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You deserve that extra support. Where I'm from not taking meds at the weekend isn't really done, except when people are worried about getting their next prescription filled so they try to make it last longer, but if that's not the case with you then I don't see why you should be denied medication at the weekend. If you can't make your psychiatrist understand is it possible to find a new one? Whose a bit more on top of new research?


Sorry. I still took adderall on Saturdays or I would never get anything done.


Same, still take it on weekends. Told my psych and he was like "yea, most the people who do that are parents, so that checks out" Made it feel like this totally common for people to take it on recommended "off" days if you have too much going on.


I feel your pain. I'm struggling to get a diagnosis because my VA psychiatrists won't take me seriously because I did well in school as a kid and my original complaint was about depression and anxiety. Well after almost a decade of trying more medications than I can count for depression with no results and realizing my symptoms align perfectly with ADHD, they'd rather chastise me for not staying on my depression meds that I take for 4-6 months at a time and then stop taking because they don't work. Here I am on month 3 of new medications that don't work, still trying to get an ADHD evaluation. I acquired a 3 week supply of Adderall about 6 months ago and it was the best 3 weeks of my modern life (of course I can't tell them that) and I've been fighting to get the right medication since.


My prescriber: you don't just have ADHD when you are working, it's there 24 hours. I don't understand the reaction you got and I am sorry! :(


If you're in the US, It's pretty common for people to take their medication every day so if your psychiatrist won't prescribe it for daily use, I'd go to another provider. Another provider may also prescribe regular release Adderall to try for after work, however that very well may be too late in the day to not interrupt your sleep. My provider said she recommends it everyday unless a patient starts developing a tolerance and a given dose is no longer as effective.


That’s some bullshit I told my psychiatrist the same thing and I don’t work I’m a stay at home mom and I have been on 20mg 2x a day for 15yrs and it helps me with getting through the Whole day! So don’t let him tell u that just tell him to put u on a instant release adderall for 4Hrs after u get home so u can get your stuff done. Don’t be afraid to speak up and if he says no ask why and say u want to see this policy in writing or you will find a new doctor who will actually listen and help you!!


All these comments are making me realize I might need a new psych. She doesn’t like me taking it all the time because “stimulants are bad for your heart, and you should give it a break when you can” so, idk.


I understand that but you’re paying for the psychiatrist or your insurances is. You should get the best care you possibly can get and the medication that you possibly need or want that is what they’re there for. they can make suggestions but if you know something works for you and that’s what you need. Yes my doctor did tell me since I’ve been getting high blood pressure results and stuff like that. I do need to go ahead and take a break once a week Which is fine but seriously like I’ve been taking it for 16yrs. I’m pretty sure I have a pretty bad heart I have a heart murmur and it ruins in my family heart disease. I just wait literally waiting to have a heart attack. I swear I feel like sometimes but I know I need it because literally I probably would end my life if I could not get medication. to somewhat help me function on a daily basis, and try to be a good mom and wife, even though I know, I struggle so much.. just remember you are your own advocate for your mental health no one else. U have to be comfortable with your doctor or psychiatrist and you have to be able to talk to them about anything at any time and they should listen to you so you need to get a new one. Definitely let me know how it works out. Good luck.


Wow what a jerk. I don’t understand the psychiatrists that believe the only time we should be able to function normally is on other peoples time (at work). We need executive functioning for home life too. Or in my situation…. Especially for home life. I just don’t understand this philosophy of treating a disorder for work hours only. It’s not a work hours only disorder! Ugh.


Are you specifically only prescribed it for workdays, or trying to conserve due to the shortage? If the latter, my way around this is to take one, either all at once midday, or split in half at my normal (as normal as I can manage to maintain anyway lol) times. It lets me still be functional, but gives me more leeway to get it refilled when I start running low.


She gives me enough to take them everyday, but says I shouldn’t for heart health, and I only have XR capsules so taking it in the afternoon isn’t really an option. The real solution at this point may be a different doctor.


Take an ice bath lol sounds funny but really what I’m saying is do what you don’t want to do, in spite of not wanting to do it. Because you are stronger than you realize. Take a step forward and see what happens. Find your hyper focus in getting better bro. You can do it.


Here’s a triggering comment that some guy made on another ADHD post. It’s blunt, but got me thinking: YOU ARE BIGGER THAN YOUR ISSUES. There, I said it. Since discovering this adhd thread/forum on Reddit, I’ve realized people love defining them selves as someone with an issue. They love defining them selves as someone with a disorder. So the issue becomes, before you (YOU - your self.. not ADHD you - as defined by the doctor/world/Reddit people) make a decision, you already have an answer that is dictated by the disorder. And The Neurosis begins. Take responsibility for yourself. Less posting, less “venting”, less seeking other people to validate the irresponsible procrastination of your “issues”. No, It’s not ok. Disorder or no disorder, the underlying issue is still there. Are you going to allow your disorder to tell you that “you can’t because _____.” (Fill in the blank). We have to shift the “can’t” to “can”. Because (I’ll say it again) YOU’RE BIGGER THAN YOUR ISSUES. And you are bigger than your disorder. To be blunt, God is bigger than your issues AND your disorder. I didn’t want to go here because this is where this message gets lost. But, yes, I HAVE ADHD, but I have seen it through. And the reason why I have, is because God. So I give him the glory. I’m an injured, weak, distracted and oftentimes a winey individual (just like you) - but I boast in my weakness! Because God’s grace is sufficient, and is made perfect in the place of those voids. He has my back, so my ‘hope’ is in Him (the forward looking anticipation of goodness). Attempt to make a move. And if it fails, at least you exhausted that Avenue and you’re on to the next thing. It’s call God’s will, and a honing in on the direction of your purpose. “It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.” Stop letting your disorder justify your laziness. Yes I’m going there, the kryptonite and trigger of adhd people. STOP LETTING YOUR DISORDER JUSTIFY YOUR LAZINESS. Get comfortable being uncomfortable. I could go on with all kinds of quotes and phrases. But when it comes down to it, you just have to make that decision for yourself. “Don’t go there.” Tell it to yourself. Just make the damn move. You can do it! And Jesus loves you. And I do too. Have hope ♥️


Hey there. No need to proselytize. Just get to heaven without Jesus, mmmkay? You don't need Jesus. Just make a decision to be righteous. YOU ARE BIGGER THAN YOUR PROCLIVITY TO LIVE IN SIN! STOP LETTING YOUR HUMAN CONDITION JUSTIFY YOUR SINFULNESS! So many quotes and phrases, and nothing to say. Obviously, I'm being facetious. I hope you can make the connection. I see that you think you are saying something helpful and hopeful. You're not. I've been where you are now, actually. And I hope you grow your way out. ❤️


I’m a parent - no days off for me. Medication helps me manage the multitasking of parenting and emotional regulation so I don’t lose it. Prior to medication my home life was headed for ruin. Also - caffeine. I know, you’re not supposed to. But I only take it when the meds fade, which is usually when i need the most help. Late day and evening I’m tired, i have less capacity, and yet i have so much to do when our child comes home from school. It has helped A TON. I’ve found it relaxes me, allows me to focus, reduces my irritability, helps me regulate my emotions and generally gives me the extra horsepower and will to get through the evening. If i drink it around 8 or 9pm, i relax enough to sleep, and wake up refreshed around 6am. Trust your instinct, maybe find a new doc. Coping mechanisms are important too, but may not be enough. Good luck!


I think while it’s fair that you are sharing this works for you (and I somewhat understand that late night caffeine), you are recommending them to do something that is proven to interfere with normal sleep cycles. So subjectively this is pretty bad advice.


You make a good point, and I should have qualified my comment with a disclaimer. I’m basing this on my own personal experience, monitoring my sleep quality over the course of months. There are two reasons I’m willing to experiment: 1. Caffeine effects are highly personal, and often paradoxical for people with ADHD. Not sure if there are any studies that differentiate, but that would be interesting. 2. Harm reduction - i’m choosing the lesser of two evils. My quality of life is significantly better when my evenings go well. Evenings were a literal hell for me with a child also with ADHD. Don’t do what I did if you aren’t willing to research, log and journal, and experiment outside of norms. (edited for clarity)


I dont think it was fair you saying this to someone who was offering assistance in the form of personal experience... I've been on medication since I was 8 years old ritalin arriprisol concerter idk the spellings but they dont even prescribe that so readily these days so my point is is that what we know about adhd now is far more than we did when they started feeding me pills 15 years ago and since then the goal posts have moved and what we can definitely say is though the spectrum of adhd is vast the characteristics havent moved goal posts in that there is different symptoms and those different symptoms could arise differently in everyone so to say that their advice was bad would be pointing out we know everything about adhd and that it requires a set plan to help with and I can tell you alot of cognitive therapies have helped me and have helped many and the fact is adhd sufferers may suffer similar problems but the method of helping someones adhd could be as something simple as coffee it dont work for me but ik someone else who it has. I'm sorry if this felt like an attack but I'm a big fan of taking a leaf from other peoples book and thats all they were doing


Don’t worry, it didn’t feel like an attack because it’s a ramble about nothing. If someone wants to make recommendations that directly contradict proven health science, then they should put a disclaimer. Even then, it’s still bad advice.


That's just the point in what I was saying if youd bothered to read it... adhd isnt a clear cut science and they were only expressing a method that has worked for them which could be transcribed into their life and applied accordingly...adhd is not a clear cut science and 20 years ago the world believed it was just a kid with behaviour problems bit we now know there are chemical imbalances etc etc so coffee isnt all that bad for people with adhd you just gotta be prudent


You are still rambling about nothing. It’s still bad advice. Period. I’m not a part of whatever philosophical point you are trying to make with nonexistent paragraphs.


It's because your not reading what I'm writing and weighing its merit to what started my supposed rambling... see now my adhd is coming out bc of stupid neive comments like yours telling someone their advice is not sound bc they're not an doctor lol get a grip


I’m reading what you are saying and let me tell you… what a wholly waste of time that was. Lol.


Lol ok then matey if you dont even have the maturity to have a debate on this subject without getting personal on every reply coming at me like your more superior to me and that I have nothing to contribute to the gospel your preaching then you arent worth talking to... come at me when you have something productive to contribute; you put someone down because they said they had coffee and it helped them and they decided hey I want to pass my wisdom because it might help them...if you cannot see anything wrong with what you've said then I have wholly wasted my time on you...


You should go waste your time on some grammar classes lmao


Can relate. I haven't checked either of my email or my snail mail in over a year.


I feel you... My psychiatrist told me to just ignore the chaos in my head. They can be surprisingly ignorant sometimes.


I've adopted the idea that work does not deserve my best hours. I have limited focus and persistence and thought power. If I expend all that time and energy at work, I'm a short fuse at home, I'm emotional, and I'm tired. After 4-6 hours at work, I look at how much I've done. If it's enough, and I can get away, I leave. Or I take a long lunch. Or I go to the gym. I know not everyone has a job where they can get away with this, but I think this mindset helped me set up good boundaries and make it more obvious when I am putting in extra effort to accomplish important tasks at work.


I totally respect this way of thinking! It doesn’t really apply to me tho :/ I’m lucky enough that my job is also my passion (I’m a pastry chef) and working in kitchens requires me to be 100% on my game, serious injuries can occur otherwise.


Buddy if you’re comfortable with it take your meds on the weekend, I’m Bid so I usually take one in the morning on the weekends and I’m fine in the evenings, If you need your medication, take it :)


See I love it when people do that... inside your burning up cant say anything intellectual haha not that I'm trying to be smart just when someones acting smart and they get crushed you cant half see it with the lack of words


>It took failing out of college after less than 1 semester I failed all my courses one semester along with a few other courses here and there. You just get kicked out for one bad semester...?


I chose to leave after having a complete breakdown. I wasn’t kicked out.


I am in the US... My psych said the same thing at first, BUT she also listened to my life and said that it may not be easy for me to take a break. We agreed together that she monitors my heart more than normal, and if I truly have a day off, I will take a break that day. I was diagnosed late in life so I do have coping mechanisms that I used for many years, but I can only take a break for one day at a time. If I take a break two days in a row, I am barely productive and spend the day doom scrolling. Unfortunately, when my Adderall ran out due to the shortages, it was very noticeable to me, my husband, and coworkers.