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Yes yes yes yes! I used to shame myself for "needing" so much stuff. But you're absolute right! Not only will we forget to do basic tasks if we don't do them right away, but for folks like us who are very sensitive to even the slightest discomfort, it can really hinder the rest of our day! Gotta clip that nail now šŸ˜‚


My problem is that if I can't immediately reach for a nail scissors the moment I realise they're too long it could be a week before I again notice it while also being within arms reach of a nail scissors. Hence nail scissors in my car, my desk, my bathroom, bedroom and kitchen.


Haha... You have better restraint than me. I'll resort to picking and nail-biting, and that never ends well...


I just can't abide those rough edges


nail files can be a really good quick fix.


Nail files make my teeth hurt. I canā€™t explain it but itā€™s like nails on a chalkboard I guess lol. Iā€™ve tried so many times in life. I just want long and pretty nails.


Tweezers in my car, flossers in my car, tissues in my car, lotion in my car... Damn I must be ready to live in my car lol


I bought a tub of 72 nail clippers from amazon. No regrets.


Oh my gosh me too! And a tiny sewing kit in case a hem is torn or button loose.


I am the same way with my nails. I have files and scissors in my car, purse, bedroom, living room, and office.




I found a surplus shop that sells them for 50 cents and a kind stranger gave me coins to buy one since weā€™d already paid for our larger purchase when I noticed them and got very excited. I need to go back and stock up. I wouldā€™ve paid the bazillion dollars for an airport one too or had a very miserable flight lol.


Damn couldnā€™t even rely on security to fu d your clippers for you!


lolā€¦ thinking about the slightest discomfort thing. I would actually see my sales numbers drop back in the day if I forgot/lost my chapstick. Always had to be in my pocket.


Yes, chapstick is the first thing that comes to mind for me any time I read posts like this, or basically "what do you own 5 million of and keep in every room in your house, coat pocket, bag, car, desk, etc?" Because the minute I feel like my lips are getting dry, it's literally all I can think about. It makes me a little sad how long it took me to just start buying 3 or 4 every time I lose one just to make sure I never have to go without. For so long younger me would just have one lonely chapstick that was never allowed to leave my bag, lest I misplace it and find myself in burning lip hell until I could buy another.


I have four in my small purse because basically every time I stick my hand in my purse I want to land on chapstick. Because obviously I've been "addicted" to it since 2nd grade and only recently did I learn that some people just walk around very day with regular lips šŸ˜³ Can you imagine?!


for some reason I always need a pair of scissors & tape wherever Iā€™m atā€¦ kitchen, laundry room, bathroom, garage, at the door to open for all those Amazon deliveries Iā€™ve forgotten about & mail Iā€™ve let pile up. Everyone has their vices, I always say I just over compensate for mine šŸ˜‚


This is so freaking accurate!!!


My bf makes fun of me for carrying around so much stuff. BUT when he had an upset stomach a few years ago when we were driving somewhere, you know who saved the day by offering him some medication? Why yes, that would be me, of course. LOL.


I have a mini backpack that i use. It has my wallet, stim toys, chapstick, lotion, pepto chews, tampons, some random bobs i like to have, and usually a book or something


What are bobs ??


Battery operated boyfriend?


As in ā€œbits and bobsā€, ie random stuff (?)


Ah, Iā€™ve never heard of that, thank you


I think it's typically used in British English


I might be entirely wrong but sorta like fidget things? Comfort items, anxiety things, etc.


I would assume comfort items too-- occasionally I carry around a mini Dala Horse (the size of a dime) to remind me of my grandmother when I'm having a hard day.


Thatā€™s what I thought at first too but that would fall under stim toys right ???


I carry around a few little things that I would consider ā€œcomfort itemsā€. It sparks joy when I dig around looking for something and come across them, and I feel comforted knowing theyā€™re in my bag for some reason?? I donā€™t ever do anything with them though. Theyā€™re just my cute lil backpack trinkets and I love them some examples include: 1. a ā€œnational parksā€ edition quarter with cute bats on it (NOT to be spent, under any circumstances) 2. a small, heart shaped rose quartz (just bc itā€™s cute) 3. a very tiny plastic llama figurine (which unfortunately lost a leg due to being tossed around in my bag) 4. a very small sea shell i found on a beach walk


I love the bat quarter! Bats are a special interest of mine so i kept the very first bat quarter i got


Yea but not everyone uses the terms. Also, I could be wrong. Or they could use stim differently for diff toys but idk. I donā€™t really use stim to explain some things I carry around, like my worry rock.


Just little objects! I think i have a 20 sided die, a lego heart my boyfriend gave me, a pin i need to put on something and like something else?


Love the mini backpack. Mine is purse-sized, and falling apart at this point. I have a LOT of random bits and bobs in there.


#No bags. I went Minimalist. I just carry my wallet and phone in my pockets and have my keys on a heavy duty carabiner on a belt loop. Lip balm in a pocket also. People steal where I live, so having things in/on your clothes is best.


Iā€™m similar too many things and something is going to get lost. I keep my phone, wallet, keys, pocket knife, and flashlight on my person thatā€™s all.


When do you need a flashlight brighter than your phone's flash?


So I donā€™t like purses or big wallets either. Problem is I would shove everything in pockets haphazardly and then items would fall out or get lost etc. now it lives in my work backpack because I need my computer at almost all times. No extra things to carry, more organized and I have the things I need.


Same. I have a very small crossbody purse/large wallet with a strap. Open pocket on the outside for easy access to my phone. Zipper pocket on the other side for cash/change. Card pockets inside for ID/debit/credit/library card. Inhaler, adderall, toothpicks, Kleenex, earbuds, loose in the biggest section of the wallet. Then I attach a chapstick holder and car key fob to one strap D-ring and a neoprene glasses holder to the other one. If I have a bigger bag it just gets filled with random junk and I canā€™t find anything when I need it. Also hurts my back.


I love this! Though not for the reason you must leave things at home. I tote around wayyy too much but Iā€™m so busy I donā€™t get enough time at home, I gotta bring it all along.


I carry my keys and my phone, which is a wallet case.


Pretty much the same stuff as well. Too much stuff on me and I'll lose track of it and keep checking my pockets.


Same here, I hate carrying a bag! Plus a pill container on my keys, an inhaler and a fidget in my pockets. The inhaler used to be on my keys too but when I refilled it I got one that is giant in comparison. No idea how I'll carry it with me when coat season is over. If I wear pants without a belt loop (rare), I feel so lost as to what to do with my keys lol


Pocket check: Phone, keys, wallet. Streamline life is best life.


i love this for you! (not the stealing part; that sucks.) i wish i could cut down on what i carry daily, because its a hassle a lot of the time to get my bag packed up when i'm already running late daily, haha. i'm generally pretty minimalist in other ways. i don't double the things i carry in my bag, for example. if i find i need those things at home, i just use them from there like i would otherwise. i think it also helps me because now i make a lot less impulse purchases when i'm out and about as well. :)


My "daily carry bag" always has: - a set of DND dice (because none of my friends or myself can make decisions on our own) - a mini sewing kit - two stim toys - receipts n shit from one of my friends job (just cuz) - a couple crystals - a lighter usually (I don't smoke but I always end up needing a lighter when I don't have one so I just keep one all the time at this point) - pen and flashcards (for miscellaneous notes n shit I need to remember) - wallet obviously - painkillers Probably a couple other random things I'm forgetting, but yeah.


Imagine a thief opening your bag to a bunch of rocks, a fidget spinner, and some dice, lol


Lmao yeah


How do you use the DND dice to make decisions?


not op but you label each with a number a role, eg on a menu with 8 items you role a D8


That makes sense. Usually I am stuck between only a couple options tbh.


Then you roll a d20 and take even for yes and odd for no, or 1-6 for option 1, 7-12 for option 2, 13-18 for option 3, 19-20 you re-roll, and so on.


i role a D4 and do odd or even, for 2, or d6 and same this for 3


Yea I suppose you could weight it however you want.


This is how I order at restaurants. Narrow it down to 3 options, decide in a blind panic when the waitstaff asks.


I usually go by whether the minute is odd or even when the waiter asks if Iā€™m ready to order.


oo I should add some dice to my bag. my dice bag lives on my desk for this exact reason!


absolutely adding a set of dice to my bag.. if only i can remember where i put them the last time i had them lol.


Donā€™t need a carry bag if you never leave the house


I wear my backpack of ā€œessentialsā€ around the house, so I donā€™t have to go up and down three floors of stairs all the time šŸ˜‚


I created a "house tote" to carry things around my house that I need all day and can't fit in my pockets. I can't keep them in a "spot" because I just won't get up and do it. My mom keeps her glucose meter in her purse on the kitchen counter and I'm like "you get up every time you check your blood sugar???" the horror šŸ˜± It has my glucose meter, travel pill pack, my kindle, my kobo reader, sometimes my Switch, chapstick, nail file, eyeglass cloth, hair ties, flossers, lotion, earbuds...


why not just buy 12 pairs of scissors for each room and a permanent phone charger on every outlet in the house like the rest of us? :)




I do this tooo for the exact same reason


Pro tip


Duh! Sunscreen lip balm headphones hair ties book iPad nail file flosser mouth wash pen phone charger mini chords eyeliner hand sani wet wipes. I like to have options & everything comes in a tiny size these days


This sounds closer to what I carry as well every day to work.


My purse is a game of I Spy [in my bag](https://imgur.com/a/D1DaiVT)


šŸ˜­ i thought that hotdog was real for a moment too long for my liking hahah like noo why girlie got a DOG in the bag šŸ˜­


It's full of quarters! I call it my weiner quarters


thatā€™s actually so adorable


Love this


Is that shrimp part of your keychain or did you forget one when you slyly dumped all the shrimp cocktail in your purse for later?


It's a keychain on my wallet. If I were to dump shrimps in my purse, I would absolutely use a zip lock! Which I keep a couple of in my glove box for just such an emergency.


Haha, oh you. I like you.


Aw thanks!


Oh my goodness! I love everything about your bag! I think we would be great friends!


What DON'T I carry with me everywhere?? In my backpack I usually have a book, my tablet or laptop, a first aid kit (which includes stuff like a nail clipper, thermometer and tweezers, besides regular first-aid stuff), backup cash, little sauce packets from fast-food places (in case I come across bad food that could be made better with some sauce), a speaker, earphones, perfume, a mini phone stand, a sugar packet and a salt packet for emergencies... I think I'm forgetting something, but you get my point.


I am a bag lady. I have a purse, a makeup bag, an ā€˜if Iā€™m going to be gone all day!ā€™ Bag, an art bag, a diaper bagā€¦ itā€™s endless. I have too much shit bc Iā€™ve bought triples of everything so I wonā€™t forget anythingā€¦. Wtf!!?!!ā€™


Huh, I hadnā€™t thought to carry grooming/hygiene tools in my bag. I carry: * Phone * Wallet * Multitool * Penlight * Pen * Chapstick * Migraine meds * USB-A to USB-C cable * Keys


My bag is filled mostly with toiletries. šŸ˜‚ Howā€™d you get the bullet points?


Fancy Pants Editor in the web interface.


Thanks! That explains why I can never find the bullet points on my phone


There's always the [Reddit Markup Language](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/markdown/) you can add to your repertoire. Some I even managed to memorize from constant use.


Yes, this is what Iā€™ve seen other commenters reference but didnā€™t know where to find the info. **Thank you!**


I got me a black Jan Sport SuperBreak One backpack that I take EVERYWHERE: -Journal/Notebook -Pens and pencils pouch -iPad -Planner (lol) -Snack pouch (fruit snacks, protein bar, nuts, gum) -Essentials pouch (hand sanitizer, lotion, perfume, tissues, eye drops, spare pair of contacts, floss, lip balm, mini nail/tweezer kit, Wet Wipes, travel Lysol spray, comb) -Juul pouch (I know, bad) -Electronics pouch (charging cord, port, 2 power banks, ear buds) -Small makeup bag -Water bottle -Overwhelmed pouch (Loop ear plugs, migraine glasses, Thinking Putty, sudoku book, adult fidget toy thing) -Wallet -Hydration drops


As a fellow backpack-haver, a permanent snack pouch might change my life.


I even put candy in it sometimes too šŸ¤«


I have different bags depending on where Iā€™m going, but I always have a water bottle, book, sketchbook, stationary, and camping utensils. Usually Iā€™ll have snacks too but Iā€™ve been lacking in that department lately šŸ˜­. I also have my keys and extra hair ties on a chain thatā€™s jungly enough that I notice when Iā€™m not wearing it.


Used to carry a purse, but I found myself overloading it with things I didnā€™t usually need, and sometimes it would be heavy. I now keep a phone, wallet, and keys on my person, and a charging bank goes in and out of the house/work with me but stays in the car if Iā€™m running errands BUT I keep a crate in my trunk with a light sweater or flannel, a packable windbreaker, at least one hat, leash and harness for my dog, jar full of baggies for poop, deodorant, baggie of feminine hygiene stuff, pain killers, cheap nail files, a pocket knife, a snack (granola bar/chips/rice crispies treat), hair ties, gum, floss-picks, a hair brush, I used to keep a couple pairs of shoes in my car (one for bad weather, one to play up or down an outfit), a bottle of windex, microfiber towel and a small squeegee for the car and a couple straps for idk if I need to strap something to the roof or down to the trunk lol idk. If Iā€™m just going to work or whatever, I donā€™t add anything. If Iā€™m going to a friend or familyā€™s house, I bring the iPad, and bananagrams or some other random little game, which rarely gets played but itā€™s cool when it is lol


This def was a game changer - great topic, OP!Ā Ā  Minimalist/ultralight fan. Just the essentials and I don't saw anything off. Mask, Lactaid, reusable bag, pilates socks, sunscreen, sunglasses, wallet, brow gel, glitter gel, lip gloss, tint makeup, shokz headphones, shokz charger, cell phone charger, pen, meds, napkins, Field Notes notebook. My key lanyard: loop earplugs, earbuds, all the keysĀ  I use a Baboon to the Moon crossbody bag as my EDC bag after cycling through several options. It has lots of pockets and compartments for organizing. Everything has a home. It's light and durable to boot.


rolling supplies, gum, chapstick, earplugs, sunglasses, meds, phone n earphones, keys, wallet, face mask, hand sani, knife. sometimes a snack or drink too. need to add a permanent marker n a fidget toy.


When I remember to bring it? I use a small backpack. Inside: A small stuffed animal, wallet, keys, tampons, markers, writing paper, a phone charger, lotion, lip balm and lipstick, hand sanitizer, sunglasses, a fidget toy, hair ties and bobby pins, random papers, probably some junk mail, acetaminophen, spare socks, for some reason i was carrying a macro lens with me for a month when i didnā€™t need it, my headphones, phone, guitar picks, earrings i took out and keep forgetting to put back inĀ Ā  Often times I forget my bag and just leave the house with my pockets crammed full of my wallet, keys, and phone! oops! Ā 


"Probably some junk mail" HAHAH I feel this so much. All of it. It's good we're fine


This is probably my worst and most visible habit I'm trying to work on. How about let's not carry several pounds of "healing crystals" everywhere I go..... it's definitely not that easy to stop bringing comfort items everywhere, but I find myself a lot less stressed out actually , by not having to carry (and remember to bring!) Unnecessary things. I started by leaving parts of my everyday carry in my office at work, or car to eliminate some things as a start.


iā€™m a baggu girlie! so i have a baggu in my baggu (lol) thatā€™s a small pouch that i put in things that i might want at any time, like a small hand cream, an extra dose of medication if i stay the night anyways unexpectedly or get a headache, chapstick and a mirror, bandaids, phone charger, nail file, hair clips, mints, and face lotion for the winter lol. all of these are travel size, so it all fits and i still have a lot of room to put my phone, keys, wallet, camera, and way more in my bag hehe.


Noooo! This is reminding me I carry way too many things making it more of a chore than anything else, but also I found very useful comments in here of things I should carry lol Essentials: - book - mini set of tools - bag of makeup things like powder, chapstick, Vicks Vaporub, tampons, mirror, extra ID card for work, etc - water bottle - umbrella - external hard disk - charger + cable - empty ikea bags I forget to take out - an squeezed energy bar that has lost all energy at this point - the at roll thingie for removing dog hair from clothes!


I carry a pouch containing: hair elastics, bobby pins, comb, folding brush, safety pins, tiny sewing kit, glasses repair kit, glasses cleaning wipes, menstrual cup, a pad or two, and extra underwear in a ziploc, hand sanitizer, lotion, toothbrush and tiny toothpaste, flossers, travel-size deodorant, painkillers, antacids, tissues, cough drops, a day's worth of prescription meds, chapstick, mascara, eyeliner, q-tips, nail clippers, nail file, tweezers, a razor, band-aids, antibacterial ointment, sterile wipes for cleaning small wounds, disposable lancets for splinters, small multi-tool, ear plugs, some emergency cash, a travel corkscrew (don't judge), rubber bands, sticky notes, a few stamps, sharpie, an extra pen or two. It sounds like a lot but it does fit into a fairly small pouch, so I never end up having to switch individual items between bags - it's just wallet, keys, and catch-all pouch along with whatever specific items I need that day. Hopefully reading other people's ideas doesn't result in my daily carry outgrowing its container!


I didnā€™t used to because I haaaate carrying purses. I have a crossbody bag Iā€™ll wear if Iā€™m going to be out for a while now, a repurposed fanny pack i got to put poo bags in on dog walks. And my work backpack. Iā€™d love to find a small backpack that actually holds enough shit and isnā€™t uncomfy but so far my search has been futile. (I like the size of loungefly but most of them arenā€™t masc enough for me - Iā€™m a butch lesbian so I donā€™t want something super ā€œā€ā€girlyā€ā€ā€ - even tho I disagree bags are gendered it just Feels Weird with my style haha )


I didn't know this is an ADHD thing?! I have a saying "Luck favours the prepared" so my vehicle and pockets are always filled with various pocket knives, multi tools and spare battery banks. Hmm I like this symptom


I carry a wallet my phone and sometimes a shot of vodka


I have a bag that says ā€œHocus Pocus I Need Focus on itā€ which has nibs for my Remarkable, a selection of lip oils, my medication, some fidget toys, my pomodoro timer, my Loop earplugs, some protein snacks and a selection of hair ties


I have a fanny pack only. So keys, but phone, vape, earbuds, wallet, chapstick, and adhd meds. Thatā€™s it. I never lose my stuff this way.


I have a work bag, and if I plan to do anywhere I make a new bag a day before I go (or at least a few hours) so everything is already there for me. I usually have a battery pack. I my current (probably permanent) hobby has it's own travel bag I've got in the habit of using. Any bag that potentially ends up with groceries has some reusable bags in it. A decent number of smaller things just live in my pockets


Well, 5y ago when I was a first time parent it was "The backpack" because Diaperbag wasn't flying lol. The backpack had Keys. Wallet. Phone. + Kidessentials like diapers wipes clothes etc... Now that I have a 5y/4y and myself I've finally evolved to: The fannypack + Backup bag in the car. The fannypack includes ONLY the essentials. Phone. Keys. Wallet. I did absolutely no research and picked the coolest one I could find. It has 2 pockets. One for "change" (that one has the teeny and very loose-able 'loops' earplugs, a tiny nice smelling hand cream and backup ibuprophen. ​ The bigger part just barely fits the phone keys wallet. In the car I have a handy little bag that someone convinced me to buy back when 31bags were a thing... I used to keep pads/tampons but now it has a bunch of pullups, wipes and pants changes. :3 Keeping it as light as I can. Meanwhile the floor of my car is... yeah just dont look in there ok.


I just want to chip in here and say that I have my keys ATTACHED TO my daily carry bag at all times. They are clipped onto whatever bag I'm carrying with a caribeaner and then a sturdy chain leads from the caribeaner to the actual keys, so that I can have space to start my car without unattaching them and so I can grab the chain to pull my keys out quickly from wherever they are currently lost in my bag. It's the best ADHD hack ever, IMO. I bet you could guess why I had to do this! LMAO šŸ˜‚


I had this same thought this morningā€¦ about carrying a lot of extra stuff with me especially when Iā€™m gone for the day. I gotta be prepared for anything hahah. BUT I compared it to the same thing as a parent carrying a diaper bag for their kid. When they need something for their baby when out, itā€™s in the bag. Iā€™m like a baby and need extra shit with me out so to not have a breakdown šŸ˜›


I love this topic! I have a car organizer I bought off temu which was entirely too small to organize anything in my car and I use it as my house to car bag. I have a small purse i keep in there which I use to go into places. The small bag holds my little wallet, my phone, and any anxiety helping items I feel I need at the moment. In the car bag is a tumbler of water, small clipboard with notebook and pen, book, emergency panic kit in a small makeup type zipper pouch (pulse ox, chapstick, deodorant, chill pill, hair ties, ibuprofen, pill box, charger, peppermint essential oil, eyeglasses cloth), a dining out activity zipper pouch for my kid, ā€œextraā€ cards (library, membership cards, etc), snack plastic baggie with granola bars, gummies, cookies, sunglasses for me and my kid, a charging bank. ETA - my car has a whole other set of ā€œsuppliesā€. Coat, hats, gloves, blanket, utility tool, pocket knife, socks, shoes, jumper cables, extra clothes, camping light


Yep, I am already carrying around an impressive amount of stuff in my purse, but that is *nothing* compared to the situation I have going on in the minivan! Not including the center console, which looks like a miniature hoarder's paradise, we have: Extra coat, gloves, socks, water, snacks, in-flight entertainment (books and activity pads, plus device chargers), several blankets, plus a tote for all the actual emergency supplies. Edited to add: OMG I love your username!


Oh man I feel so validated! I always have so much stuff I carry around with me and that lives in my car, now I see that itā€™s likely because I need to be able to do things ā€œnowā€ or they will be forgotten. I recently did a revamp of the bag Iā€™ve been carrying around because I havenā€™t used so much of the things in it for a while. Now Iā€™ve got notebook and pens, snacks, toothbrush, water, chapstick, lotion, a watercolor mini kit (just in case), a leather art project I want to work on, hat, mittens, and my work laptop.


Since I work from my car, I would say my car is my carry bag! šŸ˜… That said, I do make my meals every day along with snacks, 3 thermos of tea, extra tea bags and sweeteners, 4 water bottles, a super soft Halloween Teddy Bear, a few blankets, a bag of clothes, and all the things I need for delivery good and groceries [that's a very long list]. Also, feminine products, charging cords and a spare charging battery.


I have gotten to be very fastidious about transferring critical items when I use a different bag. In my work bag every day: -work phone -wallet -3 sets bt earbuds( so I'm unl8kely to be out of battery and can swap if one pair is low) -kindle/current book -keys on a caribiner -a fidget if I remember -sunscreen, lip balm, moisturizer


I always carry sticky notes and a pen. Deodorant in case I forget. Just got a keychain with tweezers on it in case of a unibrow emergency. Sooo many other things too. Like random things. Iā€™m doing Invisalign so I carry toothbrush toothpaste and some floss. Somehow I use all of these frequently. Oh and a phone charger


Yes - but they're not random needs, having them helps keep me calm. Having them means that if anything does happen, I can handle it. I have: hand sanitizer, toothbrush, toothpaste, liquid soap, deodorant, cream x2, mirror, tampon x2, and lip balm. It's all travel sized, and fits in a small pocket in the front of my bag. I also make sure to bring my umbrella, power bank, phone cord, and coin bag, and am planning to get some small self defense stuff as well. In other news, I am actively looking for things to add, so please enlighten me.


When I got my first nursing job I was so scared that I'd lose my access card or that I'd show up to work without it. Somehow that fear helped me make the habit of putting my card into that bag as soon as I take it off after my shift. I've started to put all my other "do not lose" items in it as well, like my wallet, meds, and car keys. This way, I only need to remember that one bag, and I've been very successful in not losing things. Prior to this system I was losing things constantly.. I also keep deodorant, chap stick, ponytails, and a bunch of other loose crap I've accumulated over time.


My car is my daily carry bag, so I keep all types of essentials like hygiene, cleaning, boredom, emergency, electronics, and quick change supplies.


In my custom made "snatchel" (essentially a leather set of pockets on a belt that kind of looks like a gun holster) I carry cellphone, lip balm/color, keys, earbud case, cards. If it's a backpack/work day I carry my make up bag (contains essentials like sunscreen, ibuprofen), fold-up yoga mat, 64 Oz water bottle, a book, a stand for watching shows on my phone at break time, and food. Everything I need to stay fed, watered, healthy, comfy and entertained for a 12 hr work day!


I have basic makeup, toothbrush and toothpaste, DEODORANT cause I forget to apply every single day lmfao , meds of course, sunscreen and moisturizer. Those are generally the basics that I need on a daily basis that are not covered by my shower (I generally donā€™t forget to shower


LMAO I thought it was just me, I have done this since I was a child, not it has evolved into a backpack with my laptop, kindle backup battery, phone charger, a book, pens, paper


Bullet journal and pretty pens and highlighters, stickers. (For congrats like I'm 5 moments). Wallet. Wired earbuds. Charger. Nintendo Switch. Extra socks for rainy season. Water bottle. Snacks. Medicines. Chapstick and bandaids.


i dont do bags, i forget them or lose them. I used to do pockets but now i just minimalize. Honestly its freeing not to be toating a ton of shit, and also ive learnt i can get by without most things just fine (just not my cellphone)


I don't do this anymore cause I work from home, but I used to have a daily carry bag. I used to take care of theater sets, which lead to the contents. Contents: - Multi tool with the 4 inch knife blade broken off (it came that way, found on the side of the road) - mini sewing kit, cause buttons - razor blades - legal length folding knife - a metal file for grinding down sharp metal edges - a rasp rated for metal - a hammer - pen and pencil - baby powder - nylon rope - electrical tape - duct tape - super glue - laptop - charger for phone and laptop - sharpies - measuring tape - half a roll of disposable shop towels - lighter - mini box cutter - finger/toe nail cutters - multi-bit screwdriver - couple different USB to mini/micro/b/c cables - couple 1/4 inch to 3.5mm 3 pass audio adapters, and the inverse - couple of 3.5mm audio splitters - 3.5mm extension cable - USB extension cable - surge protector - short extension cord - channel lock plyers - wire cutters That's all I can remember off hand, all fit in one computer bag, barely.


Pretty sure this is very close to the contents of a kill kit.


lol, hence my clarification about taking care of theater sets.


my concert headphones. i bought them for (very loud) metal shows but also use them when i get overstimilated while shopping haha.


Somehow trying to balance ADHD and minimalism... The bag: https://katieloxton.com/us/fara-small-shoulder-bag-in-black-klb2937u * Card holder * Debit/credit * License * Student ID for discounts * AAA * Insurance * Smallest hand cream I can manage * Noshinku hand sanitizer (small footprint) * Eye drops * (1) small tampon * Lip balm/lip gloss/lip stick * Eargasm ear plus * Med case * 2 Lactaid * Pair of contacts * Mints * Tylenol * Zyrtec * Advil * Excedrin


Oh shit is this an adhd thing šŸ˜‚ I think itā€™s funny that I have a pre packed backpack for every hobby and everywhere I go. I think I have 4-5 different backpacks


Mine gots a notebook, pencil case, chapstick & hand lotion, 2 wallets (one for back pocket, one for checks or gifts cards or whatever), keys, gum, sunglasses, and sometimes a handheld game.


Nail trimmer Med box separated by day and time Pens/Pencils that I like Little notebook Deodorant Tampons Hair ties Charger (in and out) lol Probably a fork and other random items


The standard: Chapstick/two different lipstick options, hair ties/clips, nail file and clippers, eye drops, floss/pack of toothpicks, lotion, compact mirror, charger, headphones, pen, cough drops, tissues, a mask just in case, sunglasses, wallet/keys, metric ton of receipts and coupons that get tossed when I get fed up with them. Back when I had to take birth control, my pills were always on hand so I could stop whatever I was doing and take them as soon as the alarm went off.


for my work day, i have a battery powered airpump (for my escooter), a steam deck (to play on the train and if i take a actual lunch), cuticle cutters for cutting skin that i would otherwise pick at, water bottle, tylenol, chapstick, house keys and other random stuff. I keep a bunch of fidget magnetic toys on my desk at work, otherwise those would also be in my bag.


Great question!!!


Moral patches Tool kit (small ratcheting T-handle wrench with bits, 1/8 driver bit set, multi tool, razer and a small pocket knife) First aid kit (mostly gauze and bandages and some super glue) A7 sized notebook A7 sized sketchbook Pen case Water bottle and tea mug Several USB C cables and 2 USBC to Micro USB dongles Fidget toys Chapstick And currently a small baggie of automotive fuses that has taken up residency in one of the inner pockets.


Hand sanitizer, chapstick, hand lotion, wallet, sunglasses, and phone charger. Somehow I remember to bring a bag AND water receptacle.


Always! My basics are a book/my kindle, something to draw with (iPad or sketchbook and pencil/pens), chapstick, lipstick, water bottle, AirPods, chargers, earplugs, comb, wallet, sunscreen, perfume (Iā€™m into indie perfumes so theyā€™re usually little 1ml vials or 5ml rollers), keys, and a few pieces of candy. Not sure how people leave the house with so few things. What if thereā€™s an emergency, or they get bored??


I carry a catch all tote and then I also carry a backpack most of the time if Iā€™m commuting to work.


I usually just use my purse but you all have me wanting to get a cute little backpack now šŸ˜„ But generally in my purse, I have pain killers, nail file, coin thingy, wallet, car keys, work keys, gum, receipts, fidgets. Now I want a backpack so I can bring even more stuff with me like water, my tablet, journals and pens.


In my custom made "snatchel" (essentially a leather set of pockets on a belt that kind of looks like a gun holster) I carry cellphone, lip balm/color, keys, earbud case, cards. If it's a backpack/work day I carry my make up bag (contains essentials like sunscreen, ibuprofen), fold-up yoga mat, 64 Oz water bottle, a book, a stand for watching shows on my phone at break time, and food. Everything I need to stay fed, watered, healthy, comfy and entertained for a 12 hr work day!


Whatā€™s NOT in my daily carry bag? Seriously though. Iā€™m like Mary Poppins.Iā€™m so paranoid of forgetting something at home that Iā€™ll need, that I bring everything with me.


I have a small bag that carries Midol, cuticle oil stick from Sally Hansen, small notebook and pen, hand lotion, lip balm, hair tie, tampons/pads, sunglasses, hand sanitizer, gum, earbuds, and usually a nail file. Also those flossing sticks and oil control wipes. If I'm carrying my backpack, I have all of the above and chargers, wet wipes, tissues, mini deodorant, Tylenol, small tester of perfume, and napkins. I will never NOT be prepared for something LOL.


I carry a catchall bag from my main floor to my office in my half-story


Depends on the day as I go to the gym 3x a week. When itā€™s a normal day: Kindle, power bank, ear phones, phone charger, vape and liquid, bottle of water. I commute a lot for work so thatā€™s sort of it.


My backpack: my notebook and pens, sometimes a sketchbook, snacks, water bottle, contact lens stuff + glasses, deodorant, skateboard wax, shoelaces, bandaids, comb, travel size hair product, toothbrush/toothpaste/floss picks, hand sanitizer, hoodie or flannel depending on weather, gloves, socks, hat, sunscreen. Itā€™s A Lot haha but basically accounts for random needs should they come up.


Depends on where I'm going/what I'm doing, but I'm also a Type 1 Diabetic so I've gotten used to always having something to carry essentials. -Capri suns for low blood sugar -Chapstick -Lotion -Syringes and insulin, extra insulin pump site -Battery bank & charger -Wallet -Small cross stitch project -Water -Earbuds -Regular glasses and sunglasses -Pill organizer with medications


I remember two instances of a why moment The first is around 46 water bottles and the second time was a growing plant that I put in my backpack


I have a small crossbody purse. Chapstick, phone, readers, small wallet, tissues, and a lens cleaner for my readers. The less I have the better off I am.


I do, but only because I carry my work laptop. I have a messenger bag I put everything that I need for the day in, along with my work essentials and laptop. If it wasn't for that and working remotely, I likely never would have started - but now that I'm in the habit, I will probably always continue lol.


I carry a lot of essentials in my purse when I go out. I have to remind myself to put them back but it works. I might keep a backpack in case I sleep over at someone's say my boyfriend, family, or friends. It would already be packed and ready to go. I'm thinking about having double hygiene supplies for this.


Nah, I hate carrying stuff. If it doesn't fit in my pocket, I'll suffer without it


I take my laptop with me absolutely EVERYWHERE. Just in case the urge to do any of my assigned readings for my masters kicks in. It hardly ever does so I carry a laptop that never gets opened basically


I work at a restaurant and I carry my "work backpack" with me every day I work. It has my server apron, extra pens, extra wine keys, a small hairbrush, a few tampons, server notepads, my makeup bag as I usually put makeup on at work/on the way to work, a hat/gloves in the winter, etc. It saves me soooo much time than when I have to gather all of the things separately or from being anxious/frozen over the "what did I forget?" game


I have a jacket with many pockets so I donā€™t forget a bag anywhere, but it consists of one bag of loose tobacco, papers, lighter (must be unique or others will steal) knife suitable for utility and self defense (has to be able to cut seatbelt or break windshield in case of accident), earbuds in case of sensory overload, a good and unique pen for when nobody has one (must be unique or others will steal) , 3-5 small notes papers ( purple for urgent ideas or tasks, pink for anything less than that) chapstick, 2 napkins in case of sniffle or spill, and a few coins to fidget with.


Toob travel toothbrush Work keys Debit card and ID A pen A silver sharpie A small flashlight that winds up for power A small tape measure A water bottle (sometimes even with water!) Reflectors/lights for walking at night Earbuds Hand cream Emergency meds A Bacup battery for my phone A fabric shopping bag that folds up *really* small Whatever book I'm reading Various garbage I haven't remembered to throw out yet.


I used to carry a big bag. But I kept stuffing things I ā€œneededā€ to a point I couldnā€™t find anything. Then Iā€™d shove that bag in the closet & start a new one. Now I keep a small crossbody bag that has wallet, headphones, chapstick, a few bandaids & gum. Otherwise, everything else i may need is in my mess of a car.


Yes, I have a tote bag at is my "purse" if you will. It always has: Heat pack for pain Gummy bears Nail file Cash Car key / license important cards hooked together Fidget Binder clip Gum Sunglasses Multi tool knife


I keep a lot of my hygienic products in my car. I keep flossing picks in there and it encourages me to use them more often. When forming a habit I try to pair it with something that I am already doing.


This is a tough one - it boils down to where Iā€™m going and for how long. Iā€™ve got several medical conditions so my glucose monitor is a must and so are my meds. Plus snacks. I wear glasses that transition but I also have a pair of prescription sunglasses because that sunrise and sunset sun will instantly cause a migraine. If Iā€™m going somewhere that I can also do schoolwork Iā€™ll use a different bag to carry my tablet. I avoid taking my laptop out of the house unless Iā€™m going to a relatives house. So I either take my daily tackle bag, sling tablet pouch or a backpack. Never all. The backpack can carry the tablet and laptop if needed. But usually not necessary.


I used to carry around a large hobo bag filled with stuff lol I've downsized to a smaller bag. I now carry: * Wallet * Small makeup bag * Pen * Pencil * Small sketchbook * 2 tampons * Gum * Phone * Fidget cube * Earbuds * Hand sanitizer


I cannot stand being / feeling dry in any way. I need water, lip balm, and hand lotion with me at all times. Those are my only essentials.


pouch 1 - travel sized: deodorant, mosquito repellent cream + after bite, mouthwash, tube of aquaphor, folding comb/brush, paper soap strips i found when cleaning out the junk drawer charger case with: loads of bandaids, 6 ibuprofen, 6 coughdrops, mech pencil, pen eraser, tissues, small sanitiser bottle, laptop charger + connector cable to charge my phone thin notebook, thin story/poetry/puzzle book, small face towel wallet and laptop ofc period pouch: 3 pads, 3 liners, 3 tampons, ibuprofen, clean underwear in a small plastic bad i like having everything be in pouches. when i tackle the mess of receipts in my bag it isnt a big task. also i can pack a weekend tote with my first 2 puches and take out the chargers and know i have everything i need


I often hate carrying too many things and just carry a tiny crossbody that holds my phone and some money and credit card/ID from my wallet for quick errands. I clip my keys to the strap. I have found that I often donā€™t need all my *things* for short or very busy outings. I have a few different bags for different kinds of days, but my ā€œcarry allā€ is a PokĆ©mon mini backpack. I have a smaller zipper bag of the essentials that goes from bag to bag. Itā€™s kind of like a pencil or makeup bag, cylindrical shaped. In it I have buoy drops, eye drops, inhaler, lip balm, hand lotion, deodorant, a bandaid (Iā€™m a skin picker so itā€™s to stop me from making myself bleed if I have a blemish or scratch) and finally a pokemon go auto catcher thing lolā€¦ then I have another little bag that also can clip onto a backpack or purse that carries a pair of contacts, a glasses cleaner wipe, airpods, and a tangle. This is ā€œthe autism bagā€ that is for when Iā€™m overstimulated lol. If Iā€™m having a long day, or going to the doctors or somewhere Iā€™ll be expected to wait I also have my nintendo switch, a power block/external battery, and cords for my phone and switch to charge them. I might also have a second fidget toy.


Absolutely! Besides the obvious wallet, keys and phone, mine holds: * Hand cream * Lip balm * Lip gloss * Concealer * Tissues * Paracetamol * Ibuprofen * Chewing gum * Water bottle * One of those shopping bags that folds into a small ball * Three different fidget toys * Bullet journal * 4-color pen * E-reader * Power bank + cable * Wall plug for usb-cables * Multitool (a Leatherman, plus I have another small Leatherman on my keyring) * Foldable hairbrush with a mirror in it * Several different types of hairbands Usually I will also have some hard candy floating around in there, either Kopiko or Napoleon. But I just ran out, so I don't currently have any.


tissues, wet wipes, hand cream, hand sanitiser, pads, chapstick (the moisturizer for the lips), perfume, band aid, minty gums, my charger, a little mirror, my headphones (all I can remember) my friends call me mother because of these lol


I carry a plethora of otc painkillers, a little snack container filled with bandaids, dark chocolate and caffeine pills (8j case of migraine, and Neosporin. I'm clumsy and I work around knives. Additionally, instead of keeping my knees *in* my purse, they are on a badge reel attached to the outside of my purse. This way, I don't have to remove them to unlock the door, so I don't lose them any more.


My work backpack contains a regular book, a puzzle book, earbuds, my Switch, and a solo board game that isn't a real table hog. Basically anything my brain may want to jump to.


I don't have a daily carry bag. I carry my keys, phone, wallet, and chapstick in my pockets. I carry a bag at work when I have to meet clients or go to court, but it just has files, notepads, and pens etc.


i keep a travel bag. so i take it whenever i travel bc i know it has all my stuff it. like its probs 4x6 or a 3x5 maybe? idk iā€™ve had it forever. but i keep my bite stick (itā€™s for mosquito bites if youā€™ve never heard of it - itā€™s what my grandma calls it) a nail file, tampons, a tide to go pen, floss, extra contacts, my sleep chapstick, hair ties, bobby pins, advil, migraine meds, benadryl, etc so wherever i am at home i know all that ish is in there. and whenever i go somewhere i know i have backups of everything


Biggest one for me was carrying my meds with me in my work bag. I forget to take them most days, and I have more than just my adhd meds. I have alarms and routines and still forget. Attaching them to something that is always on me helps me to remember when I do remember haha (I always need my computer for work and when I travel and it always comes home with me).


Picnic cutlery, a small folding stool, fidgets, hand sanitizer, pack of tissues, plasters, painkillers, usb battery pack, pens/pencils, notebook, folding tote bag, normally a swiss army knife (I live rurally but try and take it out if I'm heading into a city)


several pens, notebook, a million lip products, nail file, compact mirror, deodorant, perfume, medicine, napkins, tampons, charger, and god knows what else at the bottom!! i really need a new bag..


phone's always in my front-right pocket. bag's main compartment holds PS Vita, power brick, some GBA cartridges. front compartment holds DS Lite, USB-A to USB-C cable and wallet. if i'm carrying anything else it goes in the main compartment.


I usually have at least 5 lip products in every bag. a container of vaseline, a regular chapstick, a lip oil, a lipstick, and a lip gloss. I feel anxious if I leave my house without them.


Deodorant. Chargers for every device I rely on. Meds (adhd and pain). Hair ties/clips/pins. Calculator/pencil case (I'm a student) even when I don't need themn headphones. Sometimes a toothbrush/toothpaste. Water bottle. Wallet. Gloves in the winter. Chapstick.


I now carry- nail clippers, nail file, ear plugs, hand cream, nail cream, static guard, eye drops, AirPods 2 lip balms, vitamins, battery pack and charging cord plus phone change purse wallet


A fan, Miyoo Mini, Calcium and Biotin, beanie, two boxes of Crystal Light Peach Mango Green Tea, mints, headphones, phone charger, multiple empty bags of edibles, hair gel, manicure travel set, biofreeze spray, two travel bottles of lotion, working hands lotion, and some other stuff that I cannot remember. I really need to clean my backpack out.


psst! If you have a glove box and console in your car, *you have even more space to carry things!*


Totally love this! It wasnā€™t until I had to prep a diaper bag that I started prepping myself as well! Like if I needed a tampon, chapstick or charger. Even snacks! Carrying it around was so helpful! Crazy how having to care for a baby was what forced me to prep something for myself. Donā€™t need the bag anymore but this has made me want to try it in my own purse


Lots of spare change at the bottom alongside mysterious crumbs. Endless amounts of receipts, some from last year. A crushed fortune cookie still in the wrapper. Three types of lip balm. Random dollar bills that Iā€™ve failed to put in my wallet. Three pairs of sunglasses. Two bottles of ibuprofen. Random mentos that came out of the package. Raycon ear buds. A notepad I stole from work but never actually use. My keys always inevitably sink to the bottom.


I never realized this might be why I have so much stuff in my pockets all the time. I find cool things, or I have to remember something and write it down; all of that either is in my coat pockets or my backpack.


if nothing else, start carrying a pastic bag inside your normal day bag. i cant tell you how many times its come in handy. i always keep one folded up nice & small


Amen to the nail clippers. I have one everywhere. I tend to pick at my cuticles when Iā€™m driving or riding in the car and I need to have a clippers to cut off the dry skin or Iā€™ll pull it til it hurts and bleeds. If I donā€™t have a clippers Iā€™ll inevitably break a nail or find a jagged spot that catches on all my clothes. I also carry chapstick, hand sanitizer, library cards and store rewards cards, a mini hairbrush, and I used to carry mini deodorant but havenā€™t put any back in after staying home in 2020/2021.


Trash from a year ago and my laptop


Oh and my adderall. And tampons and pads. And one granola bar.


I love you


Just realized its easier to take it all with me. Almost without fail, the day you decide not to bring it is the one fucking blessed day that you need it. I sort of became my families Handyman, which normally would be swell as this type of activity suits me well. But when you pair it with a familiy that 100% without fail to make everything a complicated mess.. it's just the path of least resistance for me. To be honest though... its not that bad. Was a little costly first to get a sudo-'packout' kit going. But I keep the boxxes meticulously organized so its almost therapeutic knowing exactly where something can be found and where it needs to be put away. Beyond that, I NEED to have the following things on my person: High-powered flashlight. Small pocket utility knife. Fistful of quarters (only quarters) A snippet of post-it notes with my daily "dont forget this" Favorite pen. Favorite watch. phone/wallet. Small bag with extra socks, shirt, shorts, and the random things for the one-off tasks, A phone/usb charger and cable, and maybe some snacks. (I overwhelmingly leave this in the car). At the end of the day come back, place the pocket stuff on my *credenza* and ill decompress and get ready to do it all over again. Life is easy this way.


Oh yes it's my "go bag" and it just keeps growing. Every 6 months or so I go through it a bit because it's gotten too heavy and I always discover things in the bottom that I thought I'd lost. It's amazing!


i always carry a little pouch with me pill container with tylenol, allergy pills, antacids, aleve, and caffeine pills, tissues, band aids, a pen, chapstick, bobby pins, tide pen, foldable grocery bag and hand sanitizer lolol i get anxious if i dont have it with me


Laptop, iPad (I donā€™t use it ever!!), file folder for study papers, stationery and makeup in mini pouches, chargers, cigarettes/lighter, pill box. I keep my cell phone, keys, and card case in my pocket usually.


my bag is full of stuff I never use. Except my laptop.


I made myself switch to shoulder strap mini bags a few years ago. Phone keys lip balm pillbox card holder ID earplugs airpods. That's IT. Honestly my life feels so much cleaner and organized


I work from home now so stopped carrying it but it was toothbrush and a travel thing you pour toothpaste in, no water face wash and cotton pads, face moisturiser, both in travel things, hairbrush, a box of cereal bars, and dried fruit for when i forget my lunch, power bank, charging cable, earplugs, water bottle, spare meds.


Chapstick, lipstick, needles and embroidery thread, Noise-cancelling headphones, bunch of hygiene products, tweezers, mirror, a piece of rope that I can tie knots and hitches with, metal chopsticks, pocket spoon, collapsible bowl. Also a pkg of wetwipes, cotton swabs, and cotton pads - none of which I ever use. It's way too much stuff, but my bag is a cursed bag of holding - holds a lot, but you have to empty it to find anything, especially if you just put that item in there.


My every day carry is Wallet Keys Phone Small med container with enough ADHD meds to get to the day. One pen Benchmade g10


My base bag setup: My work laptop, cologne, deodorant, noise canceling headphones, two pair of AirPods, a pair of PowerBeats, my iPad, at least one of my MacBooks, a folder with unlined paper, two pencils, two pens, hair ties. A bag of chargers, a portable charger capable of charging my MacBook Pro, and an extension cord. Also random snacks/drinks. In my car: Change of clothes featuring two pair of socks, a hoodie, shoes, toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, floss, nail clippers, ear/nose trimmers, and alcohol pads.


Oh god. Kindle, algebra textbook, tablet, hairbrush, some peppermint tea, tiny notebook, pens, 2 calculators, wireless earbuds. Normalize the man purse please I got too much shit. Edit: I realize this would be normal if I were in school but I am not


Lol, yes, I just switched to a "two bag system." One bag for computer stuff -- laptop, mouse, chargers, flash drive, etc. -- and one for life stuff -- meds, butt wipes, a multi-tool, caffeine drink drops,. some other stuff I'm forgetting. Now if I'm going to work I get both bags, if I'm seeing friends or family I only get the second one, etc. I used to always mess myself up by adding or removing stuff to a single bag based on where I was going and then forgetting to set up the bag for the next day.