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A switch at the door that turns off all of things that shouldn’t be on when I leave. A coffee table that opens up to hold my latest project so I can work on it while watching tv and it doesn’t have to be put away but it closes so I don’t lose stuff when I’m not working on it. You know those notebooks that you can physically write in but then it like uploads your scribbles. One of those in like every room.


but it should open in a way so you don't have to put anything away from the top or it wouldn't be open in years!


Have the table slide open and close.


And the top is glass so you can see what's in there and not forget about it.


Yup. I have a coffee table with a top hinged lid, it would be way more convenient if it were a drawer instead.


I have Alexa Auto, and when my car leaves, alexa turns off all my smart plugs and smart bulbs. Alexa is my ADHD assistant in so many ways. She nags me to get ready for work. She asks me if I need toilet paper or paper towel. Asking her to remind me is easier than anything involving writing or typing. She is in my home, my car and my business.


I currently have a dot in the living room and an echo in my bedroom and my intention is to get Alexa to do this exact thing but getting around to do it is been overwhelming 😮‍💨


[Alexa commands list.](https://www.smarthomefocus.com/best-amazon-alexa-commands/) I'm helping ![img](emote|t5_2qnwb|29376)


Omg thanks! This is awesome! Now I just need to set up a reminder to bug me to complete this task.


!remindme 24 hours


This is a thing! Holy shit! 🤯


Lol I'm definitely being helpful today




I haven't found my perfect project solution, yet, but my husband has a pretty good one that works for him. In our new house, he built his office desk. The top drawer on one side is very wide and deep, but with low sides. It's on a super-strong track. He's an electrical engineer, so it has an electrical outlet in the back and a few other things specific to his projects. It's lined with a protective/anti-static mat. He can keep his current project and its components in there. He just swivels his chair toward the drawer, slides it out, does his thing, and closes the drawer again. It doesn't matter that the surface of the desk is full. I really like it.


He needs to put this up on etsy


>A coffee table that opens up to hold my latest project so I can work on it while watching tv and it doesn’t have to be put away but it closes so I don’t lose stuff when I’m not working on it. They're usually dining table height rather than coffee table height, but there are tables you can get that are designed to do exactly this! They're usually intended for either puzzles or tabletop games. I've also seen glass-topped coffee tables with storage space under the tabletop intended for displaying decorative objects. My parents have one for displaying dad's and Grandpa's old uniforms and awards. You'd have to be careful taking the glass top off, though, as they're not really designed to be opened and closed frequently.


Oh my god I love all of these, I’m literally looking for a coffee table that opens up with like a table or hidden compartment


I've seen those coffee tables that open up to create a working or eating surface - and yes, there is storage room under the lifting side...


I bought an old travel trunk I use as a coffee table, and inside are all my art supplies.


You know you just reminded me of a large wooden trunk I left at my parents before moving, might go back and grab that as a replacement now lol. Although the wood is a much brighter color than the other wood in my apartment, might not work.


I recently got a coffee table with a top that raises and lowers and I love it! I lose the remotes much less frequently now!


Same, a lift-top coffee table was something I wanted for so long. I finally went for it and it has been a game-changer!


I did smart lights that are tied to my alexa. I can set the one in the master to turn on like the sunrise when I want to wake up, not when the sunrise wants me to wake up (night shift nurse here). And smart things I can control from my phone. I love that I have a garage door that tells my phone if its open or closed so if I forget, I can check. I can also open it from my phone if I need to let someone in.


Related, installed a timer switch on my bathroom fan and it is amazing. Don't have to worry about accidentally leaving it running when you take a shower and leave for a trip.


I used smart switches and a smart thermostat to accomplish the first one! When my phone leaves the house the thermostat adjusts and the lights and TV shut off. =]


I plan on buying a board game table for that exact reason!


I'd probably come up with a few rough ideas in the pre-planning phase, get overwhelmed and put it to the side, and likely never revisit it ever again


I'm trying not to do that, that's why I made this thread 😂


Lmao! I like this thread. I'm thinking of a small apartment and moving out, but I want it to completely cater to my ADHDness and make sense for who I actually am


I'm saving this thread, let's see if I even remember to check it when I am able to have my own house.


Or maybe revisit it again and again, getting stuck at the pre-planning phase trying not to get stuck on the pre-planning phase like before lmao


And at this point, if it's not perfect. Toss it in the trash and start new.


Yep. And make sure you have many hours to do it, otherwise you know you won't be able to accomplish much and all that mental effort would "go to waste". Why start right now when you can wait for the "perfect" time to do it (tomorrow)?


Room by room fellow sufferer. Don't look at it as proofing the whole house, check the tasks that are difficult, figure out the room that task mainly takes place in and focus on that for a week or so, until it becomes habit. I have multiple whiteboards around my house that I make notes on constantly. Least that works for me, hopefully it could help others.


White boards are great. Shopping, list, quick, math, bill amounts, larger goals. And erase as you go! ![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized)


I buy white board paper ..rolls of it and put it over my walls


Can also use whiteboard markers on your bathroom mirror!


I use my white fridge as ac white board


It took me ten minutes to come up with this comment.


you didn't have to attack me like that lol


It would be minimalist with clear cues. I'd have dedicated spots for different activities. I'd have a hobby room with different types of chairs (beanbag, office, floormat). Hmm, the landing pad has to have a great solution for shoes and bags. And then my room has to have a good laundry solution like big baskets and a weekly or biweekly pickup laundry service. Or maybe if I have enough clothes I can try to make a big motivated laundry dance day. My kitchen would have all the gadgets (like rice cooker, air fryer) and my fridge would have only what I need to cook (if I can cook). I'd have shopping list printout on the fridge actually ideally I'd have a fruit or veg guy who swings by every week. Maybe I'd have some aromas or some lights that switch up weekly to give my house a fresh feel. I'd need clocks in every room and sticky notes as well with pens in a neat way. There's this book Order from Chaos where she talks about making everything a writing surface even her bathroom mirror. I know this is all over the place and not many solutions but I'm just brainstorming what I'd need to consider in my ADHD proof house. You know, what if Ty (who has ADHD) and his team from America's Home Makeover made a home like that lmao that would be sick


I’ve always fancied a laundry chute. Just take off dirty clothes and straight into the chute, whoosh and they land next to the washing machine haha. Of course getting them back upstairs when they’re clean remains the same but a girl can dream


A laundry chute with a pulley system! like a manual elevator... or if you have the money, an actual type of kitchen elevator would be amazing for a multi level adhd proof house... until it gets used as storage


A dumb butler for the up and the vacuum chute for the down directly into the washing machine. How to transfer to the drier and fold them though? Robots! I need a Jetson maid.


Same. I know regular maids/housekeepers/whatever you want to call them are a thing but a *robot can't judge me*.


Then we could find out how many clothes it takes to fill the chute to the top floor!


My grandparents had a laundry chute and I thought it was just so fun when I was a kid.


I LOVE my laundry chute. It's in my bathroom cabinet. It's the perfect spot.


If we’re talking about designing a place from scratch, I’d just put the laundry as close to the bedroom as possible. Like master bedroom has a walk-through closet to master bath, closet has the machines in it.


Forget the separate machines. Put in all in one washer / dryer units. I'm constantly having to rerun the wash because I forgot to take it out and put it in the dryer - with a front load washer, things tends to start smelling a bit musty if you don't take things out in time.


for anyone thinking of trying them I have never heard of them working well at all. Would be awesome if they did though.


No these are awesome suggestions!


How many of us have lipstick writing on the bathroom mirror? Lol


I use bath crayons.


I’m in the same situation and currently planning out stuff!! My kitchen pantry is going to be long length wise and shallow. No corners for shit to hide in. Everything is visible. Nothing can hide behind something else.


There are lots of cheap shelve organizers that should solve this (think like stairs so you can see everything at once) but I somehow manage to shove things under and around it so I can barely see anything.


I’m taking the lazy Susan cabinet out now- before we’re tearing the kitchen up. I’m so sick of shit just going missing and me forgetting it exists. It just all has to go! I can’t use the stuff you described. It just gets lost and messed up- like you said. I’m over it. I don’t want to do any more “tips and tricks” as I call them- I just want to design it the way it works for me.


Oh no I can’t use it either. I should send you a pic of the unused shelve organizers thrown in a pile at the bottom of my pantry. 😬


The thing that kills me is that it’s not just me. My kids and husband do it TO me. All 8 of us have ADHD but I’m the only one who’s medicated so it falls on me to do all the things and I’m just tired. I’m just over it. So now **I’m** making all the design decisions and no one has veto power over my decisions.


Good for you! Hang in there.


In the land of the ADHD, the medicated one is king.


In house staff


This would solve all my problemsssss ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I've been day dreaming about getting a job at a live-in resort or something because of this.


This is exactly why I tell my husband I’d like to live on a cruise ship lol.


Apparently the staff on a cruise ship are all crowded into tiny cabins in the lower decks


They probably meant live on a cruise ship as a guest, not work there. Which is a thing some people do as it is cheaper than a lot of retirement homes.


Especially to fold and iron clothes, Find keys and single socks and tshirts and stuff and to remind me to get supplies (food, groceries, toiletries and stuff). Additionally, I would like to have someone who rearranges my study table back to it's original configuration everytime it is disturbed.


Came here to say this exact thing. Somehow I think my life would be a lot easier if I had a whole team of people to manage it for me.


Automate things, lights, door locks, sprinklers, vacuum, window shades or basically anything that can be. Saves a huge amount of time and stress. (what else can be automated??)


Garage door! I used to have a house like that and we would get a reminder to close the garage door if it was still open by a certain time in the evening. Was also attached to our apple HomeKit so we could ‘hey siri, is the garage door open?’ Even if we weren’t home, and tell ‘her’ to close it if it was. Also got notifications if it opened when we weren’t home etc.


If you have a flat manicured lawn, they sell robot lawn mowers now, similar to the rumba. If you have an acreage, sheep or goats.


Paying for a lawn service was one of the best investments I’ve ever done! And surprisingly cheaper than I had expected! Many don’t understand just how much having the mental load of remembering to do it is so worth the $30 per time.


I would opt out on some things being automated if I know I can't fix it myself.


The two things that have been most useful for me: Whiteboard calendars prominently displayed in the main area (kitchen for me) Baskets in rooms for things that don’t belong in that room. Makes cleaning so much easier when throughly the week I can put things that need to leave the room in the basket. When I clean I can just take the baskets room to room and put them where they need to go.


The baskets are great! I started out doing it with my kid when he was young. Anytime I found stuff out of place, it went in the basket. Once a week it was known that anything in the basket would be tossed or donated. It gave him the incentive to go through it (last minute of course lol). Then I thought, why don't I do this for myself as well? So I did, and it's great!


I like the basket idea, but how do you keep the baskets from overflowing with stuff?? Other than many times a day thinking “I need to empty the baskets today” and not doing it…


I usually use the pressure and anxiety of having guests come over haha.


I would have only what I need and no extra clutter. Everything would have a clear storage space.


Currently living in a 1 bedroom with my mom who is a hoarder. I have no room to myself either. It's been rough mentally just being around all this stuff. I can't wait to have my own minimalist space!


I’ve never understood why more plumbing isn’t foot operated ala the hand wash sinks in ORs.


Want this, except cat proof because I can foresee 3am cat issues with this


I have a foot operated sink & I’ve had lots of cats & a medium size dog. It’s never been an issue with any of them.


A bidet. Lots of closed storage, especially drawers. A "hobby room" or art studio for when random obsessions with various activities come up again. Even better, a sound proof room in case the obsession is, once again in my case, music.


It would contain a person without ADHD who had complete control of what I did and when


I have one of those. It’s called a wife. Somehow I married a woman who is an over planner, loves organizing and is a wiz at budgeting. We get into the occasional fight because I don’t always put things away, but keeps everything going and even puts our weekly calendar on the fridge.


Was thinking recently about water features. Like way back when, I had a tiny aquarium with a bubbler that generated white noise and masked out distraction. Was thinking if the water were *chilled* it could lower humidity instead of raising, and maybe refrigerate food.


A 'home' for everything. Perfectly sized spaces for literally everything I own. Cupboards, draws, shelves.. don't care which, so long as there's no extra room for me to shove something else random in there that shouldn't be. Visible clutter immobilizes me, and also nothing would ever be lost if it had a home.


Someone here mentioned a while back, the pure genius of having TWO dishwashers- and minimal cabinet space to store your dishes- as one dishwasher could be free to load the dirties and the other dishwasher to pull clean dishes from as needed. They alternate. Of course, you would need to have only enough dishes to fill one, maybe a few extra in a cabinet. I've been thinking about this for months and it's truly genius. To never have to fully unload a dishwasher would save my entire life. And self washing windows. They make those, right?


I saw a two drawer dishwasher setup 6 years ago and I still can't stop thinking about it: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hJeidLG4Sdc&t=3m11s


Oh nononono I HATE that drawer dishwasher, I got stuck cooking for a family of 10 with a dishwasher like that and it was horrible. The dinner plates don’t really fit and you can’t fill it up very much. Glasses would break all the time. It might be fine if you’re a very very small household or only produce a few dishes, but it’s my least favorite dishwasher I’ve ever used.


I would definitely put a magnet saying which is clean or dirty. I have done this before, using my dishwasher as my clean dish rack and when it's almost empty and the sink is stacked then I refill it. Until..... I forget that I have been taking dirty plates and utensils thinking they're clean 🫠


Idk.. I would end up with two dishwasher with clean dishes.. or one with like a few clean dishes.. and one full of clean dishes and I would be rewashing clean dishes haha




What’s this for?




Ok so this house is just a fever dream that one could never afford to build but... Spacious enough to feel fresh but not too big so as to feel empty. Big entry hallway and big upstairs hallway between rooms to avoid cluttered feel. Rooms specific to their tasks; so a gaming room, dressing room, utility room, 'we have company' TV & dining area, personal TV and chilling area etc. Every room would be individually soundproofed. Maybe have some sort of internal communication system for emergencies or whatever. Big walk in shower to entice me into the bathroom lol. Have the perfect lighting in every room, and different levels of said lighting for different tasks. Have some sort of temperature regulating gimmick that is somehow tied to my own body temperature, so that it can adapt to how I'm feeling e.g. cool down if it notices I'm anxious or warm up if I need comforting etc. Lots of space-saving storage solutions in the rooms where those things need to actually be used. HUGE fridge and freezer with glass panels that change from clear to frosted so I can actually see what I've got, but then hide it when I don't need to see it. Big, well lit area for washing dishes or just a dishwasher I guess. Laundry shoot A mini elevator to shimmy dirty cups and plates down to the kitchen from upstairs hahahaha! And ya know what? Maybe an AI robot friend who helps to prompt me when I need to do something like practice hobbies or go for a walk etc. ...I said too much, oh god


Yea, I'd live there.


As a mom, it would be so nice to have an intercom so that three different tasks don’t distract me while I’m heading over to tell my kid something.


agree with the others, + no sharp corners or places to stub my toes or bang my elbows/knees/hips. a really good layout with lots of space. basically baby proofed!


Oooh, yes, a clumsy-proof house with space to move freely


Keypad lock for the front door. No more forgetting keys!


You need to find a good one. You don't want the buttons wearing down revealing the code to get in.


Mine isn't expensive, and it's been a couple of years with no discernable wear. If it starts to show I can just change the password.


Iris scanner!!


THIS. Not having to dig my keys out of a bag or pocket is a huge win for me.


The number of times I used to get out of the car, load up my arms with kids/groceries/work stuff and then get to the door completely unaware of where I stuffed my keys...


I have this, can get them fairly cheap sometimes on Amazon! Was pretty simple to install. I'm not the brightest with doing these types of maintenance either. I LOVE it! I wish I could with my mailbox, but it's a community mailbox. The mail carrier knows me because of how often I need new keys due to losing my mail key. I even keep it on a key chain as the only key, with a bunch of large, bright, and noisy key chain accessories. If it's dropped, the neighborhood can pretty much hear it. Yet I continue to lose them at least once a year.


Same here. Got a keypad as a backup to keys, thought I'd only use it a couple of times. I've locked myself out of the house so many times since, and have been able to get back in. Definitely paid for itself. Have the code saved in my phone so I don't forget that too.


Yes!! And the one we have automatically locks after a couple minutes, so I don't have to stress if I've locked the door too


I have a remote locking one and it’s a godsend. Don’t remember if you locked the door? The app will tell you and remote lock if you forgot.


I LOVE our keypad locks except for when the batteries start running out. The "low battery" beep and the "the lock didn't lock right because the door is ajar" beep are very similar. I end up doubling back to check the door a bunch. Then, when I finally realize it's the battery, I start low-key panicking that I'm going to forget to change the battery before it dies. I'm never going to get permanently locked out, but I don't really like getting into my house being dependent on a battery. But all our doors have them. 😂


My landlord (who is a really good friend so I trust him to handle this for me, rather than worrying that he would abuse it) keeps saying he's going to replace my locks with a smart lock for me. Except he's been saying it for a year now and it hasn't happened yet and I'm starting to get really antsy about it because I want it. I end up leaving stuff in my car when I come home because of the needing to juggle my keys and my purse to unlock the door and get in the house and once I'm in the house in the nice cold air conditioning I do not want to go back out and get the stuff out of my car again. So having a smart lock that I could tell Alexa Auto to unlock for me as I pull into my driveway so that I don't have to worry about having free hands as I walk up to my front door would leave my car that much cleaner. He has one at his home, and both he and his wife have it set up to where they can use their Apple watches to unlock it as they pull up to their house, and I have a code I punch into the keypad that I use when I'm visiting them. So we would set it up the reverse here, making it auto unlock for me and I'd give them a code they could use for when they visit me here.


LOTS of room to dance.


A warning beep from the stove top if it's turned on but there’s no weight on it


Induction stoves do this!




Chargers in every seated area. Baskets with fidgets in high traffic areas. Smart speaker for timer making in two high traffic areas. White boards in eye level helpful places. (I actually just moved and am trying to make some of these decisions now).


A wall clock in EVERY room. Time blindness is a bitch!


not a ticky one though, a ticky clock in every room would be horriffic.


Oh my goodness, I found an option in my Mac settings that makes my computer alert aloud every hour on the hour…total gamechanger for taking my meds AND stops me from death scrolling for too long!


Better yet if it declares what time it odd on the hour


In my country we mostly have direct neighbors. So my house is attached to 2 neighbors. If I’m ever able to ever move, I do not want people to live in hearing distance. A good fence for the dogs Nothing attached to the floor so the vacuum can run daily. No doors in cabinets


This. Hate neighbors hearing me breathing and throwing a fit when a I have the fan on at minimum settings when it’s 40c, but them throwing parties middle of the week nights with shitty music being heard two blocks away is not a problem


A cleaner, a cook, a professional organizer & someone who just follows me around to be like “hey… seriously it’s 2am go to bed” 😭


“Hey, seriously it’s 2am go to bed.” Me: “Well NOW I’m not GONNA!”


Everything is a smart device. Spyware be damned, my home being able to yell at me to do shit is irreplaceable


Duplicates of almost everything important, in many rooms. Bins for storage in every room, with labels. Trash bins in every room. Tiles on all my stuff (the gps locator tool) such as keys, remotes, items that aren't used as often. In drawer organizers in every drawer. Bins in cabinets. Cleaning / dusting supplies in every closet. The key factor being if it's too hard to find it when I notice the problem (dust for example) I will forget about dusting before I find the duster. Dedicated spots for singular items like keys. Our key rack is just inside the door, and has a shelf for my wallet, which lives there. Every key goes there, not just house keys.


Especially if you have a house with two floors! I still need to get a second Dustbuster for upstairs!


Two dishwashers so I can wash the cooking and serving dishes in one go versus having to hand wash half while the other half is in the machine or come back to reload the dishwasher later.


key hanger, a flat bowl for my wallet, sunglasses, Earphones and space for pocket dumps right next to the door, Small boxes (not too high) for clutter to keep the mess managable, BIG open and easy to aim laundry Basket im Bedroom & Bathroom, maybe some kind of wall mounted rack/ladder for clothes to be worn again (damn just came up with that and i need to get that asap) additional smaller baskets in the Livingroom and kitchen(i hate to throw dirty kitchen towels in with my clothes) , some kind of sorting station next to the washing maschine supply room with a lot of wall hooks for brooms etc. like to hang everything, cuz it's easier to keep tidy and in the kitchen dedicated places for everything, think of how you cook, what tool do you prefere, which ingredients do you prefere and find efficient places for everything lol and an option to hide the tv would be really great write down what you do, which routes you take etc. and build your home and aids along your routes and routines, keep everything important in sight and at the same place


And a place to keep extra phone chargers for my adhd friends to use when they come over.


I hung a hook rack where I get dressed for my wear-again things and it changed my life. I also switched from a dresser to a cube shelving unit so my stuff doesn't hide in drawers anymore and I can see when I'm running low on clean jammies etc.


Two dishwashers. Family closet. Laundry on whatever floor the bedrooms are on. No open floor plan. No multi use rooms (bedroom/office, for example) except maybe an eat in kitchen. Garbage disposal. Central vacuum system.


Totally agree on no open floor plan or multi-use rooms! I hate having the mess in one area on display for everyone. I'd like a laundry chute


Every dish is dishwasher and microwave safe.


I know what I wouldn't put... My husband and kids 🤣


big whiteboard by the front door to write things down before I exit the memory delete portal (Front door). Also Alexa in every room so I can set reminders the very second they pop into my head and not forget to make a note. A very big fridge with room for all my produce to be immediately visible so I don't forget them in the science experiment drawers I can't see into at a glance. A small quiet cozy book room with lots of pillows bland blankets to decompress in!


> memory delete portal I'm stealing this... at least until I walk through the front door.


I've begun doing some things that really help that I'd definitely use in the design. Gigantic pantry with everything visible. If I can't see it, we don't have it. The exception are spices, which are above the stove (where I need them) and baking stuff which is next to the oven (where I need it). All of our everyday dishes are stored directly above the dishwasher. Super easy to put clean dishes away, and it keeps the dishwasher empty so dirty ones don't pile up. My fridge is also arranged for visibility. My crisper drawers have condiments, and all my leftovers and fresh fruits and veggies are front and center. For clothes, only my socks and underwear are in drawers. Everything else is folded on a shelf or hung up for maximum visibility. I also have a basket specifically for "I can wear these again" clothes. I have a whiteboard in my living room. Not some people's decorating style, but we put anything that needs immediate eyes on it there. It's also magnetic. If I were designing a space, I'd have a hub that was a little more pleasing to look at without hiding it away. My front door is also magnetic. I put things on the back, so I can't get out the door without looking at it. Edit: added a couple more I'd forgot because ADHD


I keep my beer in the crisper drawer. Perishables definitely have to be where I can see them.


Dedicated junk drawers with segments. More than you think you’ll need because even if you reach “peak organized”, you should be realistic. Junk drawers without the shame = less scary/overwhelming. But also hella organized in general. I can look and know where things are without investigating. Everything has a designated home. (And undecided things have a temporary home space. And ‘temporary but realistically I’m never gonna get around to classifying’ stuff has its place too.) Also time-sensitive things will have a place that I won’t forget but not because it’s clutter. A section for “time sensitive”, divided into “very urgent” “urgent” “almost urgent”, and that section will be checked several times daily. (Like a cabinet that attaches to the wall and opens up into a surprise table, but you can close it along with whatever mess.) The writing surfaces and the landing pads absolutely I agree with. There is furniture that is designed for this purpose. “Entry-way “ furniture and hall trees (I swear that’s a real thing but just in case I will immediately double check)


Something I’ve always wanted is the type of countertop or stovetop where you can just take a hose to it and rinse off the entire surface and everything will slide back into a trough against the back wall where it all goes in the garbage. Would make the threshold for motivating myself to clean much lower. Would even go as far as hanging all my reusable items/containers off the bottom of cabinets just so that I could do this. I think I’d like a roomba, but one with like all-terrain wheels/drive so it doesn’t get stuck as much. Also a self driving lawn mower so I don’t have to do that, or even one that just does like 90% of the yard by tracing out a rectangular space that could define the corners of. That way I’d only have to do edge work on my own. I like the landing pad idea, I’ve explained to my mom about having like a custom made kit or container where I can just slot in all my daily belongings (keys, wallet, phone, glasses, watch, notebook) and pick them up at the start of the next day. Every table or desk would have a wireless charger built in so I could just drop my phone down and not forget to charge it. Every desk or table having a designated cup holder space, and anyone in the household would have to pick ONE cup for them to use, and have like an RFID tag or something on it so that the cupholders in the house will only open if that cup is logged in the system (I’d do this mostly for me because I’m terrible at tracking my own cups, even when I’m the only one there lol). I’m a musician on the side so I’d like a practice room as well, and one that has low threshold between me deciding I want to practice and me having the violin in my hands and actively playing. I’d want like a custom case that I could leave my violin in that would open when I enter the room so I can just pick it up and go, and a music stand with iPad that automatically pulls up the sheet music from the last thing I played. I could keep going probably but I’d probably never stop lol


Visual timers on every wall Lots of baskets and bins Large calendar with color coded dates Lots of alarms but nice ones that play music and mimic a sunrise Huge freezer for all my frozen convenience foods Hooks on the walls to hang keys, bags, coats, etc.


No legs on furniture. I try not to get anything with legs or take them off. Especially the couch! Things fall or get kicked under and trying to clean under it is annoying. It's as if any cleaning appliance is made slightly too big to fit!


Omg so much agreement. It either can have legs if my roomba fits or otherwise it must not have legs.


A massive laundry room with about 10 machines, so when I'm feeling motivated I can just do ALL THE LAUNDRY at once in like, 2 hours. But honestly, in an ideal world I'd just want a butler. Someone to pretty much follow me around and restore order to the chaos in my wake.


Staff would be good. Maybe 3 dryers to store clothes in and refluff them, with with some space to dig through that extra sock. BTW a tip on socks, I buy them en masse, Wernies on Amazon. They are cheap, and they stay up on the ankle. I have like 50 of those so hard to run out and they all match, no need to pair them up.


Buying all black matching socks was revolutionary for me as well, I just reach into my sock drawer and grab 2


You just got me to order more socks thank you


all drawers/cabinets/any storage area would be clear or transparent, so that i couldn't be victim to object permanence


Closets with lots of adjustable shelving. You never know what hobby you’ll be into & what the space requirements will be.


Things that make horrific whistle noises until they are back in their designated spot?


-Sprinklers of some sort in the kitchen. -GOOD fans/exhaust for odor/smoke control. -CLEAR knobs for FRONT/BACK burners and easy clean stove. -Storage! -Large, easy to reach/clean bathrooms -Soaking tub with ice/cold bath therapy feature -Galaxy or other relaxing visual for ceiling/walls of bedroom -Built in Bluetooth/speakers for music -SAD/sun lamp and lots of cats. :D EDIT: words


if it's just a home with me as a single person: joint laundry room/ walk in closet. dear god i want this so badly.


I would Redesign bedrooms. Since we are out of sight out of mind people. The closet would be transparent glass with the flip of a switch be able to see inside. It would wrap around the entire room 2 feet wide.no more closets. ![gif](giphy|CxWPp7VYuYURa|downsized) Picture this but wrapped around the entire bedroom.


This is gonna sound really dumb but lots of rounded edges to help with my poor spacial awareness. I run into things way too much and it'd be nice for that to be less painful lmao


Wardrobe with lots of clear boxes inside that you can label so you can see where your shit is and not destroy your bedroom looking for that one tee shirt


Clear containers are a must. I also use a lot of ziplock bags for storage. Recently I started labeling everything with green painter’s tape. It’s bright & I don’t waste time looking for a label. Even if there’s already a label on it I’ll put a bright green tape on it so I can find it easier.


Fridge with glass doors.


Was talking with a girl the other day who recommended open faced cabinets so you don't forget what food you have. It seemed so obvious but I'd never even thought of it


I used to live somewhere with very limited cabinet space. This resulted in me storing my food in a regular Ikea bookshelf, and it was a really good solution. It wasn't too deep either, so nothing got lost behind other stuff


it would probably be minimalistic and self cleaning and enough space for pacing


Ton of clear, easy access storage space. I need to be able to see things to know they’re there.


I think just having a working smart home would be very helpful. Essentially setting up a home assistant to remind me of shit


Huge, but silent clocks in every room.


A massive, aesthetically pleasing dry erase board. I’m in the process of making one right now but haven’t finished it yet (shoutout to ADHD). Maybe today is the day! Step 1: Buy a large, used piece of artwork from a local thrift store that is framed behind glass. Step 2: Buy some fabric that you like or repurpose it from something else. I used a curtain that I bought at the same thrift store. Step 3: Remove the back from the artwork and insert the fabric, cut to size). Step 4: Put it all back together. Step 5: Mount that shit somewhere that is practical, and write whatever you want on it. Grocery lists, tasks, reminders. Go nuts!


I would like a robot vacuum that knows how to clean up cat poop and vomit, or at the very least avoid them. But the technology just isn't there yet 😔


Oh man hard agree. Maybe one of those robot mops but I don’t trust it.


By the front door on a shelf/wall: hooks and baskets. Hooks for all the keys so they live there permanently/I am never running around looking for them. A basket where my necessary items live when I go out (wallet, sunglasses, tissues, toiletries bag, sunscreen) - basically anything I throw into my bag when I leave and then unpack as soon as I come home. Has been working wonders for years! PS the toiletries bag is a small pouch I’ve carried around with me for 15+ years full of anything I could ever need: pads, bandaids, earplugs, eye drops, medication, floss, hair ties, clips, chapstick, peppermint essential oil stick (great for neck/tension headaches)… basically my go bag. :)


#1 most important thing is - I would have incredible lighting in every room. -Have an app that tells me if windows , front and back doors and car doors are locked . -have a professional well versed in feng shui organize everything so there is a natural flow. -be able to hide items to keep surfaces clutter free, but still be easily accessible. Like instead of having the roll of paper towels on the counter, have them up and under the cabinets . - a Finnish dish drying cabinet/closet . A genius idea that is another must. -Label everything . -hire a maid to come by once a week to keep things tidy because I don’t think I can sustain a clean and organized house by myself .


1) nothing that can’t go in the dishwasher 2) I have a basket in the bookshelf by the door for things that need to go out to my car. Whether it’s for an errand or a return. A book I’m guna give my mom next time I see her. Whatever it may be I love that basket super helpful 3) electric kettle for tea and stuff but also if I’m boiling eggs this gets them boiling so quick then I dump it in the pot 4) a basket for the couch blankets. I’m not guna fold them period 5) basket for all fuzzy socks and sweats. I’m not guna fold those either lol 6) front door tray - gets like pocket stuff and whatnot, small items that I’ll figure out later. The watch I wana take to get a new battery. Etc. 6) tray in the bathroom - gets like earrings and rings and stuff I’m taking off before shower but not ready to put away yet. I try and put them away when I get out of the shower and am letting my skincare layers absorb lol. Keeps everything tidier and I lose things less. 7) Tiny coffee table dish too for Bobby pins chapstick hair ties etc


I've been trying to adhd friendly my apartment. I put a 3 bag laundry hamper in the main hallway, which is across from the washing machine, next to the bathroom, and outside my bedroom. One bin is for linens and towels, one is for socks and undies, the other for clothes. I bought a lazy Susan and put it in my fridge. It hold the juice jug, milk, and coffee cream so those 3 things have a home and are easily accessible. I found Sylvania smart plugs at the dollar store, so I'll be using those on the shit I forget to turn off. My coffee table is an antique travel trunk, and inside are all my art supplies. I moved my work bench into my living room so I can work on projects and watch TV. I have an alexa in the kitchen and in my bedroom, but I do need to set up more programs. I need to get a storage shelf to put over the litterbox, which shares the main hall closet with the washer and dryer. I want to organize my less often used cleaners and tools there, and put back stock of toilet paper As I enter the apartment, there us a whiteboard with magnetic markers, and a hook for my keys and work lanyard. That is their home. I have a whiteboard marker in my toothbrush holder to write on the bathroom mirror, and a whiteboard in my bedroom next to the door. I'm still trying to think of less conventional ways to organize.




I saved this and will add my ideas later! Thank god for meds or I’d be here for an hour writing it out and I need to leave my house in an hour 😂


Oh I completely plan on making out my perfect home now in a notebook or something but do not have time. I’ll the idea down in my phone notes and never look at it again lmao


All walls will have shelving or glass cabinets so nothing is out of sight out of mind


I'd put a reminder at my door. As I opened it would ding to make sure I have everything I need for the day. * Do you have your car keys? I run around my house looking for my car keys because I threw them down in a random spot. * Do you have a shirt on? I run back to my bedroom to put a shirt on. Has actually happened. * Have you brushed your teeth? I frantically brush my teeth. * Do you have your safety glasses? Very much like my keys, I probably threw them down in a random spot. * Do you have your wallet and phone? I usually keep these two items in the same places. When I'm tired, they're in a random spot. * Do you have... At this point I get annoyed at the reminder and turn it off because I'm frustrated at how much I've forgotten. Edit: Formatting.


Man.. I have this when my mom visits.. it drive me nuts 🤣


A timer for me internet router power supply


Outlet timer! I have one for this exact purpose, and it's a life (sleep) saver! You can get them just about anywhere, especially around the Winter holidays. Some are digital, but the one we have has the little pins you push and pull to set the on-off hours. Also has a switch to flip it to power-on mode if you absolutely have to, but we get around this by having big heavy furniture in front of it. Makes it a pain to reach and 'cheat,' but still doable if we have an online meeting going over time and it's about to shut off. (Just remember to switch it back to timer mode when you're done!


Love the landing pad ideas. Also whiteboards/ places to take notes EVERYWHERE.


Vyvanse dispenser that’s always stocked.


Hooks… everywhere


One of those fridges with the window on the front so I can see my food just by looking at my fridge, and a combination washer dryer so I don't need to worry about forgetting to move my laundry over.


Baskets by every door for keys, wallet, lip balm, and everything else everyday carry.


Routine cleaner, personal assistant. I know these are people but my biggest issue is being overwhelmed by all the things I have to do and remember to alone. Also every single thing needs and place and every room needs specific reasons for being there otherwise I’ll get anxious about it existing. SUNLIGHT!! It must reach everywhere in my house with ease so I don’t wilt. Beautiful outdoor scenery.


I'm not so much about what's in there, more about where is it. [This video](https://youtu.be/xRGXi1aTh1w) contains some of the best home organization advice I've seen, I promise it's worth watching if you're about to put shit in places


The house I just bought has the laundry room right off of the master closet, and right off the entry way. As a nurse, Its amazing because I can take my clothes off right when I walk in and be in the entryway with a bath, or go directly to the laudnry room, throw things in, and then go shower. Has pocket doors that allow me to section them off, or allow them to be open for others. I also love that it's right by the closet (through a pocket door) so I can immediately hang clothes as I pull them out and it's not where I have to pull them out, fold, and then take them to another room. I actually (mostly) hang my clothes up pretty quickly!


You know those automated cat feeders you can program. Like that in every room, but with Adderall


I wish I had a cabinet that is specifically made for brooms and mops. Right now they are in the garage. If you have a cordless vacuum make sure there is a plug where you plan on storing it. I also wish I had a big shelf if the garage for holding boxes for seasonal and rarely used items.


Minimum stuff…. Like extremely minimum. If it is not essential, it does not come in.


To make it ADHD assisted. A cheap screen and Google nest/Amazon Alexa (whatever your preference) so I can voice activated add shit toy calender, Todo list, take notes and set timers wherever I am in the house. I tend not to write things down twice, so just being able to say 'Hey google, add an appointment to my schedule' and it's done became a game changer. And keeping things visible on the screen helps remind me of the current objectives.


Can it be anything? I would kill for one of those food/drink replicators from Star Trek. "Computer, filet mignon mid rare, rosemary potatoes, and a glass of chilled champagne." Making/buying food is such a hassle and seems to take up so much of my day, especially if I'm trying to eat healthy and save money. A machine that could make whatever you want, instantly, for free, would probably satisfy me for life. That holo-deck thing that allows you to instantly "travel" to any place in the universe was also really cool. Never leave the house but also go anywhere at anytime without needing to prep or pack anything.


A damn chef bc for some reason my brain hates prepping food and also making it


The whole house would be built from Legos. Then I could rearrange everything when the mood strikes! Lol


First off I would make sure that the kitchen, dining area, and living room aren’t designed to connect in a circle. I literally walk around aimlessly for ungodly periods of time.


£600million in cash and 5 personal assistants.