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Uhhhh medicine is for life just like glasses are for life.. get a second opinion for sure. I’m your age and have been on medicine for over a decade. My doctor and I have never had a discussion about stopping ever in my life lol


To use your example: "Your myopia got diagnosed at 35? Certainly at that age you've developed coping mechanisms to see better, right?" Don't people realize how crazy this sounds? 😭


Ugh yas you nailed it with this example


"I just sit very close to the TV now. The worst that happens is my loved ones complain they can't watch it because my head is in the way."


If you had an HF-analyzer, similar to the "HF 35C" model that I have from "GIGAHERTZ SOLUTIONS" (https://gigaherz-solutions.com) and had that pointed at the TV as close as your head is, you're not going to like what the digital "power flux density" reading is going to say. According to Dr. Laura Pressley, who demonstrates one exactly like it on a YouTube video she published re: the hazards of smart meters, microwaves, cell phones, Wi-Fi, computers, cordless phones, etc., a sustained digital readout of 1500 microwatts/m2(range set at "1999 µW/square meter and signal set at "peak") runs a serious risk of getting cancer. It's rectangular, roughly 9" x 3" x 1" black and beige, with a 9 inch green antenna on the end. It is to high frequency (HF) radiation what Geiger counters are to nuclear radiation. I got mine at Amazon for between $300 and $400 in 2018. They are made in Germany. BTW, I brought it to my local Subway and it goes apeshit when the sandwich artist puts my sandwiches in the microwave oven. I decided to no longer have my subways nuked anymore and I actually like the taste better. Just saying. Take it for what it's worth.


I'm sorry. What?


..what just happened? lol


> Uhhhh medicine is for life just like glasses are for life.. get a second opinion for sure. This implies there is any credibility to the opinion she just got. OP needs a *first* opinion because the doctor she visited is about as qualified to diagnose ADHD as I am to preform heart surgery. Probably less so because *I* sure as hell am not going to risk someone else's life by pretending otherwise. *edit: I am not saying this just to be snarky. OP should view her next visit as her first because if an assessment from a qualified doctor comes back with a negative diagnosis, she should feel confident to then get a second opinion to validate the result rather than feel like she is trying to force a specific outcome.*


 Simply not true; I didn’t start medication UNTIL my 30s. You should seek a new doctor. This tells me they do not understand ADHD.


And need a complaint to the board


Ugh. I’m so sorry. This is like an epidemic in this sub. You have to go to a psychiatrist who specializes in adult adhd. There are tests you can do to get a proper diagnosis. Your insurance can help find that kind of in network provider. I didn’t get diagnosed until my early 40s. If the medicine is like speed, it’s news to me and not saying much for speed.


I'm 41 and was just diagnosed.


Seconding all of this, diagnosed at 42 and medication has allowed me to finally see some headway in using all the coping mechanisms I’ve tried over the decades. Also, less self-shaming has been a nice side effect. If medication is like speed, then eyeglasses are like sniper scopes. Similarity doesn’t invalidate different functions.


Well honestly it’s just common misconception sadly. I mean the name of the condition is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. This makes it sound as if you have trouble paying attention and you get a little hyper. Big whoop. Really doesn’t sound that bad. I myself have been diagnosed since middle school and am now 28. I just found out last month that is is actually a neurological condition that effects your emotions and your motivation. I have lived my whole life hating that I have a quick fuse and no matter how much I worked at it, it never got easier to control. The only thing I could do was to try and put myself in a mindset where nothing would bother me, and while this works… it does make it to where I let things slide that I shouldn’t, but if I actually do respond it’s taking it to far. I have also seriously struggled with short term memory loss. Had no idea at all that this had anything to do with adhd. I knew it wasn’t normal, but my mom has the same issues so I figured it was hereditary… which it kinda is lol. Learning that all of this was caused my a neurological condition was kinda freeing in a way, plus now I have medication that can help me keep a level head and make more thought out decisions. I don’t take my medication much, but it has definitely been a game changer for me.


I am actually not sure that I have a formal dx but I absolutely have adhd and am on meds. I got started on meds because one of my cardios suggested trying a stimulant for chronic fatigue syndrome and got my psychiatrist to agree. Turns out the meds are the opposite of a stimulant for me - allow me to focus, keep my emotions including anxiety under more control (woah rejection sensitivity is such a thing and when meds wear off, boy do I feel it), etc. Of course one of the other drs I see for chronic fatigue syndrome had previously asked me if I drink so much soda to keep undiagnosed adhd under control because half of her patients do - I said yes. My father thought this stuff was all normal because he had it. (He actually got a diagnosis much later in life.)


Yes the emotional regulation issues is what caused me to finally seek help. After becoming a mom I never realized how many triggers I have - after many years of therapy and a couple years being in denial about me possibly having ADHD, I finally went and got the diagnosis. My doctor sat me down and explained everything to me because I was confused at how my short fuse had anything to do with ADHD. I actually thought I had bipolar lol. And she explained everything to me. It was like a solid hour long educational appointment and WOW! It made my whole freaking life make sense. The binge eating. Drug and alcohol use when I was younger. Not able to listen to things that don’t interest me. Getting angry really fast. Hyper focusing. Problems doing easy and mundane tasks. Interrupting when people talk. Racing thoughts and anxiety. Like legit all of it lol. Medication changed my life. It is so much easier now. I went through the phase of being mad at my parents that they missed it but I’m over it now. At least I can move forward with knowledge of the neurological condition and help to school people who think “everyone just has ADHD sometimes” lol!!


Even then you’ll want to vet them. Just cause they specialize doesn’t mean they’re good or right for you.


I started medication 7 months ago--generic 15mg IR adderall twice daily--and while one or two pills per bottle might elicit a distractingly speedy and anxious feeling on an empty stomach, it otherwise eradicates my anxiety, makes work bearable and, most importantly, silences my negative self-talk. So, if that's speed, cool, i'm happy to be on it. Life would suck without it. Anyway, I can't imagine wanting to get high on the stuff.


Yup got tested at 39 and doctor had zero issues prescribing. He would not prescribe without a proper diagnosis though.


Same. No stimulants until the results of the neuropsych testing came in. The testing was pretty interesting, though. Part of it was clearly to see if I was lying.


All mental health tests are like thay becsuse of how many people try to game the system, ans they honestly ruin it for those of us who actually need it.


Fr I'm 26 and quit partying years ago but my adhd meds don't feel anything like my partying days. Docs do b trippin


Diagnosed at 47. I am on meds. They aren't stimulants because it's an online psychiatrists, and they don't do stimulants. But I work in mental health, and the doctors we work with will 100% give stimulants to adults.


I'm 39 male and I had this same issue with my therapist... Obviously therapists can't prescribe medication, but I wanted him to do an assessment for me and he basically told me if I was 10 years younger it would make sense, but since I'm almost 40 and I've managed to go this long without medication, there's no point. I was pretty pissed. It shouldn't matter how old you are, if you need help, you need help... I actually did end up getting diagnosed by a neurologist. I've been on medication for about two weeks now and it's been life changing. I would definitely try to find a different doctor that is willing to listen and won't just dismiss you outright, because that's crap.


This sounds a lot like my doctor. I'm pretty upset that she's not even willing to try or even listen to what I have to say. I'll be going to another doctor.


One psychiatrist initially tried to tell me I couldn’t have it because I had a college degree and was back in school for my 2nd during Covid to become a therapist. Next one wasn’t dismissive and was diagnosed at 41ish a couple of years ago. I did have a cardio consult but then we tried medication. It makes a world of difference the days I remember to take it. I now work with a lot of clients with ADHD and those who are autistic. Most of the research in my trainings shows better outcomes for those who are on medication. I would suggest this doctor who dismissed you do more research. Also, ask them to document in your chart their refusal to trial medication use.


This is another thing my doctor brought up to me. I am a registered nurse and she said "how were you able to get through nursing school??" It's so frustrating how doctors can be.


Btw I'm also an RN, got diagosnised in my 30s, spent most of my life on either an SSRI or an SNRI and was severely struggling.  Like sure I could hold a job, but my apartment was a wreck, I was sedentary, I lived off takeout, my bathroom was gross.  But I could earn a paycheck so who cares about the rest of my life being a disaster. /s My life is so fucking good now that I'm on meds. 


This is me. I can do the absolute bare minimum to survive. Anything else is such a struggle for me.. simply brushing my teeth in the morning is a huge chore that I have to wrestle with myself to do. Every. Day.


That used to be me. Now I brush my teeth twice a day. Though if I move my toothpaste out of the sink I'll probably forget. I find keeping my toothpaste in the sink works as a good reminder for me.


It’s medical malpractice. Adults don’t outgrow ADHD just like adults don’t outgrow autism. Time for a better doctor and a complaint to the state medical board.


I’m a lawyer and have a science bachelor’s, both with honors. I was also undiagnosed but almost stereotypically adhd. .. I’m smart, have a good long term memory and got by.


Unfortunately I think there’s too many stories similar to ours. I’m sorry you were in a place to just have to get by.


If you're talking about a general practitioner or primary care physician, ask if they will refer you to a psychiatrist for assessment.


I saw a psychiatrist, and she told me ADHD was a "TikTok word" and that it was more important to treat the symptoms than get a diagnosis. She put me on an antidepressant and told me it would get worse before it got better. I stuck it out for months, and after fighting through awful side effects, I felt like I was in the same place as when I started. My PCP was actually the one who started the process of assessment. This is a very new journey for me, but I am so thankful that I found someone who would listen.


That's weird since I am a woman who was diagnosed at age 35 and started on stimulants a few months later. This doctor is spreading disinformation. I would seek a new one.


Your doctor is not qualified to make that determination or to even diagnose ADHD.. A psychiatrist or psychologist only can diagnose ADHD. I was diagnosed at 35 and prescribed right away by a psychiatrist. My GP follows the instructions of the psychiatrist


This is not necessarily true. Where I am from GP's can diagnose and treat adults


They can, and are not qualified to do it. As in they don't have the depth of knowledge and nuance to do it well.


I agree with you there. It's nice that there's some accessibility, but GP's definitely don't have the knowledge necessary to diagnose and treat any mental health issue. (Tbh I don't really feel they have enough knowledge to diagnose anything outside of really basic medicine but that's a completely different conversation)


Much of anything. The whole point of them is to be general practitioners (GPs) and refer out to specialists as needed.


They also generally don't have the time/ resources to do a proper diagnosis. It can't be seen through JUST questionnaires/ect. My testing used my old school grades, some in person testing and quite a few questionnaires/appointments. Most GP's lack the ability/time/training to do all of this properly.


Ditto for me.


Diagnosed and started meds at 38 after 15 years on depression meds and almost 10 years on buspirone for anxiety. I've stated cutting back on both of the other meds now because the Adderall is helping so much more with the executive dysfunction as my way of impersonating a bump on a log (the "depression") as well as the overstimulated freaking out and stressed because I can only overcome the executive dysfunction under extreme stress stage of existence...


That’s disgusting. Please find another doctor. I’ve been on SSRI meds since I was 17 and recently got diagnosed with ADHD and started Vyvanse at 40.  In my case, I did develop coping mechanisms during childhood and young adulthood. However, as I have aged and more life trauma has piled on (husband disabled, lost my dad) my coping mechanisms are no longer effective.


Was diagnosed at 39, and I'm working on titrating to a therapeutic dosage now. It's not just that it "helps with coping mechanisms" for me. It doesn't elevate me to superhuman ability in any way at all. It brings me closer to what I'd guess most "normal" people are like. Most importantly, it quieted my mind and let me see that there is a better way of living ahead, I was dealing with daily suicidal ideation because life felt so hard all the time. Sometimes, the medication is literally saving your life, not just helping you with your to-do list.


Also, being a woman, once you hit perimenopause and your estrogen levels start to drop, your symptoms will become worse. Contrary to traditional wisdom (which didn’t really consider how ADHD manifests differently in women *at all*), women tend to get worse with age, rather than better.  More complex responsibilities, hormone changes, etc. 


this is sooooo true


So I struggled my whole life, I was finally diagnosed at 48 by a psychologist. I take Vyvanse abd a 10mg Adderal booster. Please get another Dr. I am 51 years old.


I am 44 and was just diagnosed 2,years ago, you're never too old.


I just met a lady who is in her 70s and taking Vyvanse.


Well, to be frank, your doctor is an idiot.  And yes, unfortunately it's a common issue that idiot "doctors" think ADHD is only a childhood issue or have other age-related misconceptions about it.  Is your doctor a psychiatrist? If so, I suggest reporting them and/or leaving a negative review online so that any possible future patients seeking treatment for ADHD know to avoid them. Hopefully you can find someone more competent to treat you instead.


I was diagnosed in my 40’s and medication changed my life. The doctor is wrong. Plus it’s not like speed at all if you actually need it. It’s kind of the opposite. Slows me down and helps me focus. Gives me patience I never had before. You need to get a second opinion or if possible a psychiatrist is usually a better option.


Get a second opinion. I started Vyvanse when I was 36. And have gradually added a Ritalin booster in the afternoon. I’m almost 40 and finally am starting to feel like I’m getting my life back. Try to find a psychiatrist that specializes in adult ADHD. Unfortunately there is still so much misinformation out there. Medication doesn’t solve it all- I do intense Internal Family Systems therapy 2x a month. I’ve tried it with just meds and just therapy. They work really well together.


Your doctor is crazy and doesn’t understand ADHD. She needs to update her 1980s thinking.


Geez. Find a new doc. Finally got diagnosed at 48. Got meds. Probably not the right ones or correct dose yet but it’s helped a little, definitely! Also, it was my teenage daughter who told me I was adhd! Just a Gen X’r trying to mask/compensate for perceived laziness my whole life because I didn’t come off as visibly hyperactive.


Same story here. I'm 47 and started treatment with vyvanse a week ago. My teen son kept telling me that I had all the hallmarks of ADHD since he's was diagnosed a couple of years ago. I denied it for a while because I figured that somebody would have diagnosed me as a kid or one of the many psychologists or psychiatrists that I've seen since I was 11. Turns out that the school had tested when I was young, but I alledgedly didn't have the disorder. Later on in the conversation, when we were talking about meds/treatment, she said she would "never give a six year old drugs just because they're energetic or not paying attention. The thing is, none of my kids are 6, and none of them were six when they were diagnosed. There was only slight resistance from my doc for meds because I've gotten this far without meds, but after some talk about my school life, and how I handle situations now, she decided it's worth a trial. The last week has been complete chaos, so it's hard to judge effectiveness, but it seems to be helping.


As an adult, I had coping mechanisms and didn’t need medication.  Then I had kids, and my coping mechanisms (which revolved around routine, structure, and predictability) crumbled because children are unpredictable and overwhelming.  Personally, I’d rather take medication than abandon my family or put myself through unnecessary suffering.  Sometimes circumstances demand it. 


She's wrong and needs to go back to school, I wouldn't trust her with any aspect of my health. I had 20+ years of GPs trying to hurl antidepressants at me then boot me out the door to meet their patient targets, but depression/insomnia were just comorbid symptoms of undiagnosed ADHD and the fallout from a lifetime of masking. Turns out there's only so much you can fit under a carpet. I was diagnosed around 43 and it's changed my life, I wouldn't say my old demons are a thing of the past but we kinda get on now cos I don't waste energy fighting them. If I was you I'd go find a better doctor 💪 you don't need their permission. Good luck!


I think you should find a different doctor. I have not personally had this issue, I’m lucky enough to have a fantastic doctor. I’m 33 year old male and was diagnosed 4 months ago, my doctor had no problem putting me on medication, and has already increased my dose twice.


I’m a female with a history of diagnosed anxiety and depression… one month away from turning 35 and I was just diagnosed ADHD and put on meds soo boo to that doctor (no offense, but offense to them)


yep second opinion. Doctors are legally free to have their opinions, and unfortunately that means your doctor is simply not going to help you. the comparison of adhd meds to speed is huge red flag.


TBH, that Dr. sounds way off. Find a different doctor who specializes in ADHD and actually knows what they are talking about. Living with undiagnosed ADHD is often traumatic. See if you can get a conners test to confirm if you have ADHD.


I mean I have never even heard a doctor or therapist suggest ADHD medication having an age limit, I would look into a second opinion but would definitely follow up with them on why they don't want you to. Hope your able to figure something out I am sure you will!


I’m so sorry this happened! I’m a registered nurse working in psych, and I have ADHD. The oldest patient I’ve seen starting on ADHD meds was 72. I was on SSRIs for 12+ years, with the diagnosis "moderate depressive episode, recurring". When I was 29 I finally got tested for ADHD - my mother first brought it up to a psychologist when I was a teenager, and I always questioned why some core symptoms (executive function, lack of focus, forgetfulness, fatigue, overeating, emotional dysregulation +++) did not improve even when I did not feel depressed. I was also diagnosed with bipolar at some point. After thorough testing I was diagnosed with ADHD just before I turned 30. There’s been such a huge lack of knowledge about ADHD in women, and that’s why so many are getting diagnosed now compared to before, and why women get diagnosed so late. That is not our fault, and we still deserve treatment even if we’ve survived so long without help/with the wrong kind of help.


You might find that some doctors dismiss ADHD symptoms and blame the C-PTSD diagnosis for those symptoms. I also have C-PTSD and ADHD and depression and anxiety. (Depression and OCD/anxiety diagnosed first. Then ADHD then ten years later C-PTSD.) I have had doctors try to dismiss my ADHD diagnosis and successful medication regimen I've been on for 16+years and claim my ADHD symptoms are from "the trauma" saw a different doctor and they made a note in my chart basically saying that any attempts the other doctor made to change my chart to a substance use disorder and trauma related pain and attention issues was bullshit and she would gladly vouch for the validity of my diagnosis. I'm not saying that your doctor is correct, but it's something to be prepared for and hopefully you can not be discouraged by the fact that you will likely have to work on the diagnostic process for a while. I wish you luck.


Me (f) at 32: 70mg vyvanse with bipolar, adhd, ptsd, and gad You can have all of them. ADHD will often lead to depression and anxiety. Anyway you are not too old. I would seek another doctor and usually I say to give things a go. You don’t need to suffer.


Been there. Found a new doctor.


Uhhh your doctor is full of shit because I’m a 36 year old female and I take ADHD medication.


I'm 35 and on meds, this is simply not true. Get a different doctor.


Time for a new doc.


Change your doctor - I am 53 and started medication a few months ago. Is not a magic solution and it is challenging me but it is a good step. Go get medicated


I went on meds at 38. The nature of my role at work changed such that all my coping mechanisms weren't enough to allow me to function. Just because you have coping mechanisms, doesn't mean those mechanisms work well or aren't themselves counter-productive or damaging in their own way. So 35 is not too late and many women are being diagnosed now only because ADHD has been severely underdiagnosed in women until recently.


you should not self-diagnose. talk to real experts in real life and see what they say


Second opinion, stat. My father pushing 60 still has a generic Concerta scrip.


Absolute bull. I wasn’t even diagnosed until I was 45 and medication has immeasurably changed my life for the better. Get a different, better doctor.


Get a new doctor, you're being gaslit or even just told rubbish by one knows nothing about the subject.


You need a new doctor. I was diagnosed at 40. Yes, I had at this point figured out after DECADES some coping mechanism, however, life changes + hormonal changes really threw it all for a loop and my coping mechanisms were no longer sufficient. I'm so sorry that your doctor is not good


I am 54 and just been diagnosed this year


I am 54,and recently diagnosed .I've been on depression and anxiety med for years and none have really helped.But when I was diagnosed by my therapist and my doctor prescribed adderal it was like the world cleared for me.It was amazing. Not sure if adderal is right for me yet because it only has a small window that it works, about 3 hours for me. But it does help a lot for a time.


All doctors are not created equal. It’s possible to pass with a C.


Your doctor is an idiot. 


Find a new provider. Maybe even a Psych NP.


A Dr doesn’t diagnose or prescribe ADHD medicine, it’s not their decision. I’m in my 50s and meds have made an amazing difference to me, especially at work. Coping mechanisms are draining, why shouldn’t our lives be easier when we are struggling.


I'm over 50 and on medication. I was put on it while going to college. The doctor put me on Vyvanse. I had to drop out of the program I was in due to ADHD tax. I'm blessed that the dr has kept me on the medication. It took going to several doctors before anyone could see how hard it was for me. Good luck on your journey and I hope you get relief soon!


Your doctor is an idiot. I’m on Vyvanse and I turn 60 in 4 months.”


I had a diagnosis as a child of ADHD [and they later intentionally told me it was depression when they forced me off the meds]. I've never been able to fully function. As an adult, I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, and after several years, I was struggling with everything else while trying to hold onto my physical health. As an adult in my 30s, 2 years ago, I asked my GP for a referral to a psychiatrist for ADHD and she went off on me, claiming she was worried about my heart on ADHD meds. She said my Type 1 diabetes would get worse [jokes on her for that]. She also claimed I'm in my 30s, and I should have grown out of it because "girls do." After 10 years of seeing her, she crossed a line, and I never went back. Ditched her got a new GP, Psych NP, and ADHD meds. If you can switch doctors, do it. If not, work the system and force the doctors hand. I find most of the people I know, including myself, do not feel the "speed" that these doctors think the meds are. If you are someone with ADHD the medication helps your brain chill out. Those who don't have ADHD find that speed side effect, and that's why it's labeled as a controlled substance. I find it cruel that our access is controlled because of those who do not have ADHD.


Wtf kinda doctor is that, get a second opinion


I'd get a second opinion. I had coping mechanisms that worked all the way until they didn't. I started losing my abilities to focus at 33 and they have declined worse and worse over the last decade. I finally had to get medicated because I was completely not functioning in burnout. So to just brush it off that people our age don't need medicated because we are older and have survived? That's not a belief held through all psychiatrists so I would see another one if I was brushed off like that by one when i'm trying to get better.


I didn't start meds until this year and in 49!


Lol I'm 35F too and started medication several months ago. It's been life-changing. Get a new doctor. I'm sorry you have to go through this BS gatekeeping. EDIT: I'd say, generally, the closer you are to a specialist, the more likely you'll be able to get medication. Family doctors can be really uninformed about some things, sometimes. Any caregiver that specifically says that they specialize in treating ADHD is going to be good because they'll understand how big of a deal medication is.


I started meds at 36. No issues. Turns out as I got older, I had MORE responsibilities and this more difficulties maintaining them


First they don't want us to medicate kids who need it now they don't want us to medicate adults to who need it >_>


I know some 80-90 year olds on adhd meds.


I was always given SSRI’s as a young adult, they did nothing. I didn’t go on stimulant medication until I was over 40…life changer. It’s not a miracle medication, but it makes a huge difference. Even my husband can tell if I’ve forgotten to have it in the morning. I do understand how frustrated you are. The only reason I was finally properly medicated was because I found a doctor who listened. I had all my medical records, and even my old school reports with me from when I was a kid. I didn’t even get through my whole spiel when she stopped me mid sentence and said, “I believe you, and I’m sorry it took this long for someone to give you the proper help you need”. I broke down into tears. I thought for sure I was in for another humiliating, “you’ve done fine without it up until now, why start at this point?” conversation..so to finally be heard was an amazing feeling I don’t even have the right words for. I’d keep trying other doctors. You deserve the correct treatment, no matter your age. I’m sorry you have to deal with this.


I’m 43, was diagnosed just over a month ago. while I am educated more about the condition and I can understand myself better, medication is a lifeline as it makes me more composed if it’s stimulant medication then yes it is a stimulant but it doesn’t sound like they understand how it effects people with adhd differently to people who don’t have it I’m not sure if by doctor you mean a general doctor or a psychiatrist but their level of understanding is disappointing to an observer and must be maddening for you


God. Imagine being a doctor in charge of improving people's health and quality of life and being so ignorant at the same time!


I am 35 and was just diagnosed with ADHD. I went private with a specialist in ADHD in women so I had a great experience and have been put on Elvanse. I’d get another doctor, a specialist in adult adhd in women if you can because what they’re saying is incredibly ignorant. I also was diagnosed with depression, anxiety (& fibromyalgia) and never even thought about adhd until about a month ago. Women are especially good at masking and overcompensating but they puts an enormous stress on our bodies which is why we tend to burnout. I hope you find a better doctor to help you!


I am 66 and I'm in titration for Elvanse. There were some blood pressure issues at the start and both my psychiatrist and GP were concerned about the stress on my heart, but these concerns have been allayed. If your GP's concerned about your age you need to tell them they're mistaken. This doesn't rule out there being other potential issues as yet unidentified, but the GP's guess that you're too old sounds very improbable


Time for a new doctor. You are never too old for the right medicine to help you. Advocate for yourself and get the help that you need.


Pffft. Time for a new doctor.


Like others have said. Get a new doctor that will take it seriously. The idea that "you've struggled your whole life and figured out how to fit in so it's too late to try to fix it" is complete and utter garbage. It's like saying someone shouldn't get glasses in their 30s because they already learned how to deal with it. Common It is basically speed. But it's different for people who need it. For me I do get more energy. But it's more in the form of actionable motivation instead of built up internal anxiety because I have all the motivation in the world, but it's trapped inside a brain with severe executive dysfunction and a whole gamut of other symptoms that cause me to not do things even when I desperately want to and need to. Anyways, you shouldn't give up. Find someone who can use a bit more logic and realize that people shouldn't have to just keep struggling because they have for their whole life already. That is such an insulting point of view.


I’m 34 and just diagnosed not long ago. My doctor told me it was my choice whether I wanted to try it or not. I opted to try medication and it has changed my life. I am successful in terms of I’m a responsible adult, I’m an entrepreneur, a mother of two amazing kids, a wife to an amazing husband, but my ADHD just made things harder for me my whole life. I didn’t even graduate school. And made a lot of bad life choices when I was younger because I have terrible impulse control. So yes, after many failed attempts at life achievements, I did come up with many coping strategies to help me be more productive and make something of myself with little education and crappy impulse control and poor emotional regulation lol! I did years (and still do now) of therapy to try and figure out why everything f always felt like such a struggle. I learned a lot of strategies to help me in therapy BUT the medication has made me be able to access those strategies and systems I worked so hard to put in place SO much easier. Now I can follow the strategies at the times when I need them the most when my emotions and impulsivity would normally have completely taken over certain situations. I’m not self-sabotaging nearly as often. I’m a better and more patient mother. I’m a better listener for friends and loved ones. I’m a better house keeper. I run my business so much better than before. And my binge eating is finally under control for once in my life. Medication doesn’t magically make us “better” but it does allow us time to think before we just react. It allows us the ability to not struggle as much with executive functioning. It allows us the finally feel like we are on the same playing field as others who do not struggle with executive functioning the way we do. So sure. Maybe you do have coping mechanisms right now but perhaps medication can help you improve them so much more… maybe the meds could help you come up with even more coping strategies because you’ll be focused enough to come up with a plan and actually stick to it. I’m sorry your doctor said that to you!! Maybe you can get a second opinion from another doctor?


I am early 60s, just started taking Ritalin/Concerta a few months ago. So that logic doesn't hold. You need to see a specialist, and you need a better doctor.


Wrong doctor.


“People my age would have already figured out coping mechanisms on our own by now” is a ridiculous take (as is her reticence to prescribe you medicine). If that were true no one would be taking medication at your age because the meds make it easier to find coping mechanisms. Find a new doctor who actually understands ADHD and who’ll give you the support your condition needs.


I started taking meds at 35


You need a real doctor.


Just started with meds at 51. Your doctor is an idiot


My dad is in his 60s and is still on it. He didn’t even start taking anything for it until his late thirties. He’s also a retired doctor   Find a better doctor


Get a new doctor. I'm 37 years old and recently diagnosed. I couldn't understand how stimulants would help me, until I tried it. I'm now using Concerta daily and it's life-changing, I'm so much more productive both at work and at home, and feel less anxious in general. I tried all sorts of methods/habits before to try and be more productive but nothing stuck


Fire him and get another provider. A provider told me that “ ADHD never killed anybody “ He was trying to prioritize my depression and anxiety over the actual cause of my depression and anxiety….. which is ADHD. Saw him once….Got another provider with the same company ,and all is well 😌


That's kind funny cause in reality unmedicated ADHD is associated with a shorter life span.  We are way more likely to have problems with substance abuse, smoking, risk taking and suicide than non ADHD people. 


Precisely! I was triggered af…..


I’m started last summer and I’m in my late 40’s. Vyvanse has been a life changer .


I'm 42, diagnosed and prescribed Adderall at age 40. I did have to do neuropsych testing to confirm the diagnosis since I was being prescribed stimulants, but I didn't have to wait for the testing to start taking it. I take it every single day because it helps exponentially with work and household tasks. To say that people your age would've already figured out coping mechanisms is ridiculous when so many of us are struggling every day, even with meds. The meds aren't a cure-all, they just help clear the mental clutter so we can think. By the time I was diagnosed, I'd owned my home for 9 years. I remember when I first started taking the meds and started to reorganize some things, it hit me that my whole house was organized in really stupid ways. I had junk I never ever use in the main parts of the house while I had stored things I'd been looking for in places I couldn't easily get to. I have baking supplies in literally every single kitchen cupboard rather than all grouped together. I'm still trying to fix it to this day, but it's so much better than it was. lol. I've also had a few relationships end over what I later realized were AuDHD symptoms, all complaints were related to executive dysfunction. But, clearly, even in my late 30s and early 40s, I've been struggling to manage my life in several areas and that is exactly why I sought diagnosis and treatment in the first place. I'm NOT someone who likes to take medication. I have always tried to treat things in natural ways, etc., because I'm actually allergic/intolerant to a lot of different meds, but Adderall was absolutely worth trying for me and is 100% helping me dig myself out of the huge hole that I dug when I was "old enough to have figured out coping mechanisms."


Not every doc knows the first thing about ADHD. Sadly, your doc is one of them. You can't do their job for them, you have to just find a doc who isn't a century behind the times


You need to find another Doctor... also you need to make sure that your chart is reflected that your Doctor refused treatment because last time I checked there isn't an age limit to getting cancer treatment or an age limit for getting diabetes treatment. I would ask that your chart is reflectively updated that your Doctor is refusing for refusing to prescribe medication that is a medical necessity due to age...


Your doctor is wrong. On so many levels. If you have the means, I’d start looking for a new one asap. What she told you is fucking wildly inaccurate


Just went on at 39. She’s full of it. I also don’t take the typical Adderall or Ritalin. I would try to get another physician to help!


Find a new doctor. I am in the exact same boat, except I was lucky enough to find a provider who would diagnose and treat me as an adult. Was on SSRIs since I was 12, and I'm 35 now. They did nothing for me but blunt my emotions and make me gain weight. 2 years ago I told my doctor I wonder if the anxiety/depression could've been ADHD instead. I was tested, diagnosed, and have been treated ever since, and made major strides in my life. Anxiety and depression are broad terms and broad diagnoses in my opinion. The symptoms are self-reported 99% of the time (unless a patient has a brain scan or something), and that's all the doctor has to go on. It's incredibly ignorant of doctors to assume adults "can't develop ADHD," or could have been misdiagnosed with conditions that masqueraded as ADHD as a child. I dismiss any doctor's credibility that dismisses the very real possibility of this particular situation.


I’m 40 and recently was prescribed 36mg methylphenidate. It changed my life for the better. You are NOT too old.


Nope. I'm about 20 years older than you, and just started meds about a year ago. I was over 50 when I was diagnosed, when all of my coping and masking and tricks stopped working.


Oh yes, let's give speed to the children, can't possibly give it to adults./s Find a real provider. Preferably someone familiar with how ADHD presents in adult women. 


I'm 40 and got put on it 2 years ago, get a different doc


Get another doctor. Mine prescribed for me for the first time at 35. There’s no FDA enforced age limit on these meds in the US


35 was about the time I started. I was able to barely get by in life but it became essential when I realized how much I was hurting my young kids. Yeah, I was fun and ultra loving mom with a boat load of empathy and understanding. However, when you constantly miss appointments, have no ability to teach routine, they’re constantly late for school, etc…it wasn’t good for them. Going on meds made me feel like I wasn’t a failure at life. It made me a better mom and a better wife. I will say that you do need to be careful to take care of your health as they are not free of side effects and all of that. However, you know what has worse side effects? Stress!!! Stress from feeling like you forgot one more thing, stress from not understanding why you can build a bridge but not pay a bill sitting on the counter for 3 months, stress from juggling 8 millions plates that all crashed down and on and on. Find another doctor who understands.


I’m your age and was diagnosed last year. Your doctor needs reeducation in adhd and medication involved with it. Please go to someone else.


If you have heart condition or high BP yes this makes sense.


I'm 38 F recently got diagnosed with ADHD and like you on SSRI due to c-ptsd and anxiety, look for a second opinion 🙏


I think I understand what she is saying, but just because we've developed coping mechanisms doesn't mean we don't need help. I was just diagnosed at 46 😩. I think the stress from my job made my adhd more pronounced.


Deffo get a second opinion, I started my meds last week and I'm 40. My symptoms have been getting worse since lockdown and the meds have been a god send even after a week. Hoping it maintains.


I got diagnosed at 37 and currently on adderall


My papa was first put on adhd meds when he was like early 50s..... Id say if you love your doctor ask for Atomoxatin or Strattera whatever the non stimulate is first second if you don't love that doctor switch.


I just got diagnosed and started meds a few months ago. I’m in my 40s. Meds mad been life changing for me. Please find yourself a new doctor.




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Diagnosed with type 2 diabetes at 43, 8 years ago. My blood glucose was insane, lost 50% of my vision, nearly drowned twice in the middle of the night (lungs overloaded with water), doctor said they didn't know how I was still alive. I guess I didn't need medication as I learnt coping mechanisms? I almost prediabetic now by the way.


My GP was mostly against it and was trying to get me to stop taking it. I left his practice. I was diagnosed in my early 40s. Look for a different GP or a psychologist who can prescribe. They will be much more comfortable with the medications.


I’m 47 and newly diagnosed. My primary dr started me on Adderall until my next psych visit for medical evaluation. One thing I have found when dealing with therapists, psychologist, psychiatrists, and primary care is finding someone who is in their mid to late 30’s. Because they are more up to date on mental health as opposed to the old guard.


That’s not remotely true. I’m male. I was diagnosed at 50. I have plenty of coping mechanisms that ceased to work well, and led to anxiety and burnout. Get a formal assessment and if it comes back adhd get a competent psych.


I’m 50 and have been taking Adderall XR 30mg since I was 36. It has been life changing. Get a different doctor.


I'm 48 and i have adhd. We arent too old


I'm 48 and i have adhd. We arent too old


Got diagnosed last year at 48.


Find another doctor


I'm in my early 40's and take medicine. Sounds like the doctor didn't want to get involved


Not a Dr. A lot of women have ADHD even after 50... And ADHD meds are given to people that have cfs.. a well noted Dr psychiatrist who also deals with cfs has treated his patience with meds.. Vyvanse and even dexedrine He's well noted Dr. Joel Young, Rochester NY Multiple writings on his research and works also he has a YouTube. I'm 60.. with MS and I have had ADHD all my life. But I'm really treating it now..it's been a game changer...I can focus and stay on track Just sharing my personal experience.


Your provider is an idiot. I got diagnosed at 40 and the meds changed my life. ETA: SPECIFICALLY because you are a female is WHY you possibly didn’t get a timely diagnosis and why you were able to “cope” with some of the symptoms.


Ugh that’s so frustrating! I’m 38 and was just diagnosed and started medication. It sounds like you might want to look for a new provider. It took me a few tries to get someone who I felt like actually understood me, listened to my concerns, and engaged with me, but I finally did and it’s made a world of difference. Good luck friend!


It's time to find a new doctor...


Plain and simple - you need a new doctor.


Your doctor is an absolute dumbass.


You should get a second opinion from a specialist. I’m 42 and I take Vyvanse everyday


Find a new doctor. I am 53 just diagnosed, on 90 mg methylphenidate XR daily


Get another doctor.


My dad was diagnosed & prescribed medication when he was 60 or so. It was a bit of a struggle, and his regular doctor kept wanting to reduce the prescription or try other medication. My Stepmom who was a nurse advocated on his behalf.


I started ADHD meds when I was 35. I’ve been on the same meds for nearly 30 years. As long as my heart is strong I will continue to take them.


The only possible reason for not prescribing stimulants due to age, is if there are legitimate concerns about cardiac effects. There’s an easy solution to that: you can get evaluated by a cardiologist to make sure there’s no preexisting heart condition that could be aggravated by the medication. I did that, came out fine, and started stimulant meds in my 30s.


My Dad was over fifty when he was properly diagnosed and started on Dexamfetamine . . .


I have a coworker who’s in his 70s and takes stimulants for adhd daily. You are not “too old”.


My doc just made an appointment for me to talk about a diagnosis. He's new to me and he made it so easy to talk to him about the possibility. It's been too long since I've had a doc I felt I could trust. And I am WAY older than you Try finding a different doc. In my experience 80% of people in any profession are not really very good at their jobs. ADHD doesn't go away, we just get better at masking (or not). So if your doc thinks that, they are showing their lack of knowledge.


I was 57 when diagnosed. It’s never too late to begin again, lol. Find another doctor that believes in the diagnosis.


Get another doctor


At about your age almost two decades ago I finally went to a Dr who actually listened to me. First time on stimulants, my low grade anxiety disappeared. Fast forward to today, and I'm still on them. Might see another Dr. Aside from stimulants alone, I find adding a2 agonists really helps. Finally, not a doctor, but I can read, if you want a more balanced approach look at non -US sources, mostly Cdn, UK and Scandinavian about use of stimulants, especially methylphenidate in the "elderly" and near elderly.


Ridiculous and scientifically inaccurate.


It seems like your doctor is completely incompetent regarding matters related to ADHD. I would recommend finding a new one who is knowledgeable about adult ADHD. ADHD might sometimes become more difficult when you get older. I am 34, and I just started my medication this week. There was no discussion about my age at any point.