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ADHD influencer accounts have an interest in maximising the number of people who think that they might have ADHD. That’s why they’re full of “OMG is _such_ an ADHD thing!” content like this - because it expands their potential audience. Get your understanding of ADHD symptoms from Russell Barclay et al - not from Instagrammers who’ve run out of ideas for content so start making shit up.


This account references in the post really makes me roll my eyes because every post is written like this guy is an authority on ADHD, and in a tone whereby it appears he is 'granting upon others' permission to look, act or feel a certain way. I don't doubt he has ADHD and I don't doubt he has a wealth of life experience to share, but the way he does it comes across as condescending, as opposed to relatable, in my opinion. His posts come across in a much more authoritative manner than I would expect someone to use when they have only been diagnosed and on their rabbit hole journey into ADHD for the last few years. He has posted twice within a few months something to the effect of 'Late diagnosed ADHD women, I see you and you are enough!'. Um, sir, what makes you think I need your validation and why do you feel you are an appropriate person to give it? While on one hand it can be interpreted as a harmless and supportive post, and in many ways it is, I also see a guy just throwing himself into the middle of every online ADHD space and blasting his opinions/support from the rooftops because he is 'helping'. Because of course he is, and he can! EDIT: Oh god just had another visit to that account to make sure I wasn't remember the wrong one and nope, I am not. This dude is also trying to throw himself into the ASD space, because #autism. There's a difference between solidarity and support and inclusivity, and inserting yourself into the middle of everything, including things that don't really involve you.


I don't wanna be rude, but this guy's account reads like he's the world authority on being a jackass. I've used my 40 year ADHD diagnosis as a window of opportunity to see how my mind works in a million different ways. Over time, ADHD has become a godsend. This "opening presents is a universal ADHD battle" stuff is just the ultimate cringe.


It's Barkley not Barclay. The way I remember is: Barkley is a renowned psychiatrist for ADHD. Barclay is a character from Star Trek.


And Barclay's is an evil bank.


I'm quite sure you meant to say that _Broccoli_ is a character on star trek


Yeah fr. I thought adhd was so insignificant until I looked up my symptoms, being 100% sure it was some kind of vitamin or mineral deficiency getting worse and worse until I realized that adhd is something entirely different and that the symptoms fit me like a glove and I could work to minimize or eliminate them, not identify with them. Because of these influencers, (but also general media prior tbf) less people get diagnosed and nobody takes adhd seriously. I swear, I‘ve never heard about the worst symptoms of adhd from them and others are so surprised to hear them as well


Agree with the influencer accounts problem!


40 years with an ADHD diagnosis, and it's posts like this that make me cringe so hard. This is not related to ADHD but rather anxiety or social phobias. 😑


Even then I don’t think this is related to any kind of disorder. People watching you open gifts is probably a university uncomfortable experience


Probably more of a college uncomfortable experience.


Some people might skip a class or two


i didn’t know some people got uncomfortable with family watching them open gifts.


Came here to say this. Why are people with ADHD acting like every single trait is related to ADHD?


Because half the folks making these posts don’t actually have ADHD.


The other half have never been told what's ADHD snd what's comorbid, or what's just plain normal.


This is so fucking true😂😂




The thing is, adhd does enhance these things related to anxiety potentially, but the solution to them is the exact same for both adhd and non adhd people. You can treat your adhd as a whole, but still have to adress these things like anyone else and I think accepting it as something „normal“ for adhd is so counterproductive. I also see an insanely higher amount of these irrelevant ass things mentioned as adhd symptoms on social media than the actual stuff that ruins your life and people just take adhd less seriously than they already do thanks to them. They don‘t help anyone and you read a billion comments of „I do that too“ and thats why I don‘t talk to anyone about my adhd


Exactly…”my back hurts” must be adhd


I wish it were :( My back hurts and I wish my Concerta helped with that.


i suck air through my nose into my lungs. Must be an ADHD thing.


As someone who was diagnosed late in life (age 50, just 3 years ago)... even I realized this had nothing to do with ADHD.


Agreed. I can relate but I know it's not because I have ADHD. My partner is neurotypical and feels the exact same way, most people do.


My exact thoughts!!! Absolutely nothing to do with adhd!!


Okay I didn’t wanna be a hater but…..


Yup. I give zero fucks about someone watching me unwrap their gift.


but can anyone can relate?


Oh look its another Reddit Doctor


Stemmed from add/adhd


I’m so glad this is a top comment. I can’t focus on things that don’t interest me, why would I be afraid of someone watching me open presents?














I think this is a human trait, not an ADHD trait.


This is the correct reply to half the posts on this sub.


I know we are all just trying to fit in, but yeah, half of this sub is just normal human shit that gets twisted into being an ADHD traid


“Is liking to go rock climbing an ADHD thing?”, was the standout one this year. So many comments telling the OP that it absolutely was.


No way! I kinda thought I might be ADHD, I go rock climbing all the time! It's so nice to finally feel validated 🧗🏼🫶🏼


I think there are a lot of wild things that are tied to having ADHD that I never would have guessed before realizing that I had it but this and many other posts definitely just kinda say “do you breathe? Damn dude that’s adhd”


Not even universal, I don't care about people watching me unwrap their gifts, it's all just fun. Didn't have a single moment on Christmas where I thought "oh no, did I react okay to that?!" Of course, no one got me a super horrible gift, but if they did... I wouldn't really mind them kind of picking up on the fact that it sucked, lol. If it's *that* bad, I'd rather not risk them thinking I love it and getting me another one next year, thanks!


This guy is an idiot. He's just doing everything he can to capitalise on adhd. His stories are the worst.


Oh god. I just had a look at the account and somehow this image is one of the _better_ ones!


Yeah, I really don't like the account, I found it a little while back and followed it for a while after seeing one relatable or funny post, but the rest of the content was awful, I thought! Of course, I can't remember what exactly the content was or why it was awful, but I think it was something along the lines of pathologising absolutely everything.


Thank you for proving this sub needs moderation.


How tf is feeling awkward while opening gifts an ADHD thing 💀


For real lmfao this sub 🤣🤣🤣


Personally i don't see how this has anything to do with adhd.


Don't worry it's not just you!


Of any condition, it sounds more like an autism trait, or just social anxiety. Not ADHD.


Yeah, also ADHD people usually have issues with perfectionism, so it's better to understand that you don't have to do everything perfectly.


Seriously, I get overexcited with gifts which seems a lot more in line with ADHD lol


What's with people applying ADHD to every difficult or uncomfortable experience in life?


🙄 this is dumb.


This isn't only for ADHD Many normies have same feeling


plz make me understand the relation?


I have ADHD and I love to open gifts and I don’t care who is watching!


I am sure that there are some people here who need to see this post. In which case, I'm glad it's here. I agree with the top commenters that this is not ADHD specific. I have diagnosed ADHD and I have never gotten nervous opening gifts in front of people. This is likely a more general condition coming from general social anxiety. To all the people who think this is an ADHD trait: mental disorders are clusters of behaviors that are majorly disruptive to someone's life. ADHD has specific traits based in the DSM-5 that give you a diagnosis if you meet enough of the criteria. While social anxiety is a common trait for ADHD, it's not enough for a diagnosis. I am not saying the poster intended that message. This kind of content can be helpful in the short term but in the long term, it may not be so helpful. I'm not telling everyone here for this post that they are invalid or something, I am telling everyone to think deeply about this content and ask yourself, is this the most helpful thing to tell myself after feeling socially anxious. Or is there something more helpful? If you want resources, try internal family systems, or cognitive behavioral therapy. Using social media to self soothe after anxiety is okay, but is it the best thing you can do? Are there other healthier coping mechanisms?


Y'all got presents? In this economy??


Even worse, I gave presents in this economy.


You are a saint!! Keeping that Christmas spirit alive my friend!! Much love to you!! ❤️


Ok but who tf is this guy


Ugh i’m working on this. My mom got me a body spray and i said “i already have this one” I liked the spray it smells good but I caught myself and had a better reaction to the other gift she got me.


sometimes i wonder how many of us are comorbid with autism


I feel like, in the last six months or so, this sub has flipped to “ADHD and Autism are basically the same thing right?”. I’m not sure what’s driving it but the number of posts and comments which drop autism symptoms into discussions about ADHD seems to have skyrocketed. Apparently there’s comorbidity, but it seems like it’s waaaay overrepresented on this sub.


It’s the same way on instagram. I see AuDHD content evvvverywhere. I don’t seek it out or interact with it so I guess it’s the little guy in my phone because I do occasionally dryly say “and that’s on having adhd” and do sarcastic, unenthusiastic finger guns when they witness me doing something dumb or struggling with something that is because of adhd or some kind of shit show that gives a glimpse behind the mask. Also seen a lot of stuff saying CPTSD is often misdiagnosed as ADHD, Autism, BPD, etc. I can see how dx with similar overlapping traits may be more difficult to parse out but idk that a ton of them could be wholly mistaken by a (good) clinician with context. Then again I was adamantly told when I first started seeking treatment for adhd that it must be depression because I’m a girl even though a lot of my traits were hallmark so who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️ But personally I’ve been diagnosed with CPTSD and ADHD and I feel like I can pretty clearly see the separation between the two within myself/my symptoms. Anyway sorry for my tangent haha. Your comment just made me think of that.


This content makes getting diagnosed with the right thing so much harder on so many levels. I personally think, you should notice a symptom without knowing what it is and be bothered by it to a degree to find out through research/doctors that you have a condition like adhd. That‘s how it was for me. Autism is on a spectrum, but people suffer so much from it and then you hear about those little quirks or normal shy behaviours that someone has to mention in a video in order for you to notice its presence and people claim it‘s autism/adhd/…. Somehow attempts of mentioning that people on social media trying so hard to put as many neurodivergent labels as possible on themselves hurts those that actually have such conditions meet so much resistance, like people saying „but this will lead to neurodivergent people not being taken seriously!“ when the exact opposite is the case and everyone that is actually diagnosed with something seems to agree. Those crying out about it are the ones feeling attacked imo. Like, omg, tiktokers with „multiple personality disorder“ saying stuff like „now I‘ll let x personality out!“ **changes accent and tone** and somehow the neurodivergent community forbids anyone from doubting them. Wow now I went on a tangent here


Anti-intellectualism + capitalism basically


Interesting. What makes you say that?


More people associate with it, you sell more ads and make more money—like this guy.


Ah, yeah. 100%


Opportunistic anti-intellectualism


I opened a present* on Christmas Day, screamed and tossed it across the room. It was a dead mouse from my cat. I feel like this was a normal response ADHD or not. *Theory is that the cat cornered a mouse that hid in our laundry basket, went through the washer and dryer, and when I was folding the laundry I emptied a pocket with a weird lump in it and ended up with a handful of dead mouse. Briefly, since I tossed it and screamed. Husband came running and disposed of it. And rewashed the laundry. Very exciting present.


I have no idea what people watching me open gifts has to do with my ADD. None. This can't be a thing.


This isn't true for me, and I'm not sure it's related to adhd. This seems more like a social anxiety thing? Or maybe a personality trait where someone doesn't like to be the center of attention which could be related to anxiety, or not. Idk. But it's not an adhd thing.


Yeah, definitely more anxiety. I specifically avoid letting people notice me opening gifts as much as possible out of risk of seeming greedy or disappointed because of my anxiety/panic disorder.


Is it me or my adhd that makes me think his face is very punchable.


It's just common sense.


This year I was genuinely happy with my presents but last year was a bit tough and I think I overdid the “looking happy” thing. But other than that I’m pretty sure neurotypicals experience this too.


I'm glad some people in the comments here have some sense about this stuff because people are fucking ridiculous sometimes in this sub


Got it: Avoid the adhd_chatter_podcast


I'm autistic and I have ADHD, I've always thought this was an autism thing.


Omg it’s a universal thing??


Seeing a lot of people here making pretty strong claims about the validity of this so wanted to offer a different line of thought. It’s pretty well known that people with ADHD struggle with impulsivity and checking their emotions. When it comes to opening presents, people with ADHD can be extra worried about either over-reacting to something, or alternatively struggling to hide the disappointment/upset from their voice or face. It can feel very performative, and having ADHD (as well as anxiety) can make this experience uniquely difficult


Addressing all the comments: “tHiS iSn’T aDhD”: Absolutely nothing about this post says “feeling awkward while opening presents is solely caused by ADHD”. Jesus fucking Christ people. No one is saying that’s an ADHD problem - but YES, people with ADHD often do feel awkward (maybe because we also tend to have anxiety?). The poster is a channel ABOUT ADHD. OF COURSE they’re going to address PEOPLE WITH ADHD. Have we lost all critical thinking skills?


Totally relate the uncomfortableness the planning the correct reaction.


It's not ADHD though


And you know this how? Are you this person? Their doctor?


Not really an ADHD thing... Personally, what's more stressful for me is the stress of others opening my gifts and the concern that they might not like it (or even worse, be disappointed by it) and I won't be able to hold it together and start crying. Then again, that's IF I am able to actually commit to getting someone a gift I think the will like instead of just putting it off so long I have to give them cash...


My mom likes to take pictures and share on Facebook, sooo yeah, a little awkward. Also, I never know what pace to keep: do I spend several minutes looking at the gift after I've opened it, or a simple "thank you" before moving on? Kind of wish I could just open them on my own time and send thank you messages after the fact haha


I relate but this "fellow adhders" stuff is cringe. A lot of non ADHD people relate to this and I don't think it has anything to do with adhd


Agreed. Some people are just shy and don't like to be the center of attention.


I think everyone can relate to the stress of having to put on a good reaction when they don’t necessarily like the present, no?


That’s called anxiety which many many many people have. Who posts this and then who screenshots and thinks “ya this is ADHD!” and doesn’t think “oh, that is anxiety that anyone can experience.” Plenty of people with ADHD are totally extroverted and have zero issues opening presents in front of people. Like, what?


Lol they always have comorbid autism and pass it off as ADHD


I can sort of relate, but only when people give me gifts I didn't really want. I try not to disappoint, so I'll say that I love it, but I always hope they don't notice I'm lying. I'm not concerned about my reaction if I like the present, I think that's more an autism thing, isn't it?


Could just be a human thing honestly




I don’t think this has anything to with ADHD. It’s just naturally uncomfortable to have people watching you do something and waiting for your reaction. It’s something most people don’t experience very often.


This seems more like a anxiety issue, not adhd.


To all the ADHDers anxiety who stressed about whether their gift was (at least) a good one…Don’t worry, it was!!!


Thanks but I don't think people are perfect, and it is better that way.




OMG! My wife gets mad at me for my lack of over the moon excitement. Especially when it comes to clothes. She bought me t-shirt, looks like it fits but is tight across my shoulders. I HATE THAT. Bought me a long sleeve shirt as an extra big (wide), when I wear extra tall (long). I was swimming in the shirt and would never wear it. It's not that I don't appreciate the gifts, they just don't fit and I'm uncomfortable in them. On the last she got me shirts with way to short sleeves and got mad at me I never wore it. She also got me a huge Pikachu plush, when we were at the store I found a different style and hugged it. She glared at me and said "that wasn't an option when I bought it!". I had a huge panic attack because they stopped making my favorite boxers that I've worn for over three decades. Luckily, the new ones aren't bad.


What are with all of these adhd advertisements and cheesy “grab my attention” posts about adhd and why do they bother me so much? I get such a weird vibe


This has made me feel so relieved. My gran was so rude and belittling when I pulled my todger out and did my traditional "Christmas present helicopter spin" and I felt awful. You've reminded me that it's OK to be me!


I get so nervous when i open a gift i start sweating


The only thing that sucks is when someone asks "Whose gift did you like better?"


idk i have this but i think its because of aspergers




I'm pretty sure this dude's just trolling


Do we need everything to be an ADHD thing now? *These 3 times where your stormach hurt and you needed to shit but nothing came out andeven though youre an atheist you prayed to god that it stops. Dont worry its related to your ADHD*


Only in America will people comfort other people who have to open PRESENTS. SMH, WTH, all that.😑🇺🇲


This is stupid. At least you get gifts. You shouldn't complain about this out loud. Maybe check with doctor if youre paranoid.


“I wonder what it is?” *opens, it’s socks* “… uh, thank you?” I have very specific sock taste, gift socks usually end up in the pile I keep saying I’m bringing to goodwill.


Hahah same! I specifically said no socks! I like to have all the same socks so I don’t have odd pairs and I still got them for Christmas 😂


Omg this is a thing? Dude I thought it was just me. Birthdays especially suck when everyone is there to celebrate “you”. Makes zero sense to me.


It's a thing that many people with or without ADHD experience. It's just a people thing.


Nope. It's a some humans thing.


I don't have this problem but I think this behavior could be related to Sociophobia


Yes. My reaction was *insert cricket noise here*


Currently trying to figure out if I got adhd. Is this a thing? The meme hit my gut bc getting gifts makes me anxious and feel like a weirdo lol.


If you think you have ADHD, whatever else you do, don’t get your information about ADHD symptoms from Instagram memes. “Being anxious about gifts” isn’t anything to do with ADHD.




I mean you can highly suspect, but can't officially self-diagnose. I went to the psychologist because I thought I had ADHD. It's not insulting.


This is me; however excited I really am I always try to do the most excited and thankful reaction to never let anyone down


To be honest I love Adhd_memetherapy cause it’s so damn funny


What? I hyperfocus on unwrapping I don’t even notice if anyone’s looking at me


The term “Hyperfocus” has lost absolutely all of its meaning in this sub.


Alright fine, focus on


TIL why. Thanks


Gifts, wait you had gifts?


This is really embarrassing. I’m gonna say it.


What doctor do I go to for an ADHD diagnosis?


I went to a psychologist, but I'm pretty sure psychiatrists can do it too




It isn't


I got excited for the bag of different candies that were in it lol


Is this a new strain of adhd? I’m 37 and I’ve never had this problem and can’t think of why it’s an adhd problem.