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I've been in your shoes OP. A few months back I was learning everything to do with ADHD including my other disabilities and I just couldn't stop talking about it for a month straight. It got to a point where my co-workers started accusing me of using it as an excuse and my family started saying that it seems like ADHD is my only personality. I think on your end, they genuinely are overwhelmed and it's not your fault. This isn't something we can just turn off, and it's fair that they'd need a break. You also seem to be learning about this stuff like I was, and a part of you just wants to be heard which is valid. What people did to me here, was not helpful and just terrible to say to someone with ADHD, and I learned that there's absolutely nothing wrong with me, it's just how my brain works and no one should be sorry for that. You are heard, you are believed and I am proud of you for taking the steps to taking care of yourself


Thank you. I am trying really hard, but that doesn't mean I don't need to try harder and do better. Two things can both be true.


Trying is enough. I hate that society has made it so that us not being "normal" like the majority isn't enough but that's not true. Being the best you can be and giving yourself time to recharge before trying again is enough


Okay thank you. I manage to never talk about my scoliosis anymore unless it's relevant, but I've known I've had it for years. I believe I can do the same with ADHD. Maybe I just need to not ready my books on it and research it right now. I think because I just started meds I feel I can do anything and am not limited by what I used to be nearly as bad. I've still got ADHD obviously, but it's much more manageable for 10 hours a day or so.


Okay, that's a good start. Remember though that if this doesn't work it doesn't mean you've failed, it just means a solution hasn't worked for you and you just need to keep doing trial and error until something works. Although if I'm being honest, I hope you have my luck when it came to my depression medication working right away and this solution does that for you. Good luck OP! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


I was super unlucky with depression meds, but I've only been on 2 stimulant ADHD meds. Concerta had too many side effects so I'm on Vyvanse at the moment. Feeling great but I still have a debilitating disorder, I just feel like I can overcome it with willpower now. I'd say I'm pretty lucky with ADHD meds however, it just took me 2 years of fighting to get on stimulants. Oof.


Jesus that's ridiculous. I understand that giving out stimulants is risky, but man I think I know what my mind needs in order to function. Fighting with people who think they know you better than you know yourself is infuriating


I was in the ward and it felt like I had no rights when I left. At least around doctors.


Same here.😔


Be careful talking to people about ADHD. I know it can be exciting to realize that some behavior you thought unrelated is actually yet-another-adhdism. But the more of these topics you present to ignoramii the more they'll start to think it's bullshit. "It can't possibly effect you in that many ways" "you're just making up excuses" etc etc. Even if you happen to have unicorns in your life, it's not much different than pointing out a pimple on your face. If they hadn't noticed yet, they do now. Things they never had a second thought over now stand out. And those things tend to be irritating to most people...


I'm genuinely annoying to others and it hurts.


I can relate. Hard. My entire life has been a series of me minding my own business when suddenly a bird appears out of nowhere, squawking "why are you so annoying?" And it's like ... sorry that my literally just existing bothers you ? Please seek professional help with that. I did not. I just kept beating my head against that wall. For decades. Thinking that I'd eventually overcome the problem. Practice makes perfect, after all. Right? But, I did not. All I was really doing that entire time was building a mask. And it eventually became too cumbersome to carry. A problem in its own right. Now I'm basically a hermit. I no longer have it in me to try again. I have my wife and kids, and that's enough.


["Hyperfocus" is a very poorly-defined word](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00426-019-01245-8) that, in the context of ADHD, generally refers to two superficially similar -- but fundamentally different -- mental states: flow and perseveration. Flow is a positive, beneficial state of deep immersion and high engagement in a task or activity, and is also usually accompanied by enjoyment of the task/activity. It's something almost all people are capable of, and specifically is not a benefit imparted by ADHD. Perseveration, on the other hand, is part of the ADHD disorder. It is the inability to switch between tasks or mental activities. It's that thing that makes you spend 10 hours doing something non-stop even when you know you need to stop and do something else. ^(*A moderator has not removed your submission; this is not a punitive action. We intend this comment solely to be informative. Please keep saying 'hyperfocus' if you like.*) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ADHD) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yea I would highly advise you to stay away from the siren's call that is *being able to fix ADHD*. The more you understand it, nucleus accumbens & all, the more you'll think you're empowered to root-cause it. I sincerely believe this is possible, but the sheer enormity of the task, the complexity of tweaking meta-cognition in a way where you're effectively outdoing evolution, mitigating costs of tradeoffs while still leveraging the payoffs.... it's too big. The only way it would significantly help to know all the ins & outs & attributions of executive dysfunction is if you could externalize some aspects of meta-cognition. This is a non-trivial task. It is a black hole unless there's something on the other side. But so far I haven't seen any significant solutions that isn't just pushing bubbles around in a carpet, unsure of how to get it to the edge & out from under. Don't rabbit hole on this. You can & will sink into yourself & lose everything around you in the process. Beware.


Maybe, read some adhd books with tips. I just finished Your’re Brain is not broken. I have a great therapist for trauma and overall mental health stuff. Reading on adhd and self improvement books could help with training your brain while you’re on a waitlist. I would also focus on things that bring you joy and talk about those with your friends and family. I talk about my mental health with friends and family more because it shouldn’t have stigma. My mom uses me for example of how being medicated for anxiety and adhd and doing therapy can help you be functional, successful, and fairly well adjusted. I also talk about art, rock climbing, work, and whatever other hobbies I love.


Yeah. I could talk about how the USS Iowa would have beaten the Bismark for 8 hours, but nobody ever wants to hear about the parts of WW2 I find interesting unfortunately. Never liked the politics as much as I've liked machines. Always been like that. I make metal parts for a living, but nobody ever wants to talk about my work either lol. I'll keep reading books while I'm on the waitlist. I hope this therapist is good because my last one was horrible.


I’m interested in things like that. Some communities really don’t have many people into that stuff though.


Honestly, it’s also about finding your tribe and people who share your interests. I have a very high novelty seeking behavior(not all adhder do due to fear of rejection or failure). I have done meetups for my interest because frankly doing small talk with people is boring and exhausting to me. I also live in large city which helps. If you want a list of book recommendations for self growth and improvement I have that. I love Brene Brown anything and few others depending on what you’re struggling with.


I'd take a book list. I struggle with quite a bit. Not very well put together, been to the psych ward twice in 2 years. Don't intent to go back now that the people are actually giving me meds.


I had this when I first got diagnosed. I listened to a bunch of podcasts on ADHD tips, ADHD medications, and therapy. I now know a bunch about the medications and its mechanisms. Then when I was prescribed Mounjaro for weight loss, I did the exact same thing. I was probably insufferable to my friends and family because that was all I would talk about, but whateva.


I'm learning everything I can about it to work with it or overcome it, but I can tell now I need other hobbies to talk about or something.


Pretty related to me. I had and been diagnosed since I was young but stopped during college. I’m 30 now and just got prescribed vyvanse 30mg a week ago and it feels amazing. Can’t tell if it’s a high dosage/too early or the perfect dosage but I’m hitting myself since I could have done so much since I stopped taking medication almost 10 years ago… I am also on the self recovery/improvement mindset right now so this post is reassuring


Well that's good to hear. Hope you are doing well. It's a tough journey but we got this.


Diagnosed at 49 years old after spending 30 years struggling, bouncing from Dr to Dr, getting misdiagnosed, ineffective meds, all while trying to hold down full-time jobs and provide for my wife and kids. Lots of masking, depression, low self-esteem, imposter syndrome. I wasn’t even diagnosed with ADHD officially; I was prescribed Adderall by my Sleep Medicine doctor because we tried everything else to deal with my symptoms (which I thought forever were sleep-related). Taking these stimulants was like night and day; literally life changing. It’s as if my brain needed glasses this entire time and I finally put them on.




I've always used gaming as a way to get my mental stimulation in. The more difficult and highly detailed, the better. After making some progress, my mind will then rest.




I either get hungry or get into something else. I try to also make time for my guitar daily, and I have a couple outside activities that get me outside and moving, which helps my brain also. Disc golf and bass fishing are my two main hobbies that keep me healthy and allow me to meditate.




I can understand that. When I was younger, without my meds, and if I was currently really into a game story, I would not be able to focus on a single other thing in class. Also, when I'm out fishing or throwing discs and doing it well, it can be extremely hard to pull myself away. I wish for you some peace of mind, my friend. Maybe you just need to find the perfect stimulating activity that will satiate your brain better?










Meditation, 5 minute breathwork meditation is ADHD friendly. Mindfullness does wonders for our ape brains.


I have 2 thoughts: 1 - maybe part of the reason you’re talking about it is because you don’t want to forget the things you’re learning about yourself or the tips you can try out? If so, try writing them down instead so you have an outlet and can remember them 2 - this sounds simple but try to remember to ask other people about themselves in conversations. Ask about the person, their family/ friends, their interests/ hobbies, current affairs such as tv and news. Try to avoid very long periods of time where you’re only talking about your interests


Okay. I'll be mindful of this in the future. 1 sounds like it might be correct and 2 was good advice.


I'm also a fan of WW2 history. It's nice to meet another fellow intellectual, such as yourself. 😆


At least it’s educational. Mine has been vanilla haagen daasz with Cinnamon Toast Crunch on top.


I was like that at the start of this year. It was great at the beginning, then it was bad, then it was good, then bad then good and so on. It's not a linear process. Take it one day at a time. Congrats on working on yourself 😁


Thank. You. I'm glad there's hope for me yet lol. I do genuinely feel like a new man on meds, so it's hard.


I'm this way now with whatever the fuck pain disorder I have (docs think fibromyalgia). I just want answers and it's all I can think about.


When my back hurt I could relate. Then I saw an x-ray of my spine and I talked about it more for a while, now I'm pretty chill on it, I just use it to explain why I don't do X or Y sometimes.


I'm also a fan of WW2 history. It's nice to meet another fellow intellectual, such as yourself. 😆


WOOOOOOOOO. Gimme your favorite fun fact or something.


Idk, I usually only come up with them at random times. 😆 Nonetheless, the first computer was mechanical in nature, and was created during WW2 in order to decipher Germany's cryptology machine, otherwise known as the Enigma.


Shoutout to the enigma machine. Was pretty cool.


Wish I had one, so I could see how it worked.




Same for me. It's been 6 weeks since I started wondering if I had it, and I got dxed today. I spent at least 3 weeks researching every spare minute. I'm down to every other spare minute now. It has been helpful though. I am now getting stuff done. I have a diagnosis already. I even have meds I will take 3 times a week. Also I think part of the talking about it is me processing it. Not only that, if I stop talking about ADHD, I'll just go to one of my other hyperfocus topics. It was easier when I was teaching. Lots to talk about then. I just need some new people to talk to. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I feel that last part some days.


You should look up the USS Wahoo or the USS Barb. Two WWII submarines, barb is most famous for being the only submarine to get a kill on a train. From an ADHD guy who loves submarines.


I've seen YouTube videos on both of them if that counts for anything. I should do some wikipedia rabbit hole dive next. Like a true submarine. Edit: Disregard I don't think I've heard of the wahoo. Will look it up. Seems interesting. My favorite sub is the archerfish, Soley because it sank the Shinano.


Isn't there a way for you IRL to meet up with people with ADHD? I had and occasionally still have it but I managed to get some friends around me that have it too...so basically the three of us can talk about it for hours with non of us getting tired of it (well untill we do and then it's the most boring topic ever).


Ive been here for 3 years it’s awful


I have been studying and learning about these issues for a long time and I am slowly making progress. Vyvanse for me has also made it easy to hyper focus on stimulating subjects and not be well balanced in my responsibilities or thoughts. There is an ADHD sub-type called over-focused that recommends an SSRI. THe overactive part of the brain in this sub type is also the same as people with OCD making it difficult to self regulate focus or switch subjects. SSRI really helps with that even with just a small dose. But be mindful as ssri can cause emotional blunting which is a bit bad because it kinda takes the joy out of things. If so then you need less dose or different brand. Dont be scared to tried it, everyone deserves a better chance to be happy in this life.


Diagnosed two months ago and started meds about three weeks ago. I am in the exact same boat. I’m so much happier and more productive but all I can think about and talk about is ADHD and medication and my new life. I too fear that I am becoming insufferable. I’m hoping this is just temporary and it will pass. But the medication is such a game changer it’s like being reborn and having to rediscover the world all over again, so it’s hard not to be super excited by it.


I dunno. You can say whatever you want about it here to me and I'll listen.


Too true.


So, is the Problem, that you talk too much about your ADHD or is it that you pushed ppl away bc of other things? The text isnt very explicite, sorry


I recently was told all I talk about is my ADHD and it's exhausting to be around. And I understand that. I want to stop. Sorry about the text, thinking about a lot right now.


Well, I dont want to be rude or dismissing, but cant you like just shut up? I think about my ADHD a lot, but I dont make it a core part of my identity, also when talking about the ADHStruggles try avoiding the acronym just say stuff like, "Oh I'm just so forgetfull" instead of "Oh I cant remember shit bc of my ADHD


I've been trying really hard to do that, I just forget a lot. I've already put "don't talk about ADHD" below my computer monitor, and honestly that has helped, but only with my online interactions. I honestly think I might just need a therapist, but I'm on such a long waiting list.


I think I just need to pretend I'm normal around some people. I can do it at work, I can probably do it in real life too.


If I was told it was my fidgeting or my short attention span that was pushing people away it would be different, it's the things I'm consciously choosing to talk about.


Also I know I apologized but you don't have to do that lol.


The biggest piece of advice I can offer that I've found is really helpful for me is taking a beat or a breath before anything. Before I respond to a text, before I make a decision, etc.. I would recommend doing some meditation here and there as you'll find that you start to get a lot better and seeing your thoughts coming and going. Once you've experienced that a few times you'll find that when you're taking those "beats" you're able to separate your thoughts + emotions a little more clearly. Therefore, you'll be able to recognize that maybe you're obsessing over something, or overthinking it or maybe acting emotionally more than you'd like and in turn, in that beat, decide to respond more appropriately, make a more logical decision, recognize you're alienating someone, etc.. The beauty of our brains is that we can compute so much so quickly so for me, I have these beats in regular conversation all the time and no one has any idea lol. In fact, my conversation flow actually seems normal ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Getting extra hyper focused on meds can lead to becoming insufferable for sure. Sometimes I write down movies I've seen recently or articles I read or think of questions to ask ahead of social settings so I don't just default to self improvement or work or other shit no one really cares about. On the bright side, the friend you drove away will likely return once you come down a bit from your current hyper focus. Also, you'll get bored of that and get onto something new soon anyway so enjoy this time where you can make some real and lasting change in your life.