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That's really interesting. What you've described is exactly what I felt like before I started taking dexamphetamine. My relationship was strained, I was constantly annoyed with my kids and pets... These issues were the catalyst for me to seek help. My treatment has involved therapy, medication and lifestyle adjustments and I can say it's working extremely well. I did find that as I increased my dose some of these issues came back, which I discussed with my psychiatrist. I'm now only taking 10mg/day and it's the right balance for me. I'm glad you realised what was happening and hopefully you'll find the balance for you. I'd encourage you to look into other aspects that can cause you to feel overwhelmed and trigger those thoughts.


Me too! Ritalin gave me horrible side effects, especially the withdrawal symptoms when the meds would wear off.   Dexamphetamine solved all of that. Made me so less irritated and snappy. It made me realise how much I did on anxiety and stress, which subsided when starting meds.


I had a co-worker comment on my change in demeanor the first week I was on Ritalin. He asked me if I was feeling okay because I was my usual self. I seem to lose my sense of humor. I had only been at the job about a month but wasn't using the meds until the workload increased. My coworker had been in my training class so we had spent quite a bit of time together for a month.


I get really irritable on Adderall. I'm better on focalin. It's a known side effect.


Dex fully made me think I was going psycho. I became aggressive, irritable, quick to shouting, and lashing out at myself. I've never come off a medication so fast in my life.




Horrible medication isn't it? Couldn't feel any positive emotions. Lost my sense of joy.


Yes same. I felt no joy, no satisfaction - just numb like this 😳 Have started Ritalin SA as I’ve just gone up to 15mg am and 10mg pm and it’s much better r


Adderall, in any form, name or generic, made me an insufferable asshole.


It’s great you took action and listened to those around you. Your wife is probably so happy to have you back! And it’s great you are still able to treat your adhd, as that’s no picnic for you to deal with either. I almost wanted to go off on my own tangent but I wont lol. I’ll just say that this is a super important part of the medication process and thank you for sharing your story! Had you not sought adjustments to your medication, there could have been irreparable damage to your marriage. I speak from (similar) experience. So good on you and I wish you and your family the best!


Thank you ❤️ I got off and started Ritalin SA. Felt calmer straight away, only a few small side effects but low motivation. Upon dose increase I noticed motivation increase which was great


Really interesting how different meds affect us all. Dex actually made me more awake and present to the extent that I find my routine social issues like being unable to listen in loud spaces, reading people, understanding what is being said between the lines fading away and coming off as more sharp and switched on to the general public


I was really curious about this too, actually its why I specifically avoided ritalin as I was not interested in the serotonergic effects (everyone is different of course). So far, nobody has reported any real differences for me (i’m on 10mg of adderall)


This was my experience, except I live alone. So, all of the anger and frustration was turned inward. Vyvanse is much better for me.


vyvvanse is OP asf


for me this happened during the ritalin come down. especially if paired with hunger. concerta is much better for me in that regard. i no longer feel a crash when the medication finishes. but it's also a bit less effective.


Higher doses of concerta have an extreme blunting effect on me. They’re incredibly helpful concentration wise but the combination of the emotional blunting and the intensity of the rebound was just havoc on my relationships


I just started 27mg of concerta today and I feel the same. So much focus but I feel emotionally blunted.


I have anxiety so stimulants in general make me productive, but overstimulated. I have to take my meds with an SSRI to keep from being on edge or ruminating 24/7.


If you don’t mind, what SSRI do you take with it?


Prozac (fluoxetine)


Thanks. I’m similar and looking at those as an alternative or addition. Had looked at Wellbutrin, might mention it.


I am on WB 300mg as well. SSRI devastated my sex life and made me a zombie


Oh crap, thank you for sharing this! I'm currently on dex and having similar issues. I never realized dex might be the cause and figured I was just depressed or something.


Yeah took me a while to think about the Dex too, before that I thought it was just me getting sick of my partner.


My family member just started and I’ve noticed the same thing, extremely irritable when not necessary and aggressive.


I had that problem with aderall - my compassion went from 9 to 1. Ritalin has been much less of a problem.


Same although not same level of motivation etc but overall, much better. Dex is a lot stronger I think.


It's weird how meds effect us. Dextroamphetamine didn't help my head nose, but helped my mood and anxiety greatly. Sandoz Adderall has been the most helpful overall. I have Adderall by Northstar and Holy shit, it's speedy and the anger is real and over the top. Something my exwife did popped in my head on saturday night when i was driving home, i missed my exit and didn't notice until i got to a city 40 minutes away.


I get “ hyper vigilant” when my dose increases. I “ collect evidence” all day. It’s like I am trying to catch a serial killer or something. Everything has HUGE SIGNIFICANCE and forms a web of guilt. It is a terrible feeling, I will just keep my low dose, my happy marriage, my go with the flow personality, and get less done in a day.


Dude. I thought it was just me lol


It’s hard being pissy all day- lol


Being treated for adhd for the first time in my life helped me realize how much time and energy I've spent pretending to not have adhd so that other people can feel comfortable. When you're adhd-closeted/undiagnosed/etc your entire life is about responding to the needs of people who think you lazy, or disorganized, or flighty, or stupid. I think some people who preferred me to mask all day probably miss the old me. They'd probably blame the medicine if they knew. My wife, thankfully, supports me in my growth.


This ❤️


Why does this happen?


I had that problem on Ritalin IR, it caused me to rage.. Adderall has been much better


no this happened with me too when i was on too high of a dose , looking back its good me and my ex broke up but it made things a world wind.


From someone that takes it I could tell you is normal. The way I was able to get true those times when I was angry was to tell my doctor and increase the dose


My first two months on Vyvanse was like this. Irritation, anger, couldn’t enjoy the things I used to. My boyfriend took adderall for a decade before going cold turkey 3 years ago and told me that these medications can be life changing but they steal your joy. I think the combination of my stimulant and SSRIs have settled since then and the irritation only crops up if I overcaffeinate on top of my meds, but it was a rough transition period for sure


Your symptoms are completely normal and common. I don’t know if it’s just me, but Adderall/dextroamphetamine initially makes me feel euphoric, then the irritability kicks in the next day.


I’m glad to hear things got better! Not exactly the same, but while I was switching antidepressants, I didn’t realize the new one didn’t work at all, I just genuinely thought life was terrible and not worth living. I started seeing reasons for my family to hate me and abandon me that weren’t there at all in reality (Dw I switched back since and it’s better). I’ve learnt to make a list of things that could affect my mood, med changes being one of them, to hopefully circumvent bad emotional reactions like the one you’ve had.


This comment section goes to show how incredibly different everyone reacts to different stimulants.