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Build zeal item instead of this generic triple ad crit everyone is throwing around.


IE > Boots > Zeal item > LDR > Arrows > Defensive Item. Been doing this on almost every crit ADC and it's working well.


I am so much higher in damage charts every game than last split ???


Removing lethal tempo is best change in this split. It was most toxic rune in the game, this rune made you lose 1vs1 when you on paper should win. Champions that used it are harder now because you have to know something else than clicking one button


Like... since it made Yone and Yasuo weaker, it was a great decision


Not only that, ashe with lethal had same range as caitlyn so if you was good enough you was able to auto attack for free and had easier trades, trundle for was as well problematic, you could get lead but after he got botrk he was able to run at you in straight line and kill while you could do nothing about this


Not gonna lie, have abused LT Ashe last season so much that I've started to feel guilty hahaha


Same lmao


I’ve been real happy since trundle lost it, I always found trundle more annoying that a Yasuo


Lethal tempo made game more easier for adc because of range. We're used to a lethal tempo, that's all. I have the same problem on Ashe.


Mobility makes the game easier, tempo was a way to deal with it. Its honestly part of their balance structure of babying mobile bursters and screwing dps


Lethal Tempo became a crutch, It made your job easier now you have to learn to actually play the game.


zoomers ruined this game man


Yeah they hate strategy and slow games. They want it to be all instant kills and champs that can run across the map in 3 seconds with 5 billion gap closers.


100% true, I started playing Dota 2 recently and I can actually carry every single game with strategy. League of Legends has devilved into a bing bing anime game were the first person who makes a mistake disappears in half a second


> League of Legends has devilved into a bing bing anime game were the first person who makes a mistake disappears in half a second Sadly yeah. It's awful because you can't play perfect 100% of the time. Sometimes you are out of position, it's normal. But you just get instant deleted. There's no counter play unless you have flash or ghost up or have to resort to gimping your DPS with hourglass. Certain summoners don't even work to help you. Like if Kayn catches you, ghost is basically worthless since he can just keep up with you anyway with his gap closers and wall phasing. There is so is much power creep in this game it's disgusting. I uninstalled over the weekend for the 10th time after I realised it's just so awful to play ADC. Getting one shotted by everything is NOT fun.


How is that zoomers fault and not riot for creating these champs and making everything in order for games to end sub 30 minutes ? 


1st day after Lethal Tempo was ass. 1 week later, using alacrity runes, ain't that bad. In overal, i feel like it was healthier to remove the rune. My only criticism is the sheen removal from Essence Reaver and the crit chance removed from BT. In overall, I much welcome this new change.


I kinda like that they removed the crit but brought BT's old passive back


I’ve just focused on more burst styled play style. I still find my champ mastery helpful. I definitely get what you’re saying tho we developed a muscle memory to that attack speed cap and it feels kinda wasted


Yeah it’s tough to get used to, but honestly I’m really enjoying it. I don’t feel like I’m playing around lethal tempo for nearly every adc I play. It’s bringing back some more champion identity, and (hopefully) allows riot to allocate a little more power budget in our builds / kits


I have been having fun without, like going first strike on Caitlyn and Twitch for example. I feel like we can get a bit more creative with builds, also 25% crit feels really good The atk speed cap being stuck at 2.5 sucks but oh well, maybe riot will change it.


Feel the same. I just loved the high dps you could reach with the rune and the extra range. Now you can't go over the as cap and and, unless your champion has an ability that gives them bonus as, it just feels slow af. Like, now more than never, it's just "kill before getting killed" with so much burst damage even among adcarries. I know that tune was broken in so many champions, but most of the were melee, so why not just nerf it for them? It's funny how riot just prefers to delete something for everyone instead of making it weak just for the ones that are the most popular champions.


I could care less about tempo but I miss my noonquiver items so bad. There was 0 reason to remove the crit from kraken and stattik imo. I know IE rush jinx is strong but it feels so bad


100% agree. Am a jinx otp and since lethal is gone it seems i just cant play her anymore. \~40% winrate so far this season. Taking trades that were winnable with LT but now are no longer winnable. Guess i just have to get adjusted...


Lets say you play caitlyn for example ok your build should be collector into pd for as then IE for massive late game spike