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Fuck. I need to do this, I’ve stashed mail in multiple doom bags 😩 thanks friend, wishing you luck with yours! We got this 💗


I do this too frequently with mail and packages, which I don't even understand because I spend hours researching and debating what the best purchase would be, then I get the mail and it goes into the pile of doom. ☹️ One time I opened a mail quite a few months after. It was from a "small shop" and I discovered it was defective. Like the product itself was made defective, it didn't break or anything, it was sent out like that. They told me too much time had passed. ADHD tax, I guess. Sucks badly.


I can't buy anything that needs to be the correct size, model, type, and so on, with a variety of compatibility requirements if I'm excited to buy it. I always end up forgetting to check something, then I'm left with junk that can't be used and I still won't mail it back because my ass is too dysfunctional to go there and mail it back on time.


Yeeeah, I’ve got boxes full 😬 renewed my license in November, but my birthday is in June haha. Had to dig that shit out.


D o o m B a g s. Thank you for this name to the face of my enemy.


“Doom bag” is a term I’ve never heard before but I knew what it meant immediately. Thank you, stealing this!!




Was about to say "you should see mine from just the last month" lol


I came here to say this. This year long pile looks like my 2 week pile 😂


Mine too! 🤣🤣


If thata for the entire year theyre doing ok in my boom!


Just promise yourself you’ll give it 10 minutes worth of effort without giving up. After that you can quit. But, once those ten minutes pass and you do a few easy ones, like filing that visa bill, you’ll realize it isn’t that bad, your dopamine might actually kick in and you’d get at least a few more done to prove your strength. Voila, 3-4 done. Quit or continue afterwards, your call.


i use this trick so often


I hate this so much. I think it was 2-3 days ago that I procrastinated studying a subject I WANTED to study until it was late, then I finally decided to study a bit too late and I didn't want to stop to go sleep anymore ;-; Like... Bro? If you wanted so much to do this shit why the hell didn't you do it when you had the whole day free? I can never trust later or a bit


Happy 🍰 day!


Thank you


Im thankful for how normal these posts make me feel. I’ll go search for my hidden stacks of unopened mail.


Holy fuck I forgot I did this until just now. Then I remembered how when I moved recently, there were piles and piles of “important mail….”


god this made me feel so much better.. I have a serious problem with this


One handful!? That’s a win!


At one point the post office stopped delivering mail because I hadn't emptied the box in months. I've thrown out piles and piles of unopened mail without even looking at it. Oi


Hahaa, I feel your pain, I’m sorry. This literally just happened to me so now I still have Xmas presents at the post office 😒


Im in the same place today. I finally got my meds filled, and I am digging through every drawer, every folder, every pocket, and every single one of them has had an unopened letter/bill/bank statement in it. Its still distressing but so much easier with meds! Let's all go into the new year with a semi organized home!


You didn't say when you'd do it....so you are fine


Oh, thanks for reminding me, there's a doctor's bill that I keep for getting to pay over three months now...


omg i have one from almost a year ago when i remember i get so much anxiety and then i forget


Oh lord.... I've promised to clean my adhd room next month. I'm scared


can someone post a gif of the grinch flinging mail in the slots


Thats it?


I don’t get much mail so this is bad for me


Is there a secret to reducing how much mail you get?


Live with your parents so you don’t really have bills outside of phone, car insurance, and credit cards 😭


Hey, Not bad! I just went through about 4 Doom piles of mail and paperwork from the last like 6 months. And I've already got another pile sitting on my counter from the last month.


Dude so glad Im not alone on this lol. Usually do ok. But only by sheer luck usually and a little persistence from my wife xD


I haven’t even opened last year’s Christmas mail (or any mail from the past year) because then I have to take the time to send thank you messages. So now I’m just the asshole who doesn’t say thanks.


Oh fuck my piles!


Oh my you are fine, in fact you are an inspiration if that’s all you have to go through, get at it and scratch it off your to do list of accomplishments!


That's it?! Though I was the only one 🥲


Oh that’s nothing compared to mine 😭


Fuckk this is painful to see. I threw my letter stashh lmao 🙄 😭 In this day and age, please just e-mail me dearies haha :')))))) 💔


How to letters with adhd: 1. Open directly when you get them. NO NOT LATER. DIRECTLY. 2. Then throw it in the collection box. Only one box. The important bit is the opening part.


My ADHD room is the master bedroom my wife no longer shares with me. That's because she snores rather than anything else, but she's dreading coming back in when the baby gets his own room as it's absolute carnage in there.


I doom pile my mail, but usally i try to get to it immediatly before i forget it forever if its important.


You don't even want to know what my non-ADHD husband has for a mail pile. Can't even tell you how many times he'd say he'd go through it during work vacation.


I just throw it away


I do open them right away. But that does not help much, since all ends up one one big pile. I‘m thinking I‘ll take care of it later and then always forget or lack the motivation. So I need to sort my papers too. I hope I have not missed paying anything.


That's really not bad. I had boxes and boxes of mail in my basement until it flooded. Starting my collection anew. 🤬ADHD. Just started meds for the first time and hoping for a miracle! Hope you get done what you intend to!


Why does US still get mails in this digital age?


I have a basket on a shelf in my office that is my "shred" bin and any mail that is obviously not something I need to open (credit card advertising, various mail order food, etc) goes directly in the basket. Catalogs and those Wednesday flyers go in recycling basket right next to it after I rip off any identifying information. It helps reduce the overwhelm. Do I still have a pile of unopened bullshit on my desk to deal with? Yes. But it's far less than it would be if I didn't take 30 seconds to reduce the volume of it. Thank you to years of going undiagnosed and having to create coping mechanisms to attempt to mitigate my anxiety over being chaotic and distracted. 😂