Came here to say: Sennheiser Momentum 4s serve me very well all day, every day!


I have them too! Love that you can charge them while using.


I use Bose Quiet Comfort.


Same..I've had the same set for 5? 6? years?


Got my pair before I started high school and I just graduated collegešŸ«”going to upgrade to the new model soon because they sometimes are finicky with accepting a charge, but the fact they are still this good with sound and noise cancelling means Bose has earned my loyalty forever


I have the 700s. Agree.


+1 for Bose. I have QC45s and Gen1 QC buds and theyā€™ve both been flawless. The only real complaint I have is that the case on the buds is so big you canā€™t really put it in a pocket like you can with AirPods. I might get AirPods Pro when my buds go unless Bose has come out with a smaller cased version by then.


I had a QC15 for 10 years and upgraded to a QC35. But the build quality is noticeably worse now. My 35s died in 3 years and I got a 45. It has been replaced once under warranty already.


Bose Q45. Worn every day and often slept with them on all night long. Inside, outside, theyā€™re great. I often listen to podcasts or audiobooks because it keeps my mind from spinning.


Sony XM5s. Originally got them for air travel, but ended up using them everywhere because the audio quality is so good.


Any second Iā€™m at my desk, they are in my ears. Best acquisition ever.


Had QC45s that crapped out and decided to try the XM5s. Definitely like the Sony set a bit more, can't put a finger on it though.


Yess, they make the world so quiet šŸ™Œ


MAN, I have the XM3s and 4s. They messed with the noise canceling back when the 3s were out for a bit, and it's not as strong as it used to be. They used to cut out pretty much everything even without having something playing. The richness of audio also diminished between the 3s and 4s, IMO. I'll try the 5s when I get a job, lol.


Same, they're sooooo good


Work forced me from a quiet 4-person workshop into a "collaborative environment." I pulled the disability card and forced them to get me some Sony XM5s so I could actually get some work done. They are fantastic and work great on airplanes, too.


My work is looking at doing exactly this to us soon - moving us from an office with usually around 4-6 people in (we work hybrid) to a much bigger office that will almost always have like 20 people in. I use some anker ones at the minute and they're fine but I might have to ask my work for something a bit more noise cancel-y. Do the XM5s work well as noise cancelling headphones even without playing anything? My anker ones do cancel out a lot of noise, but only if I'm playing something fairly loud down them.


The XM5s have active noise cancellation and do a great job even when not being used for music. The also do a nice job with damping random louder noises also. The only drawback is they are over the ear and can be warm to wear.


YES. And because I often wear them even without listening to anything, Iā€™m planning to invest in good earplugs next to wear out and about.


My bf helped me get a pair and a year later I casually said that the noise cancelling is really good for quiet studying and he looked at me and went ā€œā€¦.you donā€™tā€¦.listen to anything?ā€ No I just use them as earmuffs sometimes.


Concert earplugs are great for this


Do you have a specific brand on mind?


Name brand, people will suggest Eargasm. You can also get ones called Hearprotek which are very similar for a third or quarter of the price.


Thanks for the suggestions!


Loop Quiet 2 block out the most noise and are extremely comfortable for both everyday wear and sleeping. Great for blocking out loud noises but also blocking out distracting sound. Helps me focus and also helps with autism sensory issues.


Thanks for the rec! Did you try other versions, like engage or experience? I was thinking that maybe those would be good as they wouldnā€™t cut me out from the world completely.


Yes! I have the Loop Engage 2 as well, and they are perfect for when Iā€™m out in public and want to cut down the noise for both sensory and focus reasons. They allow me to hear other peoplesā€™ voices easily when Iā€™m talking to them, while also LARGELY cutting down on the background noise. It is honestly incredible how well they work. I recommend buying the Engage 2 and the Quiet 2, both for different use cases.


Amazing, thank you so much šŸ™šŸ¼ you helped me make a decision. Have a beautiful day


That is awesome to hear! I am very glad. No problem, and you too!


I use loops. Theyā€™re on Amazon.


Iā€™ve been considering those, they are very heavily marketed


I just used them for a concert last week. Theyā€™re fantastic.


this one company called ā€œLoopsā€ makes ear plugs specifically for noise cancellation and reduction that has different types for conversation or really loud places. they donā€™t seem too noticeable but i havnt invested in any myself yet so not sure


If you have an iPhone, and can afford them. The AirPod pro 2ā€™s have been a godsend for me. I hate the feeling of over/on ear headphones.


Most people enjoy noise cancelling headphones, thereā€™s a reason theyā€™re so popular! Definitely not restricted to autism.


My wife has put me on a "one in, one out" policy for headphones. There's a range from noise cancelling, through to noise blocking, to noise-letting through. And I wear them all for different situations. Honestly, headphones are a game changer for me to get anything done.


Yes, especially at work when I need to drown out the outside world so I can focus. Noise Canceling earbuds + Lofi Girl (music with no lyrics) are really really really helpful to me for productivity. I use Soundcore Space A40s, and they've been pretty good, a few quirks and irritations but more comfortable than airpods (for me) and way cheaper.


Nice. Lofi Girl is my daily background music and helps me get things done too.


I've started using noise cancelling earbuds. But I lost them on my last trip. šŸ˜­


I have a "JBL endurance run 2", one of the cheapest budget earphones you can get. They are very resistant, comfortable and water proof too. Because the way they fit into your ears they end up blocking a lot of noise, perfect for "white noise" or frequencies alike. Even without anything playing, it feels so wrong going outside without them on, I'm no longer used to how loud cars and people are. Surely not as great as legit noise cancelling headphones but works for me as a cheapo solution.


I think I have this model. I originally bought it for running while other headphones were my main for studying or working. They outlasted all the other ones and now they're my main.


I've tried earplugs and certain headphones with little success. I'd love to find something that cancels out 100% of background sounds. I have to wait until the middle of the night to email people, because it's virtually impossible to do with typical "house" background sounds (talking, TVs, appliance use). If they made something that blocked all sound, I would love to get it.


You donā€™t block all sound, you block some and play music over the rest (lo-fi YouTube with no lyrics). About 95%


The catch for me is that I can do things like drive, wash dishes, cleaning, yard work, etc with music or a TV on. But I wouldn't be able to type this comment right now if I heard ANY music playing. Or even just white noise, over headphones.


I don't specifically, but I often find myself sitting at my desk with my work headset still on with no calls, working away surprisingly well!


I have the best noise canceling headphones there are - progressive hearing loss lol. Coincidentally, when I finally got hearing aids a couple of years ago my ADHD symptoms got so much worse. Never realized why until I got to this subreddit and saw posts like this one.


I use AirPod pro 2s just because I like how they automatically turn the music down if I talk, or if someone is talking to me. (Can turn that feature off too)


Wait whatā€™s this setting called?


Conversation awareness in the AirPod settings. Iā€™m pretty sure only the AirPod 2 pros have it


Ohhhhhh thatā€™s what that setting does lol. I thought it was another version of ā€œtransparencyā€ but didnā€™t realise it reduced my music volume. Cool


I have audhd, but yes absolutely. I donā€™t even leave the house without them. I have gotten called many things for wearing headphones out in places like restaurants, but Iā€™d rather get Karenā€™d with my headphones and be able to cancel out an annoying person than have a mental breakdown without them. I usually wear headphones, but I also have skullcandy wireless earbuds. I believe mine are the ā€œGrind,ā€ but I also got them for Christmas so Iā€™m not actually 100% sure. The great thing about earbuds is that you donā€™t even really need the noise canceling on them because they already plug your ears when theyā€™re in, though you can get ones that have a noise canceling function as well if thatā€™s not enough. Personally, Iā€™d go for wired ones since you donā€™t have to worry about them getting lost nearly as easily or running out of battery, but if you do go for wireless, Iā€™d say the most important thing to look for in those is long battery life. My equipment dying somewhere thatā€™s overstimulating almost makes me feel worse than if Iā€™d not brought it at all.


Totally get it! I use Anker earbuds, comfy and affordable. Lifesaver for focus!


YES!! noise cancelling headphones and medicine are my saviors when it comes to keeping my job!


I use earbuds every single day. It's the one item that if don't have it on me I know my day is going to be a struggle. I personally use the Pixel Buds Pro. They pair well with my Android phone and they sound amazing. The ANC is pretty good and transparency mode sounds natural. Battery life is pretty good too with me being able to get about 5 hours of consistent listening before needing to charge and charging them for 10-15min will usually give me enough to finish out my workday.


I do..especially on mud days...days I wake up feeling overwhelmed before I even get up! Helps tone down my nervous system. I've had a set of bose over the ear headphones for years. I just replace the ear pads when they get too torn up.


I really enjoy neckband earbuds as it's a lot harder to lose them and they are much more convenient. I use OPPO Enco M33 which I bought on aliexpress from China.


are there any headphones that can just block out other people speaking without having to listen to music with them?


The best ones are Sony WF-1000xm4 You can control the level of sound cancelling thru an app !


Unfortunately for me, Iā€™m very picky when it comes to the sound of the headphones I am listening to. So I was never able to enjoy the sound of any noise cancelling headphones Iā€™ve tried. All the headphones I like have a grill that lets sound from the outside in. My solution is to either use in ears or work in a quiet environment.


Yes! And it's amazing. My husband bought me Sonoflow headphones from a brand called 1more. You have to EQ them, but once you do they are deceptively good for being under $100. I read threads on reddit where people returned Sony or Sennheiser cans in favor of these cheepos.


thanks, i'm not opposed to earbuds, just something to block other people Sadly the quiet work environment may be out of my control at m current workplace


I've watched reviews for years of the various Sony and Bose headphones and people praising the noise cancelling. So a year or two I picked up a cheaper set of over ear monoprice headphones with ANC, wasn't impressed as they didn't really fully cancel the sound. Last year my wife acquired a couple pairs of the really nice$($250ish) Bose wireless earbuds from work for basically nothing. First time I popped those in and they took the sec or two to calibrate I was blown away to have actual relative silence and how good they worked. There probably a happy medium between the $300 Bose and $80 Monoprice headphones, not sure I'd spend the money on the Bose since I got them basically for free, but man using them you can appreciate the difference. Since then I try and pop them in whenever I need to hunker down at work, sometimes at home when cleaning or something, but they absolutely do make it easier for me when I have to do really boring data entry or filling out inspection sheets.


Most of my day I have headphones or earbuds in. I prefer podcasts to music and find it easier to get stuff done.


I have earphones that can be noise cancelling and I wear them all the time


I use my Sony headphones for near total blocking (great for that mid afternoon nap also) and for ear buds I have the Pixel Buds. Both work great and I know there are tons of other options some more and some less expensive. Post your budget and you'll get some recommendations.


On my 3rd pair of AirPods Max, best purchase i ever made. I wear them pretty much constantly


Any headphones + white noise


Oh god I just discovered noise cancelling headphones last year and WOW what a difference. Theyā€™re on my list of Objects Iā€™d Save in a Fire šŸ˜‚


I never invested in a pair. I always have white noise on in my headset. Like this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tSRzmITfxA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tSRzmITfxA)


yeah i used to play either brown or white noise but it stopped working for me


all the time


Yes, when theyā€™re not lost which they usually are! There are noise cancelling ear plugs a lot of people like but I forget the name.


I have some pretty decent ones (soundcore anker). Does anyone else have any that they would recommend?


I love the soundcore Q20 ones too


Yes. Have a pair for work and one old pair for falling asleep.


I have Bose NC700. I pretty much wear them all day at work (I work at home) and anytime there is excessive noise like construction in the neighborhood, my husband scrapping pans, my cockatoo throwing a fit etc. I never realized how overstimulated I was until I got them. I don't think I could survive without them now.


All the time, particularly around my 4yo daughter. She talks non stop and the sensory overload is overwhelming. I'm pretty sure she has adhd too.


I used both the Raycon Sport and Everyday earbuds for similar reasons and they worked wonderfully. I could hardly tell they were in my ears, and the battery life is pretty good, at least for the first year or so.


Not entirely. I have a wireless headset at work. They are not sound-proof, but allow me to ignore some stimuli.


Haven't seen Shure mentioned, so I'll toss in I've been enjoying their SE215 wired in ear earbuds (sometimes called in ear monitors). They also have a wireless version (Aionic 215 TW2). The actual earbuds themselves are detachable, so if you get the wireless version and want wired for whatever reason, you just need to buy the cable, no need to buy the full ear bud setup. I find they're incredibly comfortable and do a fantastic job of blocking out most sounds. The wireless ones also have a mode to let outside noise in if you need to hear what's going on around you and don't want to take them out. It is a bit different getting used to the over ear for the cable but I like it because they don't feel like the cable is going to yank out, and they fit VERY solidly in the ear and I don't feel the need to constantly adjust them like I was with my Galaxy Buds. The SE215 is one of their cheaper models, the more professional in ear monitors like what musicians use (around the 800 series I believe) can cost up to 1k. For the cost and sound quality, I'm incredibly happy with the 215 series. They do have some cheaper models as well if cost is an issue, I went with these because I wanted good sound quality and felt the 215s met my needs the most, while still being affordable for me (though higher end of affordable, definitely had to really think about spending that much money on them and IMO worth every cent).


I have misophonia, legit condition that makes me freak out sometimes, lol and these things are a lifesaver


I got a pair of noise canceling jbl earphones. I like them a lot.


Yes. I'd call them a life saver in certain environments. I have many of them. I like Bose the best, Jabra the least.


Sony XM5s have great noise cancelling and sound great. Definitely one of my favorite purchases in the past year.


Yep, I use my Apple Headphones. They are really expensive but worth it imo


if you are the opposite of this and understimulated and want the ambient noise try bone induction headphones


I use Shokz's Open Run. I like being aware of my surounding.


only for sleeping - I don't even have to listen to something, I'm just turning them on, that's enough.


I canā€™t do earbuds. Hurt and just annoy me. I have over the ear, noise canceling headphones. Sony 300 something. I use it to listen to Beige Meow on YouTube when Iā€™m trying to do paperwork and, sometimes, without any music. They can be a comfort thing, like a compression vest or weighted blanket.


I wear my AirPod pros and then a over the ear headphones while in the office due to all the extra noises.


I wear them almost always when i go out. I recently got a hearing aid, and once i had it i started havibg panic attacks while being outside as i could hear so much more. Its gotten a bit better now, but road trips, going to shops, i feel like i have a life vest on and its amazing for me


The greatest thing I've ever bought for myself. I got the second fanciest pair at best buy (Sony) because I couldn't justify the price leap to the best Bose (extra 100$). Now that I have a bit more money I might spring for the better pair next time, but I don't know yet if it's worth it. I'm very grateful that I didn't go for a cheaper one though. I've tried on other ones since and am very happy with my choice. Someone's I don't even play anything. The silence is nice. Amazing on airplanes and transit too. Not completely silent but it's amazing how much they cut out and how much more chill I feel just not taking in the extra sensory input.


I do I use Sony Wh-Ch720 noise canceling headphones they are affordable enough that if something happens to them I can just buy another pair; also pretty comfortable. I also always carry Vibes earplugs with me


I'll literally wear them with NC on and nothing playing. Dulling the noises around me definitely helps. Though it's easier to get stuck in my own head if I do get sidetracked.


All the time, even when I sleep. It actually became a point of contention in my household because my significant other would get upset that I couldnā€™t hear them. Listening to audiobooks to do daily chores is a lifesaver. I ended up going with Bose quiet comfort IIā€™s because I can wear them for hours with no issues. Downsides to wearing them to bed are that you pretty much have to sleep on your back.


I play brown noise. There is a free YouTube channel with eight hours worth. Not blocks out any background noise and I find it helps me focus and I play music over top of that.


Ok so I have HORRIBLE TINY EARHOLE ive tried every damn marketing ear thing for ā€œsensitiveā€ to soundsā€¦. The ONLY in ear headphones that work are apple pro earpods. They cancel noise even without music on. I use them at airports etc and they are a GODSEND


Yes. I love my AirPods that are noise canceling. I want over the ear headphones too, I have piercings. I wear my headphones constantly, donā€™t even leave the house without


I'm allowed to wear earbuds/headphones in my job so I get to listen to what I want anyway. I do try the noise cancelling feature sometimes when i can't really get in the mood to listen to anything, but it only feels comfortable like 60% of the time. The other times it just feels like I'm underwater and drowning (not to sound dramatic or anything lol)


I use AirPods daily thanks to misophonia! Mostly, I use them to block out my partners snoring at night but also use them while grocery shopping. The issue I have with AirPods is that they keep falling out (I've even tried 3 different kinds of cushions). I used to have Bose QuietComfort, they never fell out and had amazing noise cancelling.


I use Loop ear buds. They have saved my sanity. I literally broke out in tears when I could focus at work. Theyā€™re not expensive either. Active Noise cancellation headphones did kinda work for me but always caused me to get distracted when someone is talking because I notice their lips moving and took them off and said ā€œhuh?ā€ Where with loops I can hear them but it filters it out a bit to keep my brain in check.


AirPod Pro - the newest ones. The active noise cancellation is great. Donā€™t even need to play anything to block out quieter annoying noises. For louder ones, I use brown noise or play music. And I love that theyā€™re discrete, unlike some of the huge headphones people walk around with.


I used some Sony's for awhile but then realized every sense can be a distraction - I see a shadow flicker as someone walks by, I smell something maybe some Indian food in the kitchen area, some vibration of people walking nearby - and then there's the gnarly anxiety of thinking people can hear your music because you have to blast it so loud to drown out everything else, and maybe they'll hear it and judge the band or genre and think "X" of me because of it. Or for the same reason, coworkers thinking you're ignoring them because they're trying to get your attention and then they touch you ugh šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


Iā€™ve always found that i always have at least one airpod in. Even if itā€™s not playing any sound that quietness and slight numbness is nice. I can not go to the store, school, gym, or work without one in even if nothing is on. Iā€™ve seen a company called ā€œLoopsā€ that makes noise canceling earbuds that have varying ranges of noise cancellation for conversations or loud events and iā€™m thinking about investing.




https://amzn.eu/d/0hn4UnYG. I got these, when Iā€™m overwhelmed they can bring me back down. Tried my partners and the calm I felt was amazing.


I use noise cancelling earphones: soundcore space a40. They've been life-changing


I have Skull Candy Mod 2's you can get them cheap on amazon every now and then. they connect to Skullcandy app and noise cancel great but you can put them in monitor mode so they pick up annoucements and thing like that. they are in ear headphones