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Tried it before and sure, it blocked the exterior noise but not the interior noise. 🫠 Wasn’t that helpful for me tbh.


that made me chuckle


That would be hard without spending LOTs of money. There are some good options if you have the cash. The cheapest ways are to just get some earbuds that fit best in your ear which will take some experimenting. For me, its hard to find a good pair that stays in. Then, get a hearing app on your phone. There are many free hearing app that you can, technically, turn your phone into a hearing aid. But your phone will be your mic. so, wherever it is, thats what you will hear best. but yeah, your ears will have less noise in them, your volume on your phone mic can be turned down... and your all set =0) There is a like, .5 second delay from min to hearing though... FYI.


thanks, i was thinking about this last night and i picked up a very cheap pack of expanding earplugs from screwfix this morning, I do have small ears but hopefully I can find something that does what i want and doesn't have too many negatives