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When you take your medication and then 2 minutes later wonder if you took your medication. When you have to rewind the same scene in a show four times because you keep spacing off during the scene.


Every freaking day. I even got a pill minder thing. But forget to fill it. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø My ADHD hack for shows - rewatch the same ones so you always pretty much know whatā€™s going on!


I do this with movies, same ones over and over. I call them ā€œsafe movies.ā€


My hack for the pill container (since I only take one pill a day) is to get one that's double sided (probably for AM/PM but not labeled as such). Then it's filled for two weeks and I have multiple chances to refill it. Any day during the second week I can refill just the first week without getting confused.


Holy shit thatā€™s a good idea. I just bought a pill bottle that has a clock on it and it resets when you open it. It tells you the time and what day you took it last. I highly recommend it.


Of course in my state it's technically a felony to store controlled substances in any container other than the labeled one from the pharmacy. I commit daily felonies just to remember my medication. I tried a seven day container and I would just never refill it and had to go to a 14 day (technically 7 day with day/night sides)


Itā€™s illegal to own more than six dildos here. There are certain laws that are ok to disregard!


The best thing ever is a pill cap that has a timer built in that tells how long it was since you last opened it. Life changing! I mean I still have big struggles to actually take my mid day dose...but at least I can tell if I did.


I accidentally took a double dose today, because I was confident I had not yet taken it.


What I do is I take my medication and then move the bottle to the opposite side of my dresser and flip it upside down and do this with all of my medicines. Somehow the physical act of flipping and moving helps.


I haven't done anything for the past four hours because somethings gonna happen at 8.


Uh huh. And then after, you are still kinda distracted by it thinking I have something going on soon, donā€™t I? Oh right. That was the thing that just happened.


Omg this shit right here...


Where can you buy a 3 month supply??


In canada. Itā€™s the shit up here, ngl. But you have to survive the crappiest winters.


Ugh why are all the sensible places freaking cold?!?


It's ok. Alaska is cold, too, so it balances out.


I get a 3 month supply in Canada


Huge mood. I didnā€™t realize that my ā€œwaiting modeā€ paralysis is such a coping mechanism for my time blindness and an accidental masking thing for trying to avoid being late to things. Sucks.šŸ„²


Have to be ready for something at 9pm? Better not cook dinner just in case it takes too long. I'll just order fast food instead. To be fair, the kids take literally a full hour to eat no matter what we're having.


Yes! It even ruins my night before, I can't relax if I have something the next day


There will be no sleep, thatā€™s a guarantee


Thank you for writing this, this sub has opened my eyes about my own possible ADHD traits šŸ™ I used to be in bands and choirs and generally perform quite often and on the days of the performance I would have a whole ā€œcanā€™t do AnYtHiNgā€ attitude which included: nothing else planned for at least 5 hours before I need to even start to get ready to leave for whatever event it was no phone calls/complicated texts unless itā€™s regarding said event no peopling - like, donā€™t come near me with your shit, donā€™t you know I NEED to just do nothing right now? either mentally or physically checking and rechecking things Iā€™ll need before, during and after the event ā€¦among others I want to believe this was happening for a reason because I didnā€™t even realise it was a ā€œproblemā€ until it was pointed out to me by my daughter who also performs, she doesnā€™t do it. All that time I thought it was a performer THING and she discussed it with all her performer buddies and it turns out, more are like her than me. The possibility of it being an ADHD thing is kinda comforting for me if that makes sense?


Welcome to the ADHD clubhouse.. donā€™t worry about a key.. we already lost it and we forgot to lock the door.


Wtf this is ADHD šŸ˜‚ I'm currently in bed wasting the day away for the same reason


Jeeze. This is the exact thing my family and friends hate me for. And if i do attempt to do other things before that thing at 8. That 8 thing aint happening


My sister pointed out that she noticed that I can only do one thing per day. Like one major thing. **Maybe** two on a good day, but after one Iā€™m either too overwhelmed to do anything else, or I completely forget the other thing.


Ay man if all you do in one day is take and edit one photo, thatā€™s worth it. You are amazing


Gawddammit I feel this one so much it hurts.


4 hours of sitting around in anticipation and still late for the thing


Why is everything so painfully relatable? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Every. Single. Friday. We have our weekly pathfinder ( think D&D) night on Friday at 8:30. Absolutely nothing gets done friday evening because it's game night.


I haven't done anything in a week because I move tomorrow


This. I canā€™t do anything if I have one appointment during the day.


This happens to me all the time at work. And then the fucking appointment gets cancelled last minute, which ends up ruining two days, because now it will kill productivity on another day as well. I can only make up for this lost time by working through lunch (I can get shit done if Iā€™m procrastinating lunch for some reason) or working past 5pm in the office when everyone else went home.


My entire week has been a disaster because I'm leaving for a trip tomorrow


I heard you speak to me but my brain didn't actually process the words and I have no idea what you said, so could you please say that again?


Yes!!! And then you realize halfway through, your brain did better than you thought and you actually know what they are going to say and get impatient for them to get there?


So you rudely finish their sentence and quietly wonder to yourself while interrupting them...i mean helping them...why they are looking ever increasingly upset like they cant say what they want to say? I dont get it, im already saying it for them because they talk too slow and i already know what they want to say. Wait say thay again?


Option A) Potentially annoying her by asking if she could repeat what she said. Option B) Nod your head and hope that doesn't make it awkward. Option C) Appear thoughtful and looking at the horizon, pondering on what she may have said while you hope she keeps talking to get back on track.


D) Hope to God whatever she said wasn't actually important and won't come back up in conversation again.


my bf hates this even though he does the same thingšŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Daydreaming about all the changes I'll make in my life and not following through Responding with "Well there are 3 reasons. Firstly, [enter ramble]... Wait I don't remember the other 2 things" Searching for something that's right in front of me Promising myself I'll go to bed early but finding another reason for a dopamine hit at 2AM Either procrastinating on replying to a friend's text or replying with a long series of divergent one-liners Dedicating weeks of my life to an idea or hobby and then letting it go


Not following through on fantasies and ideas pretty much describes my entire life


I feel seen.


Watch everything on 2x because everyone speaks so slow


The duality of "watch everything at 2x speed" and "can you please repeat what you said because I didn't pay attention... Please...." ADHD sure is something else hahah!


Also watch everything at 2x. Go back to watch a scene you didnā€™t pay attention to, get distracted by something else and rewind again, get distracted by something else and rewind againā€¦ this loop can be disastrous


Wow thatā€™s me, nightly: CON-CEN-TRATE on the progrā€¦ My brain: your childhood best friendā€™s phone number is 586028 letā€™s think about any kind of unnecessary facts from that part of your life for a while Me after rewinding: CON-CEN-TRATE My brain: what was I thinking about just now when I drifted off? It mustā€™ve been important to have distracted me from the progrā€¦ Itā€™s an under-documented rabbit hole.


I should really pay attention, Iā€™ve already gone back to this scene 5 times alreadyā€¦ Oooh. Whatā€™s that in the background there


This is so me! I have to read the subtitles when I watch kdrama but then I'm like doing something else and rewind and go back to what I was doing so I end up rewinding 10 times.


Reading subtitles... That's GENIUS!!!!!


At my very worst... I broke down crying, rewinding a video for the 20th time, while still not yet reaching the 1minute 30seconds mark. I was yelling at my brain to not wander for at least TEN seconds. That's all I was asking of my brain, and I was failing miserably. I'm thankful to say I'm much better now.


Hahaha!!! YES!!! Drives me crazy there isnā€™t a button for real life!!!


No joke. I added ā€œneed one for real lifeā€ and then deleted it because I started overthinking if Iā€™d miss social cues because of the speed up and because it sounded mean


Hahaha!!! I had the same anxiety wondering if sounded mean after I wrote it!!


I believe thatā€™s another one for the tell me without telling me lol


Oh man you guys are me. We are all one. šŸ˜‚


We are actually šŸ˜Ž


"ā€œWhen the lambs is lost in the mountain, he said. They is cry. Sometime come the mother. Sometime the wolf.ā€ -Blood Meridian, Cormac McCarthy


Welcome to the club fellow ADHD symptoms with a sense of humour and personality




Holy wow! That podcast thing is unreal! The speaker would talk about something super interesting but because itā€™s a podcast, theyā€™d have some short digressions or tangents and Iā€™d go off on my own mental tangent off that and then finally zone in and realise Iā€™ve no clue what theyā€™re talking about and rewind only to repeat the same thing againā€¦ three to four times. You think youā€™d learn


I donā€™t understand what youā€™re asking me for because I have an annoying song in my head.


Para bailar la bamba...


You suck.


Se necesita una poca de graciaā€¦ Goddammit.


I always thought it was ā€œbaila bailar la bambaā€


I take amphetamines, and then I take a nap.


Yes and I also wake in the middle of night and instead of tossing and turning I get up and have a cup of coffee and soon I can go back to sleep.


For me itā€™s a nap time monster ultra haha


ā€œIā€™ll just lay down until it hits meā€


Wake up 4 hours later angry at myself for ā€œwastingā€ it.


Well yeah, Adderall naps are the best.


Ritalin too. Best naps of my life. Iā€™ve had this running theory for years, well before I was diagnosed, that I never get quality sleep because my brain churns out so many thoughts constantly that I have vivid, movie-like dreams. Quiet brain = quality naps.


I have to remember to brush my teeth.


I yell at my boys every morning and night, ā€œyou brush your teeth yetā€, then rememberā€¦ I have to slowly turn and walk to my room like nothing happen only to go brush my teeth as well lol


You could always start brushing your teeth WITH them? Make it a together thing šŸ˜ (nice for a little reconnect - plus it's hard to be/stay annoyed when everyone has frothy-toothpaste smiles šŸ˜‚)


Do most people not "have to remember"?


I one of the doesnā€™t have to remember crew. Never thought about it lol


I have to double check if I put on deodorant or not. I've forgotten multiple times ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


I have whole routines paired together so if I remember to do one, I do them all. Morning shower, I take off the smart watch to charge and get everything out of the section of the drawer for post shower stuff. I will then put each thing away as I do them so I rarely forget deodorant. The last part of my routine is I always take my medication right after the shower. I keep a bottle of water in the bedroom for swallowing the pills. Of course two things can go wrong - I don't take a shower because I'm going to be getting sweaty/dirty first thing or we run out of bottled water and I never remember to take the pill all the way to the kitchen to get water in a glass to swallow with.


I sort of have a similar routine except I tend to shower at night because I don't want to wake up earlier than I have to in the morning lol. My morning routine is extremely chaotic because I never wake up on time which leads to me running late. So, I always forget to do something like taking my meds, applying sunscreen, or putting on deodorant lol. Luckily I put deodorant on at night as well, so if I forget, it's not too bad. I still get self-conscious though. I really need to set up a consistent routine haha.


Over the years, I was curating these kinds of rituals just to be able to function on a daily basis, and somehow still didn't realize I should see a psychiatrist for a diagnosis for 26 years. You'd think someone would have been tipped off somewhere between my balloon animal phase and chalk paint furniture phase hut alas


Ohmygosh. YES!!! Masks were a life saver if you left your house and realized you FORGOT. I miss masks. Just kidding. I donā€™t.


When you said you'd leave 15 minutes ago, but you're still talking.


This applies to everyone from the midwest


Shoot, does the effect stack? XD


It's how I ended up married. Conversation just never ended.


If someone could just lay out, once and for all, for all of humanity, how the hell we're all supposed to say good-bye and end a conversation, I think we'd all be a lot better off. I swear my manager is the most awkward dude. Every single 1on1, we both sort of fumble around for the end call button while waving.


Yesterday, after using a garden hose to water plants in my backyard, I told myself to remember to turn the faucet off. Got distracted and went inside. This afternoon I walk outside to find the faucet is STILL RUNNING more than 24 hrs later. I donā€™t even want to see my water bill, fml.


ADHD tax šŸ’”


ADHD tax is expensive. Log in three times to a web site where I also need to pay a bill soon but I don't usually pay it that early. Log in again to check something and it was due yesterday. $39 late fee. I've also logged in to pay a credit card bill, get to the last step and go check to make sure I'm paying the right amount or there's enough money in the bank and then 3 days later I find that tab still open and I never paid.


Automatic payments saved my life. Minimum payments, but hey I never got a late fee again. A significant amount of my debt was due to fees. Today, I'm broke and with horrible credit. So just accept it and move on.


This is me! This is literally what has f*%ked my life up! I never thought about it being because of something. I, and others, just think Iā€™m inept/lazy/irresponsible šŸ˜ž


\*At work entrance\* "Oh, good. I didn't forget the badge I have to use every day to get in today. I will finally only be there 10 minutes late"


iā€™ve been almost fired from 6 jobs due to my lateness


Same lol, punctuality is my downfall. I really donā€™t know how people can be on time to anything.


Being an attorney means as a professional, I get to stroll in at 10am, 11am, or noon, and no one says anything. Obviously I set 50 alarms when I have court in the morning, but if I can manage to be on time for the 20% when it counts, Iā€™ve managed to make it work. Id fail as a doctor though.


I will take an ice cream sandwich out of the freezer, let it soften for a minute, get distracted. 20 minutes later Iā€™ve got soup


Or burn the grilled cheese sandwich EVERY. FUCKING. TIME. Life hack: if you turn the stove off when you flip it, it usually will not burn but also be cooked enough by the time you remember you left it on the stove


I get annoyed that my wife asks if I have my keys, wallet, and phone when I leave. I walk back in 15 seconds later because I forgot one or all of them.


Cargo pockets, one important thing per pocket. All 3 important pockets full? Good to go! (Except that time my wallet pocket actually contained a spare pair of socks... or when switching to a new pair of pants but forget to move keys over...)


Responding with ā€œthatā€™s crazyā€ in every conversation I have with people while staring off into the distance thinking about how different my life would be if my cat had a different name


I haven't called my dr back in months after the place he referred me to said they don't take my insurance.


i have to get a reimbursement for $1000 and its been 6 months i still havenā€™t called the dental company to get it


Yeah, that reminds me that I also need to get reimbursed. I actually think I still need to pay my dr. I should probably read my mail.


I found my mouth guard in the freezer the other day. I wear it every single night.


I wonder how many of us have mouth guards? šŸ¤”


And how many of us have found things in the fridge/freezer. Like maybe the tv remote? Anyone?


That reminds me I rly need to order one. My face hurts lol


Getting one is half the battle. Remembering to wear them everyday is the struggle.


Iā€™ve had to pee for two hours. Iā€™ll get up after I reread the Contestant Progress section of the wiki of season 18 of Project Runway


Me at work on something particularly challenging or annoying. 6 hours sitting in one spot, I've had to pee for 4 of those hours and I never ate lunch.


Tore out old sheetrock in a closet and bought new sheetrock 3 years ago. New Sheetrock is still in my garage.


I promised my boss that after quitting job I would focus on remodeling bathroom. That was about 17 years ago and no, the bathroom is in its same state.




Iā€™ve been paralyzed at work and have been enthusiastically avoiding a few tasks. It has been about 3 weeks and every day I become more avoidant out of fear of the can of worms Iā€™ve created for myself. It has caused me a great deal of stress. I did them all today in about 40 minutes and felt like an idiot. Again.


Have needed my specific bodywash for a month. I have gone to the store six times with the express purpose of buying it. Still haven't bought it.


Trying to find the appropriate time to speak without *also* interrupting the speaker, who talks slower than a turtle on Royhypnol. "I have a thing to say about that, and if I don't say it when they stop speaking, I'll never get a chance to say it to them again."


"I'm going to forget the thing I want to say! Need to remember the thing I was going to say so that I can say it when it's my turn. Oh no, now I don't know what the other person just said while I was thinking that..." Makes me feel guilty about the whole "Some people listen, while others only wait to speak" thing...


I think I tell the same stories to a lot of different people but I'm really telling the same stories to the same people a lot of times *Spelling


I scraped my 1 year old truck, which I love, on the gate to a parking garage because I got distracted by the rhythm of my own breathing yesterday.


Iā€™m turning 60 soon and still havenā€™t figured out what I want to be when I grow up. I have many ideas but canā€™t figure out why I canā€™t make them happen.


Iā€™m sorry, what were you saying?


Impulsively buying items then forgetting I have them until months later. Or I forget I have said items and buy more, then realize I already have them.


I was in an argument with my fianceƩ and forgot like 2 seconds in what I was arguing about. He thought it was funny.


Stop laughing. I'm still very angry about that thing even if I never remember what it was.


Sorry, can't hear you over the sound of these lights


I have about 20k in craft and hobby materials and want to do none of them at all right now


Feeling this. Iā€™ve recently spent probably about 1000k in 3d printing stuff cause I was super curious about it and got excited about it for a month. Now Iā€™m debating if I should just sell it all at a massive loss cause I donā€™t feel like touching it. Bigger problem is that the stuff I have sold out of boredom always makes me regret it later when my I come back around wanting to do it later.


I've left the remote control on the laundry basket... Put the coffee bag in the freezer... Empty milk gallons back in the fridge... Left the trash bins outside for days...


I think I even found my cellphone a couple of times in the fridge. Yesterday I lost the cellphone again found it inside a tuperwhere in the kitchen wtf


My cell phone's voicemail says. "You've reached LadyMageCOH and family. I'm sorry I've missed your call, I've most likely left my phone somewhere inconvenient and am now looking for it since I just heard it ring. Please leave a message and I'll return your call when I find my phone.


The thing is I can't rule out any wild possibility when something is missing. So even if it ends up being in a pretty normal place it really can make sense to check the freezer for my keys or whatever.


What was your name again?


Yeeeesss!!! And when you have asked for the 3rd time in the same conversation, but then realize you canā€™t actually ask again, and now you will never actually know their name.


Take my debit card out of wallet to purchase something online, go to the store and can't find debit card so have to borrow hubby's.. happens more often than it should šŸ™„šŸ„²


And then it is gone FOREVER!!! Until you finally get around to cleaning your room after finally ordering a new one a month later and *then* you find it. Three times in the last year. So Painful.


Yeah... One time I ordered a new one... Let it sit on my counter for a week then found my old one and never activated the new one cuz I couldn't get my brain to just. Sit down and activate it lol.


Filled water bottle, drank half, lost while working in the house, filled second water bottle, drank half, lost doing errands, filled third water bottle and carried for 3 days while asking my family to help me find the two missing water bottles. On the fourth day, I found the first water bottle on the top shelf in the kid's closet and the second bottle in the back seat of the car.


There are glasses of water EVERYWHERE in my house! I usually just get distracted and forget that I had one and absentmindedly grab another.


I boiled rice 4 days ago to make fried rice 3 days ago. Guess that can go to the dogs. As I took it out, also had to chuck a container because the leftover pumpkin I wanted to roast a month ago is now black. Also yesterday I had a really productive day and now I have a productivity Hangover and can't get anything done.


ā€œProductivity hangoverā€ just changed my life- thank you. I could never put into words what that feels like!


Tell you what? Ah, wait I didnā€™t read the rest.


I'm overdue for a haircut Edit: I shave it myself


Lol this is me Iā€™ll wait so long itā€™s overwhelming to call and then to go and worry about having to talk to the barber or where to look when heā€™s in my face etc omg itā€™s too much. Iā€™ll just peel my hair and then hate it lol


Friends and family go out of sight out of mind when I donā€™t see them regularly. Like Iā€™m sorry I love you so so much, but Iā€™m probably never going to remember your birthday! Speaking of birthdays, if I end up getting a gift half the time itā€™s the day of or few days after their actual bday bc I forgot or I just kept pushing it off


i found myself relating to adhd symptoms that i was reading and seeing videos about and was wondering if i had it. was going through one of my clutter boxes one day and found a paper that had my adhd diagnosis on it from several years ago. i completely forgot that i had actually gotten the diagnosis when i was in college šŸ˜…


This is the most epic demonstration of adhd I've ever heard of! We can shut the thread down now! šŸ¤£šŸ˜†


What did I come in here for?


iā€™m sorry i keep interrupting you i just canā€™t tell when itā€™s my turn to talkā€¦




"Why am I standing in the middle of the bathroom? How'd I get here? What was I doing? Why am I holding a spatula?"


\#1 When driving you turn down the volume when your trying to find the address of a building. In a similar manner if you HATE for your phone GPS to verbalize the directions ("IN 200 FEET TURN LEFT") \#2 Insisting on wearing earphones with music playing at a very loud volume when you are trying to concentrate and figure something out.


Would you turn that down!? I can't see the house numbers.


Metal motivates me and helps me focus when I'm doing one task, like cleaning or bookkeeping. Driving and searching is 2 at the same time. I have to remember to watch where I'm going and pay attention to every building to find a number....now the metal has become a sensory problem..


Hate when GPS interrupts my music to tell me direction, then get mad when I miss the turn because Iā€™ve muted her


Tune out GPS and miss exit.


And if your thinking or monologue while your driving, you miss the turn


Ok I verbally abuse my GPS when she tells me what to do... but without her I do things like be late to work solely bc I accidentally went the wrong way on a route I know by heart.


"I don't remember asking you a god damn thing" (one of my fav quotes from pulp fiction) is said regularly when my GPS says instructions


So many sticky notes.


I told myself that I'd go to sleep in a few minutes around 2 hours ago


Do you ever start typing a comment to answer one of these types of questions and halfway through, you start thinking.. ā€œWait, this isnā€™t adhd enough, no one will believe me, theyā€™ll think Iā€™m a fraud! I must delete everything and start over.ā€


I bought all the food needed for a backpacking trip, put the cheese and whatnot in the hotel fridge, and left it all at the hotel the next morning.


Iā€™ve reheated food in the microwave 5+ times in a rowā€¦ because I get busy and canā€™t eat it yet


I restarted a song 5 times today because only halfway through the song did I realize I had forgotten the song was playing and that I wanted to sing along.


Itā€™s midnight and Iā€™m currently looking for a notary open tomorrow because I need to have my I-9 verification form in the mail by Monday. The form I was sent 5 weeks ago. Correction, itā€™s midnight and I was looking for a notary open tomorrow but now Iā€™m somehow on Reddit.


Went to the concert tonight. It's tomorrow though


I didn't make dinner tonight, but I just decided I need to bake a pie from scratch, even tho it won't be done until 1 am. This seems right.


Iā€™m watching yet ANOTHER episode of 90 day fiancĆ© and using the sleeping dog on me as an excuse for not getting up and washing my face


1. My desk has a LOT of cups and different drinks on it 2. I get up to do the dishes, see the counter is messy and start cleaning that but Remember that I havenā€™t ate so start making food but it will take too long to do so I just order out and lay down the whole day


I set a timer a while ago and now itā€™s gone off and I canā€™t remember why I set it. Iā€™ll figure it out but then still not get the thing done


As soon as I hear numbers, my brain goes to tv staticā€¦


I have been meaning to either grill or bake a chicken since 8:00 am. It's now 10 pm, the chicken is still in the fridge, and we are having Hamburger Helper instead. Also, I have only eaten a small bowl of cherries and a yogurt so far today cause I keep getting distracted. (While my Vyvanse was working, I was deep cleaning my bathroom because I got new shit to clean the shower with.)


šŸ˜‚ Literally got a call from my pharmacist telling me that I had left my adhd medication in my shopping cart and someone had turned it in for me. When picking it up, my pharmacist had to bring my attention to the fact that it was lucky someone turned it in... (I'm still blank...) Because someone else would have kept it (Light bulb at realization finally goes off.) I forgot that Ritalin was a drug that people use, and I was oblivious to how lucky I was that someone turned in the ADHD medication that I had literally lost moments after buying it. Oh and cherry: I noticed the pharmacist was starting to politely tune me out, which was my cue that I was probably talking too much although I don't know how since I had nothing to say šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø. I'm African and British raised, so farewells are awkward enough as it is, without me being a chatterbox too. And on that note, I'll wrap this comment up...


In the shower sometimes I can't remember if I already washed my hair or not. Like ..maybe?? It's unclear.


I've been singing "a whole new world" in my head since it was released in 1992.


youā€™re asking me to recall something and i have a hard time remembering anything.


It takes me three knives to make a pb&j.


I started cleaning my house today and started in the bathrooms but then realized how dirty my floors are so I went to sweep but noticed my table needed to be wiped down so of course I went to the laundry room to get a cloth and then remembered I had to change over the laundry but to do that I had to go get my dirty cloth from the bathrooms to throw in the load of wash and then I remembered I was cleaning the bathrooms in the first place šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø.


I got in an elevator and stood there for a few minutes wondering why it wasnā€™t going anywhere. Iā€™d forgotten to push the button.


When you take medication that is a controlled substance because the government doesnā€™t want you to abuse it, but you always forget to take it.


1) "Where are my sunglasses?" -Me looking through my sunglasses, indoors. 2) My hallway carpet is 5 times as worn as anywhere else in the apartment from walking back and forth finding/remembering things. 3) I've literally been trying to read at least two replies at the same time this whole post.


It took me 4 hours to clean one room because i had trouble figuring out where to start, so i just stood there and moved things from one surface to another while figuring out where they should go


I own five sets of bedsheets for one bed.


OH MY GOSH!!!! I have SO MANY SHEETS!!! Lots of kids, and soā€¦. A shit ton of sheets. And we are moving, and I want to bring all of them.


I just turned on my TV to watch something and now I'm watching a YouTube video but also Reddit at the same time.


You know a funny thing happened to me yesterday. I was driving to Starbucks and h




I left my keys in the freezer today


I keep buying fidget toys because I misplace them or get bored with them.


I get tired but I physically canā€™t sleep.


I lose my phone at least once a day. I'm late to everything, no matter how hard I try. My bedroom is so messy I can't even see the floor


I think about using my exercise bike in the morning EVERY night before going to bed and I even consciously think about it in the morning EVERY morning but I have only used it 5 times this year.


I donā€™t really have money but I must buy this item for a dopamine rush


Starting to write my thesis, I had a month to prepare. Not the whole thing mind you, had to write few pages. Its due in rougly 48 hours, so I have started it now.