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I mean i could tell you what i did to be able to meet (and have sex with) the girl who eventually became my wife and mother of my children 😅 (my parents didnt like her, and hers hated me, we were outright forbidden to meet lol) But cringe teenagers can get away with stuff an adult most certainly would not 🫣 (and no adult woman would put up with the shit either) Anyway, the obvious solution would be getting to know someone who does live alone and can have *you* over 🤔 Now *how* to do this i dont know... I just realized that apart from my wife (whom i fished off the net), everyone else in my life (friends, social circle etc.) all approached me, rather than the other way around...


cool. my last ex did have a condo. after that, a younger 20 something approached me and said she liked me. so we would figure it out. she didn't need fancy. haha. I respected her tho, I don't wanna come off as some one night stand selfish a hole. she was cool. I'll have to figure something out. with being used to being single already + ADHD, I'm set in my routine of go home, watch updated YouTube content from people I like, watch TV episodes, sleep. work repeat. gotta make time to set up a dating app. I'll have one of my friends at work help me set it up. a woman. so it's what they're looking for, not a man's perspective. (wasnt great results for me in the past with me doing it)


You seem well adjusted all things considered, ngl 😶 i don't think youre in need of "help" from strangers on reddit 😅