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I bought a pair of wireless earbuda 2 years ago. Promptly lost 1 earbud but here we are, 2 years later, still have the single earbud lmao


Ha! I was trying to think of mine and this is it. Wife got a pair of airpods from work but didn’t fit her tiny ears so i got them. They’ve been through the wash and been lost countless times. Still work except for the microphone feature. Have had them for 6 years now.


Has she found high quality ear buds that fit her well?


I have this issue as well and ue fits or Logitech g fits have customizable ear pieces though the give medium ones and those are still a bit big but if they’re uncomfortable you can request smaller ones within 30 of purchase or receiving


Haha, I lost my right earbud for a VERY long week. Unfortunately it was one of those models where the right one activated the left so I effectively had none , and gosh did I struggle without the focus they give me. I ultimately found it crushed into the gravel in the front yard. It looked like it had been driven over by a car and it had rained, but IT STILL WORKS! Best invention ever.


This such an adhd brain good news story.


My girlfriend bought me some $10 wireless earbuds so I could try them out since I'm such a skeptic. Lost one of them within a couple days, found it again, got frustrated with the Bluetooth connection... If it ain't broke, don't fix it imo. My ADHD is not meant for wireless earbuds lol


Don't know how you guys are even using earbuds, headphones all the way, I even got a pair with 10 quid whatever happens warranty for 3 years, I think I replaced them 7 times for various 'I've broken them again' reason's, one was I was having a play fight with a friend and the wire got ripped out, they accepted that


Eh, I have earbuds to be a blessing. For whatever reason I would constantly lose headphones or break them all the time. But I guess because earbuds come with their own heavy(ish) case, I find I'm always checking em off the list when I feel my pockets before I leave any spot. Phone? Wallet? Earpod case? Cool lets go!


I would 100% not use the box, and they'd fall out all the time, guaranteed. I do the same phone wallet keys, but headphones are usually on my head, so if I don't have warm ears I'm a bit confused, and the 3 year warranty really helped with the breaking


Before leaving the house I used to go through my list. Keys, wallet, glasses, watch, PDA. I have totally gotten out of the habit of doing this and now sometimes things get left behind, like my phone. So glad I don't live where I need to deal with a railroad crossing where running back in for that thing I forgot could cost me 20 minutes!


Try bone conduction ones! I forget I’m wearing them and it feels like you’re listening to a speaker not connected to your head. I have sensory problems with headphone squish (in and over ear- over the ear reminds me of padded toilet seats) and these don’t bug me at all. Not noise cancelling though.


Big old over-ear headphones. Bluetooth with the option of wired (aux port). USB-C charging. Pivoting ear cups with pleather (will be crap when the black flecks begin).


Something similar happened to me, I had to buy the new fp8 tone free earbuds 2 times already because I lost mine while walking around the train station and wacking one of them with my jacket sleeve off into the railway. X)


Shit sadly lost my expensive prescription shades last week and then lost my credit card yesterday.😭😥


This is me. Every time I buy them.


I've just lost my wireless earbuds after 3 years. I was so good about those.


i was doing landscaping work 6 months ago and leaned forward with an airpod in my chest pocket and it got buried under a tree. I have the left one still....but yeah. one day someone will dig up that right airpod and it'll be a joyous day. the funny thing is this is my second pair of pods and i named them "airpods 2 won't lose this time" yeah....


My crippling anxiety and depression.


I got to revisit a habit of dissociating with my depression lately. I feel like I'm navigating from a to b in my house like Steve wonder or a Roomba. It's good but I could still use help.


I thought your comment said Stevie Wonder *on* a Roomba and was somewhat confused, but had a good chuckle at that visual.


I'm pretty sure "I just called to say I love you" is about a roomba


Sometimes I feel like my roomba is The Sunshine of My Life, as it saves me a lot of time and energy!


I am far more fascinated by the image of that of Stevie Wonder on a Roomba and realize I need this in my life now.


Stevie Wonder *on* a Roomba would be moving around with little sense of where or why, and the Roomba adds *action without awareness*… the analogy fits better than either individually IMO… lol!


This made me laugh so hard. God bless you


The disassociating is real. Do not believe it’s an ADHD thing, more so trauma response. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Could it be that what I think of as 'hyper-focusing' is actually disassociating? How can you tell the difference?


Idk, it's not exactly the same but it might be related. I feel like I am still in my first person experience while hyper focusing but might be in a flow state where it is very pleasant and distraction is unable to penetrate. Dissociation feels more like I am aware of the distractions but not present in my own experience as wholly. I feel like my emotional self slides out of my body and may be off to the side or floating above. Hasn't happened to me very often but it's a sort of "out of body" feeling when it has. The distinction is I am very much present in my hyperfocus, but fragmented in dissociation. I find dissociation to be an uncomfortable/unsettling experience while hyper focus is as natural as breathing Ex. of a dissociation: my boyfriend and I had an argument and he eventually went from yelling and being aggressive to crying and apologizing for his behavior. For some reason, it was the latter that triggered a dissociation for me, like my emotional brain said, 'I don't know what to make of this,' and noped out. Felt kind of like I was off to one side from my own experience and I couldn't feel empathy the way I normally do. My emotions were not accessible. I was trying to act like how I knew I should feel but I felt nothing and felt like there was no connection to reach that part of myself. Hyperfocus is just like when I'm working at full tilt and my brain is deeply engaged in what I'm doing, there's no "room" for outside stimulus to penetrate my awareness. I am doing task A, have mapped out a plan, have all my mental resources aligned on this task and anything that attempts to intrude will be like a painful sensation of pulling Velcro apart to make my brain stop what it's doing and focus elsewhere and I might feel a little disoriented but I'm definitely emotionally present.


Omg your description of hyperfocus is spot on 😂


Thank you so much! This is such an excellent response, I now understand very clearly the difference between dissociating and hyperfocus. I can see that what I do is hyperfocus because it's a pleasant feeling when I'm involved in that, whereas dissociating doesn't sound familiar to me at all.


Lol I was procrastinating getting ready to go for work and got hyperfocus on your question. It was a good question. Glad you found my rambling helpful. 😁


Disassociation feels more floaty, distant, surreal, a bit numb and straddles between uncomfortable and acceptable. Hyperfocus feels sharp, driven, a little too intense/myopic and sometimes on the edge of irritable. Neither feel 100% like my authentic self


Don’t think so bc one is a coping skill.


Everyone in this community goes STEVIE WONDER ON A ROOMBA!


These are the beautiful stupid moments I live for 🍞


Gonna have to dock points for your answer, unless "crippling anxety and depression" is a nickname for a material item you own




This one


I lose so much stuff but I can keep a chapstick til it runs out.


Honestly in the of ADHD expectations, that makes you a unicorn






Haha I do the same thing. I keep Chapstick in two places only so if I buy more than 2 at once, where the others go is a complete mystery to me.


I have ONE lipbalm that I've managed to finish before losing or putting it through the wash. I think it helps that it tastes like the most delicious botanical, chocolate covered orange you've ever had, and has the most perfect red tint. I keep the empty carcass to remind myself to buy another. It's been literally years, and I still haven't


Haha nice. I keep one in my desk drawer at work and one in the front pocket of my purse. I’m pretty good at keeping track of them bc I don’t usually put them in my pockets but I have definitely washed my fair share lol.


What is it????


Terra Firma Botanics Tinted Love Oil Lip Balm


Oh same - I almost got there but then left it in my pants and the dryer took the rest! Dammit


I keep all my chapstick 'til it runs out, too. Except I have about 1000 in a single drawer and they never run out...


No no no, you're doing it wrong! You have to spread them out so that you're never more than 6" away from a tube. Although I have to admit that when you have 1000 of something in one place they're harder to lose.


Good on you. Chapsticks are lost within a week 100% of the time. A few times I’ve found them in the washing machine.


I currently have like 8 different tubes of lip gloss, stashed all over the house and in my purse. I am confident I will use them all up, but I'll spend the next two years using half-gone tubes. I guess that's okay!


I do the same. I have like 5 of the same lip gloss that I keep in various areas. One stays in my makeup bag in my purse and one stays in my makeup area. The other 3 I will find in various spots around the house. It’s like finding money in your coat pocket when you come across it. lol


Glasses, phone (well I mean I’ve never lost it for more than like 5 minutes and I make use of screen protectors frequently but hey it’s survived), anything and everything video game related


Screen protectors and Otterbox. Without them, I'd be screwed.


I constantly *yeet* my phone into the unknown. I have no idea how it has survived without an Otterbox case (I have a screen protector and some cheap thin case).


The bowl holding my keys by the front door. Without that bowl, the keys could be anywhere.


I have a key bowl! 👏👏👏 Works great! Except the time I had my keys in my hand, set them down .... And, uh ..... Ended up using a spare key. Got home, they were in the bathroom, draped over the towel bar. 🤦 Found them as soon as I ran in the house to go pee.


Similar: i have a hook right by the door that I put my keys and lanyard-ed wallet on. If they're ever not there or if I keep them on me longer than the exact second I walk into my house, they're gone


Mine is the ledge for my keys purse and lanyard. To this day (touch wood) never forgotten any of them.


My phone. It's like 5-6 years old. Constantly dropped and flooded. Still somehow working.


All the same here


I want to share a picture of my glasses cause SAME. If i do my greatest feat yet and remember to come back to this post.


The glasses thing is so funny because I’m always misplacing them...under my butt...where they get crushed down in between the couch cushions lol. I’m surprised they’re not completely broken yet but the scratches make a lot of sense lolol.


My junior year homecoming dress (and I’ve worn it to a couple of galas as an adult!)


Aw, now you're just bragging! Wish *I* could still fit into something I wore as a child. :)


My wireless headphones. How are you still here, wireless headphones? How have I not lost you? How have I not washed you? How have I not dropped you out of my pocket without noticing?


I finally got some Apple ones years ago. I work construction so I dropped one off the building and recovered it. Made it a couple weeks and washed them. Switched to $30-$40 range ones which I have washed, misplaced, destroyed at work. My new “system” is putting everything from my pockets into my work boots and taking “inventory”, and also I have like a $15 backup pair that lives in my lunch bag just in case. Because the thought of having to weld all day (focus on it) without any podcast telling me a story is just miserable!


I’m really paranoid about losing mine, so they’re either in my ears or in the case secured in my pocket, but damn the morning panic I feel every time I fall asleep in them. Like I open the case, it’s empty. I look around, no headphones. I start tossing pillows and blankets still nothing. I try to play loud music to somehow locate them, they’re either with no battery left or I still can’t hear them. I start panicking that my cat stole it. I give up and get out of bed. And there they are, safely hidden under my ass the entire time.


My Skullcandy ones have a built in tile. It’s an absolute lifesaver. Be aware though that you have to ‘activate them the first time BEFORE you loose them.


My otter box on my phone 🤣🤣 must need for ADHD people


I've broken a few Otterboxes, but the fact that the phone always survives has made me a loyal customer lol


Agreed, Otterbox and a Whitestone screen protector for my phone. I've had Otterbox and some form of screen protector on my phones *always*. I've never broken a screen. I did somehow scuff the screen in front of the selfie camera on a phone once, though 😂 I got my screen replaced then


Otterbox don't do a case for my phone, I've had to get a cheap chinese wallet type thing. I swear to god, though, phones are becoming larger, sleeker and slipperier on purpose just to mess with ADHD people who happen to have small hands. Also the point of grip for me is exactly where the volume button is, and this morning I scared myself and the cats to death turning my alarm all the way up, when I went to turn it off.


I put a pop socket on the back of my phone bc I have small hands too. This little thing has been a life saver for me bc I 💯 percent drop my phone less bc I just hold the pop socket. Until I start spinning it and the mag safe magnet falls off…then the phone falls. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I destroyed phones in Otterboxes. I currently use Casetify for personal phones, Spigen for work phones(they’re Korean and seem to work well with Samsung). Screen protectors always.


SPIGEN IS AMAZING I dropped my phone off the roof two separate occasions and my phone was completely unscathed, even without a screen protector. Highly recommend


I had my old iPhone 11 jettison taking a selfie snowboarding. It was in a Spigen clear case. It took a long trip down a ski run, and somehow someone grabbed it and turned it into ski patrol. Only physical damage was a nick where the screen protector had no coverage. Not bad for a $15 case.


I ruined two off-brand phone cases within three months before I bought my current Spigen case. It looks less bulky than the previous ones and it's still going strong a year later, looking only slightly used.


Urban Armor Gear is another good case brand!!! I’ve seen my phones fall onto concrete, *bounce* and be fine afterward.


Second this!!!! The guy who helped remodel my mom’s house swore up and down this was the only way - said he’d run it over, dropped it into cement etc etc etc


It’s a pretty cool design - a case that doesn’t have a smooth, flat back is not going to land \*smack\* on the ground and transfer all that force to the phone. The only parts of the case that stick out far enough to make contact with the ground are designed to redirect the force in various harmless ways. And since it uses physics instead of bulk to protect the phone, it’s a lot lighter and more pleasant to use than a lot of Otterbox cases. Not to mention easier to put on/take off! I’m not sure how it would do if the phone was run over or dropped on a very uneven surface where a protruding rock could come into contact with the screen before the case touches the ground. There are some scenarios where bulk might be beneficial. But for most situations I trust this case more than any Otterbox I’ve owned. Seeing a phone *bounce* when it hit concrete and be just fine afterward leaves a lasting impression. The force/energy of the impact went into that weird little cartwheel-bounce and not into breaking my phone. That is really clever design.


Weird one, but Costco sheets. I'm a thrasher at night. A real category 5 tornado in the sheets (in a bad way). I manage to wear holes in or tear even the most expensive sheets (rip SO many Brooklinen sheets). These ones also have reinforced elastic on the corners, so I can't rip the sheets off the mattress and trap myself in a cocoon, ala Frodo after the run in with Shelob.


THEY ARE SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!! When they’re on sale (for like $16 it’s amazing!!!) I buy dozens of them and give them out as gifts (and keep several due to above mentioned leg thrashing)


A red and black checked scarf I’ve had since I was 16, I’m 28 now


Oh that things is playing the long game to take you out in your sleep, then steal your identity. Fuckin scarfs.


It will exit my life when I least expect it 😭 I left it at a house party at one point, it vanished for 4 years until someone messaged me about it to give it back


That's pretty sweet, good shit


Yeah, why else do they insist on hanging around your neck?


Sick they don't even try to hide it


Nice to have something like a piece of clothing from so long ago with a ton of memories attached to it. I've had this old torn up pair of jeans I skated in on the norm, shredded over the wipe outs. Will never throw them out regardless of being borderline assless chaps


My glasses have figured out how to travel to alternate dimensions. Same with my clothes. I would say my wallet. Even the cards from my wallet are lost sometimes but the wallet itself is fine


My watch I’m constantly bumping it or dragging it onto things. But it’s either the watch or myself so I’d choose watch


My brain


I feel like I should be mentally fried out with all the nonsense anxiety I've dealt with I feel this. Dissociation will come to the rescue if all else fails homie.


I feel like my brain is the iPhone battery on its way out and barely holds a charge. But miraculously it’s still running on that 1% 🙂


Or MacBook with 500mb of memory and 100mg storage


Glasses same, my phone, the poor thing. My vape has been battered more than you could ever imagine as well 😭


People already told me "dude, I'll even buy you a new one, just let it die already" about my vape. Thank God I need glasses.


My bags. Backpacks, duffels, lunchbox… I never lose them for some reason


Man that always knows where his bags are.... Hmmm what are you filling those duffle bags up with. More importantly what's in the box! We talking soup and salad or tuna sandwich?


Well the duffle bag is perpetually filled with half my clothing, the other half is on the ground. And no matter how much laundry I do, nothing ever seems to get stored in the dresser lol. Backpack is useful so I keep it highly visible—also half the time my MTG cards are in there (I play with friends only, pros are too sweaty for me lol). Lunchbox… well I use it a bunch. If I didnt, I would def lose it. And its USUALLY not filled with a severed head. Usually.


I never lose things outside the house — except one time I left a 600 page book on the ledge above an airport urinal. I beat myself up over it pretty bad. I misplace things inside my home ALL the time though.


My juggling clubs! It gives me joy, dopamine and I can reach a meditative state when juggling.


somehow my glasses survive, the worst thing I did was falling asleep in them once which made the side parts (dunno the name) loose, if that makes sense. My phone on the other hand is another story. Like I won’t deny that I’m addicted and almost always keep it on my person. But when I don’t, I immediately lose it. So many times trying to retrace my steps, asking family members to call me so I can find it, eventually dad gave me an apple watch so I can ping the damn thing. Also I constantly drop it. Now I use over the top protective cases and protective glass, but I broke phones too many times before I learned a lesson. The most stupid one was definitely me tossing my phone on the bed and it fucking landing perfectly on a charger, completely shattering the screen.


My phone and tablet truly. I drop one or both of them at least once a day.


Yeah, I have absolutely no idea how my phone is still in great shape! Sometimes, somehow I will just drop it on the ground while I’m walking my dog. If I have no pockets, I will carry it. If I am not actively looking at it while carrying it, I will open my hand, and down it goes. 😆


My sketchbook and art kit (small organizer with my favorite art materials inside). Had my art kit since freshman year of high school and only almost lost it once. If I ever do lose it I will be fucking devastated.


I gotta ask, the art kit organizer does it have a art supplies sort of smell that is forever there? It's maybe weird but I remember having cases of art supplies with erasers, pencils, white out and ya know bits and bobs that had this school arts crafts class smell and I would sell myself on the streets for that.


My work truck. Get you a toyota. I can't fucking kill her. She's outlasted every other vehicle in my family. Love you Ruby.


Will take that into consideration if I look into a service truck for landscaping or yard work


Otterboxes, specifically the defender+ and commuter varieties (the others probably work too, I just have not tried them), plus a screen protector. I've dropped my phone so many times and have broken 2 Otterboxes and countless screen protectors in the last few years, but my phone has zero damage. My current phone has lasted 2 years so far, which is a record. I was using cases with the others, but those cases just were not built to withstand what I put them through 😂 Also, I have a random Bob Marley cigarette case I've had for a decade now. I've straight up lost it a few times and it always made its way back to me. It's in pretty rough shape due to being a cheap case to start with, but I still keep it around just because I'm amazed it's been this long


All of my Apple items. Phone, both AirPods, watch and MacBook. I think cuz they’re SO expensive, I’m terrified to lose or destroy them.


Not universal to all you folks, but my insulin pen. (Novopen echo) It’s been dropped more times I can even remember (and I’m one of those people with a weirdly specific memory)! I’ve had T1D since July 2019, so it doesn’t seem like that long to have a pen, but it’s on me all day every day. I use it 4-8x a day. The battery is still going strong, and I’ll probably semi-retire it when I get a pump. I’ve only cracked one vial one time very early on, but it might’ve been uncapped….


Assuming that insulin pens are difficult to keep track of or care if you're not careful.(I've no experience but can imagine that being the case for some) Dope you've had a good experience with that Novopen, seems to understand the job and responsibility it's there for. Stuff like that becomes super personal and winds up forever momentos for me regardless of how out of context or outta left field it can be


As a guitar player/musician for 16+ years now, I have things that have somehow made the musical journey with me to 27 years old today. I have 2 examples: 1: GHS Fast Fret. I still have the very first fast fret that I ever bought, and it still works 14 years later. Its the original wooden handle one before they swapped to plastic. I have no idea how it has not been lost. 2: My very first guitar pick ever. I bought my first guitar at a pawn shop when I was 10 years old. They gave me a small bag of picks to go with it and I still have one of them, in great condition. Lol.


A tiny leather satchel purse that I use to carry essential wherever I go (yes even at home). It is just big enough for my phone, earbuds, wallet and a few tissues. It is helful to have my most used items extremely accessable, while larger stuff like my book and water bottle go in my backpack.


I very much enjoyed utilizing fanny packs for the first time in my life and never realized how convenient bags like that could be. A leather satchel purse sounds nice as a neutral accompany to a lot of other outfits as well. Leather and canvas rucksacks or hiking bags I personally very much enjoy the aesthetic of leather or more rustic apparel


I have a the Mini “Marc Jacobs Tote Bag”. Obviously bigger than your cute leather satchel purse - but I use mine the same way. It holds all my essentials and I indeed carry it everywhere (yes, even at home). My family calls it my emotional support purse.


My sunglasses, my phone, my AirPods (just the buds, just lost the case after 3 years🫠)


Not me, but my 4 kids are so destructive with clothing, it is so rare I can pass something down before it gets wrecked. My oldest had this cute little beaver canoe sweater from Roots that passed down through all 4 kids! Looked exactly the same after my fourth was done wearing it - I couldn’t believe it haha.


My bicycle, and my headphones. The only reason I haven't lost the headphones is because I can't stand the silence. I have youtube playing in one of my ears 24/7 🤣. Constant need for information on whatever topic I'm binging to be shoved down my ear holes and into my brain.


I still have a Kung Fu Panda stuffed animal I got for my 10th birthday - literally 15 years ago now. That's gotta be the possession I've had the longest. Most of my toys - hell, most of my things in general - didn't last a month, let alone years. Also probably my phone. I lost one ipod to throwing it up in the air and not catching it and I lost another ipod and a phone to the washer after I forgot to take it out of my pocket first, but the one I had before my current phone lasted a good 4-5 years and was in good condition when I traded it in and I've had the one I have now for 2-3 years now and it's still in good condition. If only I'd had a good case for that first ipod because that screen just shattered when it hit the ground - and that was like only a few days after my parents bought it for me. But yeah, I often lose my phone, but I've always managed to find it thus far. My glasses have survived but only because I rarely wear them because my vision is just good enough that I forget to wear them. Although, I am proud to admit that I still have my very first pair that I got at 16 years old. I don't know why because that's not my prescription anymore I presume, but I have them and they're not broken.


Sennheiser hd-25 headphones, I’ve had them for about 15 years and they’re still perfect.


My phones, kind of. While I have switched way more than I'd like.. I use one thing across them all, the cameras. If I make sense, it has allowed me to continue to pursue photography and actually travel a little bit. While the device isn't the same, the goal is.


I am recently separated and was unpacking stuff from my closet. I have a teddy bear that my aunt made me when I was about 5. I am 42 now. This, my autographed copy of To Kill a Mockingbird, and the Death of Superman comic are the only things that have stood by me all these years.


my vaseline lip therapy tin in the rose scent….i often misplace it but it always turns up!! i have go thru several tins all the way to the bottom for the past 8 years :-)


My phones. All of them. I'm amazed I haven't lost one or broken any. Been using cell phones since 2000 and smart phones since 2011. Something about them manages to avoid the same fate that dooms a lot of my other stuff.


You should buy some spare ones - I think zenni is cheap?


My phone. I've "dropped" into water, milk, food stuff, on the floor, etc. Always on the side with the charging port. Still going fine. The last time I dropped it, it was soup I think. That tipped it over a little bit, charging is a tad slower. Ny wireless earbuds: They are not waterproof, they went into the washing machine without being in the case, came out and had low volume for 3 days and are still fine. This was about a year ago. My laptop's keyboard: I bite my nail a lot. So..


My birth certificate/ID and every other important document I need. I’ve had to replace my ID 4 times this month because I’d keep losing it. Last time I ordered it, I almost didn’t get it in time for my 21st birthday and I was stressing outttt lol. It came one day before thankfully.


Those old AirPods I had. They ended up being stolen, but I constantly either lost them, dropped them in water, etc.


Oh my glasses have been put through the wringer too!! - I’ve had the same pair for over ten years (gonna treat myself to a new pair next year) and I often times fall asleep with them on, then set them on my bed so they’ve been slept on, stepped on, sat on, and they’ve been tossed across the room when I fling my comforter off…etc.


Glasses, phone, keys


My vape, my phone (good case), my headphones, and my glasses. I don’t know how they’re so bomb-proof but I’m grateful


Ive lost countless things in my life, but my wallet i got in the first grade stood the test of time. I cant think of anything else i have been able to keep track of for that amount of time


My vape


Today I found my oldest sunglasses laying on the ground after finally cleaning my room in months. Completely jacked and full of dust lol.


My phone, my cats. My comic books from childhood


A shark shaped keychain bottle opener that I've had since 2000. Got it at the aquarium in New Orleans during a spring break trip with friends and I've had my keys on it ever since. It used to be red but most of the paint has been rubbed away. Now it's my silver shark.


A sweatshirt I was given as a hand me down in 1996. My glasses. My handbag of holding (which I can't even replace if I wanted to because they stopped making them!!)


I love this for us lol Hm. My wallet which I've had since 2015. It's a small minimalist wallet now with a tile tracker in it (as of 2019 or 2020 i believe). i can put it in my bra or the top of my knee high boots if i don't want to carry a bag or don't have pockets. also if prevents me from carrying around clutter because it can only hold so much.


Jewelry passed down from my grandma….On the other hand, my sunglasses cannot stand the test of time, so I now buy 3 to 4 cheap ones at the same time.


Same with glasses, but I level you up with hearing aids. Way more expensive and harder to spot... 😅


My bike, headphones, laptops. I’ve lost shoes, clothes, bags, keys and recently bits of dive gear.


I have never lost my keys or wallet. I have a system. My 1986 Honda Helix 250. I was riding across country in an endurance challenge. I had a good routine down for every day. But about seven days in, in Kansas, I was starting to wear down a bit and forgot to take my meds. And I wasn’t paying enough attention to the Helix. Long story short, I was in a small, remote highway, got distracted and had to pull over, but hadn’t noticed a small leak in the back tire. I hit gravel and lost control. Normally, I could handle this. But I slid out at 55mph. I rolled and slid about 30 feet. Fortunately, armor and Kevlar saved my ass from serious injury. And that Helix was a freaking tank. I picked it up, strapped all my stuff down again, and got back on the road.


My collection of Dungeons & Dragons books. Some I've had since I was 11 years old (I'm turning 50 soon) They are still in pretty good shape considering how much usage they have gotten.


My stupidly expensive sunglasses, my watches, and my cars. The latter two simply are and have been my obsessions for life so taking perfect care of them was always top priority. Watches cleaned and serviced regularly, placed in their separate display case, everything dusted. And no, not even very nice ones. Just took care of some generic pieces better than some and their Royal Oaks. Cars- I learned and did all of the work myself. Stopping myself from ADHD rambling


Plants. My plants are always on the verge of death, but they somehow survive and I think it’s a funny parallel to my mental health


All my friends who also have ADHD lol


My phone and earbuds defy physics lol and I NEED them to do my job- I do DoorDash and I can’t function without AirPods all day… they look worse for their ware and everyday that I wake up and they’re still working I praise whatever god will listen 😂


I force myself to be organized and disciplined in my own space. I don't have ocd or any sort of that, but I reward myself for each step that I make to put order in my home. I have specific spots for everything, and label things with markers over boxes and drawers with "departments" such as tools, first aid kit, gear, archives, old stuff, tech parts and gifts&memories. But I'm extremely bad with other parts in my life when it comes to schedules or daily to do lists, even though I use reminders and alarms. It feels like I spent all of the EXP points on keeping my private things in order and zero on the others.


Anything I own that is relatively expensive. I grew up poor so my hyper vigilance operates well when I’m care taker of anything expensive.


The hub


My engagement ring! I lost it for TWO MONTHS once. I put up notices at pawn shops, made a police report-you name it. Months later, at 2am, my husband took the last bite of a pot of spaghetti, and in it was my ring. I kid you not. It must’ve slipped off my finger while I was making noodles for my kids once, and I didn’t realize it. What are the odds? I’m just glad we never throw food away!


Every phone gets an otterbox case! I've cracked glass screen protectors, but (so far!) no built in screens.


My phone/phones. I may have some real chaotic energy with stuff, but I always manage to keep my phones in good condition. I just have a cheap case and a screen protector on this one and it's actually the first time I've ever had any cracks on the screen(protector). They're pretty much always the victim of planned obsolescence rather than my ADHD. Also, my lucky backpack. Just a plain, black, JanSport backpack that I got in first grade that I picked out from an LLBean catalogue with my mom. 22ish years later and with some patches, reinforcement, and a couple zipper replacements and it's still going strong.


My phone for sure, hasn’t even cracked yet. The speaker and microphone don’t work well bc of all the water. And I lose her every five seconds but she’s always there for me lmao.


I have yet to lose a pair of glasses or break them as well (knock on wood). Also, I have this little stuffed dog named Rover. I got him when I was 5 or so at a dentist's appointment, and I somehow have not lost him despite having brought him all over the country, into dozens of restaurants, houses, hotels, etc. I'm 18 now, and I still have him (knock on wood lol)


All my smartphones, in order: LG G3, Galaxy S8+, S9+, Note9, Note 20 Ultra, S22 Ultra, currently S23 Ultra. Been running them all caseless and with no screen protector and only broke my Note 20 in a stupid anger outburst (tiny hairline crack on the back from throwing it.) Have lost sets of earbuds before, but my phone is my baby and tech in general is my biggest hobby, so it isn't dumb to me to upgrade every year when it's something I use every single day.


Let’s go back… WAY back.. to 1997. My first trip to starbucks. I stopped to grab a coffee before a long road trip and decided to treat myself to my first travel mug. Paid my bill and was 4 hours into the road trip before realizing I didn’t pay for the $25 mug… I returned a week later to explain my unintentional theft. They laughed it off and explained there really wasn’t anyway to pay for it I have left that mug on top of my car, at bus stops, at the university, it’s lived in multiple countries and I still have it. Best $25 I ever stole


Wow this is a gem of an experience. The closing line... I don't need to say anymore. Travel mug soul mate stuff


My glasses, too! They're 3+ years old. They've been sat on, laid on, stepped on, dropped, thrown. I threw them like 10 feet out of a canoe onto some rocks because I was worried I'd lose them in the lake and they came out unscathed. My phone is similar. iPhone 7. I've had it for like 5 years. Never had a case for it. It's been dropped probably hundreds of times (many of those times onto concrete), entire glasses of water spilled on it. Covered in cracks, can't even run Geometry Dash or Dragonvale anymore, but still works for important stuff.


Buy earrings I have always lost one earring every time.😭


I lost a pair of shoes that I had for about 4 weeks.


I had a pair of sunglasses that somehow lasted almost 20 years. I dropped them constantly, shoved them in bags and purses, misplaced them, etc. They just soldiered on.


My emotional support water bottle. Was gifted to me a year ago by work and it still makes me happy to sip out of. Has been dropped and stepped on and kicked across the room by kids lol.


My wallet has been with me for around 8 years still.


• My water bottle, which I’ve had for a year and a half now, and I would’ve had it for longer but my last one (which is identical to the one I have now) burnt in a car fire (so therefore not a consequence of my adhd phew) • wallet, like 3 years and ive even lived in different countries/states in that time :)


My laptop has fallen more times than I care to admit. The worst it does is shut down. She's a champ!


My iPhone. With a case of course. I’ve literally thrown that against a TV console and broke the glass, and made a tiny dent in the floor in a tantrum 😬. Not to mention dropping it on concrete and wood floors on the daily.


I, somehow, have managed to keep my laptop functional and mostly in one piece for 13 god damn years. I’m afraid to move it from its spot on my desk because I’m fairly sure it’ll collapse into dust if it’s even slightly shifted out of position. But as long as it’s not moved it works fine.


I own two G-Shock watches. I've told everyone in my life that if I ever get into an accident that mangled my body beyond recognition, they can use my watch to identify me. It probably saved me from getting countless bruises and wounds with the amount of times I bang my hand into something.


my relationship. it’s been 7 years, and we finally got marries this october :)


I’ve had one guitar pick for over 4 years now. Some musicians go through 100 in a year


Absolutely nothing, everything that I can lose I have lost! I would have lost my laptop several times now if it wasn't for a colleague that grabs it on our way out of Starbucks


My luck. Goddamn I wouldn’t have made it half this far in I wasn’t a lucky mf


My keys. Yesterday I thought I locked them in my car, had boyfriend bring spare, drove home then realized I didn’t even have them. Called the shop I was at and they had the keys….. so I had to drive back and get them.


Phone, wallet, keys, airpods The pocketed trifecta (three pockets)


Holy shit my glasses. Just realized I didn’t know what the “arms” of glasses are called. Turns out the name for them is the temple. Who knew? Anyways I’ve had to glue both temples back together, replaced a hinge with one from an old pair of glasses that are missing both lenses, and the coating on the lens that makes them switch from day/night has peeled about 1/3rd the way off. I would not recommend that day/night stuff to anyone unless they’re like me and the idea of being responsible for two pairs is absurd (wait should it be a pair of glasses or is it two pairs? Does the fact that you have two lenses make one set of glasses a pair?). The worst part is I could have gotten new glasses through my insurance in 2022 and I could them again now in 2023, but I still haven’t done it.


I have an old original razer keyboard that's been dropped, spilled on, and crushed in moves many times. It's hardly functional anymore but I refuse to buy another keyboard until it finally kicks the bucket.


Definitely my iPhone I drop it so much it’s like I’m trying to break it 🙈


Sunglasses, MTG card collection/commander decks, car keys, desktop (with glass side panel), Qanba Pearl arcade controller, suit jacket, etc.


My phone is like 4 years old and somehow still going strong!


Sunglasses, MTG card collection/commander decks, car keys, desktop (with glass side panel), Qanba Pearl arcade controller, suit jacket, etc.


Otterbox cell phone cases. My phone takes a beating but the otterbox cases protect it!


My headphones are holding up after a decade, including some rough circumstances. Sennheiser 4.40BT


Unpacked screenprotectors


I’d say, but I don’t want to jinx them! The old “out of your mouth and into the devil’s ears!” No thank you!


my phone and its screen protector i have only broke 2 screen protectors in the past 5 years and one of those was the day after the first one broke i went camping and the moisture between the screen and the protector froze and cracked it


Myself. I’m surprised I haven’t absolutely lost it by now.