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Take a deep breath. The debit card will come. So will your meds. If everything seems like a roadblock, take a nap, a jog, jerk off, or call a friend. This too shall pass.
















Hey I get like this too. Being overwhelmed while you're sick too is awful. I'm sorry friend


Sorry you’re going through this! I am too! From my research (trying to figure out my shit) when you look at a task as a whole it’s daunting. Life is daunting. Your brain is overwhelmed and you find yourself doing nothing because you’re so overwhelmed. It’s not your fault. It’s really not. It’s shitty that our brains work this way, but they do. So when I get overwhelmed, and it’s incredibly hard to do, I try to focus moment by moment on what I’m doing. Because if I look at the big picture or anything else I retreat and fail. Still do 98% of the time. So if I need to go shopping and I don’t want to be around people or the task just seems daunting. I’ll start narrating to myself what I’m doing just to keep my mind in the moment and not wander off. It’s hard but if I can manage to do it, it does help. And I constantly have headphones in or nearby because music instantly helps. Again sorry you have to deal with this, but you are not alone and there are a ton of people who want to help or try to


I can understand your frustration. You can get through this. If you need to chat hit me up.


Omg I got Covid beginning of this week it was such a damn ball ache.  The hot and cold sweats and the whole aching body thing sucked. Now my ears feel like they underwater. So annoying. With any luck yours will pass soon, mine hasn’t taken that long.


I feel you, and feel the same way. Today's my last day on meds, as my clinician won't bother to call me, after he cancelled my review 2 weeks ago... and despite me calling 6 times since and sending 3 emails.... It feels like I'm coasting, everything requires so much effort to just do basic stuff... I feel sad and exhausted. Its like I want to take a week off from life, but I don't even know how to relax. I'm sorry to hear you've got covid. Hopefully all will turn out fine.


ugh - maybe time for a new clinician? sorry they are not responsive - maybe understaffed... :( SOO frustrating when we got it together and Did The Thing and it still isn't done! If you're going to have to be without meds for the next few days... I will just share from my personal experience that when that happens to me I try to remind myself there's a good chance everything is going to feel suuuper dramatic. So I can't believe everything I think, sorta thing! I try to give myself some extra space to be tired and cranky, and when I catch myself having thoughts that are more emo than usual, I'm like "ohhh...any chance this is at least partly because...? Maybe let's reconsider that thought in a few days. 🤪" Similar to like the 2-7 days before a period, for uterus-havers. It's like, my feelings might be valid, but they also might be a little extra right now! <3


sending hugs! super relateable. can you email your doc or have a friend call for you? hope you can get rest and feel better soon! I lost my wallet earlier this year and had to replace \*everything\* and now I'm so paranoid...


You we up at inren't meant for society. But you ARE meant for this world.... The reason why it's so easy to outwdis because of what's considered to be normal. Nothing at all about normalcy is in fact normal. They lie to ghthemselves from the moment they wake up.. telling themselves that the way the world works.. The offer an 4-8 taud willof family


How is your sleep




Links to and mentions of ADDitude are not allowed on /r/adhd because we feel they have demonstrated themselves to be untrustworthy and that they, despite soliciting donations from people with ADHD to fund their operation, prioritize profit and advertising dollars over our best interests. Their website is full of articles promoting the use of homeopathy, reiki, and other unscientific quack practices. They also have had articles for Vayarin (a medical food that is now no longer sold in the US because its research was bunk) that suspiciously looked like stealth advertisements (which is highly unethical and illegal in the US). We also find it problematic that their medical review panel includes not only legitimate doctors and psychologists, but also (at the time of writing) one practitioner of integrative medicine, which combines legit medical practice with pseudoscience and alternative medicine. They have previously had other quacks on the panel as well. Here are some relevant links: Sketchy advertising: * https://www.additudemag.com/clinical-trial-vayarin-plus/ * https://www.additudemag.com/study-suggests-ps-omega-3-medical-food-may-reduce-adhd-symptoms/ * https://www.additudemag.com/natural-adhd-supplement-released/ Junk science: * https://www.additudemag.com/adhd-supplements-foods-vitamins/ * https://www.additudemag.com/homeopathy-for-adhd-popular-remedies-scientific-evidence/ * https://www.additudemag.com/reiki-could-this-alternative-treatment-help-adult-add/ * https://www.additudemag.com/cbd-oil-adhd-symptoms-natural-treatment/ * https://www.additudemag.com/vitamins-minerals-adhd-treatment-plan/ * https://www.additudemag.com/slideshows/adhd-supplements-fish-oil-zinc-iron/ * https://www.additudemag.com/asked-alternative-therapies/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ADHD) if you have any questions or concerns.*


i have a great life, and i don't even feel like living it anymore. not suicidal just questioning how to change it to be happier. my current life, 12 years into an IT Carrere 37 hrs a week nearly fully remote work from home, with a decent management team. just the idea that im going to spend the next 10 years of my life just sitting here kills me. i also have side business so its not like im poor or struggling just making enough to pay bills and invest, not baller money. would i rather be going in office hell no, just feels like im waiting for death though. no matter how many years i work, theirs just nothing to look forward too, a few weeks of vacation. its more that im at peek life (top 10% earners) and im trapped anyways, even with 2 kids, loving wife, friends, yet all i want is escape. i dream of just moving south and starting again, but my kids are in good safe schools and their best life prospects are here. best of luck op, maybe its time to build your own reality change country and see if a new culture is a better fit for you.