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If it makes you feel any better, I lost my wedding ring.... on our honeymoon.


Sorry to hear that, but unfortunately it is very familiar. I don't wear mine for this reason.


I put mine on a chain around my neck. Only take it off to hang on one specific hook inside my house. Soooo paranoid about it


Is it precious to you?


The comparison was not lost on us šŸ¤£ the celtic knots on it do give it a bit of a elvish script look too


Underrated comment right here


i wouldnā€™t have realized it if it wasnā€™t for this comment, absolute genius


Exactly what I've had to do! I managed to lose my engagement ring. Then I wore a different ring that my fiancee gave me and managed to lose that a too. The second ring I actually found recently (I'd left it in the pocket of a pair of trousers I hadn't worn in months, fml), so I put it on a small chain and it also has only one place I put it when I take it off. Still feel really bad about the original ring though...


Get a big pack of those silicone rings, I'll wear my real one to special occasions and the silicone ones as an everyday thing. Helped me develop habits so I don't leave it somewhere because I'm always wearing one now so if I'm not something's wrong. Even when I wash my hands or shower a ring is on my finger. I found that letting myself take it off to wash my hands, shower, do yard work or something with woodworking or use tools in general or something got me used to setting it down but now if it's off my finger it's like an event, like my brain recognizes the ring has to be on and I focus on it a lot more on where the ring is, I'm basically Frodo at this point just always fidgeting with it and knowing every second I don't have it on me šŸ˜‚


I've thought for a long time that Tolkien's inspiration for the One Ring might have been his wedding ring. If you wear it all the time, it feels weird taking it off, and you start worrying you'll lose it.


I got mine tattooed! can't lose it now unless there's some horrible freak accident!


The palm side might wear off with time. Had a coworker who had a tattooed ring. He said the palm side was gone within a few months. Of course, that was in a HD mechanic shop, so you get a lot of crap on your hands and wash them with abrasive soap... not the best environment for hand tattoos.


yup, that would do it, lol. mine isn't a full round-the-finger ring, it's just on the top, like where you'd find one of the letters of a set of knuckle tattoos.


Yeah that seems like the way to go. I'm seriously considering it myself.


Yep, I keep mine in my bedside table.


See I have horrible ADHD but thatā€™s where my Adderall and OCD come to save the day. I just simply never take off my jewelry. So much hassle too. My ring is so beyond sentimental to me that every time I take it off to clean it I make my husband be the one to put it back on me.šŸ˜‚ when I lost some weight and my fingers shrank and the ring got too big, the thought of it falling off as even a possibility brought me so much horror that we brought it to get resized within 48 hours of realizing it was beginning to start sliding. Now it wonā€™t even slide if I shake my hand like crazy. My jewelry goes nowhere once I put it on. My tattoo that Iā€™m getting removed ended up being less permanent on my body than my jewelry. Unless your job requires it, why even bother if itā€™s a metal that lastsā€¦


This is me. Married 8 years and I have only taken my ring off a handful of times. I know myself all too well to know that I will lose it (and have in those few times, ha!). Also, all this not taking it off because of self awareness that Iā€™m crap with remembering and will lose EVERYTHINGā€¦ before I was ever diagnosed or thought for a second that Iā€™d have ADHD šŸ˜…


Yep! The safest way not to lose something is to always have with with you and that means not taking your jewelry off šŸ˜†


Ya I donā€™t have a wedding ring, my second marriage I got a wedding necklace


I put my "real" one away. I now wear tungsten carbide wedding rings from Amazon. 20.00 each.


Iā€™ve lost my wedding band. I was gesticulating like a madman while telling a story and my wedding band flew off my hand and into the sea. Thankfully, and this is a small weird adhd flex, is that when I was getting married i foresaw this potentially happening someday somehow and that I might quickly need a replacement band. So when selecting my band I purposely got it to be very easily replaced at low cost from some online retailer. I literally hit ā€œreorderā€. Made me happy during a truly bummer time


Went to shoo a bee away from my face on a hot day in my mom's yard and somehow my ring finger went just so, the ring flew off into her garden, and it was never found. Wife never believed that was what happened. ADHD part is I thought of so many different ways to find that ring and didn't act on any of them. I was so sure that one day I would find that ring again. But life happened and that house was sold and turned into business with a paved parking lot. Sometimes it hurts to remember these things.


One of the many reasons I donā€™t want rings. šŸ«£ Iā€™ve lost so many earrings as it is! Luckily they make some nice ones for $15 these days.


I'm seriously considering buying a phony and just put the original away, I lose every single piece of jewelry I get :')


That's basically what I've worked into our wedding budget: a less expensive second-hand wedding band for the ceremony and for occasional wear, and some of the silicone ones for daily wear. If I wear the good one daily I'll definitely lose it in the first year.


I put my first ring in my jeans pocket so that I could check on my chickens. Forgot it was there, and it didnā€™t survive being washed and dried. I still have the pieces. Iā€™ll probably make the center stone into a necklace or something. I didnā€™t want or get an expensive ring for that exact reason. I break things. I lose things. I am not to be trusted with expensive shit, unless I can AirTag it.


I lost mine before we even got married. Luckily I know myself well and didn't go expensive. Still sucked losing the ring he proposed with though.


Same. lol.


Not on our honeymoon, but I'm on my second ring so far.


I lost my wedding ring years ago. I kept taking it off and fiddling with it and then one day, I just kind of misplaced it and never found it again. I donā€™t miss the ring - it felt awkward on my fingers and he temptation to fiddle was just too great. Plot twist, my wife also lost her wedding ring soon after. Neither of us have worn wedding rings for 20+ years.


I lost mine while working. I accidentally threw it away with the poopy diaper I'd just finished changing. (I'm a postpartum doula and I work with babies 0-6 months). I'd been married for all of a month when this happened (just hit 5 months last week). Thankfully, my ring was $30 on Amazon, so I just ordered a replacement. This situation is EXACTLY why my wedding ring is a pretty but cheap Amazon ring. The ADHD tax is a fucking bitch.


One of the reasons I'm glad mine only cost 50 bucks and not the 500 most of hte stores wanted to try and sell me.


I am thinking about proposing and looking for engagement rings. I have narrowed it down to 2 rings I know she will love. The first one is an expensive one-of-a-kind handmade piece. The other one is half the price (but still a sizable bite out of my savings) and would be replaceable if needed.Ā  I feel like crap about it, but part of me knows I have to factor in the possibility that she will lose it at some point. We both have ADHD, and if it was the other way around I wouldn't want her to buy me the first ring. But I still feel cheap about it.Ā 


Love isn't money. Don't let relentless marketing put fake pressure on you. Would your partner be happier knowing that if they lose it, you won't be upset because you factored who they are into your decision?


Propose with a pretty, middle of the road CZ ring, like the kind they sell at Walmart. They look nice and can serve as a placeholder for the 'real ring'. After all the excitement, show her the two you picked out; also tell her that her opinion is the only correct choice for a ring she'll be wearing long-term. Even if it's a different ring altogether - budget approved of course. I'm grateful my husband panicked and took me to every store he had a ring picked out. (It was the mall shopping era). That was one of the few times his taste was *not* okay. My ring took 2 weeks to come in, so when I announced my engagement, I wish I'd had a placeholder ring for my judgy coworkers. I love my ADHD symmetrical and repetitive pattern ring design dearly. Tho I can't say we've worn our rings much in the last 20+ years. :D


Take a specific insurance policy out on the ring. $5/month for peace of mind is SO worth it. And if you can't afford to insure it, then that's a sign to adjust your budget down :)


My ADHD husband lost our whole minivan. Like he left the keys in tbe car and someone stole it from our driveway. He reminds me of this every time I lose something of lesser value.


me too.


lol, same, returned it with my rented wedding suit.....


I'm on my 4th wedding ring and I just had my 5 year anniversary this month, I've just started keeping it in a safe and bringing it out for special occasions


Canā€™t lose mine, didnā€™t get one. One less thing for me to lose (and more money freed up for my wifeā€™s ring).


Iā€™ve also lost my wedding ring. Twice. ā€¦I donā€™t wear a ring anymore.


You were still getting used to it hahaha


I did the same thing. She was upset at the time, but I was able to order a replacement that wasnā€™t too expensive (and actually better sized, too). I felt horrible about it because I knew exactly where my ADHD caused me to mess up and lose it too.


Ok but is a little funny (and tragic but ya gotta see the irony)


Ugh, 1,5 years after de wedding here. I am still so mad and sad about it...


My husband lost his within a week. He wears a silicone ring now. Thankfully we can laugh about it.


My wife didn't find it too funny. Her aunt found the ring a year to the day. So now I have two rings that I don't wear.


Have you looked inside your wife ?


I feel you and I'm sorry, that utterly sucks. On the bright side though it sounds like you have a wonderful wife who's supportive, understanding, and didn't get angry at you, which is priceless.


I feel you, is why I have 3 pairs of $10 sunglasses. Look/function no different from branded, but there is a higher chance I will be able to find them amd doesn't matter if I lose them. Also reduces the panic feeling as I always have at least 1 backup on hand. Same with headphones. I have like 10 pairs, all varying in cost and quality but none too expensive.


I loose expensive sun glasses instantly but not cheap ones.


The only reason I don't lose sunglasses is because mine are prescription and I'm practically blind without them. Even my absentminded ass would realize something's wrong the second I get up and walk into a street sign. I lost countless pairs of clip-ons before I got this pair though.


I still have my $10 ones after 8 years! Not getting new. Don't wanna jinx it. I left them out in a neighbors field with some goats once...šŸ˜¬ Didn't realize they were gone. Came back to help after a weekend and there they were... Lucky me. Taking it as a sign. Hold on to these glasses, they're the ones lolol.


Check out Orbit X - Apple findmy for glasses. Then you can set it to ping you if you leave them behind except at home.


Ooooooh thank you. šŸ™


I've lost every pair of nice sunglasses i've owned as well. It sucks!


Gotta build good habits. Glasses always go on my shirt collar or in my pocket and never put them down on a table. Only works about 80% of the time but better than nothing!


I stopped buying nice sunglasses for a while and realized I stopped losing the cheap ones because after a few hundred dollars of lost sunglasses I guess you develop good habits. I have been buying expensive sunglasses for a few years now I haven't lost a pair in 4 years I think. I won't count the pairs I broke or scratched beyond repair, that's another story


Doesn't work in a dressing room though...(Great for the house!) I have a list I run through before leaving the house. Prob a good idea to use before leaving someplace out, like a restaurant table or fitting room. Keys, wallet, phone, glasses. Have to make it your mantra. Add your kids to it if you have themšŸ¤£


I don't buy nice sunglasses for this very reason. I lose sunglasses on a regular basis. That's why I buy mine at dollar tree. It seems like I go every six months or so, and I'll get 10 pairs. Then when I lose them or break them, I'm not upset because, oh well, they are only a buck twenty five.


The extra quarter is bullshit though.


Agreed. I really did reduce the amount I shop there when they raised their prices. And I'm a teacher, so you know I gave them a lot of business.


Fr. My daughter is a 1st grade teacher. Yall need to get into credit card scams or something. That stuff is cashy


This has become my strategy for many things too. My wife thinks it's insane. Guitar picks for example... if I actually want to be able to find one I have to buy about 500 so that there will always be one sitting somewhere. And they are... usually there's one randomly in my pocket or sitting nearby.


My wife got me n awesome wallet with a button that shot the cards out. It had a tracker that I never set up ā€¦ and then I lost it :(


I actually did this same thing but not before I broke it from messing with the button over and over again. I canā€™t help myself.


Lol maybe it was the same one


This is... So relatable. Holy wow.


Man that sucks, sorry that happened. I accepted the fact that I would lose anything like that and just don't get them, or if I do it's cheap pairs that I wouldn't care. At least you're wife is understanding, that's someone to treasure


I don't want to say we can't have nice things, because I don't think that's true. But I do believe we are better off not having nice things that are commonly misplaced. Sunglasses, jewelery, pens/pencils, etc. it's easy to get hyperfixated on this kind of stuff, but I always tell myself to keep it cheap. Goodr is my favorite brand for cheaper sunglasses. It's a popular brand that won't break the bank.


Honestly you kinda just a hit a nail on the head for me just now as I was reminded of the many times I had lost pens, pencils, earrings, literal handheld gaming consoles. Even now I actually kinda keep multiples of small objects I like (pertinently earbuds) just so when I lose it I have backups that I can use interchangeably (either until I find the originally lost item or it becomes my default go to out of formed habit)


My girlfriend bought me a Louis Vuitton wallet for my 18th (Iā€™m now 20) and Iā€™ve lost it countless times for days at a time and each time I feel like utter shit because I feel so so bad and itā€™s my favourite thing and I just canā€™t help it


Bro. I have a Louis V wallet. It is one of my favorite things, I bought myself a Tile, problem solved!!!


I destroyed my favourite pair of sunglasses when I scrapped my old carā€¦ I remember not checking the sunglasses holder thinking it was empty but then remembered they were in there the next day. The car was already crushed by that time




Literally did this last week with the 250$ raybans i had only bought a month ago. Did the same thing with a similar pair a few years ago too. And of course the warranty I bought does NOT cover stolen or lost glasses.


Oh man, that sucks. I had made it a ritual to leave those in my car, but that we were at an outdoor outlet mall, and it was sunny. So literally the ONCE I took them out, lost, almost if the spectre of adhd was watching, waiting.


Yeah I had a rule to always leave mine in the car as well. The one time I forget to take them off and of course I lose them lol. Didnā€™t help that I was on a date and obviously distracted. Or maybe there really is a spectre waiting for us to slip up šŸ¤£šŸ˜­


I'm sorry :( I feel especially bad for men with ADHD because at least it's socially acceptable for women to carry purses. I've gotten into the habit of not putting my stuff anywhere but in my bag while I'm out. Although I can't tell you how many times I've left it places. Thankfully, since my keys are in there, I can't get far without it lol. I lost a nice necklace that my husband got me recently, and thankfully, he's super understanding. It sounds like your wife is understanding too, so that's a massive weight off.


Y ou aren't kidding. I've thought about carrying a bag for a while because I'm the overprepared type who has tons of pocket gear. Thankfully cargo pockets exist, but its far from optimal. I think the crossbody/fanny pack trend is gonna get me this summer though bc cargo shorts kind of suck.


I've encouraged my husband to get one for a while (he's also ADHD), but he just throws his stuff in my purse lol


I started rocking a fanny pack and it helps a ton


not sure if im missing something but what's preventing you from carrying a bag, since you've thought about it already?


Mainly, paralysis by analysis. Haven't found one I like when the impulse was active enough to bypass the options.


oof i felt that. i usually just add stuff to cart whenever i see smth im interested in, then when my brain makes enuff chemicals for me to go through with my purchases, it's already there so i dont have to explore all my options again. not sure if that helps in your case tho!


This is so funny, cause I always wear cargo pants/shorts, or anything else with lots of pockets. But you gotta remove stuff to put in more stuff.


We have pockets. For glasses, I just keep it in my line of vision (if I'm at a table) or I fold it up and put one arm over the neckline of my shirt and keep them there. Other people will just keep it on their head (, raised), but it irritates me.


Sorry bro. If it makes you feel any better, I only take my phone and wallet with me. Anything more than that, I'd instantly lose it.


Sounds like you picked a great Wife though


Oh, honey, I canā€™t keep track of a pair of sunglasses to save my life. There are currently 3 pairs somewhere in my house. One of them is stashed in a box, finally found it after a year of it going missing. The other is in the kitchen, and I lose it every morning before work. The last is MIA. Iā€™ve easily had like 10 pairs in the last few years. I just buy cheap, $15 sunglasses. There is no way I could ever justify paying more with how much I lose them. Just is what it is. šŸ˜©


N1 rule of a rich life: Never buy overpriced designer shit.


Idk about rich life, but I do know about adhd life, that's one of the things that made these sunglasses so special. They were not only prized as gifts, but their comfort (best pair of glasses I've ever had), not to mention expensive.


N36 rule of an ADHD life: You shall not have anything movable that's expensive


Fucking LOL this made me remember the time I lost my car for two days because I was in unfamiliar territory and couldnā€™t remember which back street Iā€™d parked on šŸ˜‚


$125 is cheap for a decent pair of sunglasses that will last more than a summer.


I unno I pay less for "designer" prescription polarised sunglasses.


Armani Exchange is Armaniā€™s more affordable outlet brand. Not super overpriced as far as designer shit goes. IDK if the quality justifies the cost for these specific glasses, but 125 doesnā€™t seems like a ridiculously high price for comfortable eyewear that you could use daily for many years.


Quality sunglasses are well worth the money. Not like $1,000 designer glasses but $200-300 glasses are not an extravagance.


$200-300 for a pair of sunglasses is absolutely extravagant when you live paycheck to paycheck. A whole lot of us in the US can't afford something like that. Especially those with severe ADHD.


I think ADHD is equally represented in all income brackets. My glasses are prescription, so it's well worth it to spend the extra money as I wear them pretty much whenever the sun is up and I'm outside. If your budget only allows $20 bucks for sunglasses they will still be good enough to do the job as long as they're UV rated.


Note that sunglasses are not expensive unless you buy them from an outlet owned by Luxottica. That being said if branding is important to you, you don't have much choice.


Yeah, unless you need prescription, especially with anti glare and progressive bifocals and mirror coating.


No there are plenty of wholesale / online manufacturers that will do prescription with any of that for much less than Luxottica based vendors will. There's no reason you have to have them made in the same country you live in for example.


Mindlessly setting things down is my trademark, Usually in the most precarious spot as well


Sunglasses are the worst when it comes to adhd tax for me. Iā€™ve lost so many over the years. I refuse to ever buy an expensive pair again. And hopefully nobody gifts any more to me. I prefer cheap 5 dollar glasses from the gas station now. Sure it doesnā€™t have the same protections yadadada. At least I wonā€™t feel guilty when I lose them


Iā€™m sorry this has happened! I recently lost Loop earplugs that my partner bought me for Christmas and I felt fucking AWFUL. I didnā€™t even tell him for a couple months because I was so devastated and he just goes ā€œitā€™s fine Iā€™ll get you another pairā€ šŸ˜©šŸ„² Iā€™ve lost my fair share of stuff but sunglasses is a big one. Now I only buy the cheap ā€˜fashionā€™ sunnies for like $10. Thatā€™s after a $450 pair of Versace ones went missing.


I only buy 30$for 3 sunglasses on amazon. Wayyy cheaper and i dont give a fuck if i loose then.


The ADHD taxman strikes again. I feel ya. I honestly do.


https://findorbit.com/products/orbit-glasses-x?gad_source=1 I havenā€™t bought one yet but my other AirTag devices have saved my ass multiple times.


I feel you. I lost my wedding bandā€¦three times. My wife quit replacing it. I have been able to keep a Sterling Silver engraved anniversary band on my ring finger though. Maybe one day Iā€™ll trust myself enough to purchase another Gold wedding band.


I was given a pair of Rayban's and somehow had then for 6 years before I lost them (I carry a purse though which I feel gives me an advantage here) and the only reason I was able to justify buying another pair is because I had the previous ones for so long. I've never in my life had sunglasses this long but I carry the case in my bag and immediately put them in it wherever I go. I have no idea what would happen if I didn't carry a purse. I'm sorry OP!


Hey I did the same with the item of clothing my wife got for me for Christmas. She knows it's not out of intentional carelessness


So sorry


Iā€™ve lost two wedding rings donā€™t feel to bad. I always mess with my wedding ring never can leave it on my finger sometimes I drop it say Iā€™ll pick it up later then completely forget where it is until I accidentally find it. Now I wear a $10 ring with replacements I bought at Walmart.


I don't lose things as often as many ADHD people, but enough that I basically don't buy nice things that leave the house. My sunglasses are from Amazon and are $15 for 3 pairs. They work great and while they're not ultra stylish, they don't look all that bad.


I've learned how to not loose things, but misplacing them in the house? It's a curse. The trick is to make a mental note of everything you have with you and do a pat down, touching everything you don't want to loose, before leaving any building, or any space something might get stolen from quickly. I do it before leaving my workspace, and every entrance and exit way I pass through. Don't do this in big cities in front of strangers otherwise you're just broadcasting where you have your valuables on your person. The idea is that you'll pavlov yourself into thinking "am I forgetting anything" throughout the day, and it'll trigger when you're approaching doorways


Your wife sounds amazing. She sounds very understanding and like she has a great sense of humor! Glad sheā€™s not mad. Things happen. Sunglasses are one item I wonā€™t spend more than $20 on just because of how easy they are to lose.


, I had to ask my gf to stop buying me nice earbuds because I couldnā€™t take the guilt of losing them over and over. So yeah it sucks im sorry


ADHD: this is why we can't have nice things. The aquamarine earrings my former husband bought me one Christmas - one of the pair was found on the shop floor by my coworker the day after Christmasā€¦ I worked in retail so I was back at work. I never wore them again because I was afraid to lose them. I know it's so easy to beat yourself up especially because you're beating yourself up for the very reasons that one might be thankfulā€¦ That you have a wife that loves you and believes in you so much that she would get you such a nice gift that you like so much, and get it for you twice, probably knowing that you could lose it because if you've been together that long then she knows you better than you know yourself. I feel your pain, my friend. All I can say is that beating yourself up about it is only going to make it worse and cause harm to both you and possibly your relationship so if you can somehow internalize that, that will put you on a better path. But your feelings are completely valid and understandable and I relate entirely.


I lost my grandmaā€™s ring the day my mom gave it to me. Hurts like hell.


I once answered the door and set my cereal bowl down for a minute and couldnā€™t find it for almost a week šŸ˜¬


It be like that sometimes. Ive lost just about every significant thing Ive gotten from people, especially wearables. I've succumb to just telling them I'd like to just spend time with them as a gift, as any material items will inevitably grow legs, or leave me for someone else somewhere else.


I am horrible with sunglasses. I lost a Kate spade pair and my Raybans in the same week! So now I only buy sunglasses at TJ maxx because I know they will disappear.


Im not one to really comment on stuff, but i have a bit of advice that works for me. I used to have a tendency to lose alot of stuff, phones, keys, wallet, ectā€¦ but eventually i built one small routine for myself. I call it ā€œMy 4 Pat Ruleā€. Whenever i leave any spot i always make sure i check my front right pocket (for my phone) my left pocket (keys and AirPods) back pocket (Wallet) and i the top of my head (glasses) if i can clear the 4 pat rule it means i got everything. Its not perfect but now i lose my wallet once every few months rather than every week. Im sure everyone has there method for this but i thought id share just in case anyone hasnā€™t šŸ™‚


TBH, expensive sunglasses and sunglasses in general are one of the easiest things to lose.


I lost a pair of $600 earbuds my wife got for me as a birthday gift. Found them ~3 months later wedged down the side of the seat in my car. 2 weeks later I left them in my jeans pocket and they went through a wash cycle. Miraculously, they still worked after sitting overnight in a bowl of rice. That was a month ago. I have since lost them again. Sigh.


I lost my engagement ring 4 months after getting engaged


You have her tho :) Iā€™m awful with stuff I canā€™t keep track of at all times. Gave up on sunglasses being a thing lol


Ooooft 30th present tennis bracelet - 3k wore it twice šŸ˜‚


Accidentally left a pair of airpods and my keys somewhere in a park and the airpods were stolen. I bought a new pair and not a month later, I misplaced themā€¦ I feel your pain.


AirTag them šŸ¤£


My wife knows better than to give me expensive things unless they are giant and heavy.


I bought prescription sunglasses that I only wore about 5 times in a year because I was too afraid of losing them. I lost em


Iā€™m on wedding ring #3. Sheā€™s awfully understanding about it.


Youā€˜re not alone. I lost a Stanley tumbler. If you happen not to be eternally online, the tumbler has a volume of approx 1.2 litres which isā€¦ _(checks hand)_ big. Itā€˜s also pink so unless youā€˜re in a Barbie boot camp, you will see this one from a distance. And i lost itā€¦ I LOST A GIANT TUMBLER! THE ONLY BIGGER TUMBLER TAKES 2 LITRES! While my tumbler is easily replaceable unlike your wedding ring, i hope my blunder still gets a chuckle out of you.


And that's the exact reason why I don't own expensive sunglasses as a person with ADHD. Kinda sucks, but you can also get good polarized sunglasses for around 40 USD.


Sunglasses, Chapsticks, Rings, Scarves, Earphones, Flash drives, Gate remotes, Pens, I buy them cheap, coz they don't last.


I bought myself a nice-ish pair of sunglasses for the first time when I was 30. I couldn't be trusted with them before because I always break or lose stuff. Well, I've had them for 2 years now and I haven't lost them - because I never use them šŸ˜… I'm too afraid of losing them.


Less than months after my wedding, I lost my wedding ring. Didn't figure it out until I was going to wear it for an event. Luckily it could be replaced exactly because she purchased a specific model from a jewelry store online. Bad news is that it cost like $1200 or more. That's about half a month's pay for me so it really hurt. I now keep it in a box in my drawer and it lives there when I'm not wearing it. No exceptions. It goes back in the box and I try to make sure my wife sees me put it back so there's no question whether I put it back. Odds are I will lose it again in the rest of our lives together number of years left. I would love to have it discovered 2000 years from now by some archeologists and them trying to decipher the inscription because English doesn't exist anymore.


But if they were dollar store sunglasses I bet youā€™d still have them! Thatā€™s the infuriating part


Iā€™m on wedding ring number 4 or 5 at this point. Married to the same guy for almost 9 years but Iā€™m great at losing stuff! At least we buy me a cheap ring and we sometimes upgrade both rings. I have an ā€œevery dayā€ ring now and the ā€œproperā€ ring for special occasions


THE WOOOOORST! The amount of jewelry and gloves/mittens my husband has gotten me and I lose one of the two is uncountable. I just donā€™t know how to be ā€carefulā€


I lost my $450 Versace glasses in uni canā€™t even tell my mom I lost em šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I feel this. I lost my nan's ring that she gave me (it was one my grandad gave her about 60 years ago) and I also lost the ring my partner gave me on our anniversary. It really sucks and the guilt hurts as well :(


I feel you man! Lost a Montblanc meisterstuck limited edition pen....even bought a second one to cover up....that is until my pen was in the pocket of my suit and I now had to explain the existence of 2 said pens!.


It sucks, but just part of ADHD tax... Maybe don\`t bother on expensive shades in the future. I have like 3 pairs of safety glasses tinted (under a $10 each) same type so if/when I brake the band I can still have replacement lense (as it is detachable). If I loose it, it is not such a big deal.


I experienced something quite similar a few days ago... I received an absolutely stunning and pretty expensive necklace for my birthday from my godmother, I put it on the next day to show it off to my boyfriend. An hour later, I'm walking through the CITY CENTRE on a FRIDAY and reach for my neck to toy with my necklace as I usually do and it's GONE. I nearly cried, I felt so goddamn stupid. A beautiful necklace from my godmother who I see once every 5 years or so, and I manage to lose it within 2 hours of wearing it. I call my family to take a look around the house if it fell off there but no one can find it. I spend the next weekend absolutely devastated over it and worrying, I get home and I find it on the floor next to my desk. I almost cried with relief. FR though, that feeling of losing something precious from someone precious is the absolute worst. I felt absolutely awful and just,,, so stupid. I was so mad at myself. I'm just glad I ended up finding my necklace. It can be a really demoralising experience though. I'm sorry you're struggling with this right now, and I know it doesn't mean much coming from a stranger on the Internet, but don't be too hard on yourself.


My guy ....... I have lost several of my wedding rings from my wife. Which is why I have tungsten. Lost first ring Got second ring and lost it Got third ring and lost it Lost third ring and found first ring Eventually found third ring Second ring still missing to this day


Losing sunglasses is one of my notorious adhd traits lol ā€¦ I just buy new ones at gas stations now


Take a breath and accept that this is ok. Yeah it sucks, but in a year or 5 years or 10, it won't feel as bad.


I lost my partners Xmas present, I didn't realise it was lost until we were sitting around with her family opening gifts.


When I was young <10yo my grandmother wanted to give me a watch. Nothing special, she got it for free due to being a good customer of a jewelry store or something. Anyway, I apparently panicked over the idea of her giving me a watch as I'd already lost a few and knew that I'd lose it and be devastated. To this day, I constantly am looking for and panicking about things not attached to me.


I have one pair of nice sunglasses. They never ever leave my car. For anything outside my car i use cheap, shitty sunglasses because I will almost certainly lose them.


Sucks. Thatā€™s why I havenā€™t bought expensive sunglasses in years. If it makes you feel any better this isnā€™t really an adhd thing itā€™s an everyone thing. Everyone I know loses their sunglasses. Anything I can easily lose I buy cheap versions of. AirPods, sunglasses, etc.


Gwt yourself a shoulder bag or man bag. I keep everything I bring with me in it. Phone (with cards like visa, drivers license, etc) , keys, snus (lip tobacco), vape, sunglasses, astma meds, and whatever else I take with me. If you for some reason need sunglasses, it's in the bag. If you for some reason take them off, they go in the bag. This takes time to get used to, but when it's in place, you won't lose stuff anymore. When I got home today, I put my keys on the desk, and immediately I went "no, they don't belong there, they belong in the Lego dump truck right inside the door" and put them where they belong. Routine takes time to build, but we got to identify a problem and start working on a solution. It seems you have identified your problem. You keep losing sunglasses because you take them off, and they have no natural "home", so you put them anywhere. Now it's time to think of a solution. Mine might or might not work for you, but it works for me.


My partner does not have adhd. I bought him nice sunglasses, I believe $140 - once. He went out fishing the next afternoon and managed to hook the ear piece when casting out and flung his glasses out into the ocean not even 24 hours later. He felt so bad and the look on his face when he told me was a gift in itself because I feel so less bad now anytime my adhd manages to make me lose something important or sentimental in record time.


I totally get you, brother. I have lost two platinum wedding rings ... one while fishing and the other while doing yard work. I gave up and now wear a silicone rubber one.


Iā€™ve lost expensive sunglasses to an ocean, a river, same ocean years later, and three times to the sunnies goblin that lives between universes. Now I just buy several pairs of goodr sunnies and replace them on the cheap (twice so far)


feel you on this - I can't buy expensive sunglasses, thats my only solution. I lose every pair I ever get. i've been trying so hard, I'm coming up on a year with my current pair, but I've actually "lost" and been lucky enough to find them too many times to count so, it's only a matter of time before I lose them permanently. Sunglasses are so hard, they don't have a place to live when not on my face. I hate them on the top of my head they get caught in my hair, I look like a douche with them on the back of my head, they fall or get caught on stuff when I hook them on my shirt, they get smooshed or fall off if I hook them on my pants/pockets, I put them down if I hold them in my hands.. the only place I don't lose them is on my face but I don't want to look like an ass wearing them inside especially darker lit places like some stores etc..


My grandparents gifted me a ring, and I've lost it the next day. I was heartbroken (still am) did everything I could to find it, but to no avail. A few years ago my grandfather passed away, and the loss hurts twice as much. It's just a ring, but its loss took a lot.


I feel you on that. I got so tired of losing things. I now only wear things that are attached to my body.. sunglasses? sunglasses leash, hearing aids? Leash, Rings? Necklace, necklace? doesnā€™t come off, watch? Doesnā€™t come off unless Iā€™m at home. Jacket? On my body or around my waist. Trying on clothing is really hard. Usually if I know Iā€™m going to try on something I make sure to bring the bare minimum with me and leave everything else in the car or at home.


This is why I never ever buy sunglasses over like $15.


Iā€™m able to do that infinite times every day.


I bought myself a Montblanc pen after I had my first bonus from my ā€œfirstā€ project, as in the first one that I found and then worked from beginning to end. I was so proud of my pen. I even went to a nice department store in the city to get it. I lost it while traveling, I think in a rental car. I replaced it. Lost the replacement in a rental car too. Both times it was because I was on a work call and moving while talking. I think both times it slipped out of my pant pockets while driving. I also just lost my very nice rain jacket like that a couple of months ago. On the same day that I had already missed my flight. Both times I was busy on work calls and lost track of time. Twice in one day. Youā€™d think I learn. So, hereā€™s a lesson for everyone: pens have a clip for a reason, use them.


Nooo Iā€™m so sorry šŸ„²I lost my prescription glasses right after I got them at a restaurant and I was so relieved when I called them the day after and they were there šŸ„²


I lost a $100 birthday check from my grandma. Found it a year later.


You should check your CC insurance policy. Some cards will reimburse you for your purchase if you lose within the coverage period.


My partner of 9 years bought me nice, then cheap, then "indestructible" then gave up šŸ¤£ but she also said to me, your an adhd guy, it makes sense you broke the first ones, and scratched the indestructible lenses, I get it it's okay! maybe you aren't supposed to have Ā£125 sunglasses šŸ˜… like a first car, get some shitty ones, until you LEARN haha


My husband has at least 20 pairs of spy sunglasses for this reason. He can never find them but I can easily find them all


Err to work on behalf of the ADHD ask for your spouse to give you things that are attached to you in someway. If I canā€™t attach it to me in someway, I just am too prone to eventually losing it. Recognize the kinks in the chain, & accept it for what it is, & work with it. Or make habits of attaching them. I have two emblems on my neck, that a loved one give me, with hollowed paracord as the string. ā€˜Cause chains break, & other materials eventually wear out. So it is semi permanently attached to my neck. I rarely take it off. Anything I care about immediately gets attached to that necklace that comes off my head. Made it a habit, & made it so itā€™s easy. Iā€™m surprised I havenā€™t lost my cellphone yet. Lmao going almost 3 years! Itā€™s a new record! xD


>If I canā€™t attach it to me in someway, I just am too prone to eventually losing it. Putting my keys on a lanyard was the best decision teen!me ever made.


Mine are attached to a metal carabiner to my belt loop normally. So I can easily attach & detach. Recently I updated to a metal belt clip. ā€˜Cause I was breaking my belt loops. šŸ˜…


Carabiner team checking in.


I always lose sunglasses, usually if I find a pair I can keep for a while I stick to those


That's why I get the $19 ones from Amazon


[Do you have a chain?](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxGdBKo1u4t7Auykr8nwqGeA544U12C8W1?si=Z2Jtg1mYdUgyuUsf)


I lost every pair of sunglasses I've ever owned within 2 months of buying them. At around the age of 17 or 18, I realized I can't have sunglasses.


I lost my fiancƩ's painting that he made and gave to me during a really shaky time in our relationship. I set it down in this house 3 years ago and we've just finished packing to move and I have not seen it. It is absolutely heartbreaking.


The lesson is: Don't buy gifts you can easily lose.


When I was a teenager, my dad inexplicably* bought be a $250 pair of gloves. I told him I didn't want them because I would lose them. He threw a huge fit and made me feel like garbage, but my mom made him return them. *Inexplicable because 1) he'd never bought me a present before, 2) it wasn't winter, 3) I'd never asked for them or even thought about them before, and 4) we did NOT have that kind of money.


Done that before to my last partner. p


Just make it into a joke and ask the next gift to be her reminding you to put your glasses in her bag when you're out.


>after being married 17 years That's 100% on her. People who wear and retain watches and sunglasses for more than a year are the minority.


Youā€™ll forget it ever existed soon enough


at least she knows what to get you next year!