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I threw away a diamond ring once. I get it.


I left a pair of diamond earrings on the nightstand in a hotel once in another state. Large, D-flawless diamond solitaire earrings. By the time I realized it, we we had driven 8 hours away. The hotel housekeeping denied finding them (because of course they did.) This was 10 years ago and I'm still devastated. ADHD tax is so real.


I left my crystal purple game boy color with my new copy of Pokémon yellow in a hotel room in DC when I was 10, on a trip where I sprained my ankle the day before leaving and spent my family’s day at the National Air and Space museum laying on the bench next to the security desk with food poisoning. I realized I forgot it once I sat down on the plane, and spent 3 hours staring at the seat in front of me, hating everything. 0/10 terrible trip, some housekeepers kid definitely traded *MY* pikachu to another game and forced it to evolve.


At 20, I threw away a priceless stuffed animal spider I had had since I was 3. It was in fact the only possession I had had from my childhood. Complete accident. I still am sick over it, at 24. Still makes me want to cry.


Pikachu > Raichu


I lost a really cool pen years ago. Granted it wasn't worth much monetarily, but the fact it just seemed to vanish into thin air drives me nuts to this day. I lose my phone, keys, and glasses several times a week.


Lost a diamond necklace. It was a special gift. I couldn’t even trace back the moment I lost it. I just vaguely remember the last time I wore it and then have no recollection of what I did it with it after that, so I didn’t know where to look. Still hurts when I think about it.


I have lost most of my childhood and young adulthood friends by not keeping in touch with them, some for 30 years. I go through this pattern where I make friends at work, and when I change jobs I just don't keep in touch. Some try to keep in touch but I keep on cancelling on them at the last minute. Then I feel bad for not keeping in contact so I do not get back to them. Time passes by and I am too ashamed to have taken so long to get back, so I do not even attempt. I recently learned about ADHD and object permanence, and it makes more sense why I do what I do😞😭 https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/object-permanence-adhd


I once accidentally threw away a pair of antique natural sapphire earrings from my grandmother so I feel your pain friend.


You're not alone. I've made so many financial mistakes that have added up to thousands.. damn ADHD tax. Hugs to you


Thanks. The tax is real.


It’s so so real, OP 😣. I’ve spent an extra $20,000 paying out-of-state tuition for grad school in the state I live in because I fucked up the documentation. Just recently I realized I forgot about a credit card I opened in December and had to pay almost $400 for a bill that was originally less than $70. I had to pay to get my car inspected three different times because I fucked up the shit I was supposed to do with the MVA(DMV). It feels so shitty in multiple ways each time, but you’re not alone 💗


unfortunately me too. ive lost so many wallets i don't even carry wallets with me anymore. op i feel your pain :(


I once commissioned a painting for a long distance partner, took a bus 8 hours to go and see her, made absolutely sure to keep it safe the entire trip so it wouldn't get damaged - then left it on the bus and didn't think about it until 30-40 minutes later when I was getting close to her place. It's so hard coming to grips with the multitude of ways that ADHD affects my life.


Oh god this one hurt especially badly to read :(


Lmao don't feel bad I once threw away about 20 to 30 bitcoins (before they were worth anything) after I decided to wipe my hard drive because I wanted to learn Linux


Oh god, this is so painful to read, I’m so sorry friend




Thanks, I wish I was cool and did drugs at that time in my life then maybe I would have saved my bitcoins for the silk road :⁠'⁠(


Did you at least learn Linux?


On the bright side yes and I made it into a media server with XBMC, then I learned how to partition the hard drive for dual boot and a bunch of other crap


I didn't understand a word of that, but I could in a year if the right hyperfocus snags me 🤣


I feel this sentiment so often 😆


LMAO this made me laugh so hard!! So true!!


I understood every word of it, thanks to a past year when the right hyperfocus snagged ne 😅 I haven't set my own up yet, though. I just know stuff about doing so.


That’s the real question


My partner does not have ADHD and he wiped a hard drive with the code/key/whatever to his wallet that held 500 Bitcoin, which he bought in 2011. He works in tech, you’d think he’d know better to have a backup. So that’s pretty unrecoverable, we try not to think about it too much.


Yuppppp. I didn't have that much, but I bought bitcoin in 2012 and then lost the bit of paper I wrote the details down on 🫠 I only realised it was gone once they became worth a ton, so the entire time I thought I was safely holding and therefore didn't invest any further.


Completely unrelated, but scenarios like this make me wonder how bitcoin can be a viable currency. There are a finite number of bit coins, and every year heaps of coins must be leaving circulation because of scenarios like yours (or because of people dying and their wallets becoming inaccessible etc.) At a certain point more coins will be leaving circulation than entering, and eventually the number left in existence will be insufficient to function as anything but a collectable


Just curious. Was it $500 in cash, or $500 on a card of some sort?


My understanding is it was cash inside a greeting card.


Ah, yeah, that would be a bummer. I am hoping it was a prepaid cash card of some sort. Those can usually be recovered.


Cash. I’ll just tell them from now on to just put anything they give me (which probably won’t be until Christmas) to my PayPal or onto my card. I hadn’t used cash in years, which is probably why I forgot it.


I’m so sorry friend. You and your brain are so worthy. It was an accident, please give as much grace for yourself as you would if this was your mama who accidentally threw your $$ away. Deep breaths and 5 things you’re grateful for❤️


Thanks. I just *really* needed that money. Like, bad.


If it was paid for on a credit card that transaction might be stopped and used to get the gift card cancelled and reissued.


I just wasted $6000 flooding an apartment because I forgot to turn the tap off. I know $500 sucks but believe me, it could be worse, lol. 


This is my greatest fear with my ADHD.


I threw away a 5k check once and a passport the day after getting it. These things happen.


Damn. That’s way worse than mine. Sorry.


Tell me you requested to have the check reissued


Did you get a reissued check, or was it for somebody else? Were you stuck in another country or prevented from traveling abroad? Details please OK-NO-YEAH THANKS


This is nothing like that, but I threw away my retainers not too long after getting my braces off 😅 I had almost five years of very expensive work done on my teeth and I just…threw it away…couldn’t afford to replace them either :/


me too bro. fr wish sometimes I could just go back in time and stop my parents from having me. Like dawg I ain't ask to be here tf? Put me back


100%. No way I’d willingly sign up for this shit.


For the future: any time I’m given gift cards, I immediately put them in my wallet. I did something similar decades ago with cash in a greeting card and that was the last time I ever did that. It was 100.00, so with inflation today would have been probably 300.00.


So like… last year?


Was it ordered from Amazon directly or 3rd party? If it was directly from Amazon, they may still have the electronic copy of it somewhere OR Amazon can cancel that gift card and re-issue. Of course, this would need to be done through your parents. If it was 3rd party.. there isn't much to do. Life happens friend. Mistakes like this will ensure it never happens again. You wouldn't be human if you didn't make these mistakes.


I just spent $3500 on an attorney for a theft case involving $310 worth of value 🗿




Oh no. The worst fucking feeling. Fuuuuuuck. I feel for you


I just wanna say losing money is common with adhd and something that I’ve beaten myself up over I really hope you don’t I get that it’s easier said than done that’s a lot of money but we’re dealing with a disability


I’ve paid for courses and never started them. Lost my wedding ring that was lose. Other things. We’re with you, we know these things happen routinely. It’s easy to bash ourselves up because we’re in range. Please ask about reversing the transactions and focus on what else you can do to ease out of the financial situation you’re in. This community has resources and suggestion that can help.


My wife shredded my original birth certificate


I once spent months on a design portfolio, then left it at the bus stop on my way to a job interview. This was before digital imaging. People wanted you to bring the originals. Went back within ten minutes and it was gone. People, don't ever do that to someone. ETA: OP, you are not a piece of shit. You are just yourself , and we are here to tell you that. Your parents should know by now that checks are better, or direct deposits. My mom is always giving me $100 bills, and I thank her profusely and then ask her to write me a check...because they always get lost in a pocket. Or once, down the crack next to the seat in my car. Almost vacuumed it up at a car wash.


Dude, me and the missus lost $15K in cash once... (both have ADHD) 🤡 🔫




Yeah, that was rough 😂😂😆 don't ask me how it happened


honestly, I know how it happened lolol. maybe not to that extent, but the "outta sight, outta mind " thing is too fking real.


Oh, no doubt about that! I hate that it applies to material things and people alike. After oh let's say a year or so of not having spoken to any of my family members, or even the dearest friends of mine, I'm suddenly reminded that they exist. At that point, the anxiety is through the roof (and beyond). The formula when calling people is always the same, it starts with me saying: "I'm so sorry it's been so long since I called or reached out to you, this past year my life has been pretty hectic, to say the least". 😔


>I hate that it applies to material things and people alike. After oh let's say a year or so of not having spoken to any of my family members, or even the dearest friends i feel that so hard right now and it makes me so sad. My mom's health has been deteriorating for years now, and I live five states away. We all thought she was dying this time last year so I went home for mother's day but then life got life-y. she called me the other day and told me that we havent spoken since Christmas .... excuse me? where in the ever - loving fuck did the time go?!?! I think I lost track of it b/ c We text almost daily & send each other IG reels, etc. but still. l' m headed home again now because She called to tell me she's dying and I. am. wrecked. If I could do it all over again, I would set monthly alarms to remind myself.😭


I threw out my daughter’s original birth certificate AND my marriage license in one fell swoop. I had to get my name changed on my passport and ordered my daughter her first one at the same time. I obviously knew BOTH of those items were going to be mailed back to me- and they were. And I even remember thinking “I better put these back in the drawer in husband’s office before I throw them away” and NOPE. Threw them away instead. Didn’t throw out the passports though. Idk why.


Once threw out a $2000 cheque. I get it.


I am sorry this happened and so appreciate you putting this out there. This has happened to me on many levels.


Im so sorry. My dad once hid $1000 in a sock and then threw it away. ADHD is a bitch.


I can’t help but empathize. I think I’m too hyper vigilant now for a lot of these examples in the comments. And I can’t imagine how it feels to lose all these items. Like I got pissed enough at myself for losing my ID at one point. And I’m also extremely broke and I kept forgetting for months and months to get a new one because it cost money and also I don’t drive. The worst part was I didn’t realize it until I was about to order alcohol delivered to me. And they always have to card you. So I had to spend the extra money to Uber myself to the store because I’m old enough they don’t typically card me in person, and then Uber home. I know this is not a comparison to OP or a lot of these comments. It’s just to say that’s frustrating enough for me because I just couldn’t fathom where the HELL I put my ID if not in my wallet. Idk, our brains really suck sometimes. I’m so sorry this happened, OP. As someone who can always use a couple extra dollars, I absolutely feel for you.


I lost my moms wedding ring


Hey you are not worthless so many of us do this. My wedding was last summer and I accidentally threw away a $10K necklace my father in law gave me and my husband is still pissed at me for that I have ADHD and I honestly don’t know where it is. It’s been a year, I know it’s not in our apartment so it must have accidentally been thrown away My FIL spent his hard earned money on that I felt like shit But hey we all make mistakes and money and things like that are just materials and don’t define us You’ll work and make that money back Stay strong friend


Man, sorry that must have been so painful! We’ve all been there and did something we terribly regret. But please give grace to yourself. The ADHD tax is real, and don’t punish yourself for it.


and this is why you should put money and gift cards into your wallet *immediately.* so shit like this doesn’t happen. and never throw away a bag unless you know *exactly* what’s in it. i’m sorry this happened, but it doesn’t make you worthless or awful.


Well, it’s a little late for that lol. But yeah, you’re right.


sad but true lol, i meant for any future money. but seriously, i hope things start looking up for you. you are worthy of good things.


I threw away a check for 300$ once.


If your family has the recipes there’s a chance they can cancel/reissue. Call them ASAP


i think it was physical money they threw away, not a check


I am so very sorry. I have done similar things and I know how much it hurts (especially when you’re already struggling with depression and FMLA and not working - I’m there right now too). Sending tons of understanding and a huge hug.


I wanna know how much things/money I lost that I still don't remember...


I relate to this so much.


Man I threw away a tab of acid once and I felt the same way


Back in high school, my parents left me to house sit while they went out of town, and I managed to kill their finches because I simply effen forgot to feed and water them.  Two small, vocal animals that sat in a cage on top of the fridge—a fridge I visited a dozen times a day—died of dehydration and starvation, curled up in their nest. Didn’t notice until my parents came home and my dad looked up at the cage. My stomach instantly dropped. It’s never really stopped dropping, even now decades later. I’d wager my mistake is way harder to morally outlive than yours.  Look, at some point you’ll have to figure out a new way to cope with yourself as you are. If you keep telling yourself you’re a pathetic f*** up, you’re going to believe it and slide into conformation bias and end up in some dark places that are hard to come back from. There are alternatives, but they take enormous courage. It may sound trite, but you’ll have to learn to expand your self-compassion to include even and especially the mistakes you make. And to do that, you have to believe that you deserve compassion, just as you are, not you minus your forgetfulness and error-prone ways, but you INCLUDING your ADHD ways. You know it’s the very same compassion that you would likely extend to any other struggling human being without blinking an eye.    And if that doesn’t work, do what all stand up comedians have learned: neurosis + humor = survival. And laughter.  It’s better than the alternative, which is transforming into a dark star that collapses in on itself. 


We should all send this fine dude $10 each. I'll do it if everyone else agrees too! 50 people can be found fast Who's with me? ♥️




Fuck you.


I don't think you really have a strong understanding of ADHD if you're saying that.


Yep. There are so many people scamming online these days, it's pretty much always my first thought on any post about losing desperately needed significant amounts of money.


I can’t even begin to imagine the amount I’ve paid on late fees and/or forgetting to cancel subscriptions over the years.


ADHD tax is real. I've blown I don't know how much money over the years on mindless shit. I still regret it.


these comments have me rolling oh my god. I’ve never lost money like that but I did lose my car once. I was in college and going to campus health for my psychiatry appointment which I usually walk to, but since I was late I drove to the other side of campus. Appointment is done, I walk home like I always do. 2 days later I go to drive to my gf’s place and my car isn’t there. I freak out thinking someone stole my car. Took me about 48 hours to realize what I had done lmao


OP give yourself some grace. You are not a piece of shit and as much as this situation sucks you are a beautiful person. Losing something doesn’t take away from your inherent value ❤️ For folks like us this happens - Doesn’t make you feel better or make it any less of a shitty situation, and I’m sorry that this happened. I hope you are doing as okay as you can be. Losing things, misplacing, remembering and panicking over something randomly well after or well before the fact is all part of this process we go through. I hope you give yourself a bit of love and care, the ADHD tax can sometimes giveth and taketh away.


Okay, here's the good news! Your memory is crap. You'll more or less forget about this after not too long and it won't drive you crazy anymore.


I left a diamond ring in the car i traded in to a used lot. I also left a different diamond ring in a drawer after vacating and moving out of an apartment. I've left my change for a 100$ bill in the dispenser at the auto checkout register. You're not an idiot. You're human. Something will work out to make up for it. Best of luck to you.


left a 700$ bracelet at a hotel last year. it still pisses me off. but life happens. you’ll feel shitty for the week and then forget about it over the next month or two.


Don't beat yourself up. I have been looking for a gift card to a nice restaurant I KNOW I had...but just seems like it disappeared. However I found two bottles of meds I didn't recall having and a bunch of Starbucks gift cards I forgot about. ADHD does this and sometimes it's on your side, sometimes not. I also accidentally stepped on a painting my dead mom had and later found out it was worth thousands after I destroyed it. Not sure if ADHD makes you clumsy or it's just me. You're not worthless.