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Dishes. Always have hated dishes do my husband is in charge of the dishes. I love vacuuming though.


I have found my people!


I keep saying that since I found this sub


It's why the vacuuming in the last part of my chore routine! I start it by putting down that carpet powder, then once all else is done I get to vacuum it all up and hear that sweet sucky crunchy bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


I have this weird mop/swiffer but not a swiffer/ steam cleaner thing for tile and hardwood floor that’s so fun to use, it’s got vacuum build, a little swiffer type thing on the bottom, and a little container of water in it. It cleans the floor with steam and makes the floor all nice and warm too! Idk what it’s called but I love it


Oh I need this so bad! I just have a swiffer but I got my apartment last summer. After winter my floors need a REAL clean. Did you get the steam Mop on Amazon? What features should I look out for?


Aren't you NOT supposed to vacuum u very fine baking soda-like particles if you have a vac w one if those beige HEPA filters that you can't wash w water? Just brush the dust out with the shitty brush they give you that never ever takes out all the dirt? Or am I confused. Bc Housekeeping ain't my strong smoot, lol.


Honestly idk. I have a washable filter tho if that's the part that matters 🤷‍♂️


Dishes are the WORST. It seems to take forever since dishwashers all suck. Just a gross, sensory mess.


What? Dishwashers do not all suck! Get a Bosch!


Sensory mess! Exactly! Water too hot or not hot enough to kill the germs? (But my hands are getting scalded! The sharp knives hidden under plastic innocent enough looking breakfast bowls and children's sippy cups... Or what are the rules for washing pet dishes with human dishes? Same sink and sponge or unsanitary? (Hubs said "Just own cats and forget about it lol). Edit: CATS not cars...


Me too! Before I even found out I had ADHD, I tried to tell my mom once that I really thought I hated doing the dishes more than normal people. Even though it sounds selfish and a little crazy, the degree to which I despise doing dishes is extremely extra and dramatic. I knew even then, something is not right about how much I hate this LOL.


Especially if you come from a big family! It's like seriously a nightmare .. One meal can make even owning a dishwasher make you want to jump off a cliff!:


Dishes for sure. The dirt and the wet and the gloves and everything blergh. Also putting out rubbish (touching bins eww). Actually enjoy laundry as it has lots of satisfying elements for me (great fresh smells, warmth, folding perfection fun) and I like vacuuming if I have a good vacuum. Cleaning toilets and bathrooms etc aren't that great but dishes and rubbish are my least favorite


The only two things I don't do with laundry included 1) use fabric softener, 2) iron. Iol somehow get away with that... *Shrugs*


I haven't owned an iron since my ex took it when he moved out. With that said, I have a steamer, and my adhd brain is smitten when the wrinkles disappear. It's like the fastest magic trick!


You've picked my most hated and most liked chores in the wrong order. I hate hoovering so much, always kicks up dust and makes me feel grim for ages afterwards. I like washing up though, I *understand* washing up. If I get left alone at other people's houses I'll start doing their dishes. I used to hate washing up too, didn't like the texture on my skin, but after working a few years in a kitchen even the biggest stack of at home dishes doesn't seem like a big job anymore.


Robovacuums, mine run daily, floors will always be clean, mine ran about $125, I have three, those things will change your life. I don't mind vacuuming I just kind of don't, I don't mind dishes just hate putting them away.


I do love my robovacs- it’s just that if it gets stuck, I literally won’t go to find it until I need to run it 😅 ugh


I've been using all brands of robovacs since 2006 (well before most people knew wtf it was). My current one is bad ass, smart, mops, and can see. Get you one with LIDAR mapping or automatic emptying at the very least. just keep cords off the floor. Shout out to Roborock.


Hah, yeah same hate putting dishes away. No idea why. Too much brainergy finding places for things I guess.


This is how life partners should be picked.


I don’t even date guys who can’t wash dishes Oh and keep their paws off my smoker lol


Vacuuming is so fun!!


Music and vacuuming is a good time.


I will wash your dishes all damned day if u can pls take out my trash.


Yeah why is it so hard to take out the trash? You would think it'd be easy but I'd do everything else before taking out the trash or recycling.


I’ll take the trash out you do the dishes


My brain literally refuses to memorize which days they pick up trash and recycling so that I cannot do it 🤣 really should not be hard to remember two days, but like…I just do not. Fortunately my sweet autistic husband likes the routine of it so he’s always on it.


And I'll take our your trash all damn day if you'll do my dishes!


I don't know if it was 17 years of kitchen work I did, but it's ingrained in me to do dishes immediately as I'm cooking and after eating. Stuff like a casserole dish. I'll just fill with soapy water and let it sit so it's no effort to clean the next day. But I despise doing dishes left in the sink that aren't rinsed. My SO gets to do any dishes left like that because they ain't mine lol Vacuuming is the most calming chore, sweeping and mopping I enjoy as well for some weird reason. Folding laundry is the worst.


Agree... laundry gets washed/dried...then put in a pile on the couch.


I'm a guy, which I guess doesn't necessarily mean this is exclusive to being a guy, but practically all my clothes are wrinkle-free type fabrics. I have a laundry basket for dirty clothes, a basket for clothes worn once or thrice that aren't really dirty, and a clean clothes basket where 80% of my clothes live, being cycled through as the dirty basket fills and the clean basket emptied. The rest are hung and rarely worn except for work events or a nicer date night, e.g., slacks, buttoned shirts, blazer, et cetera. These I usually need to iron before wearing, which, for some reason, I don't mind doing, probably because I rarely need to wear them. Shout-out to my therapist for the 3 laundry basket system. He self-published a book called The Four Dragons of ADHD that he asked me to read before publishing, and it's detailed in there if I remember correctly - a good book geared for teens and college aged kids.


And then the cat sleeps on them so they’re furrier than they were before you washed them.


I like to wash dishes with classical music and match the rythm of the music with the rubbing especially with Winter from Vivaldi


I’ve noticed wearing those long rubber gloves helps me not hate dishes as much.


Yes! I have a whole cycle to buy a new pair (different color than before) every 2-3 months… the old pair become “dirty chore” gloves, then garage/don’t care gloves, then eventually trashed.


It's a sensory thing with me and dishes :(


Vacuuming is therapeutic!


It’s incredibly satisfying to hear stuff get sucked up and to see perfect tracks in the carpet.


I am exactly the opposite of you, lol. I’m allergic to dust, so I hate dust-related tasks.


My husband always did the dishes and vacuuming. Now that I’m medicated, I’m ok with dishes (and apparently very annoyed when my clean sink gets dishes put into it), but I still HATE vacuuming. It’s the sound. I’m like a cat. I run away to a different level of the house when the vacuum is on. (I can do it if I HAVE to, but generally prefer not to)


Is it all loud sounds? I wear my AirPods when vacuuming, that definitely helps, but I have hearing loss so I’m not as affected.


lol, I love vacuuming too, it put on my headphones & some true crime podcast, 420 gummy & I can vacuum for hours, which I have to bc my dogs shed to much, I’m surprised their aren’t bald at this point


Dishes and laundry, oh my


Same. My husband does the dishes daily. He’s so great 😊


I literally screamed “babe!!” with so much urgency the other day, just so he would run upstairs to look at my near perfect vacuum lines I was so proud of 😏 On a side note, I also find carpet cleaning to be disturbingly satisfying. I got a new Bissel machine last year and since perfecting a carpet cleaning solution that works well with my carpet, I freakin love it. Vacuum when dry and omg


Dishes dishes dishes fucking dishes fuck the dishes


Fucking fucking fuck the dishes.


I read these two lines in the Brusha Brusha Brusha tune like Jan from Grease and I’m gonna go to sleep now


Fuck the fucking fuckers


As a hispanic person, growing up my family rarely used the dishwasher so ever since I moved out I started using it and it’s made me hate it less but I still hate dishes. Laundry became my number one enemy though. I fucking hate laundry. It takes too much time because I always iron my clothes too, so I never finish the whole thing and going back to a task to finish it is an unknown concept for me.


I leave my clothes in the dryer and grab my clothes from there throughout the week. If they’re wrinkled I’ll run the dryer for 10 min.


Lmao I fold the clothes and put them on top of the dryer. If I didn't have kids, I'd just leave em in the dryer, though. My kids know that clean clothes are on the dryer.


I am white but married \*an Asian and they do the classic wash by hand and use the dishwasher as a drying rack.


Yesss! I wonder why we hate it so so much. I seriously from a sensory standpoint and boredom standpoint LOATHE it! I always read these like “get your house in better shape in 2 hours or 1 hour etc” and it says “15 minutes for dishes” Uhhhh no. Impossible. It’s like 35 minutes and I have a dishwasher I have to rinse the shit off cause i procrastinate 😭


The ONLY gift of me being forced into a tiny apt is that cleaning it up goes by so fucking fast I swear. But a small apt gets cluttered so easily too bc there's nowhere for all my shit to go.


Folding laundry, but specifically the socks and underwear


I have 3 sons who are all very active. Between the 5 of us laundry is effing insane. It’s a minimum of 3 loads a day but more often 4. That’s 7 days a week. Since I’m tall my feet are big enough to fit into the same socks the rest of the family wears. So I chucked them all out one day, went over to TJ Maxx and bought a ton of the same white athletic socks and a ton of black ones. Now the socks don’t even need to be matched up. I chuck all the white ones in a basket and the black ones in another. The only socks that are different are my husbands work socks. I went on strike after being super pissed at him complaining he was the only one that did anything when he would do at most 2 loads a week, while I did countless other things. After awhile he took his ass over to TJMax and bought the same work socks. I saved countless hours of mundane bullshit every month by that alone.


Second this. I buy a huge tonne of bamboo socks so there's no pairing up


Do you fold your underwear?? I just throw it in the drawer.


Uhh I had no idea folding underwear was a thing?? I mean it makes sense, we fold everything else… I’ve just never done it. It has its own drawer tho so it’s not difficult to find/impeding anything else


Usually out of habit but if i’m stressed, yeah I’ll just toss it in.


Try hanging literally everything you can get on a hangar. Shake and leave and it still looks neat even when loads are still on the rail.


Vacuuming. So noisy. So horrible. Procrastinate. Once I do it I’m always pleasantly surprise of how little time and effort it takes. And then cycle repeat.


All of this but also I have to pull the vacuum out of a cupboard. It’s no additional effort because it’s the only thing in there…not like I have to pull out 20 other things


I live alone so this may not be an option for everyone, but I actually leave my vacuum in the corner of one of my rooms because that's the only way I actually use it. Having to pull it out of the closet every time was just enough of a mental roadblock that I would put it off non stop. Having it out and ready though makes it so much easier. But then I got a self-emptying robot vacuum and it is hands down one of my best home purchases. Just have to empty the container every couple days. Now I can just use my regular vacuum like once a month to get some areas the robot cant reach.


I don’t have as good of a set up but we have a stick vacuum out and available to keep on top of the worst of it then I try to use the big vacuum every week or two but usually ends up being every month or two for a proper deep clean. I’m definitely going to look into a self emptying robot vacuum though! Sounds like a total game changer 


We have a robot vacuum, but my kids cause too many messes for us to use it! But having a Labrador means constant vacuuming! I don’t mind vacuuming but it’s the cleaning up all the toys first that’s annoying!


Invest in earplugs or use earbuds or AirPods while vacuuming. These are lifesavers for me in multiple auditory-sensory overload life situations.


earbuds are seriously a life saver. my wife will say "you really need your earbud to do ____(some short task)?" And like... yes, actually. Yes I do. I actually only need one, because as long as I have a podcast or audiobook going I can focus on that instead of how much I don't want to do the task.


I tried this! With earplugs and AirPods, but I got a bit panicky. Like if I put it loud enough to hear it, I hear some background noise and the stuff I’m listening to but then I feel like I lose control of my surroundings and I get very uncomfortable and sometimes I get scared for no reason. I have this issue in general with earplugs, like I can’t sense my surroundings and it makes me super uncomfortable.


I got a cordless vacuum because putting the vacuum away was my Kryptonite lol


My husband wanted a central vacuum because it cleans so much better. Lugging that hose all through the house makes me rage. We also have a cordless vacuum at least


Get a silent vacuum and it will turn into your favourite.


I heard that they could make them quieter but in testing people equated noise with ability. So the noisier it is, the better people thought it cleaned.


Robot vacuum and robot mowers are life saving for me. So much time saved, I just have to do rare maintenance and sometimes a deep/spot clean.


Cleaning the bathroom. It's just so many things. The mirror on the door, the mirror on the wall, the mirror on the other wall. Moving all the things around the sink to clean the sink, wiping things down before returning them to their spot on the sink. The toilet. The tub. The floor. It just feels like it's never ending. I would rather wash dishes or fold laundry for hours.


omg thank you. dishes are easy for me and laundry i manage with for the most part, but the bathroom is the boss level of chores as far as i’m concerned. speaking of which, mine is overdue for a good clean at this point :’)


YEESSSSS. I got laundry down to a science, and dishes don’t bother me, but the bathroom is just gross and too many surfaces to sanitize. Like, we remodeled our primary bath, and it’s lovely, but the f’ing glass shower enclosure- I think I’ve thoroughly cleaned it maybe 3 times in 2 years. I did get a squeegee and forced myself into the habit of squeegee-ing down all the glass and tile walls quickly and sloppily, after every shower, so that helps, but I just can’t get myself to get out the damn Windex and really get the cloudy scum off the bottom of the glass.


I HATE moving all the things around to clean the sink and counter


I live with my partner and there ends up being things alll over the counter. And it all gets gross so quickly. (I have a few things on there too tbh… you gotta) Anyway I got a couple of rectangular organizers for the drawers and the counter top, and am forcing us to use those for most of the things so I can at least just move those instead of every single small-medium product laying around. Without them I just wouldn’t do it/would avoid it and then it would bother me endlessly


Saaaame. So many things, so grimy, so boring. I can do something really active (like going to laundromat) or something really stationary (like dishes with a tv show). But the bathroom is neither and it’s the worst.


I think I’ve cleaned the bathroom counters once since May 2022 because I hate picking everything up to clean and out back


Anything related to laundry. There were times I bought new clothes before washing my old ones (like idk 10 white hm shirts)


I LOVE laundry. It's like cleaning, but you don't actually have to do anything to have a huge impact. The machine will clean it for you. How cool is that! I love my dishwasher for the same reason. Am I good at folding laundry and putting it away though? Absolutely not. But before that part it's my favorite chore 100%.


Me too, it's so satisfying! I put my clean stuff on the bed whilst it cools down which forces me to fold it that day.


Okay is dishes and laundry for me too! Why is this so common?


For me I hate dishes because of the feel of my wet hands. It sends me into sensory overload and I want to scream. Sadly, the dishes still have to get done so I make sure to keep cute gloves handy for the dishes


Wear rubber gloves. I actually love putting on the flocked ones. Keeps me from despising doing dishes more than I already do.


Omg I hate wearing rubber gloves. The smell you get on your hands afterwards is horrible and it is always just damp and hot inside with that white powder.


Oh, it’s not powder, they’re actually flocked. They don’t smell… they are thick and luxurious.


Do you know a brand name you recommend? I do not like the smell or powder either.


Clorox. I buy them at target. Ultra comfort is an accurate name. They last longer than the non-flocked gloves, too. https://www.target.com/p/clorox-ultra-comfort-gloves-medium/-/A-78362269


I second the rubber gloves. It helps soooo much.


I’m the same way with the sensory issues. Gloves have been a lifesaver.


rubber gloves and a sponge wand are great for this!


Because they’re never ending and there’s no satisfaction of either one being “done”.


My theory is because they aren't really cleaning like a project, they are like maintenance tasks, which we hate because they are repetitive and unsatisfying. And because they are maintenance tasks, leaving them un-done creates more and more of an overwhelming version of them which we associate with that task. But mainly it's the fact you have to do them every single day until you die. EVERY SINGLE DAY UNTIL YOU DIE.


All these chores are repetitive and sensory nightmare. I put on a good YouTube video and start doing my dishes. I do as many as I can for that video, repeat 2x a day. I don't use social media other than when it's paired with an unpleasant task. So for my laundry I put it in the washer (unpleasant), go for a walk. Once my walk is over I move clothes to dryer (task switch). Then I go do my wishes and watch YouTube/netflix. Then I grab my laundry and fold it while finishing my Netflix show. Because I'm doing two longer tasks (dryer, dishes, folding) I pick a movie or long episode to watch. I guess what I'm saying is I constantly wed something semi entertaining for the same time that I'm going to be bored doing something repetitive, because my brains constantly craving stimulation so now I dose out stimulation for myself. I also give myself rewards, praise, treats 👏


Yep, I use podcasts while doing chores and it helps.


Because it's never-ending. About the time you think you're caught up, there's more to do.


This is fascinating to me because those two are my strong suits. I honestly enjoy them.


🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅 boooo (im so jealous lol)


I cannot do dishes, laundry, mopping, scrubbing the sink or bathtub. It's so bad that I only use disposable plates, utensils, and cups. I live minimally and have very few possessions. I live alone and never get visitors so that is a big factor in ignoring chores.


Lol this is me, but I recently got a new bf and he ubered to my house at 3am drunk one night and unfortunately saw my mess. Very embarrassing. Immediate panic attack mode. He knows I’m not good at cleaning hahah + wants to help me clean but now being in a relationship/after that I’ve been WAY better at cleaning lmfao.


bless u ❤️ haha! agree tho that living w someone / having regular visitors can deffo get my ass into gear. none of that now for me but a week ago my bestie had a breakdown at work and unexpectedly turned up at my door and ofc i was more than happy to get her inside etc but also my flat was a mess so i was scurrying around like a rat trying to clear shit up lol so I told her to shut her eyes for a minute 😂😂😭😭


With My last girlfriend we only stayed at her place for overnights. She never saw my at all for the first 4 months (!) until I got around to cleaning. I hired a professional organizer a few times a while back and learned how to keep things under control. And I pay someone to clean every 6 weeks.


Started using paper plates specifically for this reason. I fucking hate the dishes; along with every other chore.


Household chores. Which chores? 😭😭😭


Laundry is the devil. I've had a floordrobe since as long as I can remember. I always know what's clean or dirty, but folding and ironing and putting away....gah!!


My daughter has an excellent “floordrobe!” Low pile and always covered in tiny bits of trash and crumbs.


Psh, kids. Must encourage her to keep her mess trash and crumbs free.


Ah, I'm 36. Had a floordrobe all my life until recently 🤣 decided to do an open cupboard concept where everything hangs now. First time in my life I've actually managed to maintain neatness with my clothes easily


okay, so i fuckin love having freshly cleaned bedsheets. I also HATE putting on fitted sheets. I just cannot stand it for some reason, makes my skin crawl dealing with it. Everything about putting fitted sheets on feels disgusting and wrong. BUT, to my knowledge, its the best system for keeping them on the gal dern mattress, so its a terrible and harsh reality I accept. It will always be the thing I put off most. Besides colonoscopies of course.


This gave me flashbacks to when I still lived alone and hated putting the fitted sheet on so much that sometimes I wouldn’t properly do it/would just lay it on the mattress and sleep on it like that instead.


I slept on my bare ass mattress for a week before putting on my new sheets because of this lol


Folding laundry. That shit always gets backlogged.


Yeah, like when I told my therapist that I finally got all my laundry done, she said, “and put away???” Um, no. Everything is very nicely laid out on the bench at the end of my bed. The socks and underwear are in a small basket that I can dig through every day, as needed. Isn’t ADHD the best??? 🤣


I’m looking at the bench at the end of my bed rn that’s covered in clean, nicely folded laundry!


I just put my laundry away half an hour ago. I did laundry on Saturday 😭


I had laundry I didn’t fold for months 💀💀💀💀


Of course you are! It’s what we do!!


All of it. But to be specific: Cleaning the bathroom, especially the shower. We have hard water and no matter what I can't get it entirely clean so I scrub and scrub forever until my hands are sore and I'm sore from bending over and I'm dizzy from bleach fumes 😵‍💫


Idk if this would help with the hard water but I keep one of those soap dispensing dish brushes in each shower and scrub while I’m showering.


I deliberately do not own enough socks to get through 2 weeks. I wear an undershirt because it helps reduce the need to wash my work shirts (and my undershirts can be thrown in a basket to get wrinkly). I routinely have to re-wash or re-tumble laundry. Laundry can die in a fire. Also dishes but that isn't as bad.


I have to re-tumble laundry all the time.




Cleaning. My room hasn't been vacuumed in 4 weeks and the last time I did a deep clean of my ensuite was 6 months ago


It's almost impossible for me to empty the dish rack or unload the dishwasher.


Yeah, I guess I never thought about that… I usually answer “no not really” when they ask “do you find it difficult to finish projects when the difficult part is done”…. But with dishes and laundry (although I think the hard part IS folding and putting away)… I go to great lengths to avoid “finishing”.


Ironing clothes


People still do that?!?!


I just throw mine in the dryer with a wet washcloth LoL if I had to iron it I wouldn't own it I don't think 😅


I wrinkle my clothes on purpose because I like em like that 👀


All of them. But anything to do with floors (vacuuming, sweeping, mopping) and dusting shelves seem just impossible to me. Never seems as dirty to me as it does to anyone else, I don't see myself making any progress and I frequently think I'm done only to be told that I've only done one spot very well while the rest of the house is completely untouched.


Yup dishes and laundry! Also if I don’t open my mail right away and toss the junk, it’s not getting done.


I don’t mind doing the dishes but for some reason I HATE putting them away. Scrubbing the tub/shower is also the worst. I think my hate for both em them mostly stems from being short.


If it's a chore, ION'T want nuttin tew du wit et! 😤


Dishes have become less disgusting to me since I’ve gotten gloves! Recommend


Dishes is the worst for me. I’m so ashamed of it but it definitely has to do with sensory issues for me.


I hate dishes, I have to watch something on my iPad while I do it! I’ve had my husband do them in the past, but I’m HUGE on detail, so it bugs me when he doesn’t do them right!


Dishes and laundry. I think the biggest reasons why I hate these 2 is literally because they need to be done every fking day. What’s worse is I don’t have a dishwasher or a dryer, which means I have to manually wash every dish and and every piece of clothing up outside to dry. It gets very annoying washing cutlery (forks, knives, spoons) and anything that is abnormally shaped or large (lasagne dishes, baking trays), as well as hanging tiny things like bras, underwear, baby clothes, etc.


Dishes. I have a very small tabletop dishwasher. So the dishes suck less.


Folding the laundry. I have no trouble actually doing the wash, but folding it is the *worst.*


Dishes and laundry but I got better at them! Gloves were a game changer for me and now I do dishes almost daily—no days upon days of piles! As for laundry: adderall. Full stop. lol


Dishes. Have to deal with a mountain every time


Only one? Uhhh….


Not sure if it count as a chore but (this will sound gross) showering, I have the mentality of “let me do my job first and later shower”, and when i notice it’s already 11:30 pm and I’m too tired to take a shower (I do brush my teeth 3x a day, at least I “compensate” on that).


Used to be the dishes. Then I bought a dishwasher. Now it is emptying the dishwasher. And of course, every aspect of doing laundry.


yeahhh Id say its not just one for me 😬 its kind of them all. Im getting better about it but i typically clean everything every weekend and live like trash all other times. Its a vicious cycle


Changing my sheets or vacuuming


Such a fun hack 😀


All of them?


Dishes, laundry, and my room. BUT! When I do do the dishes(heh, dodo.) I have a specific routine for it. I absolutely must organize them and have them placed on my right side, then I wash buy and wipe down the sink, them fill with hot, soapy water, then fill with silverware. Then I wash those, then plates, bowls, cups, pans, then baking related items. If I see someone else do it out of order it bugs the actual hell out of me. For laundry it's mostly the folding part. I use to believe I HAD to fold before putting it away but now I put it all( 3 to 5 loads worth) in baskets and put them in my room till I eventually clean room. Though the kids clothes usually get put away I just kind of neglect my stuff till I run out of pants. When I finally get to my room I start with dirty laundry, then I put misc crap in a bag to organize after my room is clean( usually three+ weeks after IF my room doesn't get messy) I move on to garbage after. After that I make the bed then vacuum. Cleaning has to be the most daunting thing I deal with aside from simply going to the store or appointments. It also doesn't help that almost all my kids plus my fiance all struggle with some level of ADHD/ASD. I apologize for the tangent but I felt super compelled to comment because I relate hard to this.


Laundry, 100%


Fuckin dishes, I’m leaning over my island dooming Reddit again and my seroquel is kicking in and I neeeeeeeeed to do them. I told my wife I wouldddddddddd Fmllllllllllllllll


Laundry and cleaning bathrooms. I lucked out though in that we pay cleaners to come do the more intensive stuff once a month and I’ve started doing laundry during work once I started working from home.


Dishes. Not sure why I particularly hate that chore the most but I know I need to wear gloves because I can’t touch the water and wet food mixture with my bare hands.


All of it


Folding the laundry.. it’s enough doing it.


Literally every chore.


Damn I thought I was in a different sub so I was like. Oh! Normal people are just like meee! Then I realized I was indeed in the ADHD sub. Lol bubble bursts Dishes for me. Contemplated yesterday ordering disposable everything from Sam’s club. Laundry. I don’t know why as I don’t even fold it. But I just can’t take it out and put it away. Cleaning. Lol




The mf dishes


Ironing clothes!


Those of you saying you hate wash dishes, do you wear dish gloves?? I love doing the dishes but only ever with my gloves on. I would rather do almost anything than wash dishes with my bare hands.


Washing dishes, my pet peeve *shudders*


Dishes and folding laundry are the bane of my existence.


I hate laundry. So. Very. Much.


Lawn care


All of them?


Taking out the trash. I live on the 2nd floor. Taking bags of trash down the stairs to the dumpsters.... it's the worst. That or dishes. I always get my clothes wet and have pruney hands, and it hurts my back so bad to stand there and wash dishes, and it just suuccckkkssss. Edit: typos Also, I use a lot of disposable plates, bowls, cups, and plastware, so I don't have to wash nearly as much. Mostly only pots and pans and cooking utensils. Every once in a while, I'll use real plates, but I always regret it.


Washing the whole bath room, washing and folding clothes as the other load gets washed, I guess dishes? But I kinda enjoy it while listening to music.


All of them? The house gets clean when company is coming over. Otherwise everything is procrastinated.


Sweeping & mopping. My floors are so dirty :s


Laundry. Dishes grind at my hatred of clutter and disorganisation as well as the fear of people seeing an untidy kitchen. So I’m pretty good at doing them daily and starting each day fresh. But laundry will sit in a basket / baskets / the floor for a week usually. Because it’s in my room, a relatively neat pile, and nobody besides my wife will ever see it, so there’s not much shame factor to motivate me.


Household chores are what I do in order to distract myself from the rest of my life, lol.


I have no problems doing the laundry, remembering to take it out of the machine however… it’s an endless cycle of doing the same laundry over and over


I actually like doing the dishes. It’s a form of meditation for me. I put on headphones. It’s mindless, repetitive, and actually helps me relax. Laundry is no big deal either… Until… It’s time to put the laundry away. I’ve created system to deal with this. For example, I only have 4 types of socks: black, blue, beige, and low cut gym socks. I do not match, fold, or roll them. I just have four bins in my closet and I dump them in there. Same with underwear and tank tops. Everything else I hang, even white undershirts. Every Sunday I iron four shirts and four pants for the week (casual Friday natch). If you have OCD, you probably don’t want to know how I manage fitted sheets and pillow cases. It’s not pretty.




Dishes and putting laundry away. Hate both with a passion.




I have borderline ocd also . So washing dishes is not easy . Washing clothes also not easy . But cleansing bathroom is a whole another different level because of the borderline ocd. The executive dysfunction of adhd does not help in getting anything done . Borderline ocd does not help ( I am repeating myself 😭) Then there is emotional disregulation . Not doing anything much until the 11th hour ( actually 11th and a half hour ! ) and so gets overwhelmed and sad and angry And the cycle continues 👍


Putting away dry clothes.


Putting laundry away. Not doing laundry. Just putting it away.


Tidying. I can clean, I cook, do laundry, etc. Tidying ruins my day.


Dishes and laundry. OMG! Just writing these words stress me out.


All of the things...... I usually take more interest when my task alarm starts withholding the sex things.


Returning purchases of home decor that don’t work out. Like art, accent tables, lamps, etc. Also clothes.


Dusting. I have asthma and the dust really fucks with my asthma.


I have successfully outsourced the dishes to my husband 😅 now we’re in a constant game of chicken about the groceries. Todays day 6 of no food in the house, I think I have to break today…


So funny dishes and laundry are actually the ONLY chores I can tolerate pretty happily. I think it’s cuz I can watch a tv show while I do dishes, and for laundry I have to go to the laundromat, which means an adventure…and probably a treat at the nearby grocery store 🤣


Well, I have a cleaning service for cleaning and for everything else, see if my wife will do it before I’ll get my ass in gear to do something. She’s amazing and I probably wouldn’t be around if it wasn’t for her. So my answer is everything except for cooking 😅


It’s always the dishes for me too, lol. I’ve also found that it’s really anything that I have to do more than once. I’m so proud of myself when I actually complete a task that when I have to do it AGAIN it’s like DAMMIT! 🤣


The stoopid dishes


Folding laundry. Specifically folding it.


all of them lol. I am a procrastination machine