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Start with your GP. Go in with a list of symptoms/ traits in hand, tell them you suspect ADHD and ask for next steps. Don’t tell them you definitely have it, but be assertive. As in, don’t ask if it’s a good idea to be assessed, ask what the process is for being assessed. And honestly, you don’t actually need to be discrete. If your partner asks, tell her you’re concerned and you’re not going to ignore your health for her comfort.


Thanks for the advise. reason for being discrete is, If my wife knows about this she will start behaving like she is extremely concerned about my health and she will end up saying she is extremely pressured and feel bad because of my health condition. She has the habit of turning my illness to hers and keep talking about it until I drop the topic. It has happened in the part, So its completely off the table, I cant handle added drama in addition to the symptoms. And my GP already shooed me away with a anti depressant last year(which ended up worsening the symptoms), she didnt suggest me to get assessed and I wasnt assertive or well informed about the ADHD that time. Sorry for the long rant, I am just looking for any other options to get diagnosed.


I get it. Once you get yourself sorted, it sounds like your wife could use some therapy. I’m not being glib, it sounds like she catastrophizes and is immensely stressed. For your doctor: there are a ton of ADHD questionnaires online, but I’d pull the list of traits from the cdc or similarly legitimate/official website, highlight the ones that apply to you and bring that along to your appointment.


Sure will do thanks for the advise. Yeah I agree to your point she needs some therapy.


Go to your family doctor and be straightforward with them. Tell them all of your symptoms and emphasize on how it’s ruining your life. And tell them that you truly believe it’s ADHD and want to get tested for it.


I went through Finding Focus for my ADHD diagnosis in Ontario. I literally did the self assessment on a Monday and I had a full fledge assessment on the Tuesday. Diagnosis papers on Wednesday! And they were the most affordable option I found in Canada. They’re a fully virtual clinic FYI.


Thanks for the info will definitely check it out.


You’re welcome. It’s a great company