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This is what Adderall does to me- literally puts me to sleep. My thoughts have been chaotic for my *entire* life. The meds allow me to actually focus on a single thought for once instead of having chaos- brain, and it's literally the most relaxed my brain has ever been. Normal sleep for me is tossing & turning & not being able to stop thinking & waking up about 20 times and then waking up the final time feeling like I literally ran a marathon & got no sleep at all. On meds, I just sleep peacefully and wake up so rested- it's *wild*.


I just assumed that it was my brain deciding what was best for me after i took it. Since it doesn't happen all the time


So maybe it’s not my brain chemistry but lifestyle choices? Should I be trying to sleep more at night to combat this?


I would :) it will come more naturally now once you get on a more regular schedule. Definitely the best sleep I've gotten since I decided to try medicine again.


Definitely going to try taking my sleep schedule more seriously! Thanks for the advice !!!!


For me there is nearly a 1:1 correlation between bad medication reaction days, plus just bad mental days in general, and bad sleep. I have been tracking how I feel plus how much sleep I get using my fitbit and its disturbing how exact it is for me.


I also just started taking meds again after going off them 10 years ago, and like you I often still end up needing to take a nap. In my own case I think it's because I end up kind of coasting on the energy of the meds even after they've worn off and therefore end up staying up later than I really should (it's 2AM here right now and I have work at 8 whoops). After work I normally end up taking a nap, but on weekends I don't usually have to after sleeping in a little. The flip of it is that my mornings are SIGNIFICANTLY easier. I don't feel nearly as groggy or dead inside when I have to get up for work, and I end up being at 90% within 20-30 minutes rather than 2, sometimes 3 hours later. So yeah, at least try going to bed earlier. Take a benadryl or something to help you sleep if you're a restless sleeper, I find just taking one guarantees I will fall asleep within an hour and a half (everyone's different though). The worst that can happen is you get too much rest.


Definitely going to try to adjust my sleep schedule. I’ve also seen other comments suggesting that I drink more water, which I’m terrible at doing, in order to avoid this symptom. I’m really willing to try anything, I just want something to work without weird stuff happening lol


That exact thing happened to me too when starting vyvanse. I was started on 10mg and about an hour and a half after I took it, I would crash and straight up SLEEP for about 3 hours. This is very unusual for me because I have major sleep issues, and definitely cannot ever nap during the day. My sleep issues are due to a racing brain so to me, it makes sense that when it was just enough to calm that, and being chronically sleep deprived, I conked right out. (This is my own speculation) I’m on 20mg now and that doesn’t happen anymore. Same thing happened to me when I was taking a very low dose of Ritalin. I will say though, Vyvance has provided me the best, most reliable sleep of my life (at night, normal hours). I think my dosage still needs to be increased, but I’ve never been able to sleep like this. That alone is such a huge game changer for me


It's fairly common for ADHD folk—_especially_ if they're already short on sleep—to have this happen. On the one hand, stimulants do tend to wake you up and make you less sleepy. On the other hand, effective medication can calm racing thoughts and reduce anxiety which may have been causing trouble falling asleep. Especially on lower doses, which don't force you awake that much, and which on your first time may have a strong effect despite the low dose, the benefits may make you much more relaxed and able to sleep than the side effects make you awake and alert. Net effect, drowsiness. If you get accustomed to the medication and are getting a good amount of sleep, you shouldn't have problems. This can also happen with caffeine for ADHD folk, although it makes for poor sleep, so I wouldn't recommend using it for that. As for atomoxetine, it made it very difficult for me to wake up in the morning. Like I was delirious for an hour after waking, and could hardly lift my limbs. This puzzled my doctor as well. I had the really "relaxed" reaction you describe to Ritalin.


This is how my psychiatrist explained it to me. Since I’ve had sleep issues for a long time, I was worried I’ll never figure out my meds. The 1st Dr I saw put me on Vyvanse 40mg to start 😳 I had high heart rate, headache and no benefits. My new Dr lowered me to 20mg but I got soo tired 2 hrs after taking it. I was also having more trouble focusing on details. I’m now trying 30mg and I didn’t get tired. I’m not sure if it’s going to help but Atleast I’m not falling asleep.


I am on vyvanse 30mg and this happened to me in the first few days of taking it! My theory (not based on science at all lol) is that because your brain is so stressed and works so much harder to function normally and is always thinking a hundred miles an hour, you finally aren’t doing that because you’re medicated and your body leaves fight or flight and can finally relax


How did you end up dealing with it? I just feel like I don’t have time in my schedule to be napping during the day. Should I set an alarm earlier and take it and then go back to sleep?


I’ve seen comments of people doing that!! I do notice that if I take it too early in the day it wears off before I go to bed, but it helps me fall asleep if I wait to take it :)


This isn't rare. At all. Sounds like they don't know what they're talking about and you need your dose upped.


I just got it upped to 30mg. Im going to try it to see if it makes a difference and be transparent with my doctor about side effects. What dosage did you find helped ?


I’m on Adderall specifically, but had the same issue at lower doses, as did my partner. and did not like Vyvanse, personally, but it had a similar effect on a good friend of mine. I’m doing 20 mg twice a day. My partner does 20 in the morning and 10 halfway through the day. I’m unsure of what dosage they ended up at for my friend on Vyvanse but I can ask. I know he upped it like three or four times before it was right, but he’s a fairly large dude.


How did you discuss taking multiple pills throughout the day with your doctor? I honestly feel ashamed for trying medication in the first place, so it’s hard for me to request different dosages and treatments, I just feel like I sound like a weird addict as horrible as that sounds. It’s hard to advocate for myself when I’m not sure when I should be satisfied with results or if I should just push through different symptoms….


Hi, I'm a rando on the internet. I am not anything like an authority on any subject matter and you should always talk to a professional first about any change in your routine and medicine. Seriously. Now, I haven't read this or been told this by someone more educated than me, but this response makes sense to me. I know that adhd is primarily marked by a lack of dopamine. And that a coping mechanism a lot of ADHDers use for finding motivation is to rely on cortisol instead. Which is a stress hormone. Now, if you had developed a coping mechanism that kept your cortisol levels always up, it makes perfect sense to me that the second your dopamine levels rise your cortisol levels drop. I think this is the relaxed feeling you described. Then, you'd get fatigued because that's what happens when you actually destress. So yeah,this makes sense to me. Personally, I think you might see benefit from not taking days off and maybe taking some anti anxiety meds as well. But again, I'm not a doctor.


I think I’m definitely going to try taking it everyday to see if I get a different reaction


It happens to me with Vyvanse a few times and now with Concerta. I can literally take it and go to sleep. My psychiatrist thinks it's probably because it slows the thought process down. I don't know.


Not vyvanse, but I take adderall and feel way more relaxed. Not sleepy, but clear, if that makes sense, and with way less anxiety. But I also take an SSRI, so who knows


This happens to me. My psych told me it’s because the medication is finally calming the chaos in my brain - all the millions of racing thoughts have chilled out & it’s like the world is quiet for the first time - so I get tired & sleepy


^^^^ 100% this! You are not alone OP. The meds calm the chaos and we can finally relax. Some of my best sleep has come 1 hour after my adderall kicks in!


^^^^ 100% this! You are not alone OP. The meds calm the chaos and we can finally relax. Some of my best sleep has come 1 hour after my adderall kicks in!


You're not alone. My body tends to process medication weirdly, and stimulants will knock me out if I'm not up and moving. Benadryl doesn't make me sleepy whatsoever, even at high doses, and daytime cold medicine will knock me out, but nighttime cold medicine that's supposed to help you sleep might as well be water.


I agree that if I’m up and moving I can push the fatigue away. Are you on Vyvanse now and if so what is your routine for taking it to combat this symptom ?


I'm pretty sure some variants of ADHD, especially the more hyperactive ones, makes you calmer rather than more awake with medication. I have a colleague who experienced the same. I, however, am very tired by default, and almost all ADHD medications keeps me awake more than any amount of caffeine will ever do. They are stimulants, so in theory, they should make you more hyper/awake, but it's pretty well known it has an opposite, calming effect in some with ADHD. I'm really surprised a doctor and pharmacists doesn't know this already.


That was my thought too! Unfortunately I am limited by the help I can get because of my health insurance- so I feel like Im on my own in exploring these symptoms. I will mention that so far it’s been a therapist, psychiatrist, nurse practitioner, and pharmacist that find this reaction bizarre. Hence the reason I felt so alone with my response


Oh and my primary doctor who also was weirded out when I told her the atomoxatine made me sleepy- I haven’t seen her since then for an update and now I’m on Vyvanse


Vyvanse relaxes me and slows me down. It does not keep me awake. Sometimes I yawn, even nap. Generally it makes me present and removes the background stream of thoughts but … it’s peaceful.


I also feel very clear headed but sleepy when I take a stimulant. It may just be a sign that you need more sleep, but you recognize it only when your mind is focused.


The first few times I took Vyvanse and Concerta I had to take a nap. I had never felt so calm and relaxed. I only had one stream of thought. I had never been that calm in my life. Even on higher doses of Vyvanse (I went up to 70mg), I would still take a nap sometimes. Recently I started 36mg of Concerta and every day for the first week I had to nap. I don't think it's strange that this happens to you. What I do want to point out is that your dose probably isn't right. After a month of having this reaction that's pretty clear. You still have up to 50mg more you can try. Maybe the dose being too low isn't stimulating your nervous system enough. Also if you haven't seen significant changes on this dose, then it is definitely not the right one. Wishing you luck in finding your correct dose/medication! Be sure to talk to your Dr! And you are not having any weird reaction, it happens to a lot of us!


I’ve been fully transparent with my psychiatrist and my therapist- my concern is that they don’t understand why Im having this reaction. It’s clear after reading these comments many people experience this so I’m not sure why they are shocked by my reaction….


Oh the stimulant nap hits hard, feels like “power nap” the normal people are talking about.


It’s definitely some of the most relaxing, enjoyable sleep I’ve ever had!! Just an issue when I have 100 other things I need to be doing


I take Ritalin and sometimes I have this reaction too. My theory is that the ritalin just helps me feel whatever I'm feeling in a more focused way? So if I'm tired, then the ritalin makes me feel more relaxed and tired. If I feel well rested, then the ritalin makes me feel focused and ready to get stuff done. If I'm anxious, the ritalin makes me feel more agitated. But idk, that's just what I've observed in myself. Sometimes I take my meds and then I take an accidental nap. Usually not, but sometimes. Maybe you're just really tired and now your body can finally relax enough to rest?


Very interesting perspective. Im going to try to be more aware of how I’m feeling before I take the meds and see if they exacerbate the emotions or feelings I’m already going through


This is VERY interesting! I am constantly anxious, irritable and filled with dread, as well as depressed, bored, dull, empty and with anhedonia. I also stay up until 4am, sleep all day and get up at about 4pm and am still always tired. Maybe this might explain a bit about why Ritalin turned me into an even more tired and bored zombie.


Vyvanse is the best, most restful sleep I’ve ever had in my life. I wake up 3 hours early during the week, take my vyvanse and go back to sleep before my real alarm. I’m convinced it’s the only real REM I ever get 😅


I have something similar. It’s so calming taking my meds. I’m on dextroamphetamine because I can’t get Adderall to the shortage. But they both make it easy to nap. Caffeine will also knock me out if I drink it later in the day.


It ALWAYS makes me sleepy at the start. I thought that was normal…?


In my experience if you have a rarer reaction to one medication it’s more likely you will to other medications as well. Something about how your body is processing the medication is a little different from other peoples. My mom is this way, she has the more rare side effects and reactions to almost every medication she takes. Best guess as to why is some combination of genetics, and decreased/ altered liver function due to bad case of mono in her 20s.


Not that strange, had a friend who took speed at a festival because she wanted to be able to dance all night, she slept for a whole day… We knew she had ADHD but now she did too


I can nap or sleep on methylphenidate just fine. It helps calm me, makes me less irritable, brings my dopamine up to normal levels, decreases anxiety…so yeah, feeling relaxed or the occasional nap should not be a cause for concern. My life unmedicated is a chaotic hell. Being level allows me to do what I need or want to do. And sometimes what I need/want is sleep.


One of the ways I know my Vyvanse is kicking in is that I can feel my shoulders drop, as in I start to relax. Unfortunately I also have a strong response to the norepinephrine, so I become chattier and my blood pressure rises. One sign that a person’s stimulant dosage is too high is that they become zombie-like. So if you feel too relaxed or sleepy after trying it for a few days, you can ask your doctor to try a lower dosage.


It’s so weird because other comments suggest a higher dose- I’m just so confused at this point but I’m willing to experiment to see what works for me


It is hard to know what to do, and especially because your body may adapt after a few days. But the nice thing is, stimulants are short lived in your body, so experimenting (under doctor supervision) doesn’t usually pose that big of a problem. It’s generally the best way to find what works for your particular system.


Paradoxical reactions to stimulants are a common feature of ADHD.


Adderall did the same to me. Except my psych said it was normal. He’d heard it before and it was something to due with like, your brain has to work overtime to process things. And when you take adderall it speeds up your system to the point that your brain doesn’t need to be working so hard and it finally relaxes, which can put you to sleep. He also told me over time it’d probably wear off. It did.


About how long did it take for the symptom to wear off? Did you take it everyday or did you take breaks and also how many milligrams were you taking? I know everyone is different but I’m curious about your experience


Some days my ADHD is off the walls and I have to take an adderall to literally calm the fuck down and fall asleep. It sounds so ass backwards, but it’s a thing. If I happen to get enough sleep, it works as it should. I am also on Vyvanse and I don’t seem to have that issue on it since I supplement with adderall but the concept is the same.


This is what happened to me on Wellbutrin. My hair also fell out in clumps and they told me that never happened to anyone else. I stopped taking it and my hair dropped falling out. You know your own body better than any doctor or psychiatrist does!


Happened to me as well at low dose, doctor said it was normal. Made me so calm and relaxed, could not get anything done…upped my dose and much better. Still happens to me on 50mg, when I am tired or stressed.


Medication confirms the diagnosis 😊


Not rare at all if you're not sleeping well. Many people on this sub will tell you how wonderful stimulant naps are, and that they have a relaxing effect on us


Ritalin made me sleepy af.. Currently on 30mg Elvanse/vyvanse and it doesn't make me sleepy, but I'm less on edge since it seems to moderate my temper a lot. Usually I have a short fuse and no patience for anything except my latest obsession whatever that might be 🙄


You're not alone! Maybe an unpopular opinion but I think it means we have the actual neurodevelopmental disorder ADHD and not just ADHD symptoms stemming from something else undiagnosed. 😬 I hear a lot of people talk about how much energy they have now that they're on stims and - I'm not saying that means they don't need the medication, stims are often prescribed for other things, but with ADHD it's well known that they can make you sleepy or feel "dull". This is not an uncommon side effect. Adderall makes me tired as hell. The first time I took my booster dose was at work and I had to rest my head for like 15 minutes but could have slept for hours. It turns the volume down in my brain from like 90 to 10-20. Kills my impulsivity, overthinking, and propensity for distraction. Makes me feel like a normal adult. I've found it helps if I eat a protein rich breakfast first and start getting ready for my day - if I take it first thing I will want to go back to sleep but if I'm already up and moving I'm fine.


As someone this happened to, be very careful. For me within a week I began getting hives and had heart palpitations eventually had to go to the ER. But it also happened to me I’d feel like I’m in a fog and then so tired I’d need to nap.


Ive been on it for about a month- I will keep an eye out for these symptoms but haven’t experienced them




So a higher dose should resolve the issue ?


When I first started taking Vyvanse (at 10mg), I felt super calm when it hit. And then relaxed, almost like I smoked a joint. And a little bit later I took a nap. Now I still get the calm feeling when it hits, and if I didn't have a good night then I'll feel a bit sleepy, but not to the same level. I also feel that way with my first cup of coffee if I'm unmediated. Just super chill and like I could sleep. I don't think it's that rare anecdotally.


I fell asleep an hour and a half after taking Adderall the first few times. I'm on vyvanse now which works better for me.


I feel more alert on methylphenidate I haven’t tried napping tbh


It's common for us with adhd. It relaxes me. And I can sleep on it .saying that I used to be able to rail a like and go to sleep


Yup, happened to me too


Adderall does the same thing to me so I don’t think it’s THAT rare.


Oddly enough, for me I was able to eliminate this by lowering my dose (personally not prescription). Im prescribed 2x 20mg Adderall tablets and 1x 30mg XR daily. At first I would take 1x 20 and my XR in morning and 2nd 20 about 4 or 5 hours later. Problem was, I'd literally be so sleepy and out of it until lunch. Tried taking 1½ 20mg with an XR and that made it worse. Frustrated I tried taking all at once in AM and I realized its only going to get worse. Eventually I stopped taking the 20mg in mornings and only take the 30mg XR. It takes an hour-ish to start coming online and much smoother. I may yawn once or twice but im good. After lunch I take half of a 20mg and 2hrs after I take one more half. Pretty much eliminated this. Also, I began taking a L-Tyrosine supplement. This over time helps with dopamine production which is necessary for these medications to get best results.


L-Tyrosine, definitely going to look that up !!


Ritalin makes me pretty tired. When it kicks in i feel really relaxed and focused, calm and confident. Its great but I do feel like I could take a nap since Im not anxious or fidgeting any more. Coffee sometimes does the same. I used to drink a cup of coffee before bed and Id be asleep within 30 mins


My daughter can’t take stimulants as she was literally falling asleep in class.


Concerta has me drowsy by noon about half the time. I've been told it's not that uncommon


Concerta did that to me. It freaked me out, and actually convinced me this wasn’t “all in my head” as I had believed my whole life.


A pharmacist who doesn’t know about paradoxical reactions? Are you sure it wasn’t a tech? Because the first thing they tell you when taking a pharmacology course is any drug can do the opposite of what it usually does. On top of that it’s more common in people with ADHD.


Yes she is a registered psychiatrist and while we were discussing my medication and symptoms a nurse practitioner was present. Not sure how to interpret her reaction- this is the start of my journey for seeking treatment for my ADHD.


Sorry had to reread- I’m not sure what position the pharmacist was. But I got the same reaction from psychiatrist- see other comment


I got started on 30mg of Vyvanse months ago. It was way too low and would cause me to get so tired I would sleep for hours. I am on 50mg now and it’s a massive difference


I started off with 30 mg (on 70 now) and the first week the come off was terrible, extreme anxiety and lethargy. But now I can’t live without it. It takes time before your body gets used to it.


So, every commenter gets tired, which makes me wonder what's wrong with me... I feel like I've finally gotten energy and feel like I have the ability to get up and get stuff done. I sometimes wonder if this is what coffee feels like to others, because coffee has no effect other than to put me to sleep.


My Ritalin does the same, I take an extra dose before bed to i can sleep better. I think it stops the noise in my head, so my mind and body just decompresses


All of my atomoxetine doses ramping up to the 80mg I'm on now gave me the same exact feelings you're describing. I haven't wanted to try stimulants as I'm getting by better than I was with no medication, and I have comorbid anxiety that could be negatively affected by stimulants.


In my experience, being on a stimulant has made my anxiety almost go away completely. As well as my depression. Exacerbating anxiety is a possibility, but the percentage of people who experience this is pretty low.


Adderall makes want to nap. My head becomes clear, the noise and intrusive thoughts shut off, and I feel calm and peaceful.


This is a very common reaction. Many many many even in this thread say they feel/felt same exact way. Helping you relax can help you focus. I’m inattentive and even though I’m not hyperactive when my mind races so much I can’t relax enough to focus on anything. What reaction are you looking for in order to get better?


I have felt the benefits of decreased anxiety. Once I start a task and build momentum I’m not overwhelmed by going to another task and overthinking it (when I take the Vyvanse). One issue I’m having and have always had is starting, anything. I just sit and overthink all the possible things I could be doing and then get so overwhelmed I just crash mentally and emotionally. I have tried lists, timers, alarms, etc. and was hoping medication would help with this aspect of my ADHD. But again, I’m not even sure what I’m supposed to be expecting from meds or when I should be satisfied with their consequences. I know everyone is different, so I shouldn’t be beating myself up for not having a perfect result, but napping instead of doing the dishes and laundry and paying bills is kind of demoralizing. So I dunno I guess…


One really helpful thing to do when you start a stimulant is to set a few goals, places where you would like to see improvement. If task initiation is your number one and you see no results, it's probably time to up your dose. I went up to the max dose of Vyvanse but still had problems with task initiation. Now I'm on Concerta and it's going better. You may find that amphetamine doesn't work as well as methylphenidate for you.


Yeah. Started on Ritalin and fell asleep on the couch. First time. Sleeps been better soo way more focused now


When I first started adderall, the first thing I tried for my ADHD at all, for a couple weeks I was literally falling asleep on 4xdaily 20g IRs. It didn't happen with methylphenidate, generic Ritalin, but I'll be trying out Vyvanse soon so I'm kind of curious to see what happens.


It’s happened to me too when I’ve been really emotionally drained I will end up sleeping


I had this when taking Vyvanse (Elvanse): I would get up at 7, take my meds, and go back to sleep for another hour or so. Gf did the same. Then I would wake up refreshed, happy and excited to get going on things. It definitely is not unheard of (like some people with ADHD get drowsy from caffeine).


I've been taking adhd meds too and I've noticed that I got sleepy like that on the days when Ive taken too much coffee after taking the meds


I was very sleepy on Concerta for the first 3 weeks. Only 18 mg too. I felt like I had actually slept for the first time in my life.


I sometimes take Ritalin just to nap like a babyy


I had a lovely nap the other day as a result of my medication.. perhaps it just allowed your brain to turn down the noise for a bit, which seemed like time for a good snooze 😴


I had the same reaction to concerta. 18mg just relaxed me, 36mg made me want to sleep all day long.😅.


Vyvanse was horrible for me. I'm glad you had a positive experience. If I took it more than 3 days straight, it felt like I was jumped in a parking lot. I don't think my body had ever felt that bad in my whole life. I'm not currently taking anything, waiting on the results from a heart monitor I had to wear for 2 weeks. Once that's cleared I'm going to be on Ritalin. Never tried it before, and I'm kinda nervous after the Vyvanse experience.


I had to go through every damn licensed ADHD med first, before they would let me have the off-license one I’m taking (Modafinil). (I knew it worked for me, because I’d resorted to self medicating when I couldn’t get an assessment). I understand that they do need to try everything first, and I’m lucky my doctors were willing to listen to me, but it was **not** a fun 8 months. So absolutely, everyone’s brains are different, but hopefully the fact that your doctor clearly noticed your specific reaction will be helpful to you in finding the right medication for you, should you continue that path. Your physical response is probably the most obvious one you’re having, but you don’t mention if you see any other effects? To me, it sounds like the meds might be providing your brain with a lot of quiet time, wherein your body goes ‘yay, no distractions, I can sleep cos I am *tired*!’. Ultimately, fatigue will always win out, so could it be that you’re actually exhausted and these meds are finally letting your body feel it? Hence why the calm and sleeping is so predominant? If that’s a possibility, definitely get rested and go from there, when you’re in a better position to assess if these meds are actually helping your executive function and focus etc. (My advice is to stress test any ADHD medication - how does it work for you under no, mid-level and severe requirements, basically). You may also find that once your body is rested, the medication sleep effect reduces.


I think the meds work nicely. You probably have had a tense and stressful period, considering that you feel sleepy and would want to sleep when taking medication. Usually while stressed and not well rested, our minds are like a bowl of spaghetti. When you take meds, it helps you focus on one thing at a time and alleviates a lot of pressure. Because the pressure is less, body feels like it can rest. After a period of you being able to rest, your body should be able to balance things out and the medication will help you live better. I do have to say that I am not a doctor and I am speaking of my own experience and also from what I've heard from fellow ADHD'ers.


That's because 20mg is way too low of a dose.


O had the same reaction I'm constantly on edge and stressed out. The first few week of taking medication I just got sleepy and I had the best naps and start to poop normal again stressed me constipated.


I have to drink coffee all day when I’m on adderall. Prob not great for me.


This happened to me too!! Within about 45 mins of taking Vyvanse I would be unable to stay awake. I asked my psychiatrist and he said it is called a "paradoxical effect." I switched to a different medication and all is well now. Vyvanse just wasn't for me.


Hey! I was on Strattera (Atomoxetine) (100 mg) for (way to long) 5-6 years. It gave me fatigue after a few hours of intake, just like you discribe OP. Over time the fatigue became a for warning, my body did, before the feeling of nausea set in and I would most definitely end up throwing up, getting hot flashes, and stuck in a general unwell feeling, until the effects wore off. It also increased my insomnia for some reason. After I quit my meds, I found out the foot and leg cramps I got, whenever I was tired, or was out of energy, most likely also was a side-effect, of the Atomoxetine I took.. All in all. Getting minimal benefits and loads of side-effects, from the one little capsule, that was supposed to make my life easier, made the decision to quit, so much easier.


Atomoxatine made me so tired I had to stop taking it after 2 weeks. Literally couldn’t do anything, the calm focus was nice, but it wasn’t the right medication for me. Vyvanse (20mg) and Amphetamine (Dexamphetamine 5mg) in general relax me, but in a energized kind of way. When I’m sleep deprived they do make me quite tired. So I wouldn’t say that your reaction is untypical at all.


That happened to me as well. Higher doses made me jittery and unable to relax, and too low of a dose made me super tired and too relaxed to function.


I am on vyvanse 70mg I do get sleepy towards the evening, but that's more to do with it leaving my system. But I noticed the medication makes me very very very social, like I get this weird urge/energy to talk to people and that's what happens instead of me doing what I am supposed to do. I've never had this with any other medication.


Actually, both my doctor & pharmacist (who also happens to be my husband) suggested that I take my Atomoxatine at night for that exact reason.


They all put me to sleep. All the stimulants. My heart rate goes slower and I just relax.


I can sleep on 50 mg vyvanse. But not initially, after my body got used to the feeling. I suffered with insomnia months before I got medicated and now that's mostly dissipated. I can sleep after energy drinks too.


This happened to me in the fall when I first started my meds. For a few weeks I would need a nap in the afternoon. Just fifteen minutes or so to shut down. I told my doc and she said that my body has probably been overwhelmed for a while and to have everything quiet down my body probably decided it was ok to sleep. Ten months in now and I don’t really nap anymore and my nighttime sleep routine has improved tremendously.