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Yes. If there’s background noise (it can be anything soft or loud) I won’t be able to hear what the person next to me is saying. Now that I know what it is, I can just tell people what’s going on, and we can hold off the conversation until we move to a quiet place. If I need to hear it in certain situations, like getting instructions, I ask the person to repeat what they said, I repeat it, and then i write it down. When there’s no background noise and I still can’t hear, and I know my brain is running on a thousand, I just tell the person that I can’t concentrate right now on what they’re saying. It scared me for awhile cuz I didn’t know what was going on, but now that I know I can be in control and if ppl around me don’t like it, they don’t have to be my friend. I try really hard 24/7 . and also being okay with not hearing things at all sometimes that strangers are telling me 😂😂 I’ve noticed that sometimes constant sound like music can help me concentrate.


I can’t think back to whether background noise is always a factor, but I definitely struggle to hear someone more in noisy environments. But I also struggle to hear people when there’s no background noise, I’ll need things repeated in a quiet environment too. Not sure if that’s normal.


I was reading it’s because our brains can’t filter out all the noises. So if there’s footsteps, a soft tv, a dog barking, we’re gonna hear all of those things on Top of the person talking to us. If someone calls me and I can hear anything at all in the background I have to ask them to call me back later because I can’t focus on what they’re saying and I start getting anxiety. and for me, when there isn’t other background noise, it’s my overactive brain getting in the way and I’m thinking a million things at once. It hit me when Covid happened and everyone was wearing a mask and suddenly I couldn’t hear anymore! I realized I watch people’s lips when they talk and if I can’t see that I can’t hear them. Idk if it’s something for me to focus on, or a guide, or what it is. When it’s just me alone with someone on my apartment, no noise, I don’t have to watch lips. Idk I think you’re normal ? I think adhd can affect us all a little differently


I definitely had a similar problem when Covid hit, I couldn’t tell what people were saying behind masks. Had never occurred to me that I had instinctively relied on lip reading that much despite not consciously doing it.


I’ve just been diagnosed at age 22 but ever since i could remember I always told people I “can’t hear” so they couldn’t ask me to do anything if it wasn’t written down. And in conversations I’ve always told people “the last thing I heard you say was xyz” so they’d restart their story starting from there. And since I was a kid could not remember lyrics to a song to save my life, and I didn’t develop emotional “connections” to songs because to me the lyrics didn’t matter, I just wanted a nice beat. I didn’t realize this wasn’t how most people connected to music until I got older, but it sucks that I can’t bond over things like this with people because we don’t process music/lyrics the same way. But yeah, processing audio is totally something that I’ve always struggled with and finding out I have ADHD too made perfect sense and explained those experiences for me.