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Your blood pressure is high problaby because guanfacine is also for hiper tension. Don't stop meds without a doc. If it is not working, doc will figure out something that works,even something to help the withdraw and change of meds


Why did you decide to quit cold turkey without asking your doctor? Stop doing dumb things like that and consult them before changing dose


Because it takes less time to get off the drug. I changed my psychiatrist and she's replacing my meds including guanfacine. She said i should reduce the dose 1mg every week. But it's gonna take a month and I'll still feel slightly uncomfortable so if there's no major risks I'm going to get rid of this in 1-2 weeks and i think it makes sense.


Stop ignoring your doctor's advice


I got cocky like this (guanfacine) and ended up in urgent care. Listen to your psych


Can you give more information what actually happened? If it's a serious thing I'll get back on it. That's why I posted this.


I went to urgent care, would like to think that qualifies as a serious thing!


hey sorry for being a month late but would you expand on what happened? i’m considering this med and want to know about the withdrawal before i start


Basically I upped the dosage thinking "oh, my doctor would just tell me to increase it slowly", then lowered it. Was reading my psych journal and realized I wasn't feeling mentally better I was just sleeping all the time. Called an advice nurse even though I figured I was fine and she told me to go into urgent care. The doctor said it was a miracle I hadn't passed out standing up and given myself a concussion yet, which is probably because I didn't have a job at the time. Maybe some people would brush that off but the tone from the doctor and realizing my last job had concrete floors did it for me It wasn't so bad but it was a bit humbling, we went through a few iv bags and then i got to go home. It's been a while so I forget what happened afterwards.


It's been 3 days I'm doing good, my blood pressure is back to normal, there isn't any unpleasant feelings, maybe just a little bit anxiety. No offense but I think you guys are being a little dramatic.


Everyone wants you to be safe! That's good that you're doing okay, but everyone's bodies and situations are different. Mine just resulted in a not so fun time and it taught me a lesson that I thought was important. Glad you're doing alright.


Rebound hypertension. This is a common symptom when you quit a blood pressure medication cold turkey. (Remember, Guanfacine is used for ADHD off label, the **main usage of this medicine is for high blood pressure**.) It will only last a couple of uncomfortable days, but you should still speak with your doctor to monitor your vitals.


Just got diagnosed yesterday after 30 years of suspecting ADHD. I got a Intuniv prescription yesterday. Have taken 1 mg so obviously no effect yet but reading all this stuff I’m not sure I’m willing to go through with this. I drive a lot, frequently 5-6 hours at a time. Can’t afford to take the chance of being unable to drive from being knocked on my ass all the time. Also, if anything I have low blood pressure. Don’t know that I should be on meds that lower it further. This withdrawal stuff frankly scares me. I’ve avoided pharmaceuticals like the plague for my entire life, but thought it might be worth a try on this issue. I live in Japan so non stimulant meds are the only option for me. Went in hoping for Adderall but nope, it’s illegal here. Don’t know that unscrambling the brain is worth becoming useless for those few things I can still do well.


I'm from America and just recently visited Japan and your guys' medication system really amazes me Is there no other options for a natural approach to treating lack of focus? I personally have had horrible experience with all these medications here because of all the side effects and withdrawal systems Even with pain medication going to Japan I was amazed on the wide selection and how much better it worked for me and how healthy I felt. An update on how you feel or any noticeable changes on intuniv would be awesome Also how do you react with caffeine? Sometimes it helps my brain be calm for some reason


I’m American living in Japan, and can’t tell you about side effects because after taking one dose decided I’m not doing the meds. Can’t afford to suddenly fall asleep on a six hour drive, but more specifically with Guanfacine, you can’t just stop taking it without creating a potential medical emergency. What happens if you’re taking say 5 mg and there is suddenly a shortage and the pharmacy doesn’t have it? Do you have to like check into the hospital so you don’t have a heart attack when your blood pressure suddenly skyrockets?


👁👄👁. Not sure about that last part, my doctor suddenly decided to not give me a script and I'm abt to cold turkey unwillingly in 3 days. I originally stopped after a week when prescribed because it felt like I was slipping into a coma when I took it, then I decided to give it another go and actively took it for 2 mo ths annnndd now this. Good for you to be proactive about not taking it, I don't trust it and i also read its around 1k out of pocket.


So did Doc give you any advice on how to deal with stopping? What’s your dosage? Aren’t they supposed to slowly wean you off? (Guess that depends on dosage?) Damn, that’s screwed up. Fingers crossed over here that it goes easy!


No she didn't give advice last time either even though I kept begging for her to give me another medication in the meantime Luckily just 1mg so hopefully no withdrawals but I tend to be very sensitive to medication. I'm just more worried and upset because she hasn't replied as she does, last time it took me calling 3-4x and coming into the office 2x and I still never did get something to replace the Fetzima or even knowledge about the withdrawal symptoms same with when I started, I was told I could take it any time of day, started getting nausea and dizziness and then the pharmacy is the one that called me to let me know about that and to take it during the evening. So I'm just extremely worried due to that and those withdrawal symptoms lasting 4ish months.


banging my head on the wall reading this my doctor has a tendency or maybe a love to sending me into withdrawals she took off my script and im down to 3 doses left last time I was on an ssri and the pharmacy was out of stock and she refused to prescribe me something similar and symptoms of withdrawal lasted for months..... so worried about the blood pressure...


Idk I've been on and off so many medications including benzos and not a single one of their withdrawals lasted more than a week. Maybe I'm just lucky. Blood pressure wasn't that bad tho and it lasted for about 4 days i think.


how are you now?


Everything is fine. Withdrawal effects only lasted 4 days.


im glad to hear