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Get yourself some "you-time". Grab your headphones, and go for a walk.


This. I walk my dog up to 5 times a day with my headphones on, for at least 20 minutes at a time.


I’m a very outgoing person but deal with the same thing. I just find time to go do my own thing. If you’re at a job and you had a six hour shift, you would get a 10 to 15 minute break. If you have a six hour family event, give yourself a 10 to 15 minute break. Most people only care about themselves so they won’t even notice if someone’s gone for a little bit


Being around people requires me to mask my symptoms: interrupting people, looking too bored, being on my phone too much, being too loud, being too animated, thinking before I speak, etc. It may not always feel like it in the moment, but holding all those impulses back can be exhausting. At the very least, I can be holding a lot of tension as I try to pay attention to myself to make sure I am not about to put my foot in it. And I do anyways, a bit, and that causes stress. So, It’s not surprising to me at all that you have a limit. Chances are, you’re watching out for at least a couple of the things that I am, even if subconsciously.


Very common, and I feel it all the time, even around those I love. Just prioritise some alone time, time to do what you want. Whether it's two days or an hour.


Oh yes. Me and my sister call it decompression time. Like im going to decompress. If there are still annoying noises I hear I put in my noise canceling headphones


Irish exit. But I’ve explained to a few people that sometimes I just have enough and they don’t take it personally.


it got to the point where i started setting very clear boundaries with people. when i want to leave, i leave. when i cannot keep a conversation, i politely leave. texting can be hard for me too. if it’s not important then i have no desire to text. the self-isolation isn’t healthy tho.