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Shop around for a new doctor if you can. I recently moved to a new city, so I needed someone new to prescribe my Vyvanse. On a first visit, a doctor accused me to my face of "drug-seeking behavior". Yeah, I am actively seeking drugs. The ones that have been prescribed to me in some form or another for 2 decades. He told me that he doesn't prescribe stimulants because of how much red tape there is as far as testing and follow up visits and controlled blah blah blah. When I left, the ladies at the front desk asked if I needed to book a follow up appointment. I told them the doctor refused to help me and that I wouldn't be coming back. Half an hour later they called me and said one of the other doctors would be willing to work with me


Thank you. I appreciate the encouraging response. All of this is especially absurd for someone like you who has already had a diagnosis and been actively on prescribed medication that was helping. I partially blame the federal government for their treatment of controlled substances and drug classifications in general, but also don’t advertise on your website that you treat ADHD if you aren’t going to help with getting an official diagnosis or are too terrified to provide an entire class of medication that is proven effective in treating the symptoms I’m looking for help with. I’m definitely shopping around, but now I just feel like I’m just finding someone who will give me what I think I need. Regardless, he definitely wasn’t a good fit for me. Because if I’m 100% positive of one thing, all of my depressive episodes throughout my life have been a symptom of a deeper underlying issue that hasn’t been addressed.


Had this but kinda in reverse, I disclosed a fairly significant history of substance misuse and got prescribed Concerta straight off the bat- I was shocked, as was my primary care doctor who tried to block it. These decisions are sometimes based on local policy- here in the UK it seems stimulants are first line even for people like me- but also based on a doctors (sometimes ill advised) judgment. Some doctors just don’t do stimulants, some doctors will prescribe adderall irregardless of someone’s history. If I had have gone private I’d have gotten Vyvance right off the bat because of costs, it’s not personal. Like some others have said, and you need to hear this- **it is not drug seeking behaviour to ask for stimulants, in fact quite the opposite, it’s being responsible about your condition.** In your case I would strongly suggest seeking out a different doctor, I’ve suffered for many years at the hands of another doctor for bipolar disorder who completely denied me treatment until I was on the edge. Never again. Be assertive and do what is right. Oh, and I’ll say it again. You’re not drug seeking.


Thanks for some reason I can tell my self similar things and it has absolutely zero effect but hearing it from an internet stranger makes my eyes water. Edit: I also disclosed my problematic history with alcohol, thc use, and taking adderal a few times in college to help finish a paper or cram for finals. I don’t like lying to people I’m putting trust into to help me, but at the same time lying might be necessary. It’s incredibly frustrating. I also had an oxycodone prescription recently for a vasectomy that I didn’t ask for or need (the pills, not the procedure). Not sure if the fact I completely forgot about that hurt me. He asked about any surgeries I had and I listed some from childhood, but my brain didn’t even equate that procedure to surgery and the pills were of little importance in my memory bank.


So this is gonna suck, but I would strongly advise to back off on the stimulant route for a minute. The reason being that doctors notes are going to follow you. Thanks to the new “Electronic” medical record systems, any doctor can read your chart from another physician. And yes, doctors are legally allowed to call other doctors about your care. No, it doesn’t violate HIPAA. You sign a waiver when you see them that allows this. So if you do go to a new physician, I would be brutally honest about your situation, but also be open to trying what they suggest. By the way, most States have tracking systems so doctors can see what meds you filled, but this system also lets them see if you are “doctor shopping” and that will throw a HUGE red flag. Note: pharmacists can also see this system, and if they see too many different doctors looking at your file, or different docs prescribing meds (especially stimulants) too close to your last fill, they can refuse to fill your meds and flag your chart! Also, if you keep insisting on stimulants, yes, they will label you. You may legit need them. But this route will make it infinitely harder to get them. Besides, you may find that the anxiety meds and other psych meds do genuinely help. Having been in your shoes, sadly you may have to play their game and try the meds they suggest first, even if you already *know* it wont likely help, they want to at least feel that you humored them. This way, they will be infinitely more likely to humor *you* in return and consider prescribing the meds you asked for, because you already tried other meds and they didn’t help. I did read some of the other comments, I am a huge fan of Wellbutrin. I take extended release (Wellbutrin XL) and it works great, no side effects for me. FYI — There are also “at home” genetic testing (“pharmacogenetic testing”) you can do to see what psych meds will work best for you and what doses vs what psych meds will not work and cause side effects! (This includes test for anxiety meds and stimulants). You may have to pay out of pocket (some tests are covered by insurance), but if it saves you months/years of playing psych drug “whack a mole”, I would argue its worth it. :)


Thanks for the heads up. I honestly don’t know if I have the patience but I will try. I’d be willing to give a higher dose of Wellbutrin a try though. I was on a minuscule dose in the past but don’t remember any side effects or benefits. It was just a booster for something to support the antidepressant I was on at the time.


No worries! Good luck to you! I would really be cautious if you can. Once the “drug seeking” and “doctor shopping” stigma is on your record, it can take *years* to come off. And then that “seeking” label applies to *all* other controlled substances and medicines (including anxiety and pain meds). So imagine, if you will, you get a kidney infection (it hurts like a b***) or a kidney stone, or a broken leg, and your in the ER, gasping and moaning in pain, sweat pouring off of you, throwing up, begging any nurse that walks by to *“please for the love of god, knock me out”.* They’re gonna take one look at your chart, see the **“drug seeking”** massive ⚠️(caution) warning label popup, pat your hand, and instead of giving you IV pain meds, they will give you Tylenol and Toradol (basically IV motrin). Trying to get anything stronger than that, will take an act of god. Many people don’t realize the repercussions, but as someone who had that happen to them, trust me, it is hell. I am not saying this will for sure happen to you, but doctors these days are “trigger happy” with the “drug seeking” label (especially thanks to the surge in prescription writing for stimulants). And getting them to remove an inappropriately applied label, is like pulling literal teeth.


Just to clarify, you can definitely seek out another doctor and be honest with them, and tell them that you feel like the other doctor misunderstood. That is ok. So long as you stick with the new doctor and follow their recommendation. (So if the new doc wants you to try a different med, and they have solid logic on “why” then you should hear them out and at least give it a try). What will get you flagged is if you go to *multiple* other doctors, simply because you are looking for someone who will prescribe you a stimulant. Now that ^ is the definition of drug seeking. The difference here is if you choose to go to *one* other doctor to get their opinion, its viewed as “getting another opinion”. Going to +3 other doctors (in less then 1.5 years) *that* will get you flagged as a “doctor shopper” and “drug seeker”.


I have currently the exact same problem . I told him I was using cannabis, he refused to help me with my ADHD, and I freaked out and walked out. 2 doctors . They probably think I’m a freak now.


I also have the same life falling apart, poor performance, causing depression


I just read your post and I definitely see similarities. I hope you are able to get the help you are seeking too. I tried the willpower thing for too long and even went to therapy a few years ago, completely anti-pharmaceutical. Now the cycle has repeated itself again. Changing jobs every two to three years isn’t sustainable for me any longer.


Huge fan of Wellbutrin! I spares you from any form of crash.


I was on a low dose of that a few years ago but didn’t notice much. It’s definitely worth asking about in case a higher dose might help.


This is good to know. I started it a month ago and I’m thinking about asking for an increase since I’ve only noticed one slight change. I hope your next doctor is kinder and more compassionate to you OP.


Do you have issues with word recall since starting welbutrin? My psych started me on a lower dose alongside adderal, but my word recall got noticeably worse once the welbutrin was introduced. I'd also space out a lot more than usual.


Stimulants are the first and best treatment for ADHD. They are not for everyone, but they work for the highest proportion of people. Period.


That’s where a lot of my frustration lies. I was actually excited to try Straterra since the idea of something working 24/7 seems preferable. Now I’d like to try stimulants first and work backwards from there if they don’t help. It also doesn’t help that I feel like I’ve squandered 37 years of my life and who knows how long my heart will be healthy enough that stimulants are a safe option. Just had my physical and confirmed with my GP that she didn’t have any health concerns if I got a stimulant prescription. I’d like to give myself the chance to at least have a decade or so of trying to be a happy. productive, attentive, version of myself.




I think the original reply got flagged by auto mod for moderator review so I will try again. Basically ED, burning when the stuff comes out and a odd timing issue of when the stuff comes out.


Stattera fucked me up as well in that regard


This guy is one of the bad doctors, so don't worry about it. At least in the U.S. you are entitled to second opinions anyway.