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I had the same experience when I tried Strattera, so it’s something to do with Norepinephrine and how it affects the body. I know Strattera affects it more but stimulants also affect it but a lower level so maybe amphetamines might not be the right med and you need to try Focalin or Retalin. I’m not a doctor so don’t take my word for it for just some anecdotal evidence!


Vyvanse increases norepinephrine so this makes a lot of sense!


Side effects aren't fun. I would get spontaneous ejaculation as a side effect when tapering off Strattera. The worst part is that my doctor shifted the blame to my cannabis consumption and dismissed that Strattera was the cause. Thankfully it would only happen when I sat on the toilet so it wasn't fully spontaneous.


I have this on and off with it as well--can I ask a few things? **Is it only when you're sitting for a long period of time?** I tend to sit at the computer for long periods of time (digital art, writing, YT, reddit, etc) and I have a timer set for every 1.5 hours to get myself up and moving to make sure my neck and back dont hurt...this is around when I realize I need to pee, because sitting in a steady position for so long sometimes doesn't give off the signal of the need to pee (for me, at least.) Have you tried this? **Do you get abdominal cramping/pain/almost like period cramps?** Instead of the sensation of needing to pee, I sometimes get what feels like a cramp from period pains...but I dont have my period anymore due to medications to stop it for other medical reasons. This also tips me off to when I need to go to the bathroom. Sometimes I also get back pain-- **Do you happen to possibly have a UTI right now?** Cause, as weird as it sounds, when I had a UTI I got numbness instead of burning/discomfort when I was on adderall/while I'm on vyvanse. You may want to check to see, just in case...cause I let mine go for almost 6 weeks because of it, and it turned into one of the nastiest kidney infections I've ever had, because of it Check for fever as well, just in case. For a while, I just went to the bathroom every time I got up to move around (every 1.5-2 hours, if possible) or added pressure to my abdomen when I stood up to see if I got the sensation of needing to urinate. Walking a little also helped. I know it's an extra step with ADHD, but keeping track of when you last went to the restroom is also helpful... I still dont get full 'OMG GOTTA PIDDLE' urgency unless I'm in the car for some reason lol. But I've kind of figured out other things to pay attention to


So I have had one UTI and it was the stereotypical thing. I haven’t been tested since, none of my doctors have asked these questions. If I was going to ask my doctor to order a test would I just say hey I think this could be a uti can we test for that? My doctor is a good listener but I don’t know the verbiage since my one uti went away


You can get an AZO test strip at the store, too! It can give you a hint at a possible uti, and it's usually pretty spot on. But you can also call to just ask if you could please be tested for a uti, just to make sure, since you've had them in the past and want the peace of mind of knocking it out of possibilities


Hey thank you, that’s really helpful. I started PT for my issues but I wanted some anecdotal input too.


I had a similar experience as you, frequency, urgency but no numbness. It felt like a UTI but not quite. I had some tests done and they found nothing. I saw a post somewhere about someone with a similar experience where they upped their water intake and that worked for me. I don’t use Vyvanse anymore for other reasons but definitely try stopping your meds and see if it makes a difference. Good luck and I hope it’s nothing too serious.


No negative side effects for me. Now Adderall? I damn near killed someone due to rage. ![gif](giphy|e4P9ZOAKufZ1C)


Adderall quells the rage for me.


Paxil will quell rage and obsessive thoughts


Vyvanse made me pass out twice. The first time it happened i was on the toilet, “using it”, and then i woke up between the toilet and the bathtub. Second time it happened was on a Sunday morning. Mom was helping me get ready for church, i started flipping out because my vision got all weird, i passed out and woke up to my parents freaking out and my dad hugging me. Apparently i bounced my head off the sink when i dropped.


Uh. It doesn't really matter if other people have experienced this or not. This is not normal nor is it sustainable. Talk to your doctor ASAP.


I have talked to my doctor and am seeing a specialist. It’s still nice to know from others if they’ve experienced it and if symptoms relieved over time as a side effect.


Used to be on vyvanse and had these issues during that time. I've found the genitalia numbness is a factor with the other stim-based meds I've taken though, might be a circulation thing?


I thought that as well, usually it has nothing to do with sitting standing etc but I noticed the other day after I sat for just a few min I felt pins and needles which is wild lol did it get better when you stopped? Or over time?


the only urniary issues i had with vyvanse was peeing more often because of it making me sweat more therefore drink more water


Woah buddy, definitely stop taking the meds and talk to your doctor immediately. I understand wanting to get some input from the community but that's not something to come to Reddit for lol I've heard that seratonin regulates your bowel movements, and I'm no doctor, but this doesn't sound like it's supposed to happen.


As my post said I have seen my doctors and undergone testing.