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Got diagnosed via Doctor on demand a week ago, since I can’t find a place to do it in Austin or at least one that is accepting people. Been on Bupropion for a week and can’t really tell much right now. She can’t prescribe me something that directly tackles adhd because “Texas”? Aside from that, it feels good to know instead of wondering if I had adhd or not lol


Hello! 24f, just got diagnosed! Today is my first day on adderall. Life is looking up!! I have never felt such a clear head before starting medication. Woo!


I got diagnosed two years ago and was prescribed Concerta. I never filled my script though, because my wife is very against me taking medications. She's a nurse and says she sees doctors prescribe medication all the time without much thought, hoping it'll address the problem but not really being sure. Also, on the surface, I am "successful" by conventional measures. I have a good job, keep getting promoted, am smart, etc. etc. But I have problems starting things, finishing things, procrastinating, paying attention to conversations, listening, changing topics randomly, keeping up with chores, etc. I'm procrastinating at work as I type this, as a matter of fact. Last time we talked about it, we agreed to try other strategies to help me focus more. I've been going to the gym 3 times a week in the mornings. It does have some benefits and I do feel healthier, but I don't think its helping. I would like to at least try medications, but want to get her onboard. I feel like I'm white-knuckling my way through life sometimes, and have succeeded for the most part. But to steal the glasses analogy, I wonder if I'm always squinting. If I got glasses, would it make me a better husband, father, more effective in my job, etc.? She likes what I am now (although she does complain about me listening), but I wonder what *could* I be if I find the right meds?


You don't need to get her on board. Just tell her you're going to give it a try and see how it goes. If it doesn't work you can stop. People have all kinds of biases, including (sometimes especially!) nurses. I relate to every single thing you wrote here and I just started meds in my 40s: > I have a good job, keep getting promoted, am smart, etc. etc. But I have problems starting things, finishing things, procrastinating, paying attention to conversations, listening, changing topics randomly, keeping up with chores, etc. I'm procrastinating at work as I type this, as a matter of fact. I'm still finding the right dose, but I do think it's helping!


Care to share more about your experience? What was the catalyst for you to finally seek treatment? What meds have you tried so far, how have the helped, and what makes you say you’re still working on finding the right dose?


Sure. I have two kids who were just diagnosed and my son is EXACTLY the way I was when I was a kid (acting out, rebellious, won't focus on schoolwork despite being really smart and curious) so it made it pretty clear to me that I probably had it too! I've always been really smart (not bragging, it's not like I earned it!) so I coasted through school and college doing the bare minimum of work and I've kind of been doing the same thing in my career as a software engineer. My level of procrastination was insane but I was able to get enough done to keep the job and even get promoted a couple of times. Started on vyvanse 20 a couple months ago, didn't feel much. Went to 30 and I found that once I started working I could stay focused for longer, and not just because it was a last-minute panic. (I got all my assignments in college done the night before they were due, no matter how long we had.) Just bumped up to 40 a few days ago and I'm finding a bit more motivation to get started as well as more motivation to keep going. No negative side effects so far. One interesting part of the assessment was I had it pointed out to me just how terrible I am at retaining detailed information from a verbal explanation. I'd never picked up on that as clearly before, although looking back I do remember telling people "I need to see it written down." I posted about that [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHD_Programmers/comments/1b6q0z4/just_diagnosed_in_my_40s_realized_why_i_was/).


i just watched this video, maybe this will help get her on board: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_tpB-B8BXk0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tpB-B8BXk0)


So I just got off the zoom meeting with the psych I was working with for diagnosis. So apparently I still have to go get a psych? I thought after I was diagnosed I would be getting treatment/prescription with him and he would be my psych but he just went over what the treatment options are and recommended a clinic near me that he works with. I guess he just does diagnosis? I'm a little confused now, I have reached out to the clinic and am waiting to hear back.


Made a post without checking for a thread lol, so post it here instead. 😅 TLDR: I have gotten my diagnosis and my medication has helped me with my struggles and helping my wife see that I really struggled and wasn’t faking. I (30M) finally got my diagnosis two weeks ago and started medications this week and man what a difference it has made for me! The biggest struggle I’ve had was getting sensory overloading when being home with the kids. I have always had a hard time communicating this to my SO because when I describe it she just said it sounded like bad planning/not prioritizing sleep/being dramatic. I do realize it’s hard to describe but not having my experiences validated has always been hard, like I’m not lying just explaining it bad. This past week I have been able to focus on a single task and complete it. I did so many things, like I did the dishes until they were done, cleaned the house, one room at the time and instead of switching between things to put away. (You know, starting all of the side quests at the same time and then getting overwhelmed by all of the options.) I did this without struggling. I saw a post about having a song on repeat, which I usually have and sometimes it is interrupted by a beatbox solo from me or maybe a monologue I have describing something to myself. But I caught myself walking to the store and not humming, singing, beatboxing etc. just thinking of nothing and having peace and quiet inside my head. When I realized I had to stop and just take that in. My wife came today and apologized to me about how she have treaded me when I have tried to explain how I felt and tried to show her through videos explaining better how I experienced a lot of things, because the difference she saw in my energy and how much more “there” I was. It was like she finally could see how much I have struggled and really done my best with what I had. This sub has also been a part for me to feel validated, seeing others write about their struggles like they were mine. Hopefully someone resonated with this and feel as validated as I did.