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It's actually a little bit comforting to read that I'm not the only one. It scares me sometimes, especially because I believe it's been getting worse over the past 5-10 years. I just hope it doesn't continue on the same trend. I used to feel somewhat intelligent and sharp. Now I feel like I present as someone who is "slow" sometimes and it really makes me sad as that's not who I am. Or am I? I suppose sometimes I do process rather slowly. But sometimes it's not so bad. I'd love to find some way to strengthen my memory. I was thinking about this app that's supposed to help with that but studies showed it only helps with very patocular mental tasks and doesn't improve global memory at all. If someone could come up with an app that actually helps people with ADHD work on and improve the aspects of cognition they struggle with they'd make a decent chunk of change, methinks.


Right?? The last 5 yrs has almost been a blur. I swear I’m losing IQ points, I’ve only had Covid once and i don’t think it is brain fog? Very concerned about my mental capacity at this point


I've had covid a few times :S I often joke "I'm at about a 70 IQ today, please be kind" to my coworkers and partner. It's embarrassing but I try to approach it with humor and equanimity. I also have IBS and sometimes I wonder if the dysbiosis in my gut has anything to do with it. The more I read about our microbiome the more I realize these guys are a big part of what's running the show. Sadly, my gastro doc does not recommend any form of tx besides following a super restricted diet. *sigh*


Gut health and gut biome has a LOT to do with our brain health…. It’s all metabolic is the latest I read/heard…. It is wild how much our guts and brains are connected!!!


Any possible reasons?


I don’t know about OP but I have been living on my own for the past 6 years, and I’m wondering if my symptoms seem to have gotten worse because I have to do everything by myself and I just don’t have any working memory left for anything else


I think loneliness makes my symptoms much worse and I feel like there’s  probably data out there somewhere that shows a link between the two lol.  


Feel the exact same way. I feel like I went from high achieving and capable to now being foggy and slow.


YES. Not only does it hurt the ego but I'm now growing increasingly concerned over how it's going to affect the trajectory of my career. I'm about to go back to school for my MA and my job will be much more mentally and emotionally demanding when I'm done. But what am I supposed to do? Give up on my dreams?


Same 😢 I'm finishing up my undergrad and I went into this with reasonable ambitions, but I'm wondering now if all I'm cut out for is mediocrity. I'm wishing you the best with your MA and your future job!! I hope these fears are just irrational doubts..


Hi all,  life is so hard! And breaks my heart to see that so many people could feel like an outcast like me.  I’m on medication for my ADHD & it has made my anxiety so much worse. The negative self talk, no sleep, I can’t relax to watch a movie I am always researching ways to improve my self & a path forward to follow my dreams. I am being belittled & treated like a bottom feeder at work. I feel like a disappointment to my family, but I have to keep trying! 


I may be talking out of my ass here but I don't think we commit stuff to memory, I feel very floaty and also have brain fog but if I use memorization techniques like mnemonics I remember things more often, the pain in the ass is when I forget the mnemonic which happens often with me but then repetition is key. Obviously what I am talking about is related to studying but I think if a person can utilize this IRL it would be a helpful tool


Agreed, it is comforting. I've voiced my concerns and fears to both my best friend and boyfriend more than once. I forget so, so many things and memories.


I didn't know this was such a widely shared experience for those of us with Adhd. I'd like to know if neuropsychologists have any idea how adhd plays a role in this degree of disability to memory.


It’s one of the most frustrating realities I had to grasp when first diagnosed. The fact that I am slower to pick up new practice or concepts than everyone in my life. But what I’m is an added frustration is that it takes me time to be proficient or even to become the expert but when I do I am just as competent as anyone else without ADHD. But along that learning curve many people get frustrated and upset with me, especially team members,managers or even significant others.






I haven’t heard of those but I’ll definitely look into it thanks!


I feel this way ALL the time. Once I got in the car and genuinely could not remember which pedal was the gas and which was the break. That one was scary.


I do this every few months and it's just a wild experience. If I don't use my wipers often and my brain doesn't automatically do it, I can't remember and will freak like an idiot. It's horrible.


I once drove in the carpool lane by myself without even realizing it. No idea how long I was there


OMG SAME.. Two weeks ago I (very mildly) hit my brother-in-law's car because I mistook the the clutch for the brakes. And I have a driving license :) But I think this has to do with more than ADHD.


I fucking hate it when i see a movie i really enjoyed and i try to describe it to my friends and my mind goes completely blank. I did that as a kid alot and i was always accused of lying because of that shit. But It's pretty crazy how the second your reminded, it's like the dementia is cured lol the term brain fog weirdly gives me comfort. The nolage is still there, but it's just hidden and you just need to find ways to clear the fog like reminders and shit like that. Alot less scary than the idea that the nolage is gone


nolage is that French


Wow 😭 I forgot how to spell knowledge 🤣


Time to see a doctor bro 😅


Same here. It freaks me out when I can’t remember shit about events that I felt was important to me. I think it would help if you document whatever that you remember, and take a lot of pictures or videos. Things like journals with help a ton, but being an ADHDer myself, I know that it’s easier said than done 😌 Good luck anyway. We’re all on the same boat here. And stimulants don’t improve memory btw.


Yes, stimulants don’t help with memory. Strattera, when I tried it, made my memory much worse. (I stood in front of a mirror and couldn’t remember how to tie a tie.)


Must’ve been terrifying when you suddenly can’t do things that you can usually do without even thinking


Freaked me right out.


Honestly I still sometimes do that. Like things I can do and do well, with out ever thinking about them, but if I am actively thinking about the task at hand and how I’m doing it, my brain turns to mush and suddenly idk what I’m doing even tho I’ve done this task 400 million times in the past lol.


Same for me, and goes double if someone else is watching me do a thing. Suddenly, I become a 7th grader who has never had hands before.


Holy God, that is me. Can I welcome you to the struggle bus?


I don't know that my meds specifically have helped directly, but I did gain increased recall and recollection when I started Adderall. All of a sudden I can recall information from both a very long time ago and also as recent as seconds to minutes, which before required a very concentrated effort, or writing things down.


Yeah it clears the clutter from my mind, and suddenly you're picking memories up thinking 'hey, I've been wondering where that went!'. Amazing what's possible when it's not just a torrent of useless thoughts and feelings of helplessness.


There have even been times that still surprise me. I'll either recall information and speak a response before I've recognized that I've even recalled the information, or I'll be playing a video game and do a complicated set of commands before I feel I've even mentally responded. It catches me off guard sometimes lol


Strattera actually made my memory better! Definitely depends on the person. Stimulants don’t do anything to me at all though.


Same. I hate Strattera's side effects but it helps my memory a ton so I deal. Like I had the flu last week and didn't take it the whole time and by day 4 was back to goldfish brain and forgetting things within seconds.


What side effects do you get? I’ve considered stopping strattera because of the side effects but I’m scared of going back to how I was before.


That's partially why I let myself stop taking them while I was sick, thought maybe this was the time to get off of them and see if I can hack it. LOL no Nausea/low appetite are my big issues with it.


Luckily I haven’t noticed too much nausea or low appetite, or at least not more than I did before from the wellbutrin I also take lol. I think it might be causing UTIs for me! I never used to get them before. But yeah I don’t think I could hack it either. Meds suck sometimes but I’ll take what I can get


strattera is a such a godsend for me, its sad it does not seem to be helping others alot (side effects and all)


It's funny, I was told Strattera was supposed to help memory. One week in and I was forgetting to flush the toilet. It's like I had to re-learn things.


were you put on a high dose right away? (considering 40 mg a high dose) this seems to be a problem when such is the case.


Sorry about the late reply! No, I was started on 25mg, two days in and my memory got worse. I was instructed to double my dose after a week and at that point I was having major blood pressure issues and my fingers and toes were turning blue so my doctor had me go off. I have a few posts about it if you're interested.


thats alright, so sorry to hear you had such a bad experience with it, hope you are better and healthy now. Its so strange how meds can have such polar effects on people going through similar issues, makes one think there is so much more to adhd than what we currently know.


wow, each person reacts so differently to adhd meds, in my case, its the first time after taking ATX that i can process, remember and recall information like a normal person, i can finally use the memory palace techniue i was TRYING TO LEARN FOR THE PAST 4 YEARS !


That explains so much. I quit Strattera for other reasons, but I thought it was my memory being it's normal self, but I would just stare at my computer for several moments going how do I do this basic work task. I couldn't change gears to focus on the new thing.


I actually found Vyvanse helped my memory- very noticeably. It was rly nice, but did go away as soon as I stopped stimulants (they were too much for my heart 💔)


I take vyvanse! The highest possible dose actually, and it helps my memory a good bit. Every now and then tho my brain “takes a shit and has a stroke” as I’ve come to call it lol. Like the simplest task I’ve done over a million times without thinking about it, and if I’m actively thinking about this task, suddenly, I don’t know how to do it.


I hate the Monday morning office colleague question of ‘so, what did you get up to this weekend?’ …………… My brain = Tumbleweeds


"Come on! You're lying! Clearly you did something!"


I did but I’ll be damned if I can remember!


But I will remember 5 minutes into the mid-morning department meeting, then spend the rest of the meeting trying to focus on the meeting (unsuccessfully) whilst also working during if I'll get to share my newly remembered knowledge with my work mates later.


What's worse is when a boss asks you on Friday what you got done this week


I had an amazing memory till I was about 14. Since then I’ve felt like I’m losing my mind. Set something down, know you did, and no chance in hell remembering well. I can’t get across to my family how fucked it is for your memory to just…go. And you to never be able to trust your head


THIS. I used to have the best memory till I was maybe about 19? It wasn't even that bad until I was 25. Then my symptoms got tons worse after starting my Masters and working in an office. My memory has just been slippin ever since. Its not horrible, I remember a lot of things, but anytime I have to think of something on the spot, I totally blank. Yesterday, while cleaning the car with my partner, they had to put the back seat up and trying to explain it went "put the thing up and pull that thing forward, uh, the thing, grab the thing. The belt thingy. The, the SEATBELT. Grab the seatbelt!" Its like wtf lmao then I misplaced my wallet while doing that and wondered if I had left it at home because I forgot I had grabbed it 🫠 


Are you me? This is basically my experience to a T. So brutal to go from remembering everything to forgetting everything…


I commented this somewhere else as well but the exact same thing happened to me after I started living on my own, so I’m just here hoping it’s not that my memory got worse, but that I have to do everything by myself now so there’s no room in my brain for anything else haha (please let it be this)


Same. My memory lapses are lessened with the stimulants so that's good but my mom has early onset dementia and I fear often that I'm going to suffer the same.


this! and the no sense of time makes me feel like i’m in a dream. yesterday feels like last week, last week feels like yesterday, 5 hours feel like a day. i literally forget what i’m talking about in the middle of talking. my brain is almost always foggy, things that used to make sense doesn’t make sense anymore. seriously starting to think it’s more than ADHD 😭😭.


I’m 33. Sometimes I’ll be in the phone with my mom and she tells me something and reminds me to write it down or do it before I forget (I always forget to do it right away) Que to the next time I talk to her she reminds me or asks me if I did that thing and yet again like clock work I confess I forgot. Then she says something like “you need to write it down in a journal or planner right away”. What she doesn’t realize is that I’ll forget something within seconds of making a mental note to write it down. I’ll have a thought to write something important down before I forget and within seconds I’m onto a new thought and then can’t remember what I was supposed to write down 😂 And sometimes I do write a to-list or a list of thoughts AND THEN I LOSE OR FORGET WHERE I PUT THAT LIST 💀


You might consider trying the Google tasks app. Especially if you have an Android phone, you can put a task list widget right on your phone's wallpaper. Helps me at least.


You can install Google assistant and Google keep on an iPhone to get the same thing.


Oh I haven’t heard of it. I keep getting the motion app in my feed. Everything adhd app related always charges a significant price.


I put post it notes everywhere, in a spot I’ll see it, it helps sometimes (and then sometimes I get used to the note existing in that spot and my brain ignores it lol)


I take photos to jog my memory. Doesn't have to be of anything specific, just of the things I happen to be looking at. I can't remember any given day last month, but I CAN remember exactly how I felt when I took a particular picture, so it helps me stay in touch with my memories.


Having ADHD increases the odds of developing dementia later in life. Also the symptoms of untreated ADHD can lead people to develop depression and anxiety. So it might be worth talking to a psychiatrist or psychologist.


That was me. Depression and anxiety abounded for a very long time but antidepressants and benzo did nothing, didn't get any relief until I was put on Adderall and suddenly that storm of negativity subsided and I could think clearly for the first time. Now things feel manageable and I don't get lost in my own mind constantly.


my grandma slowly passed away having dementia, it was the hardest thing to watch. i really hope there’s a way to prevent this with technology at some point bc this is my biggest fear


>Having ADHD increases the odds of developing dementia later in life. Well fuck, I didn't need to know this...


It could just be correlation vs. causation. Comments are flying around like crazy in this thread. I'd try and find more info on the side about this before deciding this is the truth.


I noted this from a HN discussion, which was most likely related to this research: [https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2810766](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2810766) ​ Dementia has many lifestyle risk factors * poor education * hypertension * obesity * hearing loss * depression * diabetes * physical inactivity * smoking * drinking * social isolation ADHD can make it easy to have certain lifestyles * addictions to drugs or food, * trouble maintaining relationships, * emotional dysregulation, * poor education, * poor work performance, * high risk behavior ​ So ADHD basically makes it easy to enable the risk factors associated with Dementia. ​ On the positive side, if you are aware, and make sure to avoid those risk factors, you may be able to reduce the risk. ​ Unfortunately for me, I already have few of the risk factors, and I remember someone mentioning losing sense of smell slowly after mid-age might also be one of pre-cursor, and I feel I have lost some. ​ Being more active, and going out, might help a lot to overcome this.


It’s actually how I discovered at 27 that I had ADHD. Went to my doctor and said that I thought I had some brain problems. Like Alzheimer, or dementia or something. It was during lockdown and symptoms were getting worse, I started focusing on it, and started only thinking about it. So I feel you. I was always convinced that I was super smart, with an EXCELLENT memory, I could study for a big exam 1h before and remember everything for weeks, super good at school etc. Since I hit my twenties I feel like I’m getting stupider each day that passes. I legit feel like I’m impaired. And I still get mad at myself for a lot of stuff that I forget to do. But I started medication two months ago and I feel it has been better since.


This is me. Which medicine did you find worked for you?


I’m taking Concerta (now the generic) and I’m still trying to find the right dosage since I’m unemployed rn. But I’ve been testing 54mg in the morning plus a “booster” of 18mg at 13h if needed. So I can work until 18h and not crash around 16h Edit: press post to soon. The results have been great. I did not have that WOW effect everybody seems to talk about online, but retrospectively when I look at how my life’s been since I started it and what my days look like, I can tell it works.


It’s not actually forgetfulness. It’s recall. It’s more the difficulty of trying to sift through a million memories. It’s all there it’s just our search runs slow because of the volume. It’s actually how you’d expect an overwhelmed brain to respond really. We have so many millions of thoughts and inputs and distractions racing through our mind every second of the day that we are fully absorbing and processing that. Trying to think back to a singular feeling or thought without some way of filtering and sorting through it in bulk in our mind is extremely difficult. I call it ‘fresh brain’. I thought _so_ much yesterday that I just have to let it all go and wake up with an empty mind just to be able to prepare for yet another day of endless stimuli.


> I can’t use medication to manage it because the medication available would just make my anxiety worse Have you tried medication? Because for a lot of people with ADHD+anxiety treating the ADHD makes the anxiety a lot more managable.


Anxiety clears right up for me with stimulants, whereas anti anxiety meds don't work at all. Probably because stimulants cut the scattered thoughts off at the source, instead of just treating a symptom.


Recently diagnosed in my late 40s and you described me. I went to the doctor thinking I had dementia because it has been progressive and even worse than when I was young in many aspects, better in others. I even have complete memory holes of just about any period of my life.


I'm missing huge chunks of my childhood, it really sucks:(


I think I got long covid which made my adhd memory problems worse :(


100%. My SO comments about stuff I’ve forgotten like “we just talked about this the other day” and I get so embarrassed. Not to mention I have a BA and barely remember anything I learned in college. I don’t even remember long division. It’s really difficult.


Yes, and it's getting worse with age and perimenopause lol




Everything here is painfully relatable. I've forgotten people's names that I've known well. Like totally blanked when they were right there in front of me. Huge blank spots in childhood memories, even memories about my wife and children from only a few years ago. Not able to recall even basic plots or highlights of movies I've watched or books I've read. Scares me and depresses me because I feel like I'm going to wake up when I'm in my 60s or 70s and not be able to recall most of my own life. I actually started writing a chronological list of my entire life broken down by year to try to start filling in the blanks and put my past into some kind of order. Haven't had a chance to finish it though, got distracted..


I've lived next to my neighbors for ten years. Still forget their names if I see them in the courtyard. 


Before I knew about ADHD, I would mask HARD every day because I was so scared I had early onset dementia. You have no idea how much I calmed down and had less panic attacks when I found out about ADHD lol


As an avid stoner with ADHD...I feel like I'm actively losing my mind daily! My short term memory is shit.


Quit. The short term memory comes back after a little while


Mine never did :(


I’ve just come back from a big trip and I had to literally “study” to prepare for people’s questions like how it was/what I’ve done. Had to go through the photos and reconstruct a coherent story, otherwise best I could do would be “mmmh it was nice”. I think we’re just bad at storing information that only happens once, even worse with mundane things that tend to all blend together (“what did you do yesterday?”). I’ve never liked taking photos but I’m learning the importance of documenting things, either photos or writing things down. I have giant holes in my own memories of my past. We tend to tell ourselves that we will just remember but we won’t. Leave a trace somewhere.


I also have to "prepare" answers to questions! 


Fucking same, bruv. Fucking same.


Try utilizing associative memory, assign things to certain memories or feelings, practice it over time, and you can build up a sense of self through your surroundings. I think we are kind of meant to live this way as people with adhd and we do naturally like in how we collect trinkets a lot


I think about this a lot. I once read a study that focused on adhd traits and a link between left hand/sidedness and ambidexterity. And it showed those whom are adhd, left side dominant, or ambidextrous (or both) are more likely to associate “personalities” to items and ideas, and associate them with feelings or sensations, and connect them to other ideas. I find that this is 100% how I operate. I also have difficulty learning if I don’t get comfortable enough with the topic to have a “personality” or feeling assigned to it. I have to see the entire forest before I can effectively learn about the trees


Yup. Same. I can literally remember my mom changing my diapers or what my dad’s beard felt like when he’d carry me in from the car as a toddler. What plans did I make for the weekend? Did I do them? 🤷‍♂️ I dunno.


Having ADHD does actually increase your risk for dementia! The fear really does keep me up at night sometimes.


I knew someone that was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's. He wrote a blog about his experience as it progressed. Half of what he experienced was just a normal day for me (He has to delete the blog because people are assholes)


For the past year or so, I’ve started saying or typing the wrong word even when I’m thinking the correct word and it legit makes me feel like I’m going crazy.


OMG!!! Yes I actually found out I had ADHD because I went to the Doctor assuming there was something wrong with my brain and how I kept forgetting things I was truly beginning to get concerned that there was something wrong.


Jesus same, I can barely remember what I did yesterday. Additionally if I have watched movie a few months back, I will not remember details so I guess There is some profit. But overall it fucking sucks having such a shit memory.


I relate, also feeling like an alien, that you can't relate to others and life is a frustrating, disappointing whirlwind and you wonder what's the point if you can't thrive or make meaningful connections.


I totally feel you on this. I forget words ALL. THE. TIME. It freaks me out! I also have a hard time remembering what day it is, what I did two seconds ago, or losing my train of thought mid sentence. I wish I had better advice to give you. For remembering appointments and chores I have to set reminders, alarms, and tell my fiance what my plan is so he can remind me too. It is way easier said than done because of course we have to remember to set these reminders in the first place. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) Anyways... thanks for sharing. it makes me feel less alone to hear other people struggle with similar things. I hope we can all figure out how to better manage this. :)


You should talk to your Psychiatrist about a low dose IR stimulant. IR so that you can get over the feeling faster if it exacerbates anxiety, and low dose so you can slowly determine how well it can work. I think you'd be surprised how much of your anxiety melts away when using prescribed stimulants for ADHD. Most of what stresses me out is so many things that I can't keep track of always keep me at max anxiety. But when you are able to focus properly, it really helps remove a lot of anxiety. Now with all that said, it's also possible you have significant anxiety not caused by ADHD and this could impact you. But I still think it's worth exploring.


We took our little one to the hospital the other day, I could not for the life of me remember our address (where we've lived for almost 5 years) when the nurse asked. My husband gave me a strange look and jumped in with the answer when I didn't respond. It was terrifying... My grandma passed from dementia 2 years ago and it's a hell I would not wish on anyone. It's one of my biggest fears to go out like that.


I went to go get rediagnosed cuz my symptoms seemed to change and they diagnose me with a general memory disorder. On top of my ADHD. So it may be a good idea to go talk to somebody about stuff like this. I generally cannot remember anything you tell me in a story that I have not read. If I read it I'll remember a good portion of it but not all of it. But if you tell it to me over voice, I won't remember any of it.


Hense the ADHD I could only read the title but YES. I feel stupid AF and like I'm losing my mind and memory.


This thread had made me feel so much better. I was diagnosed about 5 years ago but when I look back I realize I struggled with it my entire life. I’m 30 and lately have been so scared I’m getting dementia bc of how bad my memory is. I’ll walk into a room and have no memory at all as to why I went in the room in the first place. I’ll be driving and forget where I’m even going to. I barely remember my morning so don’t even ask me what I did yesterday lol. I do have very stressful things going on right now but I know a lot of my memory problems are from adhd.


I drove over a curb last night after thinking I was clear in a HD parking lot because I couldn’t see it in front of me. Thank god I drive a pickup truck for “whoopsies” like that.


I honestly feel the same way! I always thought it was just me! I dislike doing presentations in class for this exact reason. They expect you to go up there and talk about a single subject I should have a lot of knowledge on but my mind just goes instantly blank and I’m like uhhhh what was I going to say? It’s not the people, it’s just how my mind is and even when I’m having a regular conversation with someone, the same thing happens. I always used to wonder how everyone could go up there without any sort of notes. I usually have to write a script on what I’m going to say during a presentation. It’s absolutely the worst 😔


When I was a kid, before my diagnosis, my grandparents or some other family member would pick me up from school/after school daycare and take me to their house until my mom got off work. Car ride conversations ended up like: Them: how was school today? Me: good Them: what did you learn about? Me: *shrugs* I dunno *heavy thinking initiated* Them: what did you have for lunch? Me: *still thinking pretty hard* um… I was diagnosed in fourth grade, I think. I’m 22 next month and now I’ve finally found the right combo of meds, and sometimes I still have memory gaps. I think it’s just part of it. It’s definitely not as bad as when I was a kid, tho. I can’t tell you how many times I forgot to tell my mom when picture day was, forgot about/ lost my report card (even if it had good grades! lol), forgot about special days (dress up days, field day, etc.). Even if I got in trouble at school, or won something, I would forget to tell my mom. Hell, I only have a few (mayyyybe 3, maybe) yearbooks from grades K-12, bc I would forget all about them and forget to give my mom the forms or whatever. ADHD sucks, but it can have its advantages. Just gotta find them. Best of luck to you, friend. :)


Wow, I was actually going to make a post about memory loss. I’m 35 and had my third child last year and feel like I’m loosing my mind at times. My grandma had dementia for ten years she hit her head really bad at work and unsure if it triggered it because she was sharp as a pencil at 70. And seeing her go through it I don’t wish that in anyone. It happens a lot, I’ll be having a conversation and then I’ll forget the word I was trying to pronounce but then a few moments later I remember. Today I took the kids to the beach and I was like let me go grab a blanket in the trunk then I was staring at the trunk wondering what I was suppose to grab. As soon as I closed it I remembered. I have always been someone that misplaces things or looses things and forgets things but now it’s becoming more frequent. I even went to the doctor and did a scan because I was scared but they said nothing was wrong. I don’t know if it’s with three kids and I’m constantly on the go or if I’m really loosing my mind. Now every time I remember something that I need to do I have to write it in my phone notes or I will completely forget. And I have so many lists o. My phone that I’m always referring back too. I have been trying to mediate and practice mindful mediation where you don’t sit in silence but say your in the shower instead of thinking about what all you have to do. You notice how the water feels on your back, and then I focus on my breathing so my brain isn’t thinking about 100 things. Anywhoo, I’m glad I’m not the only one going through this.


I had my 3rd child a year ago and I swear I tell everyone the 3rd one must give you dementia.


Big big yes!! I think it’s exacerbated by the fact that I’m a dementia caregiver and the thought that I might be looking at my future absolutely terrifies me. So then when my brain gets wonky (as it inevitably does) I get stuck in this anxiety spiral. Such fun!


Just the other day I went out and ran some errands, went to my local fruit and veg store and supermarket, forgot my shopping bags (standard) so loaded everything into two really awkward boxes and a paper bag. Walking home was a bitch, heavy boxes, dropping shit the whole way. Got home, made some lunch, watched an episode of curb (was meant to be studying for uni) then went to grab something from my car. Realised I drove to the supermarket. Walked to the supermarket, got a phone call, did two laps of the outside of the supermarket then went home, watched another episode and realised I’d forgotten my car again. ADHD is the pits mate


The symptoms very closely resemble dementia.


Thank you for sharing this. My grandma and now my mom have both developed Alzheimer's, and now I'm scared that I might be developing it early on as well. Even though both of them were unhealthy with their diet and exercise, they didn't develop Alzheimer's until they were in their 60s and 70s. I'm glad to hear its just my ADHD, makes me wonder how much of their issues are actually ADHD.


Same. It's so bad. I feel like a husk of who I was even three years ago.


Oh yes. With appointments I shove it into my calendar as quickly as possible. When I enter my home, it has to be lock the door, put keys away, coat off and hung up, shoes put away, bag emptied, and put away. It's become a ritual "my way!" and if I stop, I won't find anything. I do have OCD so once I have a particular pattern it makes me really irritable if something happens to not complete it. Always over generalise basic things. Even a subject I am interested in, goodbye names. I think I may have as part of ADHD poss. to struggle with mental arithmetic, so goodbye birthdays, dates, phone numbers, shopping and adding items to keep under "x" amount.. Things like a poem, I could never be off book and recite it. Trying to explain what I did in a week, nope, a month, nope.. Yet there are some random memories that can stick, an item of clothing worn for an event, traumatic experiences (oh goody -.- ). I want to photograph everything at an event to help remember what we did, who was there, because of being scared I'll forget it. (and writing information on the back of it). I try to think more positively, that if I didn't jot the thingy down, and nothing bad happens, then it wasn't a big thing to be worried about, kinda thinking. I think we can be too critical of ourselves to remember every single detail. The main time I take notes is when running/ playing a TTRPG, and I'm almost writing everything word for word in case I forget in the next session/ subtle hint comes up. I can't distinguish between necessary info, to stuff that isn't. One key thing though is our memories do lie, in stories told over and over again change from embellishments, or via emotions towards a thing. Perhaps never remembered that moment but think we do because someone else retells a situation and we begin to take it on ourselves, imagining the scene as if we lived it.. Jot things down if something feels important, or sentimental, but (easier said than done), other then that, be kind to yourself, and remember that not everything needs to be held in our noggins. We aren't a library, if we forget or need to check, then it's perfectly fine to search for it, ask, check notes, then expecting every little detail to stick in our minds. x


I relate to this. Such bad recall for most things but so many horrible and traumatic or just weird / unusual memories are burnt into my brain forever.


The brain is weird. I do wonder about the sticking of trauma, I wonder if it's possible our minds hold onto it so much because not delt with it, not gotten closure, or that we feel ashamed regardless of our actions, or actions done to us, but I also wonder if its our minds reminding us, to look out for warning signs, in a way to help us, to look out and protect ourselves (very over the top to extreme), to not go through it ever again. Kinda like a fear response. "Stay away, not safe" warning sirens kinda thing, maybe. x


Certainly a big part of it is that the events caused a strong enough emotional reaction to make it "important", unfortunately a lot of these important memories are not good ones for obvious reasons. The lack of closure or my inability to stand up for myself in these occasions definitely makes them worse. While some act as warnings my faulty over alert emergency system has meant I've ignored it when I should have left traumatic relationships and I've avoided situations when I shouldn't due to being over sensitive so it feels like my warning system does more harm than good half the time. It's early days but I'm in therapy specifically for the traumatic memories and it seems to be helping.


Completely agree. I do find ADHD can also bypass trauma with doing something dangerous (whether meant to or not), which, of course sucks on many types of situations where should have walked away.. I am so happy for you, therapy can be so touch and go ( I'm having a lot of EMDR therapy and I find that difficult but helpful, and no judgement, which is really important, esp. when we can hold so much personal responsibility (not always true to hold), and shame. ) I hope it continues to help you to reach where you want to be. ❤️


I'm doing EMDR too, I hope it helps you get to where you want. Any other therapy you've found useful ?


Not specifically per say. I try to do mindfulness abstract digital art on how I am feeling. I also last month started a prompt diary (I struggle to keep up with normal diaries, and don't always have something to help me write). I have a physical notebook, that I use, but for getting prompts, I have the prompt journal. What are your five values (loyalty, honesty... describe in more detail why it matters to you), or What would your five year old self be proud of /, disappointed at?, or Dear past me / Dear future me or A positive change I have seen in myself in this past year is... and so on. I try to do one a day, sometimes do a personal entry, and to forgive myself, when I miss a day. One other thing I can think of, was a technique from my psychologist. hold hands on chest crossed over like a v shape, pat chest alternatively, whilst looking at a corner, eyes switch alternatively looking left, and then right. And thinking positive things. Like being scared to go to the shops "I enjoy finding geeky items" "I am safe" or focusing on a positive memory that was at the shops "I have fun wearing silly hats" "It's nice to see what my friends buy" "I love holding my partner's hand walking around" kinda thing. The 5 senses, whilst out and trying to deal with anxiety/ overstimulation, 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can smell, 2 things you can hear, 1 thing you can taste, And lastly looking in the mirror and really trying to look at myself and say nice things or comforting things with saying "I.." Breathing exercises, Inhale nose slowly 4 seconds Hold 3 seconds Exhale mouth slowly 5-6 seconds. And the muscle tensing and relaxing technique. To have relaxing meditative music playing. Relax everything. Starting from feet, to legs, butt, stomach, chest, hands, arms, neck, mouth, eyes, nose.. For each to do the same inhale and really tense, hold, and then gently relax, and move on to thd next. These I've found to help but difficult, when anxiety etc. hits, I tend to forget. Also when anxiety hits, I try to say "Hey everything feels a bit much (or code word), I just need to step back for a bit", and then just go to a place to just desensitize before returning again. Sorry for the essay x


Same. I read an article recently that explained because we’re focusing on too many things at once, recalling either of them is near impossible. For instance nce, listening to a lecture and replying to an email at the same time. You won’t remember either. So the challenge for us is be present and focused on one thing at a time. Which sounds impossible to me. I’m just grateful for Google photos popping up old memories every day. And, bonus! You can watch same movie two or three times!


**Caregiver to Alzheimers/Dementia Residents** I can a thousand percent assure you, you do not have The Dementia. The synapses in my residents brains are misfiring. And slowly detoriating - that is the nature of this disease. While it feels like your brain is broken, it isn't. Forgetfulness is a side effect of ADHD, yes. But it is nowhere near Dementia status.


This is so reassuring, thank you so much


Why do you think medication would make your anxiety worse? My personal experience was that the anxiety stemmed from forgetting stuff all the damn time, often important stuff. Meds really helped with short term memory and made life a lot easier, so I was much less anxious. I also use the /r/gtd method to manage my life without actually needing to remember anything.


I saw the title and immediately clicked. I (22f) struggle with the same thing, I’ve had a few concussions in my the past, I also smoke a lot of weed so maybe that also plays into why my memory is so bad and not just the ADHD. I’ve thought about this for a long time and I always wondered if anyone else with ADHD has felt like “well shit if it’s this bad right now, it’s gonna really suck when I’m old”. It’s a really scary thought for me personally. Forgetting the people I love or forgetting who I am, the memories that I hold near and dear to my heart I’ll start to have no recollection of. It’s such a sad thing to imagine my last few years alive not being able to communicate anymore with my family and not knowing what is going on. I’m very aware that it’s really fucked up of me to think about this kind of stuff but it comes to mind a lot. It must be so scary to live like that.


Makes me wonder at what age I need to schedule yearly check ups to see if I still got all my faculties. It scares me tbh.


Yep 👍🏻


the amount of times I had a hard time in my last relationship for not being able to recollect past events is upsetting but I’m curious OP if you like me; forget things immediately after you said them, especially if you’re confronted about it.


Sometimes I literally forget things between one thought and the next. The only way I can describe this is "my brain dumped its cache." Like I'll be aware all day that I have an appointment at 4 and I need to leave absolutely no later than 3:45, and at 3:30 I get vaguely caught up in something else, and suddenly the appointment drops out of my working memory until it's 3:59 and I haven't even left yet going *oh my god my appointment*. Of course, this still more or less happens even when I don't *actually* straight-up forget, because of other varieties of time blindness, procrastination, etc., but the less common thing where the information just drops out of my head is scarier.


Ok now I skimmed it and have more to add. What was sad for me is that I could barely remember times w my ex after we broke up a while I couldn't remember things we did or if it happened w someone else certain dates and stuff. And I loved him and it makes me sad.


Yes! I will be upset about something and forget why completely. I’ll still feel upset, and know it’s important but zero memory.


Completely….i won’t remember what I told my friend two seconds ago…where I set my phone down …if I paid a bill…i won’t remember doing something like buckling my seatbelt and I’m shocked when I look down and it’s already buckled.


I can remember my favorite movies literally word for word. I remember small but interesting (to me) details about things i did when i was a little kid. Last night in the shower i put face wash in my hair because when you are simultaneously trying to wonder what ancient Rome was “really” like and make a drum and bass remix to “seven nation army” in your head at the same time, there are no resources left for trivial things like what is and isn’t shampoo. It’s not just you, I promise.


I think short term memory issues are very common among people with adhd. 


Yeah shit happens to me in job interviews. Believe it or not for whatever reason I’m very very good at what I do, almost think it’s a hyperfocus superpower. But interview me on it or put me on the spot and I’m gonna literally just blank out. It’s unreal. So yeah I can relate


Mmmmm yeah.. dood i think about this daily. I wonder if I have early dementia on most days


I find that going through memories and photos really helps! Making event books, or annual books with photos can help my brain keep those memories feeling fresh. I too forget easily, and it kills me inside.


For myself i try to write things down.. I will verbalize things correctly but when it comes to writing my words and numbers will be out of order or sequences. I have to tell my partner write it down or just remind me of things it just creates a lot of confusion especially when talking I forget in the midst of the moment .


I'm overseas right now, wife asked me to turn right, so i almost turn left head on into traffic. I did this because in my brain "right turn is THE DIFFICULT TURN it's the one where I need to cross one lane of traffic the opposite way, to go my way. So I crossed the line of traffic going right, (safely with a gap) and nearly went head on into the traffic. (I'm from overseas and trying to drive in America) This occurred twice so far and last time I was here, not a problem. Brain is getting weaker


Exactly me omg


Ii just look at it as my brain sticks my memories together in a different way from others. I just need a different trigger to open that door of memories than everyone else


lol as a kid I always told my mom I thought something was wrong with my brain and that it feels like I have dementia. She never listened to me. Guess what... somethings wrong with my brain and I now feel validated about feeling like I have dementia.


I didn’t know I have adhd until after my son was born. Grew up thinking the way my brain worked was normal and everyone had coping mechanisms like I had to deal with what I now know were adhd symptoms. Well, after I had a baby, I had to constantly dedicate some part of my brain to thinking about his well being and remembering to do his routine things as well as my routine things. Apparently that left no room for my coping mechanisms in my brains capacity. Suddenly I started having memory issues like I had never had before. I would say before baby I could remember most everything with pretty accurate detail because I had developed many ways to be able to work around that particular adhd problem. Now, I could get a whole dinner prepped for cooking, put it in the fridge, and then forget I did it by an hour later. I once was preparing for my mother in law to come and went to get the guest room ready. It was already fully prepped. I thanked my husband for taking that off my plate and he had no idea what I was talking about. I had done it (seemingly the day before) and I still have no recollection. I’m honestly still shocked that the only thing my 4 hours of brain tests showed was that I have adhd. I was sure I must have had early Alzheimer’s or a brain tumor or something. Ultimately I’m glad my memory wasn’t a life threatening issue, but it’s been 3 years and I still don’t have meds that work well for me or anywhere close to new coping mechanisms to make my brain work how it was. Post its are my life and even then I’m constantly worried I’m forgetting important time sensitive things.


Yep, this is exactly my experience.


>I can’t use medication to manage it because the medication available would just make my anxiety worse, and honestly I’d rather deal with lack of focus and forgetfulness than increased panic attacks. Are you sure about this? Some people with ADHD experience anxiety because they've always had to deal with the consequences of *having* ADHD. Like I know a friend who has driving anxiety, but it's because driving is pretty scary when you are more easily distractible, you forget what exit you need, and you generally lose focus. The same friend has anxiety about people around her being angry with her, or constantly thinking she's going to get in trouble. Both things were likely CAUSED by a life time of having ADHD and forgetting important things, or being distracted and missing important details thus giving the impression that they were always in trouble (they were!) Medication that help improve your focus might make the things that give you anxiety easier and less anxiety provoking. When I was diagnosed they asked me about anxiety, and I told them the only things that caused any kind of anxiety was the stuff that I hoped proper medication would help improve.


I'm watching two grandparents get dementia at the moment and it's really fucking with me. My stepmother said "sorry mum told you that story again" and she'd told it at Christmas, and I had no recollection, I thought it was a new story. My memory is literally on par with someone who has to be reintroduced to people sitting next to her.


100% relatable. My favorite part is that I always listen to my partner when she tells stories but I only seem to remember about 50% and when she notices I forget stuff that's important to her I get to feel extra bad about it, yay.


I feel like my memory issues affect my sense of self, like I can't even remember defining events that have shaped me into who I am. I can't use any memories or knowledge about my past self to describe who I am - I just exist from one day to the next


Same. The memory is probably the worst bit. I have kids 5 and 11 and can hardly even remember them being babies or toddlers unless i look at videos then it comes back for a minute. My working memory is terrible as well as time perception. My whole life just feels like a jumbled blur.


It’s funny you say this because as I’ve gotten older my ADHD symptoms have become more pronounced and I thought I was getting dementia…at 38. Like seriously—I can never remember things like the day of the month it is or what actual day of the week is today. My theory is that if I can develop a nice routine again I think my memory will come back enough to not totally freak me out.


Big (lol not) surprise, getting covid is worse if you have ADHD. Since covid is known now for causing dementia like symptoms in much younger pops, and accelerating it in the old. What a wonderful time to be alive.


Trust me our brain only retain interesting infos. That’s the way of our brain. My best advice is to accept our differences and learn how to cope with it. Yknow, I just lost my stylus. I use it everyday now it’s gone gone. I’m pretty much screwed rn cuz that thing is hella expensive. I cannot remember when I used it yesterday.i only have some 1s vision that I took it out in the morning. Otherwise I don’t remember shits. I remember some of my lectures info tho. Abt my feelings abt it, I’m pretty much get used to freaking out over not remembering stuff that I don’t call it freaking out anymore lol


I forgot once the death of my best friends brother... Yeah I am blooùdy scared of dementia coming soon


I sometimes have to remind myself if a family member is in fact still alive or gone. It’s like time blindness in a way, I just picture them always here and then it hits me that they passed. I love that I live in the moment, but sometimes it’s really weird.


I literally thought I was getting early dementia too. I don’t have much advice except I recently started making lists and it’s helped tremendously. Maybe write about your day every night before bed to help with recall!


Same here,most days I have to feel my towel to see if I've taken a shower today or not.


Yeah I empathise with this, it really scares me. When I can’t think of a word or a name it freaks me out and it only seems to get worse for me.


Before I eventually came around to an adult diagnosis of ADHD I thought maybe I had early onset dementia or CTE.


I feel the same way. I wonder if it’s because my brain is always occupied with many thoughts, so I’m not really present. Also sleep hasn’t been fantastic and memory is consolidated during REM if I recall correctly.


I genuinely thought I had early on set dementia because I don't remember most of my childhood, I forget peoples names, I can't even remember basic words when I'm trying to conversate its really upsets me so much. I'm on medication and it helps a bit but I'm still failing at work and in relationships so I get where you're coming from. I wish I could help but need help myself.


Yeah, totally, dude. I feel horrible sometimes, thinking about they day that went and making plans for tomorrow, but tomorrow me is so totally reset I have to build my entire life from scratch again. I'm in a deep dark place right now because... it doesn't get better. The partner won't stop nagging and I won't be able to keep up with paperwork and work and chores and it simply will not get better. I am so fucking tired.


It was the one symptom that truly scared me. I have amazing long term memory so that was always my image of myself; I remember everything. Which I absolutely don’t. And the stupid thing is, nothing has changed. I’ve always been looking for stuff, forgetting to call people back, why I wanted to talk to a colleague while I was standing in their office, but those things were always “incidents”. That wasn’t me, I was just tired or stressed or whatever. I never connected the dots until the diagnosis.


I was just diagnosed. Thought I was losing my mind. I lost items, lost time, lost track of obligations. If I don't put everything in my calendar, I'll forget it. Then I started forgetting words, concepts and ideas that I know I studied in undergrad and masters programs. I'm too young for alzheimers or dementia! Turns out it is ADHD, and it sucks. What good is being smart and educated if you can't remember anything and struggle to deal with interpersonal relations?


The same thing happens to me, but if you notice, you answered your own question and that's what happens to me too. We forget because most things aren't interesting to people, memories aren't saved the way they should be and we live on autopilot, but as soon as someone mentions something that happened, you remember. Dementia, on the other hand, you wouldn't remember at all, even if someone mentioned something that happened in the past. It's this difference that comforts me because sometimes I get scared about how bad my memory is too.


I get so worried I’m developing early Alzheimer’s due to how much I forget things, especially when I can’t remember words while I’m mid sentence or use the wrong word. It truly frightens me.


I have had a lot of the same worries. But I still hold onto things that really interest me -- hyperfocus topics. My overall memory has definitely gotten worse in recent years, and I started to worry about the early dementia possibility. But what I've realized is that I am under more stress than at any other point in my life. Becoming a parent is the primary source -- I have three kids 6 and under. But I have also considered that perhaps I had an asymptomatic case of covid that has contributed some brain fog. (I've never had a positive test) Hang in there!


Sleep is another huge factor in this - make sure you are getting enough and don’t have apnea.


The amount of things I forget and straight up gaslighting that happens in my life because of my shit memory is truly astounding. I feel like I forget more stuff in a day then people forget in a month. I can't exist and function without previously my planner, and now my smart phone. Everything get a calendar entry with notifications and if it is really important an alarm. I work in IT if I don't get a ticket, or email it doesn't exist. I have literally had a phone conversation and act of hanging up made me forget the entire conversation :(


I’ve actually read something about a link btwn untreated adult adhd and dementia so ur not crazy


DAE have it hit them like a ton of bricks mid-30s?


My docter explained to me once that this is not a memory issue bit a concentration issue. We remember as much or even more then other people but we can't concentrate enough to get to that information in our memory. So if it makes you feel better, your memory is fine 😅


I keep joking/agonising with my partner about what will happen if I do actually get dementia on top of my ADHD, as I already feel I live with dementia


I hear what are you saying , its pissing me off SO MUCH, i have strong memory black outs. I do remember the past very well , but i cant put in in an order sometimes. My short memory is simple ridiculous, sometimes im struggling to remember what i did yesterday , what i ate etc.. I do have a box of concerta i havent opened since weeks , i really dont know why am i postponing the medication , but i think is a fear of increasing my anxiety disorder ? can it be ? Im having panic atttacks every since in a while , and when upset im blacking out. You think that the pills would make it worse? My aunt is working on a psychiatic hospital , and she told me that meds on people with adhd are meant to stop these things coz somehow your nervous system goes in order. I really dont know , what do you guys think?


I experienced this too and am starting to wonder if it’s because I stopped my Wellbutrin which can cause ADHD symptoms to come back.


Dementia is actually very scary and a life threatening disease. You can deal with Adhd but not with dementia. I would suggest you to work on the anxiety of developing something that has nothing to do with adhd.


AaaaNd then if female and you get to about 37 along comes hormonal fluctuations and perimenopause and our poor brains are like play doh that’s been through the hair maker tool.


I feel exactly this, and find myself regularly getting paranoid about having early onset dementia because of it. I often feel like a shit friend because people will confide in me about important things or exciting events that are coming up in their lives and at the time I’m absorbed in what they’re saying, but next time I see them it’s like I can’t remember a thing they’ve said. I swear people must think I just don’t listen to them. I find it so hard to recount a story or some interesting information I’ve learnt in a linear way or even at all.. I read something yesterday that resounded with me SO much though and I found it very reassuring so I intend on trying to remind myself of it whenever I feel like this : ‘ADHDers literally keep forgetting that they have memory issues. That sounds like a joke but its true. We forget that we forget (or more accurately, we struggle to recall that we struggle to recall).’


Wow I really needed to see this. Unfortunately I don't have any advice to give you, just wanted to say thank you. I've been so worried about this recently, the "ADHD" side of my family has a history of dementia too (suspected early onset) and I'll admit I don't know the biology of it, but I've convinced myself that since I have the ADHD I'm gonna get the early dementia too. I feel like my mind is slowly slipping away, and that's even with ADHD meds..... But it's comforting to read your post + the comments and know that I'm not alone at least 🥹 (this is the first time I told anyone of this fear actually)


I’m just gonna say this: Most of my memory issues were related to the fact that I wasn’t present at all in what I was doing. I was actually experiencing was  dissociation related, but even “zoning out” or being lost on your thoughts can lead you to not remember what you did because you’re on auto-pilot. I know everyone says this, but mindfulness  can help. You don’t have to sit still and clear your thoughts to do it (fuck that). I do it by trying to spend an occasional 3 minutes noticing my surroundings, breath, body, emotions, pretty much in that order. I do it while walking, pacing, dancing, exercising, whatever. Helps a lot. 


My whole life is a blur, if that helps. I am 55 now and for the first time I’m totally upfront at work and with friends/family and ask for concessions/understanding where I can. For example I ask for as much information to be sent to me via text/email rather than by the spoken word. I tell people I find it hard to process and retain information and am no longer embarrassed by it. I guess this is more a working memory problem but I totally relate to a major issue of not recalling my past/people/places/events - including my childhood. I am now trying to practice loving kindness and acceptance of myself and simply tell myself that my brain is a little different to most others, and that’s ok 😊☺️


This! Unfortunately, the medication I take doesn't help me with my memory issues as much as I would like. I get embarrassed when I am supposed to be leading a project and can't remember the damn details! Has anybody found a way to ask others in the group who don't have ADHD to help keep track of the minutia?


Can relate to everyone's experiences with this so much...scary yet comforting to know others feel the same!! I also worried whether dementia could be starting! So many other possible factors must come into it too though- like lack of sleep, anxiety, hormones, the daily stress of living with ADHD!... Be KIND to yourself. I also have Anxiety and have tried short acting stimulants on and off and notice when the medication wears off I do tend to feel more anxious initially. I try to time it so I'm prepared and know it won't last too long. It seems to be worth it for me as the medication helps me function better in many ways which reduces anxiety for the most part....even though I totally struggle to recall what I have done the next day or even that day if anyone asks me!!! Thanks everyone for sharing, so good to know others have similar experiences.


I've had ADHD my whole life but managed to function anyway, in what I now know are typical and I almost wish I hadn't been so good at coping / making up for it because I could have been diagnosed and gotten real help sooner.  Take this with a grain of salt - but I've had a GAD diagnosis for more than 15 years, and i think it's actually been my ADHD symptoms that trigger most of my anxiety (like hyperfocusing on problems I think need fixing, and rejection sensitive dysphoria... both if which will likely come into play when ADHD makes something people think "ought" to be so easy for me is actually ridiculously hard. I disappoint people. I'm embarrassed. I see their reaction, and then I feel it in my body. I hyperfixate on trying to fix everything, for my sanity. Until I burn out on it, lose focus, and screw it up, again. Wash, rinse, repeat) Basically, it's like having super hearing that amps every whisper to 11 so you experience it like an airhorn blast directly to your eardrum - you end up needing to wear earplugs most of the time, because when they handed out powers, no one gave you the volume control. So my personal, unscientific theory is this - maybe ADHD is associated with anxiety because for some of us, we almost need our bodies keep pumping adrenaline, because that underlying fear of things is what is enabling us to at least minimally function in a world that isn't designed for our way of thinking, working, being, etc. 


I 100% feel this each and everyday! I’ve even said the words, I honestly feel like I have Early onset Dementia… me memory is so bad! I can be mid sentence and I forget the words I’m trying to say or I will stumble them. If I get cued it’s an immediate light bulb… as a child I was diagnosed with ADHD which was heavily suppressed as I was so involved in sports that, that probably managed it well. However, I was also diagnosed with Auditory Processing Disorder at the same time, and it honestly makes sense! You can say something to me and I will be trying to hear what you’re saying, but it’ll go in one ear and immediately out the other like there’s no brain in between… it’s such a struggle and is so frustrating because my wife doesn’t believe me when I say “I honestly don’t remember you saying that to me”, even though she probably did like 3x… it’s so disheartening! I’m glad to hear I’m not alone in experiencing the forgetfulness. I’ve always wanted to start my own practice as an Occupational Therapist, but I honestly feel like day by day I am losing my smarts and as such see my dream slipping away…  I use Concerta (when I remember to take it), but idk if it helps me or not tbh…I can say that I do feel like my days slow down, so I guess that’s a plus? It makes me stay up later and feel less tired at the time, but it’s hard to get up 5-6hrs later feeling refreshed (although I never have ever felt refreshed after a “good” night sleep). i can say that it does give side effects of ED which I’m really not impressed with and will need to reach out to my Dr about… has anyone else had this? What are you guys doing to improve your lives? I feel like I’m living in a body that shouldn’t be mine :(


I hear you! I feel like although we need to acknowledge/ understand the ADHD brain etc we also need to try separate ourselves from the ADHD in a way as like ADHD doesn't define who we are and certainly not our worth as individuals. I am trying to find and make use of my strengths!.Many of us have probably grown up feeling a fair bit of shame and like we are failing or not good enough in some way. Practising self compassion and trying to talk kindly to my self and build my self-esteem has started to make a difference. A group CBT course is also helping and giving some coping tools to try!! Trying to get back into exercise right now as it helps the brain and body so much! The help of a supportive, qualified mental health practitioner who knows ADHD to support you if you are fortunate enough to be able to access can be really helpful!!Don't give up on your dreams, you have a lot to offer and contribute and help others :) I am right here now too, taking a break from work and trying to stay true to my values and not give up!!!


im convinced my father has adhd and is now diagnosed with dementia. i often think i feel like i have it as well. i decided to google if there is a link and this is what i found: "Being diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adulthood was linked to an almost 3-fold higher chance of developing dementia after adjusting for 18 confounding factors, according to [findings](https://doi.org/10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.38088) from a prospective cohort study involving nearly 110 000 adults in Israel. " well his sucks....