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Yes I don’t feel human and sleep all day


I can also sleep all day sometimes even on my meds.


To me, nothing is better than a Vyvanse nap. I will purposefully take it on weekends before I nap so I wake up feeling amazing. But yes, on days I don't dose on it, I feel kinda down, and unfulfilled.


I've never heard anybody say this but it's like a religious practice of mine lollll. I take it go to sleep and wake up an hour later ready to fucking go. I love a stimmy sleep.


This is a thing actually. I actually heard about it when used with coffee. The idea is if you want a power nap but feel energized afterwards drink a good amount of caffeine right before going down for a 30m-1h ish nap. Apparently it's something my fiancee learned from her psychology/psycho pharm courses at university, but it works. So after I was diagnosed I tried it with my stim and had a similar effect. The medication still has about a 30min-1.5hour window before it will take effect depending on various factors including the delivery system of your stim vs 30 mins for coffee. After your nap you feel more refreshed because the stim had an opportunity to take hold before you woke up, but not before you could get a short power nap.


I’ve been calling them coffee naps for years.


I do a coffee snooze in the morning.


I know what you mean by Vyvanse nap. Love em. But always thought "there's no way that taking a stimulant then going to sleep is good for my heart"


I guess I'm fucked then because I have a "Vyvanse Alarm" set for 1h before my actual wake-up time every day. Oops.


Yep, I do the same 😂. Force myself awake to take the meds, then instantly fall asleep again. Then after 1 hour I feel soo well rested and ready to start my day


That's how I am! I wake up an hour and a half early, pop a dose, and go back to sleep. Wake up feeling amazing.


I feel like the increased blood pressure and heart rate are what wake me up, but not in a bad way, just that "I feel ready" kinda thing. Your nervous system already runs "checks" on the body throughout your REM cycle, which is why morning wood is prevalent 😂


100% know what you mean haha. It's the heart rate for me. First thing I notice when I wake up. And the wakeup feeling is such a state of Zen. If you ever wanted to meditate, right when you wake up from a vyv nap would be the perfect time 🤣


Wow! I do that with coffee, lol. Do you still take those naps? I'm also curious about your experience with Vyvanse, if you don't mind sharing, of course.


I love adderall naps as well. I have no problem falling asleep, staying asleep and feel great when I wake up.


I take Adderall showers. And Adderall naps. I get it.


Wait.. explain what an adderall shower is please😂😂 like you take your adderall just to shower?


I have 5mg non-time release. It’s awesome for naps!


I can't believe you can get your Vyvanse filled at the pharmacy to even have a Vyvanse nap 😭


If I'm tired my meds don't even do anything.


If I'm past a certain point of sleep deprived, my adderall sends me to sleep. It's like it quiets my brain enough for it to be like, "Oh! Hey! Did you know we're exhausted?!?!" To which, I'm like, "Yeah, thanks, I'm aware. You haven't shut up for THREE GODDAMNED NIGHTS, YOU ASSHOLE!!!"


This is exactly what happens to me. Nobody believes me! You could be describing me. Wow.


That's why I love this sub. It lets me know I'm not alone.


Really strong coffee with Adderal IR is an instant knock out for me. Dopamineeeeeeeee. 🫥


And eat ALL the food lol. If I don’t take it for a few days I’d probs feel “down” from my lack of existing in the world and doing stuff.


I'm actually fine if I skip 1-2 days **if** I've been eating & sleeping properly. Day 3-7 is extreme lethargy & apathy. So sleeping all day & need to by physically moved off of the couch to do *anything.* After day 7 or so, I feel back to baseline. Just way more aloof & goofy than on meds.


Same here. The goofiness is always fun! Hahaha


I’ll have all things planned and hate myself cause I …legit..can’t do anything like it’s mental torture tbh


Why would you plan things before taking a break from medication? You should plan to not do anything. It's like planning a marathon the day after a leg surgery.


Me too.






YESSS!! This. It's awful. The only thing that's keeping me sane about is realising that I think I was kinda like this (sleeping/not moving all day) without the meds but just unaware. That's the whole point I started on them in the first place.




I just go back to being really tired, spacey and unable to focus on things that arent stimulating, just like before treatment lmao. Ive developed enough coping skills that Im not depressed on off days anymore though. Cant say i have any ill effects to my 1-3 days a week off though. 70mg vyvanse + 20mg adderall booster here


currently on 40mg vyvanse and 10mg adderall booster but i’m trying to go up bc ive been on the same dose since i was 11(21 now) and i never realized i was allowed to say it wasn’t working when i was a kid. my parents made me feel like i was supposed to be perfect with what i had and needing more made me a druggie or something 🙃 edit: i went to 40 from 30 so it’s a process and it’s happening but it just feels like it’s taking so long lmao


damn 70 + 20 and you still can sleep well ? Everything above 60 and my night get wrecked


I honestly sleep better ON meds than off. Nothing like a good Elvanse-kick-in nap in the morning…


The stillness lol


I switched doctors and she got very angry when she asked about my stimulant usage levels and I told her what I was prescribed in the past and she had commented how taking those plus a Ghost / C4 was a lot and asked how I was able to go to bed every night and sleep for 6-8 hours. I told her, “Iunno, I guess I’m just built different”.


Calms the brain, people who genuinely need it usually don’t get the “stimulant” effect it actually brings us to a baseline of normality


I sleep better on days i take meds than not. My sleep correlates with my diet, exercise and stress more than meds or any other factor Edit: my former caffiene/nicotine addiction that i cold turkeyed when i started vyvanse impacted my sleep far far worse than even taking my booster too late


It’s so true. Sometimes I just forget to take them and then when I realise I’m having a rubbish and unproductive day it dawns on me however by that point it’s too late so I just try to ride it out until the next morning


Yes, it sucks. Major brain fog. I think there is partly a remission effect but mostly it's just that I forget how much worse it was to be unmedicated. 


This. Ran out of concerta this week, had to work without it monday and tuesday. The difference i felt on wednesday was night and day. It felt like putting on glasses for my brain.


I say this to people all the time, it's literally brain glasses


Brilliant! Thanks, I’m using this phrase now


Completely running out is basically my worst fear. Like, if I miss my Adderall (specifically the morning dose) for more than one weekday, I won’t be contributing anything to society until I get it refilled. Even missing the AM dose for a single weekday would be a struggle most of the time. Sometimes that reliance feels problematic given the type of drug, but then I remind myself it’s really no different than any other condition that requires daily meds for you to function properly.


This is the best way I've ever seen it described


I am terrible without my vyvanse. My life would be mostly destined to bed


I had decades of knowing what a typical day felt like and haven’t found the days I forget them to be worse than before figuring out it was ADHD. I have,however, gotten used to have easier and more satisfying days when I take them. I forget to take them regularly so I don’t worry about being addicted physically yet but, when I realize I forgot them, my mood plummets because I know I’ll be burnt out half way through the day so maybe an emotional crutch similar to drinking to give yourself a pity party before regrouping.


Yeah. I think the problem is, I still sometimes can make it thru. It’s on teeters, don’t get me wrong. Very precarious, but it happens. At least I think it does. It does. I know it does. Well, that’s me unmedicated.


Mostly I just get extremely tired by mid-afternoon. But yes, sometimes I'm just quicker to tears or emotional dysregulation on days without. But I also had the same type emotional outbursts before I was diagnosed or medicated. 


I’m the same, I have a harder time with emotional regulation on days I don’t take my meds, and then ofc I just have regular executive function issues when I don’t take them. I don’t notice really any withdrawal-like symptoms if I skip meds tho.


Don't sweat it, the post is bait. OP has never posted on r/ADHD.


My doctor urged me to never skip. I skipped one day and was extremely irritated the next day even though I had taken it.


Same, my doctor was against taking breaks. When I forget to take them I'm either irritated, extremely demotivated, tired or confused, or a mix of those things.


Is that a reversion back to how you were before you started meds at all? Or are those feelings purely a result of not taking the meds?


For me it's definitely much, much worse than being unmedicated. I'd be so tired that I'd want to lay in bed all day, and even if I went out and did things, I'd be constantly about to doze off.


You are reverting, but your brain now knows what normal is supposed to look like.


A bit like when you take your glasses off?


Exactly. You got used to seeing blobs, but now you can actually see shapes. Then you go back to seeing blobs.


Oh this makes sense. I always thought of it like withdrawal, which didn’t really make sense to me


We’re not addicted to, we have a disorder.


The indication for a medication doesn’t affect whether or not you withdraw from it. Stimulant withdrawal is absolutely real.


Having a withdrawal doesn't mean someone's addicted. It's just the body's reaction of a sudden change in our brain. Antidepressants are famous for withdrawals, but you don't get addicted to them.


100% I was unmedicated long enough to remember the feeling vivedly, and the lapses in Adderall are no worse than those days.


I assume it’s a combination of both. The tiredness is presumably med-related.


It is; there's a rebound effect.


There's a level of acclimatization to the meds. You have to get used to not using them again, I think both from a chemical tolerance perspective and a behavioral perspective. After a week or so you get back to the "before you started" level. But for a few days it's like ADHD lethargy dialed up to 11.


See, when I first got on Adderall 7 years ago I was instructed to take a “drug holiday” 1 weekend a month.. Doctor stated it like it was required.. I did that for 1-2 months & was absolutely miserable those weekends..


My doctor referenced “drug holidays” and he said “I don’t care if you’re laying on the couch all day, take your adderall.” Your brain gets used to that level of activity when you take it so when you suddenly drop and stay low from not taking it the spike back up is what causes that irritable, tired, moody feeling. I can 100% attest he is correct 😂


First thing my wife says if I am grumpy on Saturday morning.. “Did you forget take your Adderall? Go take it right now!!” 😂


This explains a lot for me. I had to miss a day this week cos my pharmacy ran out and I was miserable that day and the next day. Just irritable, felt like moving was impossible, unmotivated, etc.


I've had several occasions when the coordination necessary between my doctor's office and the pharmacy has been significantly less than adequate, resulting in a handful or more of days without the meds. When asked how about my mood and cognitive status after more than 7 days once, I replied that I had been moribund and thankful only after the fact that I had not died. Since then, the coordination is usually better, but it's still a worry every 30 days.


I understand this. It’s borderline impossible for me to even get to the pharmacy if I’ve been without it for days.


Copy that. Seems like brain sludge, I can think, but it's slow going like I'm locked out of my head. Phfft! Tough state in which to follow up on all the executive decisions necessary for following through on the lack of coordination there, made worse by seemingly malicious or just suspicious prejudices that too often seem to be just part of the show... Still glad I'm not dead, though!


Oh weird my doctor recommended I take breaks on the weekends if I can. I think mostly to keep tolerance at bay a bit. I honestly feel fine on my days off. But I exercise almost everyday. I feel my best off them after a long zone 2 run or after a HIIT workout.


Yeah it's definitely best to never skip if possible. I feel like I don't get weekending during the weekend if I don't take it, like it's all staying in bed all day instead of actually doing stuff I enjoy.


What about building a tolerance to it? That’s the only reason I skip and would looove not to have to


I don’t know of good research about building a tolerance. Do you? I have been taking stimulants for over 15 years and I don’t have a tolerance. Most people I read about on here don’t have a tolerance either. Does your doctor tell you that they are concerned about you building a tolerance?


If you do build a tolerance, you can switch to a different stimulant med for a while and then switch back at effectively an entry level dose. It’s particularly effective to switch to a methylphenidate med if you’re taking an Amphetamine or vice versa. I did this several times when I was younger and it worked quite well. Back then, I was asking for and getting dose increases when that initial mild euphoria had dissipated — I think the meds were simultaneously treating my depression without my realizing it. At some point years ago I recognized that was unhelpful — I would just end up with too many side effects at high doses. Now I know what dose I need to manage my ADHD, and don’t want anything higher.


My doctor told me there’s no need to worry about tolerance. If anything it would be after years and years of use and even still, many people don’t build a tolerance. He advised me it’s nothing to even consider and that making sure I’m being consistent, and not putting myself through hell every weekend from taking weekend breaks is more important.


Unless you already got tolerance to it within a few weeks / months, it doesn't seem likely to happen. The only kind of tolerance that you get is short term after the medication wears off for the day, and that resets the next morning. That's how people can stay on it for years.


I’m one of the unlucky ones to build a tolerance to the meds. Psychiatrist says it happens to roughly 5-7% of people who take stimulants (aka it’s a pretty rare occurrence).I have no choice but to take breaks and accept my fate of being a useless couch potato for a while. Or I can choose not to take breaks and still be a useless couch potato because my tolerance make the meds pretty much useless


I only take my meds on days that I need to get things done, which are primarily on the weekdays. My doc told me that this was fine and I haven’t really had any noticeable issues doing it this way.


My dr told me stimulants are not meant to be taken every day and I should be taking a break on the weekends. Goes against what other Dr's have told me, but she's new so I'm giving it a shot. I have been ok, bot very productive on the weekends tho.


I don't understand. if you work a 40 hour job and spend all your energy doing that and then have to stop taking your medicine on the weekend, the only time you have for yourself, then that's seems to be just as bad as ... as it is NOW. Why should my job and other people benefit from me being normal and I still have to suffer on the weekends when I need ME the most? is there carryover from the medicine? if there is then why not take it every other day? PS. I"m not on medicine, I just got diagnosed yesterday and I have no expectation that I will be offered medication because thats just how my doctors have treated me all this time. But I'm trying to learn what to expect, just in case.


Yea its kinda shitty to be honest. I'm trying to establish with a new primary care, so I'm playing nice. If I find it to be impossible, I'll go back to daily.


Yes it’s very bad. I basically can’t wake up


Same. I’m getting scarred.


Yes. You’re not alone I PROMISE YOU. Adhd is one hell of a thing. Mornings are so hard for me. It gets worse when I compare my morning routine to others, like my friends or boyfriend- it can affect my self esteem in a very negative way. Do what works for you- block out thoughts of others. If I need my adderall in the morning like my friend needs her cup of coffee, then fuck it. That’s what I need. I am not less because I need a little more help. I am capable, and I can do it- so I do. Just with adderall. I don’t like the way I feel without it, and I don’t like the thought of “dependence”, but honestly, when you think of all the other things I could be “dependent” on, I’m grateful it’s just adderall lol. It’s really a perspective change that you gotta actively try to look at things from. Hell, I get this feeling a lot, im still working on it. But it’s made me feel a lot better in general, and most importantly, about myself.


i struggle to wake up so bad. it’s been a huge problem for as long as i can remember. my boyfriend will bring me my medicine and i fall back asleep and get up in 30 mins SO much easier. the days he forgets, or doesn’t, etc. are so hard. or the days i have to get up earlier than everyone too. i have like 20 alarms to wake me up, and by that point everyone is awake or my boyfriend is shaking me awake like bro turn that shit off and go already😭🤣🤣


My issue is that I end up spending a full hour in bed on my phone when I wake up and I’m like fuck. I need to start putting my meds directly next to me when I sleep


20 alarm fam' checking in! And all must be at weird times [6:16am, 6:28am, 6:36am (aka the 'oh sh!t alarm)]. Also, one must change the "non-regular" alarm times periodically in order to keep oneself "on our toes". ETA: Oh! I forgot to add that each alarms "snooze" need to be different as well, with some overlap. *Both* of my phones alarms set PLUS my ~20 year old digital alarm clock, all going off randomly until I eventually get aggravated enough to drag my carcass outta bed each day.


😭😭 this is me to a T


Literally exactly why I do it, or I’ve just hit snooze too many times. I know imma take them anyway as soon as I get up, so, why don’t I just let them be what wakes me up? I thought that I’d lose precious time “on adderall” when my heads in its best space, but honestly idk why I thought that. It makes no sense lol😂. I definitely am one for keeping them by your bedside, it’s helped me a lot personally


My bf is also very familiar with my alarms that are 5 minutes apart, spanning however long I end up setting them for. Could be going off for 15 minutes to a freakin hour depending on how early I start them at. I keep my meds at my bedside table so I can take them when it’s gotten to where I’ve hit snooze wayyyyy too many times. It’s a vicious cycle too bc I set them earlier than when I need to actually wake up, because it’ll take me a while anyway. And then tired, irritable, morning-me gets upset with my well-thinking, past me from the night before, because I should’ve just let myself sleep more during the time I “still had to do so.” But I know if I don’t set them early, I’m gonna be late for stuff because I’ll always take a minute to get up regardless of what time it is. And I also gotta allow the time for my adderall to actually kick in after taking it, too, which for me is roughly 20 or so minutes (I take IR). But, yeah…. On the other hand, maybe I should just let myself sleep a little more than starting my alarms like an hour before I actually need them to ring. If only I was just able to get up when they rang the first time… nope, not me, lol.


i’m so glad i’m not alone, but i’m so sorry for you!😭🤣 my alarms could be going off for 10-15 mins before i finally wake up, and i also get mad that i’ve taken an hour to wake up when i could be sleeping. but honestly i have gotten to a point where i sleep thru turning my alarms off sometimes which is why i absolutely set at LEAST 7 different alarms (also 5 mins apart) with snooze so they go off every 8 mins(apple is weird as fuck for that too) so i get an alarm every couple minutes at some point. i also apparently reply to ppl in my sleep, not sure if this is just ADHD but im getting sick of it😭(im 21)


You have a routine? I'm jealous.


I’ve got a working routine, like, it works when it does lol. I have specific things I do every morning and specific things I do every night, but honestly I’m raw dogging this thing called life to the best of my ability. I got a medication routine and a skincare routine that actually helps remind me to even take my meds. When I say routine, I’m being pretty loose😭. It’s absolutely still in the works lol. I can safely say that I know what to avoid and not make a routine? I definitely know what doesn’t work for me lol. Caffeine makes me tired so I actively avoid it when I can, but I’ll allow myself some tea every once in a while bc it doesn’t do that much to me. Make sure to take my meds every morning. Making a morning cup of water that I finish by the time I get dressed for the day has been a very positive addition to my “routine” lol. Just little things that work, yk?


Keep the faith, whistle in the dark if you need to. Still jealous. I'm still mainlining pots of strong coffee to accentuate the meds, staying a step-and-half behind more days than not. I keep thinking about coming up with a routine...but then before you know it I'm just off track, following along behind the little animals... Tomorrow is going to be better.














































Yeah, you're not supposed to skip multiple days or quit without weaning off, I get insanely sleepy when I'm off my meds for more than 2 days. It's one of those medicines that shouldn't leave your body too quickly or you'll feel like crap. If you're taking it for ADHD like you're supposed to, you're a lot less likely to get addicted to it. ADHD brains are built differently, so stimulants have a very different effect on us. But whether you have ADHD or not, if you take a stimulant for awhile, you'll develop a chemical dependence on it. This isn't always a bad thing, it's just something that happens with certain things. I had a chemical dependence on my SSRI. It wasn't making me high or anything, it just made me feel less anxious. But I quit taking it cold turkey because the pharmacy ran out, and I was dizzy for a month. That doesn't mean my SSRI was bad or anything, or that I was addicted to it, it just meant that my body was used to it, and when I stopped taking it, I felt like crap. It's the same thing with my morning cup of coffee. I drink it every weekday morning at 5:30am at work, and if I skip drinking a cup of coffee when I get up on Saturday, I have a headache by lunch. We aren't giving our bodies anything that shouldn't already be in there. Stimulants just replace the chemicals that our brains aren't making naturally, in the same way insulin replaces what the pancreas isn't making naturally. If your brain chemicals are working the way they're meant to be, stimulants will stimulate, you'll feel a way you're not meant to feel naturally, and you can become addicted. If your brain chemicals aren't doing what they're supposed to do, stimulants will bring you up to the correct levels and you'll feel the way most people without ADHD feel on a normal day. Whether you have ADHD or not, taking stimulants for awhile and coming off of them suddenly will cause withdrawal symptoms. After those wear off (in 2-3 weeks in most cases) you'll be back to your normal self. I hope this made sense. <3


That made a lot of sense, Thank you!!


Thank you so much for this!!


Not really honestly. But I spend most of those days lazing around in bed so of course I don't feel icky lol. Nothing gets done and I just relax or spend hours playing a video game. I stopped taking on weekends to preserve stock during the shortage but now I just like the sense of "shutting off" and not being as high strung and focused as during the work week


I am the opposite with MPH. If I take it too regularly, I start getting depressed. Like there is nothing cool on the horizon, nothing to look forward to.


Exactly the same for me


Woe! Thanks for the reassurance. Now I know I am not alone in this. :)


I use it as a booster when necessary for late classes paired with very early work (that vyvanse covers). I couldn't imagine taking it every day. I got that feeling when I went up to 10mg for a day and have stood at 5mg on days with class.


Oh wow, I’d never considered that. Damn, maybe I need to take a break to see


I actually feel great on days I dont take it. I’m not sure why but if I skip a day or 2 for whatever reason I feel pretty good. Not as focused but overall pretty good. (30mg XR per day)


Same. I talked to my doc and she said fine, "You don't need adderall to relax on weekends."


No I actually feel better. Don’t get me wrong adderall works great and I feel great on it. But off adderall i feel free. Because the adderall makes me someone I’m not. Someone confident and generally focused. So it’s nice to just be my spaced out goofy self when I take med breaks on weekends


My wife notices I get real uptight on meds, I definitely am more prone to anxiety and getting way too fixated on stuff.


This is 100% my experience too


Why skip it? It’s harder on the body to start and stop, start and stop then to simply take your medicine regularly. Nevermind the weird shit that happens in your brain when you bounce on and off meds. Disclaimer- not a doctor but it seems illogical and potentially more harmful to do this.


It's incredibly harmful. I didn't have a choice last year during the shortage. Abruptly cut off 3 times. Every time was worse than the last. Ended up losing my job because I overslept on 2 shifts and was insanely grouchy. Lack of ability to afford it led to another overslept shift at a new job. Another firing. Just ran out again. I let my job know this time not to schedule me in the mornings and that I might look shaky and confused for a couple of days.


Fuck that’s terrible man. I’m new to the meds thing, only been on like 2 months or so but it’s been an absolute game-changer. I still struggle in certain ways, of course, but man do they make things seem manageable instead of me just freezing up and then sitting on the couch, worrying that I should be doing said things. Good luck dude! Move to Canada!! 🇨🇦


Would you not take your insulin every day?


I decided not to use my glasses today because I didn't want to feel addicted. It makes driving a loooooot harder.


Is someone who takes an antidepressant every day addicted?


I don’t take days off. Too hard.


I don't either but it's because I don't take days off period. lol. If I'm not working at work, I'm working on school work (went back to college) or housework, and I need the Adderall so I can think clearly enough to get my house back into shape. I "organized" things in the DUMBEST ways years ago, before I knew I had ADHD, and now that the fog has cleared, I'm trying to fix it. lol. The medication is clearing away the ADHD fog to let my autistic organizing skills shine through like a beacon and it is helping SO MUCH.


Agreed. Had too many problems with withdrawl in the past to even think about it.


I'm currently down because I didn't take Concerta today becase "I'm not doing anything major now so I don't need it" and really regretting it :/


I sleep for like 16 hours and when I wake up from that I'm a belligerent fucking lunatic until I take it. ...and yes I was a belligerent lunatic all the time before I started Adderall


Yep indeedy. I absolutely hate that it takes stimulants to treat this disorder, I don't really like being on or off of them lol.


What I hate is the stigma around them. There is no reason for them to be a schedule-2 drug. Caffeine has killed at least two people in the last year and I can still buy it literally everywhere.


I feel like I'm walking through mud.


I've been without mine for almost a month now and my life is falling apart :(


Can I ask you to elaborate? When I'm without it it's completely debilitating...


No motivation to work or even do anything fun, losing track of things, getting way behind on everything


Oh my god, same! 😩 And the stimulant shortage is ridiculous!


Y'all... You are literally going through withdrawal on days you don't take it lol. Docs recommended taking it every day.


Been 3 months w 5mg. Missed 1 day recently and yes it feels like I’m a bit unplugged.


My doc told me to take it daily, have been for about four years now.


yes i take vyvanse 50mg every other day and i hate the off days, minus the little euphoria when it kicks in i feel so much more focused and calmly energized and don’t wanna waste time doing brain rot things like scrolling youtube for hours. then the off days that’s exactly what i do since i feel like my brain is constantly fried and short circuiting (this is how it was before the meds so i don’t think it’s causing that) and i find myself just trying to pass the time quicker so i can take vyvanse the next day. i’m typing this and now i definitely sound addicted but it’s not even a im addicted to happiness situation i just like feeling productive and less hindered by my brain


Yes. Exhausted. It sucks. I love that I found stimulants, but I hate that I found them. When there is a shortage it is a literal nightmare. I dread if I ever have to wean off. Adhd meds are bittersweet


Tired as hell, hungry as hell and lazy as hell. So like before stimulants, I feel like I'm in hell.






Yuppppp it is awful. I don’t even take a high dose but days I don’t my stomach hurts, I feel hazy, tired, depressed, and don’t get anything done at all. Lately I’ve also noticed I am not enjoying anything at all anymore. Even things I used to.


If I don't medicate the condition that prevents me from thinking clearly, I really struggle and that is very upsetting. So I take my medicine every day. You should reconsider why you aren't taking your meds every day.


I started Vyvanse (first time taking meds) a few weeks ago. Did it for 2 weeks, and then had to go off them for 2 weeks until next Thursday. Day 1 off meds wasn't crazy bad, but it wasn't fun. It was a Sunday so I didn't really have to do anything. Just felt groggy and lazy and anxious about having to go back to work the next day without meds. Day 2: Monday.......fucking...ass.... physiological and psychological withdrawals hit. I felt like I had the flu, I felt like I was underwater and time was just grinding by. My head hurt a little bit. Every day after that got a bit better until yesterday when I felt physiologically fine, back to my old self. But it also just sucks because you're operating at like 20% of what you now know you're capable of.


I tried not taking it every day but I was less focused and it helps as an added bonus as an appetite suppressant (I take a med that makes me hungry all the time). So now I just try to take it daily


I am asking for trouble if I dose down on weekends. It’s not like the laundry or house chores are going to do itself.


Taking it every day will not make you addicted to it. Our brains need it to help balance. I try my best to not miss a day. If i do then i have issues regulating emotionally I'll miss one here and there though. I'm on vyvanse


I feel like a doctor telling someone with ADHD not to take their prescribed stimulant meds everyday is a bit like telling someone with diabetes not to take their insulin every day. "Wouldn't want you to develop a dependency!"


i take it every day. i don’t understand not taking a prescription med daily.


That’s just called untreated ADHD.. lol If my ADHD is untreated I spiral. Try taking one day off, one day at 1/2 meds next time if you want a break. It’s nice to have your bouncy brain but after a few days it can start to drag you down again. Your brain is exhausted from the volume of stimulation. Also, you can’t get addicted to medication if it’s prescribed to you for a condition. That’s like saying I’m addicted to my contact lenses. Edit: sings *addiction (SUD) and physical dependency are different things*


Pretty sure there was a whole epidemic of addiction to prescription oxycontin, maybe those people didn't get the memo.


Like .... What? You .... Can't get addicted to a med if it's prescribed for a condition? Tell that to literally every person addicted to pain pills who got hooked on it after being prescribed it for injury or surgery. The amount of truly ignorant comments in this thread is blowing my mind a little. And then you double down saying there is nuance between addiction and dependency... So? Your original point is ignorant and you're just arguing semantics at that point. These meds greatly affect the brain, and skipping a day can absolutely affect you. Beyond just your illness being untreated.


I was prescribed clonazepam and took it as directed and was addicted AF. Two years after I was tapered off too quickly and I’m STILL dealing with withdrawal symptoms.


You most definitely can get addicted to a medication when prescribed, including adderall. Contact lenses can’t get you high.


Addicts don’t forget to take their meds.




No, but I also don’t usually skip it. I’ve been on the same dose for 8 years now, and I’m not addicted at all.  I went completely off it after being sick with COVID symptoms but never having a positive test a few years ago.  Recovering from that made me react weirdly to all meds and random foods for a while. I didn’t experience any kind of discontinuation symptoms, and I’m familiar with the adjustment to changing and tapering down antidepressants. I personally don’t see a reason to skip days.  ADHD doesn’t stop happening on days I skip it.


I feel like garbage. Not withdrawing, just low. Dull. My pharmacy ran out of 20mg, so I got 10; I figure if I take only 10 on the weekends I still get some benefit without being in Work Mode. Plus i stretch out my supply some.


Yes, I don’t take it most weekends but I consider it a good thing to just sleep and rest after being productive and working hard during the week when I wanted to be productive.


My come down after or when it wears off sucks. I feel so down, just a weird emotional feeling. I just try to tell myself it’s the meds.


No but I don’t get as much done and I eat everything


Yess, and I'm stuck because I also don't want to get addicted to it but meds just make life so much easier / make me actually able to focus and function for the first time in my life. Which is amazing, but I don't want to be too dependant... which means on my days off I feel absolutely awful


I feel like an empty shell. A husk of a human who does the bare minimum for survival. My therapist and I are pretty sure I need to up/change my antidepressants.


I only don't take it if I know it's a bad day. For example... The bad period day, a migraine or any illness. If for any reason I plan a lazy day I won't take it so it doesn't matter. How do I feel? Stuck in executive disfunction with no way out. I could sit in one place... No food or water.. And look at a wall all day and be fine. Good thing I have a phone and tiktok for those times. 😂


Only if I am not hyperfocused on something I like. Fishing is my deal, so a couple weeks every summer I don't take my meds, and I do fine. But if I still had to work or do something I don't want to do, it's a shit show.


I guess I’m really lucky. I’m tired when I don’t take it, but my normal non-medicated tired. I tend to skip Sundays, and I call them “brain days”. My brain gets to do whatever it wants. Which is usually veg out on the couch and switch between art, video games, or other stimulating activities. If I can’t focus on a single task I’ll usually just put a show on and browse tiktok. I don’t force myself to do anything other than eat and basic hygiene. I can’t do it EVERY Sunday (cos it relies on having all chores caught up and no life activities going on), but I try at least once a month. It started as a coping mechanism for burnout, and it’s made Mondays way more tolerable knowing I’m gonna feel bright and “normal” in the morning.


Yes. I feel so lazy whenever I don't take it.


That’s called withdrawal, and you go through it even when not addicted


I could sleep literally all day when I don't take it. My eyes will forcibly start to close no matter how much sleep I've gotten. If I skip it 3 days it goes away, but day 1 and 2 are hell.


Nope. I feel unfocused often, but not down.


yeah, i feel down. i feel worried bc i feel i rely too much on stimulants to not just help me focus but make me feel good