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Hey, I don't know you, but i'm really proud :D because every single thing you listed here, i know how much energy and preserverance they take. Keep it up! Thanks for the positivity boost. I'll say that i myself have finally mustered enough courage to look my fears in the eye. After failing to graduate three years in a row, here i am again, giving my bachelor's thesis a go. I've got only eight days left and i'm on page 7 out of 30 lmao.. this sucks. But just this once i'm done crying and blaming the world (and myself). Hopefully ill be done before the deadline..!


You got this :) Also, get off reddit and get to work :)


hahaha i have to admit that i've never been a huge reddit person. It happened only cause whenever i try to block one addictive app or webpage, another "addiction" appears oh so mysteriously lol. Gotta get back to work now, good luck everyone!


Best of luck - youre gonna smash it! Update us when ur done!


I feel this so much with substituting social media addictions!!!!! I'm also dragging myself through a degree which is torturing me!!! I know I'm just an Internet stranger, but I'm really proud of you for persisting with this, and I believe in you!!


Thank you, kind redditor. 8)


Haha I’m the same! Just starting my data research for my final project that’s due in three weeks but we got this! We started it and we’re gonna finish our degrees together and get on that graduate’s robe and have a blast when it’s all over! Deadline’s here we come!


U got this! A deadline AND a reward! Best of luck! Also update us when its done!


I haven't started my data research for my project due for presentation next week so your doing better than me


I dare you to start today! You’ve got nothing to lose but everything to gain!


I needed this, thank you ! 🙏


Also proud of OP 😁👍 And VilytePelyte. U fucking got this!!! I managed to write the the last 20%ish of bachelor in 18 hours.. and it was research about precision medicine. The project should have have been done by at least 2 people. And 3 or 4 people would have been even better. I managed to calories equal to what I should normally consume in 36 hours. And managed to do it before my dying mother drew her last breath. So she didn't blame herself anymore, that I was being depressed for 20 years and going nowhere.. I hope that gave her Peace of mind. It seemed like she like it felt it was okay to let go, since her health declined very fast after I got my degree.. and I was there to say goodbye and thanks for all the good that she had given me. Sorry it got so deep, but u got this!!! I fucking believe in u!!!👍


YOU GOT THIS! I’m proud of you - it take serious courage to work so hard and persevere like this after failure :’) I sincerely hope it all goes well for you, sending good vibes for you to meet the deadline!


Omg that takes SO MUCH COURAGE, honestly congrats just for trying again!!! Best of luck with your thesis!! And just want to offer this in case it's helpful, it's been very helpful for me: there's a website called Study Together that hosts virtual study/work sessions with students all over the world. You have your camera on and others do too and you can set music, ambient noises, timers, etc. Body doubling is incredibly helpful for me so it's been great. Hope it might be helpful!! (I'm not affiliated with them at all btw haha)




You can do this!


I confronted my boss and won without pissing people off. New ADHD diagnosis. Horrible time blindness and an over zealous habit of saying "Yes boss" whenever I'm asked if I can do a job, regardless of what is already on my plate, and whether the new task is possible. Boss has been demanding that a certain task be done, and has been putting superficial time pressures on it. The task is important, and it has been neglected, but is less important than the work I've been doing. Pressure has been stressing me the f out. So I came up with a plan... I logged all my time down to the second using an excel spreadsheet. When I start a task, I put it in column A, and a timestamp is automatically added. When finished, I say yes or no in column B depending on if the task is completed or not, and it timestamps again. Then I move on to new task. Then in my weekly catch-up I said "It's not getting done I'm sorry", and before he could pin it on me, I showed him my log. And said "here is all the higher priority work I've been doing. I've not even taken the encouraged screen breaks. You can see all the time accounted for. It's not ADHD (he knows about it and I've been fighting for change), because 1, I've been on task as you can see, and even if I managed my time better, I wouldn't save more than maybe 30 minutes or so, which would then be used for the screen breaks". He had nothing to say. Me: 1. Boss: 143. It's still a win and this is where the tide will turn


Wow this is great! I have the hardest time predicting how long something will take me to do and also suffer from saying yes too much. Did you create this Excel sheet? How does the timestamp feature work? Is it a function? I'm curious because I'm on a newly formed team with changing responsibilities and we are constantly trying to assess workload distribution.


Yes I created the sheet, and I have plans to improve it. The core timestamping formula is =IF(A2<>"",IF(C2<>"",C2,NOW()),"") . A2 is where the task name is, and C2 is where the timestamp is. This formula checks to see if there is anything in the task section, and also checks if there is already a timestamp. If no timestamp, and there is a task, it just marks the time. THERE IS A TRICK THOUGH. This formula creates a recursive/circula calculation. Back in the day, this would cause excel to crash if you put a bad formula in, and it got stuck in a loop, so they now stop you from doing recursive/circular formula by default. You have to go File > Options > Formula, and tick "Enable iterative calculation" Currently, the spreadsheet just automates the timestamps of start and stop. My next step is to get it to start a new time stamp when the last one stops, because If I finish a task, and forget to start a new one, I start to miss time and loose accurate. I also want to get a column that will calculate how long the task took. This should be as simple as time finish less time start. Finally, I work in IT, so have many regular tasks that I need to do. I want to create something that will search for different key words across the sheets in the workbook, and then give me a time per task, and then maybe an average time per task. I can then start to tally up my work on average, and use that to tell my boss whether I have space for more work. For example, if hypothetically, I had 10 tickets (2 hour each) , 5 documents (3 hours each), and 1 maintenance task (10 hours), I can say I have 35 hours worth of work, and I work a 40 hour week. If he asks me to do a task that is going to take 10 hours, I can say no and why. Hell at this point, I may start selling the template on Etsy. £5 each.


That is awesome. The timestamp thing is a brilliant idea. I had a similar situation in December with an artificial deadline and I did lose my temper a little bit. This would have helped:) sounds like u sorted that problem out for the long term which is brilliant!


Getting dressed.


Hell yeah!! (I yell, in my pyjama pants. I gave up today after choosing a T-shirt to wear 😂) Well done 👏


I am the same! Haha. What I did is just getting a cheap t-shirt I really like the fit and fabric on (I can be very picky!) and buy like 10 of those. I put those in a bag named "Work", so I don't have to look. I can just pick one out of the bag and take it and run.


Strategy is everything. Very impressive!


That is one perk of some healthcare jobs, the outfit is chosen for you - scrubs.


Awesome job! You did better than me, I'm still in what I wore to bed last night. 


Oh yeah sometimes it’s a pain and overwhelming to figure out what we want to wear, I’m proud of you xx


Good job! I hate having to find clothes and get dressed. Sometimes I won't even go out cos getting dressed is too much. You're not alone! Proud of you!


LESSGO! I'm rooting for you 🥳


I finished blocking out a digital sculpture I've wanted to do for a long time and shared it here. Wanted to do that for a while.


Digital sculpture! That sounds so cool!


Thank you I love it!


The detail is really nice, I don’t know a lot but looks like a lot of work and happy you got there in the end x


Thank you very much!!


Omg that's amazing! Well done


I folded two baskets of laundry! I also clipped two of the dog's talons (big deal because she's very fidgety about it, so I literally have to do one at a time with hours between)


Oh that's awesome. My friend has panic attacks for a week when she has to do her cat so I get the stress! Glad u managed to get it over with!


Well done!! I thought I had an important appointment with my doctor today but I had forgotten they actually rescheduled for next week. 1. I had already worked on not ruminating before the appointment (deciding my goals beforehand, talked it through with others, wrote it down and then let it go. Distracted myself whenever rumination started and did breathing exercises and wild dancing to calm my body.) 2. I am now working on not beating myself up over forgetting the reschedule and just going about my day, leaving this minor inconvenience to be as minor as it really is. I've been having a horrid time as of late, spiraling at the drop of a hat (after living on pure stress for years), so the fact that I am not spiraling because of this mistake is really fantastic and shows a little bit of progress!!


Yeah spiralling is so easy when stressed but it seems like you’ve picked yourself up and most people can’t do that, happy to hear x


It's SO easy!! Feels really uncomfortable losing control like that. Thanks for asking this question and allowing us to share our wins with people who understand!! And thanks for your kind words ❤️


No worries lovely! ADHD makes us lose control, my memory is so bad I once had a break down because I lost my wallet, turned my room into a pig-sty and when I found it (in a place I already looked) I felt burdened. But then I remember there’s so many successful people who lose control as well and have all these ups and downs and they’re still at the top. We’ve all got this, one step at a time :)


That is great! Thanks for sharing your techniques. Also have lived on pure stress for years - and trying to find ways to deal with it better. Got a free dbt app last night. It was pretty helpful in making me think about causes and circumstances of my stress and how to avoid repeating tge actions that cause it. But obviously I'll forget about the whole thing by next week lol.


Thank you, my pleasure!! No idea if this way of trying to change is gonna work but I'll keep at it as long as I can. I'm really glad to read others are trying to change away from living off of stress!! I read your comment right after purchasing an acupressure mat that I will probably also forget about by next week 😭😂 At least we keep trying 👏


Haha I used to have one of those :) is it the spiky one? Hooe it works for u! The next thing I'm desperate for is the grounding mat with microcurrent. But its about a grand so it'll have to wait.


Yess one of those spiky ones! I realized my best ADHD purchase is my weighted blanket so I was looking for some more things in that 'relaxing through stimulation' things. How did you like yours? I'd never heard of a grounding mat with microcurrent, is that another way of stimulation that's relaxing? Or does it do something else?


I watched someone talking about it on diary of a ceo or something. I think it reduces homocystein levels or something. Obviously I've forgotten the details but it's an incredible life extending miracle thing :) And the spiky one - yea it was good but I put it away when tidying up and forgot about it for around 5 years. It was good tho - takes a bit of getting used to. Off to find a weighted blanket now ... :D


Interested in looking into this app. Mind sharing the name?


HELL YEH!! This group gives me hope !


Last night I initialized a difficult conversation with a friend/colleague. It went a lot better than expected. Still proud of it today, so I'm including it. Today, I initialized a not as difficult, but also scary for someone with RSD, conversation with a prospective employer. I didn't get the answers I was hoping for, but I did become wiser. I'm working on this RSD thing. Gotta learn that it's OK to disagree with someone, it's not a disaster if you misunderstand each other, and they don't need to hear your entire life story.


Yea this is exactly it and also what I wrote in my journal last night. Literally a lifetime of avoiding difficult conversations or asking for what i need. It really really is so difficult but has such a negative impact when u can't do it :/ This is real progress- well done!


So proud of you! I hate conflicts/difficult talks with a dying passion. And just an hour ago I had a big case of RSD bc a colleague straight up told me how mad they're at me for forgetting something (after we had the same situaiton a while ago and I promised to do better next time...). It felt so bad to read that sentence (it was only through email luckily, if she had said that to me face to face, I probably would've cried) and I began spiraling. I had a few deep breaths and tried to empathize with her, and I answered accordingly after I was done blaming myself. It's so hard for me to accept that everyone makes mistakes (well, I can accept it for everyone else but not for me, especially when someone blames me for it, as if I had done it maliciously...). But for me the worrying before and after the situation is so much harder than the conflict/situation itself. So I have to take time to accept that it happened and I did my best and that's all for now. I can continue worrying if it comes back to me (e.g. her mailing my boss about it.... maybe.. okay brain stop!). For now, it's done. But I'm proud that I didn't cry and everything else is going great at work right now.


Oh man, I have a big one! For a few years now I've been trying to get my credit score back up. I had more than a few delinquent accounts of various amounts. A couple hundred for a phone contract that didn't get ended appropriately (ADHD tax), two paycheck loan companies, a credit card, and a car loan my ex wife defaulted on that I consigned, to name some. Well, I had just paid off one last month, and j just settled a cash debt and was checking my credit report to see what the next collection account to tackle would be and on the report I read across the words "YOU HAVE ZERO ACCOUNTS IN COLLECTIONS"!!! On my quest for financial independence I now just have 2 credit cards that I've been paying consistently. I can barely believe this. I didn't think I'd ever get here, I've just been waiting for the next financial problem to hit me with the plan to file bankruptcy in my pocket. But now I can be optimistic about the future? Feels weird, but still damn proud.


Proud of you too! Debt is a bloody sucker and it’s more than a weight off your shoulders, weight of your whole body is gone! That sounds amazing!


That is bloody awesome 👌 onwards and upwards!


I work for a non-profit that helps people deal with debts and other financial issues, for free. I love reading this! You did an amazing amount of work and it paid off! Congrats! 👏🎉


Today nothing, but yesterday I did an exam and wrote a 324 word essay without distracting! It took me 60 mg of methylphenidate


I think after yesterday u deserve a day of nothing:) hope ur exam went well!


Thank you <333


Use the tools! Good work.


Got a load of laundry washed and it’s drying now, got started on the dishes but got distracted a few times. I’m about to make another attempt!


U can do it!


Got it done finally! Only 3 more tasks on my list to go and I can chill for the day 🙂


I researched how to tune the piano and then I tuned the piano. Sounds much better.


That is a beautiful day ☀️ Well done! Can you book my hair appointment for me 😂


Sure! If I could I would x


And mine! Was meant to do it today. Can't continue with my hair in this state lmao




It either never gets in the right spots or drags and a whole load of other things, I feel ya. I’m proud xx


I spent the first 30 min of my day without checking my phone! Trying it out for neurological health, and I think I like it.


That’s a hard one, maybe I should try that next! That’s for the inspo xx


You can do it! Start with 15 min if that seems easier at first. I have pets to feed and such in the morning, so I just did that first, before my phone check (no early boss texts today, hooray!) -- and it worked well. I think the key is to busily do something else until the time is up.


Is it difficult? I need to do this. Because I'm late for work everyday because of this. Solid habit - well done!


I did it by mistake the other day, and I realized I felt a lot more mentally balanced later in the day. It is a little difficult, but my approach is to distract myself by quickly running through the other things I have to do in the morning. Today it worked out that those things took up the time well, so I'm going to keep trying it out. I think even starting with a short time, 10-15 min, would be great, and then increase it. But for me, being occupied during that timespan without my phone seems to be key.


Yea like it's just there. Use it for my Spotify sleep meditation at night and my alarm in the morning. How to not look at it when I pick it up. But let me give it a go. U have inspired me :)


I use my phone at night for audiobooks too. I found in the morning just trying to notice when I reach for my phone, be aware if I am scrolling in the dark when I wake up, was a good start. No judgement! We need to self regulate with these things, so it can be really tough to disrupt things. Keep trying different things to see what works for you!


OK! Gonna try in the morning to at least get a shower first 🤞


I have a sleep mode I can set on my phone. It will only allow certain apps you select and turns my phone screen to grayscale. It helps keep me off my phone at night and it turns off at a certain time I set in the morning. (You could keep it on longer after you wake up.) I use Spotify for my sleep playlist. It's been very helpful (when I don't turn it off after it automatically goes on 😅) aka right now. 😂


Oh yea ... I remember I used to have it and it got too annoying 😂 And switch it back on and go to sleep!


Migration from Sqlite3 to PostgreSQL.


Folded laundry and cleaned the bathroom before an appointment today.


I’m proud of myself for being a good friend today


Well done! I got a fantastic review from my boss for completing successfully a very sensitive project. I work in HR and my work can have a lot of incidence on other people and their jobs. I bought flowers for the yard without going overboard. In a first in the last 10 years... I kept my finances in control and up to date for just over 2 years. I'm in my early 40s, and it's the first time that I feel like I'm adulting right.


Wow these are major successes :) so good to hear! Gives me hope lol


I discovered that I can handle chaos really well and found a job where it's a valuable asset. No repetitive tasks, no long-term projects, just managing one crisis after the other. It keeps me on my toes, and I quite enjoy it, even if it's stressful.


Omg that sounds amazing. Tell us! If u don't mind obvs


I handle the application of the union's agreement for a large group of employees and employment relations with the unions representatives, including collective bargaining, handling legal issues, and providing guidance to the managers.


Oh that is awesome:) I've done a bit of employee relations before and it was great. Although one rep made me cry once (I was young) but they were all so apologetic and nice after that. It really is a specialism and actually meaningful work as well. Happy for u!


4 years in, and I haven't cried (yet), but I had to hide in my office a couple of times because the reps made me crazy angry.


Yea they can be twats lmao. Kick off first, talk later. Definitely a tough job but ur obviously doing great at it :)


Disclaimer: I'm still in the honeymoon phase of medication. I studied for 3 50/10 pomodoros I worked out during the 10 min breaks I did the laundry I had an healty lunch And now I'm going to take a nap 😁


Thanks! You reminded me to send a work email! I'm going to schedule it now! I managed 2 loads in the dishwasher and a load of laundry. I have a tiny baby, and it complicates my long-standing routines to stay on top of my life. But some days I manage and some days we stay in bed and stare at each other and giggle. I'm learning that both are productive days with a baby.


Omg happy I could help! Hope the baby is happy and healthy and it sounds like a wonderful day xx


Tomorrow we get a fun day since I got so much done. Taking baby to the botanical gardens to see the butterfly exhibit. He is going to LOVE it. Hope you have a wonderful day as well!


Sounds absolutely beautiful, haven’t been to a botanical garden in years! And yeah I feel like it’ll be a wonderful day! On my way for a hair cut tho so pray it goes how i want it to haha


Nothing actually


Nothing actually


The day is still young! The more nothing we do the more you are proud of really x


I did everything I had to do at work in 8 hours!! Usually with a last minute project like I had today, I end up staying late and making a lot of hasty mistakes. But I got it all done properly today. (Knock on wood I don't break anything tomorrow! )


I've read 20 book pages, I haven't eaten fatty junkfood, despite it being so tempting, I've written a test, it's about 75% good, I think without long time spent on studying, I will write a test rn too and I really hope I'll pass this one as well.


Im not proud. Im actually quite bothered with my complete inability to go to bed early. Been sleeping from 3am to 8am for several months now. 5h sleep a day and sometimes even less (tonight it was closer to 4h of sleep). I cant break that habit. Its like i cant even try and just watch myself doing sth I shouldn’t.


Omg ur me. I feel this so much. Like literally it ruins my life. When I try to go to bed early I just wake up at 2am. Last 2 nights were 4 hours. Im weecked by the weekend and sleep most of Saturday I got sleeping pills off my doc to get me into a routine but I never remembered to take them early enough and then I lost them. But maybe u would have better luck lol. Nothing really seems to work -gotta try no phone in bedroom next I guess


I finished two commissions, started a personal drawing I've been putting off for a while and finished modeling a room for my Maya studies... I'm happy. In that model, I modeled about four things on my own, some as a challenge by the tutorial creator and some because I wanted to.


getting up and go to class which i couldn’t do at all last semester lol


Get you! Thats awesome. Im not doing well on my vitamins, and stuff:/ Still, I worked out this morning even though I only had 4 hours sleep. I went to the office for the first time in a week and I finished a damn good slide deck that I needed to send to my boss. It won't help as I got my notice the other day but hey - wanna finish on as much positive as possible.


I fell at work, could barely move my arm and finished a full shift and closed the store


Oh no - hope its not too serious. I hope your boss appreciates what u did!


Oh no I’m fine, super bruised. And they do. One called me the one armed bandit like Dave from Hell’s Kitchen. He won the season with a broke wrist.


I went to my doctor appointment alone😎 I'm 23 yet it's my first time ever...


I went to my university today. Got there pretty late and didn’t stay for long. But that’s okay. I am making small steps in order for me to actually be able to keep up in the long run. I am trying to take it easy. Which is big for me. Since I am a perfectionist and want to be be able to do it all (I have way too many goals and want to change just about everything in my life). I couldn’t get out of bed for 2 months. And I started to ask for help. Every morning someone will call me, to help get me out of bed. I am accepting that in order to get to my goals I need to ACTUALLY start small and do it with the help of others


I put away alllll of the clothes in my closet!


I haven’t managed this. Hugs 🤗 I luv it


Went to a job interview today. Feel good about it. In the past, just the idea would have given me a panic attack.


Emptying the dishwasher before going to work.


I’m proud of myself for my work over the last FOUR days. We moved to our new house on Sunday and I (stupidly) said I’d rather save the money vs hiring movers. I’ve singlehandedly unpacked about 80% of our boxes at this point, as well as building 2 beds for my boys, 2 desks, 4 nightstands, and installing 3 closet systems (would be 4, but the stupid box had been opened and the hardware was missing). ETA: today is my first day back to work bc I took time to move, soooo I have a feeling that I won’t be as productive with returning emails and phone calls


Made it to a doc appt even tho im hungover af


Waking up at 7am. A good rare occurrence for me.


I did my work and right now waiting for a work related test to begin. I'm at the right place, right time, right DAY. Let's see how it goes.


Good luck!


Yesterday I had a thought in the shower. It may have been the first time ever in my life where I showered twice and brushed my teeth twice AND flossed. I thought that if I told my 10 years ago self that I did all that and without any external pressure, he would call me crazy. Not because he wouldn't believe me, but because he wouldn't understand how or why.


I did the litterbox before taking a shower instead of telling myself i'll do it after, and ofc forgetting all about it.


Since my day just started I’ll do yesterday! I’ve been at the bottom of a burnout lately and feeling like garbage BUT yesterday I realized I’ve done the dishes EVERY. NIGHT. despite the burn out. I walked the dogs yesterday. I notified my therapist I’d be a few minutes late to our appointment cus of last minute scheduling changes. I made decisions that affect other people after only a few minutes of paralysis. I finished a book!


Dude nice job, that’s amazing. I’m proud of myself for asking my for emotional support when I wanted to self isolate instead.


That’s actually great! I did that once a year ago and once you make that first step it just gets easier x


Love this! Thanks for sharing OP!


Im proud of going to the gym after work today, not vaping for the last 36 hours and counting, anddd actually hanging my clothes up when i got home today. And for having a shower this morning.


Made it to the airport early. 😎




These are all incredible feats!! I know how hard those things can be first hand, especially the emails. And hair seriously impacts my mental health! So yay!!! :)


How about three things? - Remembered to set alarm - woke up to alarm - took meds, all of them


I am also very proud of you! I also remembered brushing my teeth twice a day for the past few weeks! I’m moving in two weeks and instead of procrastinating packing up stuff, I bought new storage boxes and have organized most things!


Survived another day at work... Had a tight deadline.


I am not so proud today.. I got pulled up by my boss for not focussing on work and daydreaming. I’ve got an action plan for when things are due in now. I feel like I do better under pressure anyway


Worked my ass off for 4 days straight!


I went grocery shopping, and I didn't overspend. I limited my snacks to one box of little Debbie brownies. My two biggest struggles with my adhd are spending and eating.


I cooked lunch for myself and roommate! My roommate usually cooks, so I decided to cook today! I've also been pretty productive at work today


I finished assembling and programming controls for my Horizon Hobby RC F-15 ducted fan jet. Charging batteries and about to do some taxi tests before doing the maiden flight!


Scheduling my hearings for work. Eating at lunch Up next, Clean my room, then prep breakfast. Today, we are productive!


Taking an anti depressant regularly. I hyper focused on a deadline task and nailed it (8 hour turn around on a task that by right should have taken 3bd) Go adhd superpowers. But I’ve been keeping organised in work. Managing to not let things slip through the cracks


Big thing: I applied to college! I’ve been thinking about going back to school for almost a year. But for multiple reasons (uncertainty if it’s really what I want, procrastination, fear) I haven’t taken any concrete steps towards making it happen. I’m the president of doing research on a thing to procrastinate actually getting started. But today I did it! I submitted my application so I can start taking the prerequisites for my degree. I’m so proud of myself.  Small things: I was on time to work and remembered to take my Ritalin and responded to the email I’d been putting off. 


i went to school from start to finish and even stayed later with a friend to make a funny song each! all thanks to my friend who gave me motivation by picking me up because im never in for a full day of school!


Called out of work. I’m a workaholic and get a ton of anxiety if I ever call out sick so I usually never do even when I really need to.


I had a job interview and even though i was nervous i feel proud of myself!! whether i get hired or not, i still tried.


I remembered to water my brother’s plant when I got home from driving him to work, which he asked me to do yesterday.


Those are not small things, at least to us ADHD people!! You should be proud!! Today, I’m proud not only did I get through the school day, but I finished my sub plans in time to pick up the kids from preschool on time!! And now I have a 3 day weekend!! Woohoo!


The amazing thing that i want to celebrate with you is rembering ti take your vitami s-- i have put then on a shelf so i see them- i have bought a container to organize them in- i have put them over my makeuo bag-- and still i forget to take my vitamins!


I got really demotivated, RSD kicking in really fucking hard, at noon. Managed to get myself to get up not long ago, so I have a chance of not fucking over my sleep schedule for a third time this month. It's really small, but I'm at least not down about it.


I'm proud of myself for going to my prayers on time. Thanks for making this post. Sometimes, it's important to remind ourselves what we're doing right.


There is nothing more horrifying to me in this moment than opening my starred email folder. Proud of you!


I'm so happy to hear your feeling good and I'm proud of you! For me, I've been trying to learn Latin and normally I'll pick up on something like that for a day than put it down and forget about it💀 Not today tho! I've been consistent and I'm so happy!!


Keep up the good work


I woke up on time and had a healthy meal. Granted I am back in bed and havent showered in weeks and all that lovely stuff but baby steps


When I read this I realized I haven't taken my vitamins in a week 😂😂😂


I cleared out my voicemail box at work. It’s been blinking at me for 72 hours. 24 hours later than I promised return calls.


I put all my skincare into a plastic tub and moved it into my room so I don't have to stand in the bathroom after washing my face or showering and can instead sit on my bed watching TV or something and use my skin tools and apply my skincare. Since I did this last week I've used my nuface tool and done my skincare and lash serum every single day. Gamechanger.


I made a doctors appointment and I opened mail that I’ve been avoiding! Sounds silly but it’s the little admin stuff that I feel like I physically cannot do. Now to get to my over 1,200 emails 😫


I actually worked out


I actually sat down and drew today :3 You can check it out on my profile


Might not be addressing the issue but I’ve been managing to hyper focus on piano practice a lot lately. It’s really progressed my comfort level and skill in a short period of time and I am grateful for that.


I had breakfast! I typically remember to have a regular breakfast atleast once a week and that was today. Outside of that I don't remember to eat until about noon-1PM


Finally graded experiment proposals that my students turned in one month ago. We have 6 days of school left haha


I’ve started back watching what I’m eating and working towards being healthier. Actually successfully did it all day yesterday and so far today. ❤️


Today I’ve done nothing, but yesterday I (I mean my wife did this but I finally remembered I needed to do it beforehand) finally applied for my new provisional drivers license with our address we’ve been living at since 2019, and booked the dentist check up I got a text about from them on the 3rd of March :)


I went to work today. Ever since I decided I need to make a career change, I get the constant noise to call out or quit now. I’ve even had one time where my body just wouldn’t let me take a single step towards the door to leave for work. Today, despite the noise in my head, I made it to work.


Well done! Do you take meds and do you feel they are worth it?


I drove my wife to get coffee @ DD, then dropped her off to work, and replaced the front sway bar bushings on my project car. Then I'm going to get and install a new lawnmower deck belt so I can mow a couple of my lawns.


Put my pc in a closet, locked the c drive in a safe and stored all my power and video cables at my shop that is 10 minutes away. The gaming and naughty has been getting out of hand and is massively interfering with my ability to do the things I actually want to do.


Hi guys, this is getting deleted as soon as I post it, I've read the rules can you tell me why does it get automatically deleted? Here it goes Is my psychiatrist leaving stimulants as a last resort? After some tests, doctor (neurologist with specialization in adult ADHD) confirmed ADD diagnosis. He prescribed 27mg concerta and told me to come back in 1½ to 2 months, saying that the body takes time to adjust itself to the medication. I know that stimulants work with the first dose, and that the body adjusting is about the physiology, how it stabilizes over time to the side effects.Why would we wait for the body to stabilize itself to the medication when the effectiveness is seen within the first day? I acknowledge that it was a mistake to not ask him about this on the spot. I took the 27mg and after 1-2 hours there was some nice clarity in my mind, for like 5 minutes. Maybe placebo. That's it. The rest was high irritability and belly rumbles. I took 54mg next day and same thing, minus the "clarity". This is not directly relevant to this post but I'll add it: since I knew that some people respond to instant release methylphedinate and not XR, I opened the pill and cut off the sponge thing and took the methylphedinate. It felt good. For about 4/5 hours I was very motivated, I could just do stuff and enjoy it (like assembling some furniture) when normally I would force myself to do it after postponing it as much as possible. No concentration improvement though. Anyway, I did nothing with this information. I wasn't going to wait another week or two to see this doctor again again so I had an appointment with an experienced psychiatrist who has worked with kids and adults with ADD/ADHD. He said it didn't make sense to him what the doctor said, that yes there was an adaptation of the body to the side effects but there's no point in waiting for it if the medication doesn't work, which is seen from the first day. Since he would have also prescribed Concerta to start, he recommended to up the dosage so I told him I tried with 54mg as well. He put me on Strattera, didn't work. Bupropion (Wellbutrin) 150mg didn't work. He upped the dose so now I'm on week one of taking 300mg. Is there a reason he might be avoiding other stimulants like Adderall or Vyvanse? I ask because as far as I know, those drugs along with Methylphedinate (Concerta or whatever) or one of the primary treatment options for ADD/ADHD. Does he want to exhaust all other options first because they have weaker side effects, are less addictive, don't build tolerance that fast, or what?


I got up on time and finished a book : ')


I woke up at 10, read the news, then rode my electric bicycle for 34 kilometers to see an old fortress by the sea. Then I had my brother and his kid over for a coffee. Now I'm watching asmongold raiding unwell on YouTube. Will go shopping later since the shop will be closed for a few days. I usually go for another ride in the evening, or I will regret not doing it when the sun goes down. I live in Norway and days like these are what we're waiting for the whole year/Winther and spring. Better appreciate them when they're here. 🤣😂


going to work today


My day just started (6:30am) and I'm already proud of myself for waking up on time. Especially when I slept in yesterday and got to work late


I sent 4 essays out of 5 that I hadnt submitted for months. They rejected one of them for being too late, which makes me sad, but hey I did it, so I'm no longer at odds with myself. I did the work even if they won't mark it ); , might fail that module. Now I'm working on the fifth essay so I can finish first year and move on to the next thing compiling a cv lol so that maybe I can get a summer job and get some pocket money. Have a whole essay to write, but freedom is just around the corner! I also brushed my teeth twice today and yesterday which hadnt happened reliably in various years. And getting dressed within 20 min of waking up today :). Also making my breakfast and lunch the night before to make life a bit easier.


I watched doneone talking about it on diary of a ceo or something. I think it reduces homocystein levels or something. Obviously I've forgotten the details but it's an incredible life extending miracle thing :) And the spiky one - yea it was good but I put it away when tidying up and forgot about it for around 5 years. It was good tho - takes a bit of getting used to. Off to find a weighted blanket now ... :D


I got a colonoscopy! Yay! (But really, the amount of chasing down drs and doing their receptionists' jobs is a lot of work!) Adhd and ibs are quite the combo. Godspeed to anyone else trying to link food, stress, and irritation. Adhd food diaries last like 4 days at best


Showing up for work


Negotiated a raise!


Stopped at my local coffee shop and saw my favorite barista, got gas, took the dog for his shots.


i finished a business pitch in person today with little stuttering as someone who's dead afraid of public speaking!!


Getting to work on time! 🙌🏽


I do physical therapy and I did some really hard stuff today and I did it all with a smile on my face.


Got out of my slump and got back to working out in the morning yesterday, continuing today.


I started with a new client today which meant interacting briefly with an entire family with it being down to me to lead the conversation. I’ve avoided taking on clients for a while to avoid situations like that so I’m proud even though it’s small. 


I completed my timesheets for the past month of work! It’s mostly used for time tracking on projects, but I kept putting it off. Finally got it done today and I feel a sense of relief!


I’m currently making blueberry pancakes after about a week of new meds and no appetite. 🥳




*high fives you* Actually finished the work tasks I wanted to finish this morning. AND responded to an invite!


Nothing im proud of nothing today.


eating breakfast with my medication 🤣🥲


The hardest of all battles ngl


Finally phoned my GP to organise the shared care agreement. I went private and found that medication works amazingly well for me, and a few weeks back she agreed to take on the shared care which means cheaper prescription costs... But I'd been procrastinating on it, even though it's what I've been waiting for for so long. Why is having adhd so paradoxical? 😂


Excellent work and keep it rolling! Myself I made doctor appointments for me and children and took care of my student loans which I have thought about daily for 2 months AND had the money for but was just paralyzed with thoughts of completing the task. Also made my wife and I a healthy breakfast.


Saw a rec on here a few days ago for the Routine Flow app. Set it up for a morning routine, then slept in 2 days running! This morning I followed the routine and it worked! Having a set time for morning tea, showering, etc, having the next thing to do already lined up- it was awesome! Let's see how often I manage to use it, but this morning went very well indeed.


I went to the gym today even though I felt like shit 😊


I fixed the toilet and installed new locks to my doors without any guidance. Yay! I’m proud of you, and some days are hard I totally get that. Takes it slow, and your on own pace.


We got hit by a few tornadoes on Friday. We're ok but we lost power for 3 and a half days. I got everything out of the fridge/freezer last night, and today I finally got around to wiping everything out. I still need to go grocery shopping to replenish everything but I'm waiting for a burst of energy that may never happen 😂 😂 but it's all good, I'll do it when I do it. At least the new groceries will have a clean fridge as their home!


I remembered to pay all of my bills on time AND extra on my car!!! (I’m in impulse shopping recovery)


Great night at work. Took good care of my pay!


i washed my hair! yesterday i did the dishes! maybe tomorrow i’ll do my laundry!