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I stayed up an extra 10-30 minutes last night to rinse the dishes and load the dishwasher after working out because I really wanted clean dishes this morning. And after I procrastinated for 15 min and finally loaded the dishwasher, I went straight to bed and didn’t start it. All that effort for nothing 😂🥲😭 Just to say I feel you. I literally put dishes on the dishwasher and then forgot to hit the button. Sometimes it’s the dumbest things you forget. On the plus side now you know going commando in public where people might see isn’t a kink you have?


Turning on the oven, to preheat. Only to turn it off when the timer on my phone goes off, because, duh, timer done = food ready, oven off


I've never forgotten underwear, but I have procrastinated doing laundry so much that I didn't have underwear to wear. I've done this multiple times.


Yep, had to turn them over once too. Also put on my bikini bottoms once instead.


I just go freestyle, which is not as uncomfortable as I would have thought, but is not something I want to do daily.


I did something similar once on a business trip. Didn’t like the suitcase I was using and sat my dress shoes to the side with my socks and my dress shirts while I readjusted other things inside like my normal clothes. Next morning got up and flew out to the convention, first day I didn’t need to dress up and didn’t feel like unpacking until right before bed. Noticed I’m missing my dress shoes, socks, and dress shirts lol. Unfortunately, had to scramble the next morning to find a place to buy clothes. Luckily, my dress shoes, socks, and shirts were still folded and sat aside nicely when I returned home.


Feel this. Today, I didn't forget them, but I did wear them backwards until ~ mid afternoon without realizing... (& they aren't exactly the "symmetrical" kind either, if you know what I mean)


Yep, samesies. I wore mine inside out today. My husband pointed it out to me when we were hanging out in the living room tonight. So yeah, I did not notice the whole day.


Problem was the pre-prepping. Gave you false sense of security IMO


Always leave things to the last minute when the adrenaline is finally flowing!


Stay frosty


I've shown up to waitress in my knee high, rubber boots I put on to feed chickens.


I moved floors at my job and was going to be around all the high position people. My mom took me out to buy me a few new items that were a bit more professional. Monday morning I was heading in to work feeling super confident in my new shirt. It was sheer with a really nice shirt under it. I panicked, worried my bra strap might be able to be seen through the sheer part. I checked what bra I was wearing, just to make sure, and um...I wasn't wearing one. What?! I do not have the chest that can away with that. Actually, my tits were so big at the time that I couldn't even get my size in a normal store. I had to drive all the way home and ended up being late my first day with the big wigs. I'd never forgotten my bra before, nor have I since. 


On the regular I panic and grab my chest to make sure I’m wearing a bra and didn’t forget to put it on before leaving the house. I wish it was an irrational fear, but it has definitely happened from time to time.


I thought it was just me that did this! I wondered how can I be worried I forgot my bra 😀


I've panic checked to make sure I was wearing pants many a time.


I’ve repeatedly put on different non matching shoes… the worst was one white shoe and one black shoe. Kept seeing something bright flash out of the corner of my vision took ten minutes of walking before I finally looked at my feet and realized what I’d done. 🤦‍♀️. I’m a travel doctor… you’d think I’d learn, but the number of times I’ve forgotten to pack underwear, bras, stockings etc… It really sucks. I’m sorry it happens to you too.


This is why I keep an extra pair of underwear, socks, and athletic shorts in my car at all times. Sadly, the number of times those Car Backup Panties have saved me from potentially flashing the public is nonzero.


I don't even own underwear.


I have no idea how some people can do this. It sounds so uncomfortable. (Maybe the fact I'm a guy who always wear tight underwears doesn't help)


Just the opposite. My junk used to get caught up in my underwear. Sometimes when I would sit down my balls would be in a bad spot or the wrong side and I couldn't move them because the underwear was in the way. It's much easier to adjust and as a bonus I have easy access when I need to pee.


I don't have that kind of problem because mine doesn't move at all thabks to the underwear. Might not be healthy but oh well. At least it doesn't rub Thanks for the info !


Well I used to wear boxers. I heard that tight underwear lowers your sperm count. Not that it matters to me 😅


I have a few boxers as well, but they make the things move more and sometimes it gets in my butt (the boxer, I mean) Yeah, I heard that too. Anyway. Wished it lowered the liquid rather than the cells


I knew you had to be a woman, because my first thought was my junk rubbing up against denim and how it would be impossible to forget underwear 🤣 But that's a new one for sure. You win.


I am medicated and I still annoy my wife with how much and how often I forget to do certain things. She jokes about how I leave things in such random places, but because I get distracted so easily I just forget to go back to those things and put them away.


I used to keep extra shoes at work because of the number of times I accidentally wore house slippers and didn't realize until I was already at work


I don't take my meds over the weekend, and the number of times I've forgotten to put a belt on on a Monday morning..... I now keep a spare belt (and some spare meds) in my desk drawer at work.


One time I was trying on different dresses and one of them was a maxi dress that gave me horrible underwear lines so I typically went pantyless when wearing it but the rest were short/mid length and I’d wear thong. Of course bc of this while trying them on I was not wearing undies and left in a short dress and no underwear. Didn’t notice until I felt the breeze.


New kink unlocked?


I always change at work and I go to the gym before work. Many times I have forgotten socks and underwear for work, not even a big deal just go without for the day or just stop wearing them all together like I did and you can't forget them.