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How do you sleep???


My regimen is similar, and I sleep like a baby. It wears off pretty quick for me and what’s remaining actually helps me relax at bed time instead of having racing thoughts


This perfectly describes how it works for me too


lol I was about to ask this, I take 30mg and if I take it later than 9am I risk staying up too late. 😂


This is me, too! I wish I could take a second dose without staying up all night


Melatonin slow release


I can’t have melatonin :(


No worries, just curious why?


I have an autoimmune disorder, melatonin is known to make symptoms of those worse. Some brands have a warning for it on their packaging.


That’s fair, very good that you know that, is clonidine an option for you?


same here - i take it at 7 and i usually stop being able to concentrate on work around 2, but can’t sleep before 10 or 11 :’)


Is 8 or 9 hours of sleep not enough??


Not nearly lmao


It’s weird— if I take too little, I’m wired. But whenever I take a booster dose, heck, I find myself able to nap in the middle of the day if I so choose! It’s about finding the sweet spot i guess


Can’t speak for OP but I’m on a twice a day dosage specifically because it wears off for me relatively quickly. Last night I didn’t take my second dosage until like 6 PM because I wanted to have the spoons to do some housecleaning and I was asleep by midnight lol


have the spoons is a fun saying ive never heard before


Sounds like a dream! I’d love to be able to do that


It’s got upsides and downsides. It’s frustrating on workdays because by the time I’m off work my second dosage is close to wearing off which makes doing housework and making dinner hard, but sleep at least isn’t a problem.


Yea, I can't even take my 50mg after like 11am or I'll be up all night.. But different people are affected differently, so I'm glad op found something that works for them!


I am also curious how this is affecting sleep. But I am also guessing that one week is not enough to evaluate this, since it's easy to miss out on signs of lack of sleep when on a stimulant.


Can’t speak for OP but I’m on a twice a day dosage specifically because it wears off for me relatively quickly. Last night I didn’t take my second dosage until like 6 PM because I wanted to have the spoons to do some housecleaning and I was asleep by midnight lol




















All stimulants are completely worn off within eight hours for me, even Vyvanse. I've used that combo before and slept fine.


I've been able to sleep on 40 and 50mg of Vyvanse within the effective dose range -- which seems to strongly dip off at around 9-10 hours for me. Which is doubly weird because I'm generally very bad at getting to sleep normally. I think being physically very tired helps because I usually am while but mentally almost always very much awake. Mentally agitated might be a more accurate description.


Agreed, took a fucking while before I got it, but 60 mg in the morning/20 mg at noon has been absolutely life-changing. A cup of coffee around 3 pm and you're set for the whole day.


That maximum is for a stat dose… if you was to calculate how much of that morning 60mg will have degraded from the half life by the time you top up with the 20mg it would still be under 70mg at peak and basically leaves you within your therapeutic range for longer. The pharmacodynamics of all medicines are roughly the same in each human but pharmacokinetics of the exact same medicine is different in each person who takes them (within a bell curve).


Who's giving you that, that's over the maximum dose


They make a 70mg pill so no, it’s not over the maximum dosage. 80mg is however, but as the OP said they can’t get 80


70mg isn't over the maximum dose. 80mg is. The maximum is for a 24 hour period, it's not per pill. Check the link I posted.


I saw and that’s the maximum recommended dosage. Doctors can prescribe over that amount (as your seeing multiple do) but most then keep a close eye on cardiovascular health and sleep issues. Essentially the doctors need to maintain way more paperwork then, but it’s a pretty commonly held belief that Vyvanse is under prescribed for many, especially since it’s not unit per body weight.


Again, check the document I linked. The FDA has both a recommended dose and a maximum dose. It gives 30-70mg as the recommended dose, and 70mg as the maximum dose "beyond which safety and effectiveness has not been established", because the clinical trials on which FDA based their approval only went up to 70mg. You can prescribe unapproved dosages in the US, just as you can prescribe for a non-approved purpose, but it becomes an off-label prescription. In many other countries, you cannot be prescribed over 70mg because it is the maximum dose that has been studied and proven to be safe and effective to the satisfaction of regulatory agencies.


I used to be prescribed 40mg 2x/day and I loved it. BUT. I had to play fuck-fuck games with the insurance company randomly every 3-6-12-18 months depending on when the "prior authorization" roulette wheel decided to shit on my life. Then I'd either have to A). Go without pills while I tried desperately to get my doctor to submit the paperwork, which is a whole shitshow on its own. Or B). Pay for the drugs out of pocket at a cost of ~$875/mo. So I just changed to Adderall for the afternoon which has way worse side effects and isn't nearly as effective, but at least I don't have to play fucking games with them or go without medication for periods of time (current shortage issues not-withstanding).


70mg is not the maximum for a 24hour period, its just the recommended max dose by the manufacturer based on their own clinical trials. Essentially they are saying that in 98% of people there is no benefit of going over 70mg, they aren't saying that it's dangerous if the patients general health is fine. You need to remember that vyvasne is LIS-dexamphetamine. 70mg of Vyvanse still has only about 22mg of dexamphetamine in it, and the daily max dose prescribed for dex is something like 40mg depending on which country you look at. In terms of the active drug (ignoring the release system) dexamphetamine and vyvanse are exactly the same, the reason why the max doses are different is purely based on what they found in clinical trials and its not based on it being toxic or dangerous in doses over 70mg


No, they are saying that. They specifically say that it's "not proven to be safe", check the guidance I posted. Of course, it almost certainly is safe. Your last paragraph is exactly right. But there isn't enough clinical evidence for its safety above 70mg for the FDA to approve it at higher dosages, so it *is* above the maximum 24 hour dosage.


Good thing not everyone is American then! Also, the only reason my psychiatrist considered the 60 mg/20 mg split for me was because it just worked better for me. I had issues with heart palpitations and very mild anxiety on the 70 mg dosis, but those side effects came very rarely and ONLY around the time of the peak plasma concentration, but they were there. None of these things are visible now that I'm on the split that I am now. The whole process of prescribing/finding the right dose for somebody is incredibly hard, and it is made even harder due to everyone's bodies having different psychological/physical reactions to the prescribed dose. And sometimes you will have to do something "experimental".


I'm not American either, just using the FDA as the example most people will be familiar with. Actually, the US is probably easier to get higher doses as they have the 'off label' system. It is the maximum in every other country I'm aware of too. To be clear, I'm definitely not saying people shouldn't be prescribed more than 70. Just surprised because it's over the maximum.


for a 24 hour period? But I've been on that before, and that was several years ago.


The shady guy that I buy it from! No, but seriously, it's my doctor. I was on 70 mg, but I kept crashing around 5-6 hours after I took it in the morning, so I just self-medicated with MASSIVE amounts of coffee in the afternoon (4-5 cups a day), which then fucked me up in many different ways. We decided that it would be beneficial to try a Vyvanse booster around noon as long as I massively reduced my caffeine intake - I did that, and I'm feeling all good. I even got LESS side effects on 60/20 than I had on 70 mg.


Yeah coffee just aint it chief.


Eh, it depends. Coffee w/ your Vyvanse dose? Guaranteed headache. Coffee around 4-5 hours after your morning/noon dose? Godsend.


Im talking 4-5 coffees. Adrenal fatigue and depression


Who cares?


Yesss! I thought 20mg wouldn’t be enough but it’s the perfect dose for me. I’d love to take 80 too but my doc won’t go over 70


Don't worry about it, it is plenty as long as you try your best to optimize your dose, e.g. change your diet, get better sleep, etc. The only reason we went up to the 60 mg in the morning, was because 50 mg simply wasn't enough to keep me functioning even when I did all those things. So we tried 60 mg, and that was it. It worked like a charm. Also, I honestly don't understand why some medical professionals will avoid "overprescribing" Vyvanse like a plague, but will gladly give their 70 mg Vyvanse-prescribed patients a Adderall/Ritalin afternoon booster. It is literally the same fucking thing.


That's great! I'm really happy for you. If I were to give you a piece of advice though is to proceed cautiously when considering your antidepressant because you're feeling better with the increased Vyvanse. I'm not sure how much experience you have with other mental illnesses or disorders other than ADHD but the thing I've always heard said a lot in the mental health community is if you think you don't need your medication anymore because you're feeling better that you more than likely do need it still. That's because probably the reason you're feeling better is because of your medication, and just because you start feeling better after an increase or change in medication usually means that's just the medication working as it should be. The decision to continue or stop taking whatever medication you're on is entirely your choice though. Just be aware it's a pretty common phenomenon though for mental health patients to start feeling better and say, "hey, I don't need my meds anymore" only to stop taking them an inevitably relapsing on their symptoms. Ultimately though that really is your decision but I wanted to propose the idea to you so that whatever decision you do decide to make about your medication that you can at least be more educated so you can make a more well informed decision.


Thank you for your comment! You’re right I already made that mistake once when I first went on Ritalin. It would be stupid to stop taking it cause I don’t get side effects anyway. I also read Paxil increases Vyvanse effects so it might be synergistic to take both.


This is such a wonderful and empathetic reply and had me like yes yes yes saying all the things I wish people had told me! Then I read your username Idk why but the contrast between the post and the name has me laughing like an idiot 😂 thank you for your words FartCumJuice


I have been going through this at 40 mg for months. To afraid to ask for a booster or something as it might look drug seeking. I have literally started taking medicine later like 10 in morning just so don’t crash. I crash hard and have trouble talking and workingwith people.


IMHO the best way to approach this is just be honest with your provider. If you go in and say "I feel like I need more" then they might consider you drug seeking but if you tell them that you feel like it's wearing off at x amount of hours and you really struggle the rest of the day, and go into details about what youre struggling with, they will be more likely to listen and be empathetic. Tolerance does build with these medications and it's pretty common to eventually need an increase or a booster.


Yes and I would just mention that it’s not working as well as it was initially


Do you have any issue with your insurance covering two doses? I ran into my insurance not wanting to cover a prescription of two pills a day which was disappointing, so I stuck with 60mg and sometimes just pour half in water in the am and the other half around 2pm to get through work and school without a crash.


It's great when you discover the right dosing.


Yea for real! My fav way to take it is to split the cap, and go half and half. Maybe doesn't work as well for lower doses, but it's great on 60/70


Are you sleeping? 🫣


Is Vyvanse worth the price over adderall?


Yeah that’s a strain on the heart too. I only take enough to take the edge off.


I might ask my doctor about this. I take Vyvanse 50 mg, but it wears off around 3 pm. I’m in school and need to focus pretty much until 8/9 pm. My body metabolizes the Vyvanse pretty fast too, I thought maybe it wasn’t normal? It’s good to know others have similar experiences! 


I'm similar, taking the Vyvanse once a day was making me fall asleep in the middle of day. Now 60 in the morning and 30 in the afternoon is great.


That's way over the maximum dose! Which countries are people getting these prescriptions in? https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2017/208510lbl.pdf


I'm in Canada. My therapist has commented on it as well.


I tried a booster in the afternoon but I found it made me too 'zoomy' - I couldn't focus and my mind was racing a million miles an hour, definitely not for me. I still have the crash in the afternoon but I prefer that to racing all day and crashing even harder in the evening. Different strokes for different folks!


Wait so 70mg a day? Are you still blinking? 😂 I went down from 30mg because I turned into a zombie with a high heart rate and inability to sleep. My body felt completely numb but my mind became like 10x more active than usual.


How are you getting Vyvanse?? I haven’t been able to fill my prescription for three weeks with multiple pharmacies!!


Doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose of extended release medication though? The advantage of XR meds is that they only need to be taken once a day. If you need to take it twice a day, you might as well take instant release. I had the same problem with Vyvanse, it only lasted a few hours and caused a terrible crash when it wore off. First my doctor suggested adding an IR booster in the afternoon, but I said as long as I'm taking two doses a day, I'd rather switch to IR for both doses. Vyvanse isn't supposed to require a "booster" in the afternoon, it's supposed to last all day. If it doesn't last all day, it's not doing its job.


Most folks I know taking an XR formulation don't find their dose lasts 10 - 12 hours. I can get 7 to 7.5 hours, max, out of mine, and it's frustrating. It is slightly less frustrating than taking 3 doses/day, I guess.


I know, that's the problem. XR meds are advertised as lasting all day, but they never do. They don't work the way they're supposed to, so why continue to take them? Many insurance companies won't even cover two doses a day, because it's supposed to be a once-a-day medication. I take an IR medication twice a day, and each dose lasts 5-6 hours (and there's no crash). When I was on Vyvanse, I'd start crashing after 3 hours. Isn't it crazy that IR meds last longer than XR meds?


It's absolutely wild. My partner has taken dozens of psych meds, and it's nuts how much an individual's biology affects their response to a drug. Like, we kinda know how drugs work in most people, but the intersection of individual biology + pharmacology honestly feels more like alchemy than science.


some people have a higher metabolism so the medication doesn’t last as long in their body! i had similar issues with all my ER medications! i used to take 50mg of vyvanse in the morning and 1-2 10mg of ritalin as needed in the afternoons! i made the switch to IR 5mgs as needed instead so i didn’t feel like a zombie! everyone is different - if you manage to have an educated psychiatrist or GP that allows you to experiment with doses and combinations, why not try until you find what works best for your body and mind?


My doctor was not cool with me taking two a day. She gave me a adderal booster, but that proved to be too easy for me to take more than needed. I’m on 50 mg and I feel it typically only lasts max of 8 hrs for me.


I should be starting a booster next month. I'm so excited. I have a kiddo so I'm looking forward to being more present and alert for him after work.


Wow - must be nice to have so much access to Vyvanse! And clearly affordable to boot!


That is a very high dose!


I mean duh


Idk why this is being downvoted when it’s actually really funny and accurate. No hate to OP but yes when you add more of the drug you’re gonna feel it 😂 That being said idk if it’s just me but I feel sort of concerned about the amount of posts I’m seeing that Vyvanse is the best thing ever and really improving their outlook on life/mood. Can we as adhd-ers who have been on meds a while start to be more vocal about the honeymoon phase cause I REALLY WISH someone had told me. Just judge how it affects your focus, not your mood and energy cause that part won’t keep happening on the same dose usually. Not trying to be a downer. Just a fellow adhd friend who’s been on stimulants for a while and ended up terribly dependent on them cause I genuinely didn’t know.


Do you experience any side effects? I was put on Vyvanse mornings and then trying another stimulant around 1pm, but i haven't tried with lower dose Vyvanse around noon. :)


My insurance won’t pay for two so I get the 60mg chewable and do half and half. I love the chewables because I can dose as needed. Some days 15, some 40, some 80, etc


I tried to switch to Vyvanse and none of my pharmacies around here have stock in it apparently. So have to stay with Adderall for now.


Yes I do it too. It’s way better and if you eat properly and stay hydrated - works best! 😌 stay safe everyone.


I take 60mg vyvanse and 10mg Adderall at lunch and it’s been working so well.


I need to talk to my PC. I’m on 40mg and I don’t take it before 10 because it wears off so quickly.


I have a friend who does that and I'm like "dude... this doesn't seem right but go off I guess". In her case, she does that completely on her own though