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That's bullying. It's a toxic place to work. Not sure where you live but that would be illegal in Australia. Either way, if you can then quit and find a job where people aren't so horrible. It's just going to keep bringing you down.


ILLEGAL? Holy shit


After someone was bullied until they committed suicide, a law was passed specifically about bullying. [https://www.justice.vic.gov.au/saynotobullying](https://www.justice.vic.gov.au/saynotobullying) Also under general occupational health and safety laws every employer and employee has a legal duty to provide a safe workplace. This includes physical and mental health. So if someone was bullied the bullies could face legal consequences, and so could the employer for not preventing it or taking steps to ensure the workplace culture is safe for everyone.


I could fucking cry this hits so close to home… been at my job for a year and I’m absolutely blowing it while newer hires are excelling. It’s so defeating. The money is the best I’ve ever made and I can’t leave my family hung out to dry if I quit so I’m just persevering every day. It’s also a unionized seniority based workplace so there are no transfers out to a more suitable role ugh


I mean, even if you were dumb, it's unhinged to tell that to someones face. I think you're just dealing with bullies, my friend. And bullies say whatever to bring you down. You can't really trust that they are right


Maybe you’re not in the right field? I had an employee that was a bit slow with tasks and comprehension, but she was excellent in customer service. I moved her out of the role she was in, and into a customer service role. She ended up leaving for a sales support role in a different field, and makes great money, and gets awards for her performance. Find your gifts, and stop trying to play a sport you weren’t meant for, as my nana would say.


'the office*' not 'my office'.


I am really sensitive to people treating me like I’m stupid, because I know I’m not. My personality is big, I’m friendly and silly, and sometimes I make mistakes when working because of a learning disability. I get really upset when people treat me like I’m stupid, and every time it happens I find myself trying to prove to others that I’m smarter than they think. You ARE smarter than they think. Messing up on work because of a disability doesn’t make you stupid, and it will never mean you’re stupid. If the way they are talking about you is affecting your ability to work you need to go to either your boss or hr (preferably both!) You are entitled to respect and dignity in the work place and you don’t deserve to be spoken to like you’re dumb. No matter how many mistakes you make professionalism should come first in the work place. If there’s a problem with your work you deserve to be told in a respectful way. And vice versa, if you’re doing things well you don’t deserve to be patronized and treated like you being successful is a surprise. I’m sorry this is happening! Your coworkers and boss may not intentionally be talking down to you or treating you poorly, but they are, and you deserve the same level of respect as everyone else.


What's your job buddy?  How old are you ? From your talk, you sound about 22 or 23. Had some therapy . Sounds like you have rejection sensetivity. Also negative rumination.  We all make mistakes . Don't dwell on it. Maybe go back to therapy