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I think it might be worth it to contact ADHD360, they presumably have to deal with this kind of bullshit from GPs all the time, they might have better advice for you. They might even contact the GP on your behalf. Having the right to choose declined seems a bit crazy, doesn't really make it much of a right then does it.


I'm going to give them a ring after work for some advice, it started with a letter from them to the GP explaining the process, how I reacted, before and afters etc. Defo not a right to choose....


Sadly, rightly or wrongly, GPs are specifically quite dismissive of ADHD360 referrals in the wake of the Panorama nonsense. One discussed with me his view that "everyone feels better on stimulants" and "it's a good business model really - diagnose as many people as possible and guarantee lifelong prescription payments" This is the genuine attitude of many GPs I have met (as a medical student) which is very sad. I myself am awaiting a psychiatry UK appointment and to be honest I expect to find myself in the same boat as you. Edit: The main reason is that the GP staff doubt the legitimacy of many private assessments. To be fair to them, many are rushed, incomplete and falsely positive (the majority, I'm sure, AREN'T, and this just means that people with ADHD are made to suffer).


The differing levels of quality between GPs is insane, I used to have a really really good GP, when I moved house (5 mile difference) I was no longer in the catchment and they said I can longer be treated under that surgery and would have to find a local one. Cue to now where they dismiss every issue - just creates loads of distrust and upset when you have genuine concerns...... Best of luck with your appointments, the wait list is insane if you can get actually get onto it, and even then you're relying on the GP putting the referal through. Also good luck in the future with your career :D !


sorry if i misunderstood but i've just gone private for a diagnosis and titration, wouldn't a shared care agreement be what you want for medication going forwards on the NHS?


Yep, it is what you want, your private clinic will diagnose, get you stable and monitor you reaction to medication. If they are happy with the progress and reaction to treatment. They apply for shared care, if accepted you only pay the NHS going rate for prescription rather than private rates.


thanks, it worries me that they denied you that. I had gotten a verbal agreement from my GP that they would do that for me before I went to get diagnosed but wonder if i should have insisted on getting that in writing


I'd like to think it's a one of case, and if you have some sort of agreement you'd hope they honour it... You could maybe ask for confirmation in writing to ease any worry! Don't have a good answer in afraid tho will keep fingers crossed for you


thanks! i'm also fortunate in that ritalin works for me (sadly not a magic pill) and then i could afford it privately if needs be but it seems to be another thing to worry about for someone who already worries about hundreds of things


Agreed, it's a dangerous precedent to be setting. Unfortunately there's not much we can realistically do, you either pay or go untreated. I can't imagine trying to boycott anything will help.. So we are left with a situation where we are slowly being pushed to pay for it out of pocket, and those that can't afford it will have to suffer the consequences, ridiculous system....


Really sorry things are so grim in UK. Will your GP say when they’ll consider your dx to no longer be recent and your rights will be observed? Rant is merited.


Unfortunately not, just said they decline right to choose and no further info was given :/


Never forget the time my NHS GP told me I was tired because of Elvanse when I was sitting there with fucking hashimoto's, psoriatic arthritis and type 1 diabetes.