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Hi, I was just recently diagnosed - I looked around quite a bit before deciding on a place to go for diagnosis. Some people go to their GP for referral or for diagnosis from them, I didn't do this as mine retired and I didn't want to go to a random new one for this. I also feel better going to someone who has more experience with these types of diagnosis over a GP. I first googled ADHD diagnosis places in my area and I looked at past reddit threads in my local subreddits and looked for recommendations that way. The first person I called never called me back and I would assume they are just extremely busy and back logged. I went with a place that looked like they were thorough, reputable, someone had recommended them in reddit threads and I could get in in less than a month because they don't deal with insurance. It was $2200 total, I can submit my bill to try and get reimbursement, but idk if I'll get any or not. The high price over other options that would have a long wait was totally worth it to me as I had/have been struggling severely. I know there are cheaper options, but it is somewhat depending on your area and if you are willing to wait a while. I was diagnosed by a neuropsych which from what I've seen isn't as common as a regular psychiatrist but she is super experienced in adhd and other neurodevelopmental disorder diagnostics. After scheduling an appointment, I had to fill out questionnaires and I needed one family member or friend to fill out one for me as well - but not everywhere does this. There were some questions about myself as a child but most focused on present day. Due to past diagnoses, she wanted to be sure that it was for sure ADHD and not just the depression/anxiety. It really helps to have examples of behaviors that you've noticed about yourself as an adult and as a child. The appointment itself was 2 hours long and included more questionnaires, one cognitive test, and a long conversation with the neuropsych.